In Safe Hands 2: In My Arms (...

By AuthorUprising36

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~Sequel to In Safe Hands~ They thought it was over. Yugi and Yami were together and were safe. For good. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Shameless Self Advert: NEW FANFIC

Chapter 19

1.1K 71 61
By AuthorUprising36

Yami's heart raced as he and Mana ran for the young boy's room. Yami dreaded what he would see there.

But he knew that if Jesse hadn't woken up by now, it was probably gonna be a long while before he did.

He and Mana turned a corner and the room came into view. Yami could hear some monitors from the room, beeping like they always did. But they seemingly began to grow gradually erratic as they inched closer.


Jaden felt a sense of guilt flood his heart as his angel wings drooped as he looked on. He still sat beside his best friend and the one he loved the most, but his friend wasn't beside him.

At least not spiritually.

Jessie was trapped somewhere in a dream world. His spirit was stuck in a fantasy realm that had no existence. There was no way for Jaden to reach out and grab Jessie in reassurance.

No way whatsoever.

Jaden's Little Kuribo curled up in Jaden's lap as his wings also fell low, just like his heart. Ruby yowled and would nudge Jessie every now and again, trying to get a response in one way or another.

But nothing came in return. Eventually, Ruby gave up, curling up against the hollow of Jessie's neck, like she would when they'd go to sleep at night. Jaden could hear her purr desperately, but fruitlessly.

Suddenly, the doors opened and a doctor and a nurse came in, rushing right over to the monitors. Little Kuribo jumped from his place in Jaden's lap and fluttered a bit.

Jaden jumped to his feet as well, watching them anxiously as to what they'd say and what was happening to Jessie.

Yami, a doctor who he could never mistake, read out some numbers on the screen of the monitor as the nurse, who he understood to be Mana, scribbling some things down on the clipboard she held.

Little Kuribo sadly fluttered over to Ruby as she continued to purr against her companion and best friend in reassurance to herself and to the one she loved.

Jaden looked at them and back at the doctors who examined the readings.

He prayed that nothing was wrong. His mind refused to believe that something would have further damaged Jessie. Jaden reached out slowly and gripped the limp hand that fell at his side.

"Jessie..." He sadly murmured, looking down, "Please...don't let this happen...don't give in...don't give I did..."

He refused to think that his Johan was hurting even more than he had been thought to be previously.

But his heart knew that he was suffering tremendously.


Yami went through the readings, scanning the numbers and the words that were on the screen he looked at. His heart thudded in his chest as he went through what was on the screen.

He paled at what he saw as he did the calculations and the monitors began to beep louder and louder. Yami jerked his gaze to Mana.

"There is definitely something wrong here." He said, his eyes wide.

Mana looked at him, the monitors getting louder.

"But what is it??" She questioned, gripping the clipboard like a lifeline.

"That's the thing." Yami looked back at the screen, "We need that scan if we're to know. Come on. We can't let this boy wait any longer anymore."

Mana nodded, the two of them quickly grabbing the bed Jessie lay on and rolling it out and quickly down the hall, out of the ICU and into the examination room.

There, several doctors and specialists waited for them to begin the scan that he needed. Yami and Mana left the gurney to them and they were forced out of the X Ray room and into the little space where the scans were examined.

Miho stood tensely behind one specialist as the scan took place. Pictures of many different parts of the young teen were displayed on the screen, but they showed no signs of any damage that wasn't tended to. That was in the parts of the body.

But it was brain that really concerned Yami and everyone else who looked on. He leaned over the specialist's shoulder and pointed at the front of it, pointing out several dark splotches.

"What are those black spots all over the frontal lobe?" He muttered.

The specialist, known by name as Seto Kaiba, or just Kaiba, looked at the spot he pointed out.

"...lemme go in closer." He returned, clicking the mouse twice and making the scanner zoom in more to the brain as it took pictures.

The room was silent, sending shivers down Yami's spine as he watched on the edge of his seat. Kaiba stopped on the spot Yami pointed out.

It was blood. Yami and all the other doctors knew it was. Mana's gasp could be heard from right beside Yami.

"It's blood." Mana said, sure to keep her voice low in the silent atmosphere that surrounded her.

"But there's only one question..." Kaiba muttered, clicking and dragging all around the area, "...where is it coming from? There's no source here."

"Go down a bit." Yami told him, watching the screen intensely with all the other doctors and nurses who stood in the room with him, "There could be something in the Temporal Lobe that is making this happen..."

Seto went down and sure enough, Yami's suspicions were correct as they are almost all the time. There were bruises and cuts on that region from an unknown cause, that let out natural sedation, therefore preventing him from waking from his sleep.

It's just as Yami feared. Kaiba nodded and pointing around that area, circling it with his finger.

"We need to take him into operation immediately. With this kind of injury, his memory could be thrown into jeopardy." Seto stood up, "Set up an OR for him. Make it fast, because this boy might not have long until his memory begins to fade out."

Almost as if on cue, all the doctors filed out, including Yami, who ran right through a transparent figure, who was invisible to everyone who was in the room.

There were tears in his eyes and his wings fell lower. He watched the doctors all depart for the same reason, some of them returning to the X Ray room, retrieving Jessie.

He took one look at the face of his best friend and lover and hiccuped slightly.

"J-Johan...." He pleaded in a hushed voice, sniffing deeply, ""

The red boy felt a slight force on his shoulder as a little winged fluff ball landed there. He whimpered slightly, rubbing against his neck as the boy looked on, thinking about everything that Jessie knew and loved before these days.

Thinking about all his friends. All his rivals. All the memories they made together. All of it. Every single last bit of it.

All of it...was going to be gone if nothing happened soon.

Jaden prayed with all that was left of his heart that his best friend was to live. That he was to remember everything. That he was going to be healthy and normal after all of this.

It had to happen. Jaden vowed to himself that it would. A guardian angel didn't give up on the one he or she was protecting. Jaden knew that for sure.

But he was still a young angel.

...and angels could cry...


Jaden looked down, biting his bottom lip as his tears increased as he thought more and more about it all. He hated thinking about it, but it was the only thing he could think about.

"J-Jessie...." He whimpered, his voice shaking violently.

His Little Kuribo looked at him sadly, fluttering off of the shoulder, wanting to console his master, but not knowing how. Jaden shivered with the tears that flooded his eyes and he watched Jessie turn a corner, exiting Jaden's sight.

He suddenly couldn't take it anymore and he fell to his knees, bursting into silent sobs. He buried his face in his hands, his wings wrapped around himself in grief. Jaden shook his head, holding himself and crying harder.

His kuribo fluttered down to the ground in front of him, whimpering as he looked on. He wanted to help his master out. He wanted to console him. He wanted to make him feel better.

But he didn't know how.

"...J-JESSIE!!!!!" Jaden finally lost it completely, his tears becoming streams that ran down his cheeks as he screamed his lover's name.

But no one heard his silent scream.

Not even Jessie himself could hear it.

And it wasn't known if he ever would.

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