Dark Lover

נכתב על ידי anelecarey

40.2K 3.2K 1.4K

My name is Zass. You might think you know what being a Vampire means these days but I bet I'll prove you wro... עוד

Lynx - Part 1
Lynx - Part 3
Lynx - Part 4
Lynx - Part 5
Lynx - Part 6
Lynx - Part 7
Lynx - Part 8
Lynx - Part 9
Lynx - Part 10
Lynx - Part 11
Lynx - Part 12
Lynx - Part 13
Lynx - Part 14
Lynx - Part 15
Lynx - Bonus
Zass - Part 1
Zass - Part 2
Zass - Part 3
Zass - Part 4
Zass - Part 5
Zass - Part 6
Zass - Part 7
Zass - Part 8
Zass - Part 9
Zass - Part 10
Zass - Part 11
Zass - Part 12
Zass - Part 13
Zass - Part 14
Zass - Part 15
Zass - Bonus
Magenta - Part 1
Magenta - Part 2
Magenta - Part 3
Magenta - Part 4
Magenta - Part 5
Magenta - Part 6
Magenta - Part 7
Magenta - Part 8
Magenta - Part 9
Magenta - Part 10
Magenta - Part 11
Magenta - Part 12
Magenta - Part 13
Magenta - Part 14
Magenta - Part 15
Magenta - Bonus

Lynx - Part 2

1.1K 81 44
נכתב על ידי anelecarey

Woah... bet you didn't see that coming.

Case 4 - "Snake Venom"

I heard rather than saw feet running towards me and then was extremely happy when a large, happy, human sized form launched himself into my arms. He wrapped his legs around my waist and smiled down at my face before pressing his lips to mine.

"Mmmmm." I murmured against his lips, very happy to have him in my arms. When we broke apart so he could breathe, I smiled back and said, "Welcome home Scotty, I missed you."

He grinned and his whole face lit up before he assured me he had missed me also. "I missed our bed too!" He said laughing as he slid down my front, before leaning in for another kiss. I couldn't resist those gorgeous lips and let his tongue tangle with mine, when he flicked it against the opening he wanted access to. From there, things got heated, quite quickly, and I started to undo the buttons of his shirt, but he stopped my hands with one of his own, and said "I'm all sweaty from the road. Avi and I stopped for a surf on the way back and I haven't had a shower yet. And I have so much to tell you! I can't believe how fun flying is and we have to practice together before we can really go for one, and..."

"Oh, Zass," He smirked at my crestfallen expression, then his face turned apprehensive before he shook it off and he smiled again.

"What is it Love?" I asked.

"OK, Zass." He began. "I've been gone a week, and I know for you that's a really short time, but for me it was more like a month. Avi showed me so much about flight, thermals, thrust and lift and... I won't bore you with all the details, but flying is amazing. I want to take you up so badly, just so you can feel how amazing it is. But there were some other things that changed while I was away and I don't want to freak you out, but I'm not the same as when I left."

"We knew things might change." I assured him, trusting that whatever he had to tell me I could handle. "Whatever it is you can show me anything." I said nodding. I reached out and took his hand, and watched the smile on his face grow at my assurances.

"OK, come to the bathroom." He demanded and dragged me towards the door.

"Woah." I said as I felt his strength pull me along. Then I concentrated on the arm that was pulling me along and did a double take, ropey muscle and tendons popped out along the forearm and I thought I might have some idea about what he was going to show me. But I was about to get a surprise let me tell you.

When we got into the bathroom and he had turned the lights on. He turned and faced me. "What do you see when you look at me Zass?"

"I see my Scott." I told him. "You're the man I love and want to spend the rest of my nights with. Do you expect me to say anything else?"

'No," He said smiling. "Just needed the reassurance before I do this." He undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt and took it off, throwing it in the hamper. The he stood with arms slightly outstretched to his sides as I looked at his bare chest.

It wasn't just his forearms that were more pronounced. His chest was more solid. His pecs while always looking good, were more defined. There was more definition in the 6 pack he was sporting and his v-lines disappeared down past his hips to a flat stomach. While everything I was seeing turned me on immediately, I knew this wasn't the real thing that Scott wanted to show me. But Wow!

"It's like you've packed on a bunch of muscle and years of weight training in a week. How?" I asked.

"I woke up like this." He said, "But that's not the craziest thing." He warned and turned around. "They just appeared."

He had wings.

I shit you not. They were small and obviously couldn't lift a man his size up off the ground, but they were there larger than life on his back. I smiled in wonder and stepped closer so I could touch them.

"Oh My God, Scott." I said running my fingers lightly over the tip of one wing.

He giggled and turned his head to see my amazed expression. "You can touch firmer than that." He assured me and I stroked one from the top to the bottom edge. Then I pulled it out gently, extending it so I could see where it joined to his body. It was like an extension of his shoulder blade. There was a large prominent structure under his skin that was holding the wing in place and I guessed it would allow him to use them to fly with eventually, but what about now?

"Do they actually work?" I asked.

"That's the amazing thing!" He said as he turned and bounced up and down on his toes. "Yes! They work, I can actually fly with them."


"I know they look small right?" He said, and grinned when I nodded.

"Wait til you see them at full size!" He grinned at my amazed expression.

"What? Do they grow or what?" I asked.

"They're like your fangs. They only come out when I need them."

"Oh, cool!" I said and laughed as he grabbed me and twirled me around.

"I was worried you'd be grossed out." He said, leaning in and resting his forehead against mine.

"What!" I mock shouted. "I see weird Supernaturals every day and you think some wings and a very nice set of muscles is going to gross me out?"

"But I was human and now I'm not."

I took his hand and held it to my heart and said, "Look and see for yourself Blondie."

He smiled softly and closed his eyes, reaching out to me and reading me, everything I was feeling. Yes there was apprehension, but it was more to do with what the future might hold and concern that he would want more than me not the other way around. There was admiration for his new physique, a desire to feel the feathers on his back against my skin and a question about how comfortable it was to sleep on them. But mostly there was love, desire, the sting of absence overlaid with the joy at reunion, and pride.

He understood more, when I smiled and he saw how his changes made me appreciate how lucky I was to have him in my life. How scared I had been that I might have lost him and what our time together meant to me. He was the reason I was looking forward to the long years ahead without fear of becoming bored. Some Vampires walked into the Sun by choice when they lost that anticipation, the desire to see what was next. I had never felt like that, even with the long years stretching out in front of me when I was alone and missing my lost loves. Here now with Scott, I had everything I'd ever wanted and everything I never knew I needed. Most of all I was thrilled that he was still the same man I had fallen for, his uniqueness hadn't changed his personality or the kindness, gentleness and strength I saw shining in his eyes.

But the thing that made him tear up and clasp me close to him was the almost paternal pride I was feeling. I was impressed by both his lack of big headedness at these new found changes, and his determination to remain the same man he'd been, but also my pride extended to his emotional state. I'd have been totally freaking out with everything happening in such a short period of time. Becoming super hot, psychic, developing the ability to fly, growing wings. He amazed me more every day.

"I've never had anyone be proud of me like you are Zass." He admitted as the emotions he felt spilled over into tears.

"You are amazing Scott, you're going to become even more amazing. Even if I'm not around to see you blossom into whatever it is that you're changing into, I'm privileged to come along for the ride Love." I assured him.

"What? Not around?" He almost sobbed, clutching my shoulders and pulling me up so he could see my face.

I smiled ruefully and patted his cheek. "Sorry Scotty, my past has come back to claim its pound of flesh."

Understanding clicked in and he said one word. "Lynx."

"I have to go and see if I can rescue Mirth from her." I told Scott. "If it were only Dimity asking a favour I'd say no and be done with it. But Lynx is still around because I was merciful. I didn't take care of her like I should have. So now she's wreaking havoc and causing me problems again. At the time I finally understood that I wanted to be better than who I was when I was with her, and I let her go. You saw what she wanted to do to me when we came up against Sebastian. You know there isn't an ounce of pity in her anymore. If I can't get the better of her, I'm sure she'll lock me away from the night and everything that I love. She'll do her best to break me down until I no longer care about who I am and what I want. Then she'll take my head. But, you try saying no to two weeping women and see how you do!"

Scott ruefully acknowledged that he was just as bad as me at dealing with women's tears and shrugged. "I might not know what's going to happen tomorrow with me." Scott said. "But no matter what it is, I'm coming with you Zass. You're not facing her alone." He turned the water on and looked back at me reassuringly.

A weight lifted from my shoulders. 'Thank you Love." I said and kissed him again. I didn't know why or how, but I knew if Scott wasn't with me, we would fail. With him on my side, we had a chance.

When his lips met mine, I breathed in his scent.

The sand was there from the beach, the sweat and musk from being in the confines of the car on the drive back, the slight odour of scales from being with Avi for the week. There was also the ozone smell I now associated with Scott's developing abilities and underneath it all, that original smell that still got me every time I inhaled it. It was uniquely Scott, the innocence of the Unicorn, the strength of the Pegasus, the determination of the cop, the Grace of a man who's lived through adversity and come out the other side a better man plus the hint of desire that was always there for me. I breathed him in and pressed my nose against his throat. He chuckled and picked me up, backing into the shower, and then fun.

"Scott!" I laughed. "I'm still dressed." The water ran down my office clothes, turning them dark and making them stick to my skin.

"Not for long!" He assured me and began peeling me out of the sodden material, kissing each piece of exposed skin that he uncovered. I wanted him desperately.  Truthfully I had been far lonelier at night when I was alone in the large empty bed than I imagined I would be. He was mine, my own brand of happy wrapped up in an enticing package. I was going to enjoy the hell out of welcoming him home. He was too if I had anything to say in the matter.

I wrapped myself around his waist, adjusting to the new feel under my thighs, the hard muscle that was there now felt slightly different from before.  I couldn't help myself, I had to touch his new wings again and I stroked them feeling the texture of the soft feathers between my fingers.  I rubbed the places where they met his skin and received a loud groan in response.

"Wait, Scotty.  Did that just feel nice or are they a new erogenous zone?"

"I guess you'll have to explore some more and find out Zass, but I think you might be right.  Avi just felt a feather like you did before, he never stroked them or touched where they grow from my shoulders."

"So this feels nice?" I asked as I played with the skin overlaying the new structures underneath my fingers.

"Y-y-y-yes." He panted.

"Well that got you going quickly, I'll remember that next time I want you hard, ready and eager for me quickly."

And there it was, that blush.  The look that had me laughing with joy at the mischievous, yet naive expression that made me want to show him exactly how good being wicked could be. 

Well did you?

המשך קריאה

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