Transmigration as an Unknown...

By saikkuro

299K 12.5K 5.5K

I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 45

1.1K 45 3
By saikkuro

Citizens screamed as they run.

Children cried as explosions continuously erupted. Many discarded their belongings and ran towards where the knights were directing.

The ground shook when another blast was sent towards the city.

Smoke circulated. Fire spread and engulfed the buildings. Parents carried their children as they make their escape.

A lady screamed when she sees the building collapsing over her.

A lightning bolt travelled towards her and clashed with the falling debris. It shattered into dust and dispersed.

The lady found herself being carried. She looks up and saw a light blue-haired male save her.

He placed her down on the path. "Are you hurt?" He asks.

She shook her head and trembled. "Thank you..." She whispered.

The male nods. "Hurry to the evacuation site."

The lady immediately fled the scene.

Knights continued to shout and run towards the building to search for trapped individuals.

The male gazed at the surroundings. His hands trembled as he was reminded of the incident in his home.

He gasped for air as he tried to calm himself. He clenched his teeth and grabbed his arm, squeezing them as he removed his thoughts.


He opened his eyes as he hears the voice. He turns his head and sees his brother making way towards him.

When he stopped in front of him, he frowned. He immediately knew what was wrong.

He placed his hand over Juli's shoulder. "Fight it. Remember father's words." He states. Moran gazed at his brother's eyes as he watch him try to regain himself.

Juli pursed his lips as he slowly nods.

His breath returned to a stabled rhythm and his shaking disappeared. "Where are the others?" He asked.

Moran shook his head. "I don't know. I assume we're quite far from one another guessing by how our earpiece won't work." He replied.

Juli frowned.

As they made their escape from the academy, they saw the sphere a while ago continue to grow. They could hear Royse and Amy converse and knew they had a plan in mind on how to stop it.

They watch as the academy continued to collapse as they travelled towards town. They suddenly saw a beam of light and knew Royse and Amy was busy with their job.

After a few minutes, they suddenly saw the sphere moving. It was suddenly descending. Everyone became anxious but widened their eyes when they saw a weird purple aura surrounding the sphere.

It reduced its size before disappearing into oblivion.

Everyone held their breath for a moment.

"That must've been Royse." Carl spoke as he narrowed his eyes.

Rohesia smiled in relief as she looks down on her lap. "Thank goodness they succeeded..." She murmurs.

William frowned. "But it is still not the end. It will only become further difficult starting now." He reminds.

The redhead rose her head and realized that they still had a job to do. She nods, recalling the next plan they had.

The passengers frowned when they hear an explosion. They look back at the window and saw a line of smoke coming from where they came from.

They soon heard a static voice.

"2nd p-hase hs rrive." They frowned when they realize it was Royse.

"What's wrong?" Rohesia murmured, worried about why the device was suddenly failing.

Carl explained. "It's because we're quite a distance from them. The device will lose its effect when we're too far from one another."

"That means..."

The brunette nods. "We won't be able to hear Royse and Amy. It's best we stay together." He looked at the window and saw the vehicle behind them. "Juli and the rest are on the other car. The driver will follow after us so we won't need to worry about being separated."

The redhead was still in doubt but nodded. She gazed at the scenery and saw the people evacuating.

Knights were stationed across the place and assisted the people. Adventurers were scattered as they joined forces with them.

The drive was smooth but suddenly, the ground shook.

The road formed cracks and suddenly rose. Everyone turned towards the window and saw the ground spreading apart and becoming uneven.

The road they were in rose and tilted upward, making the vehicle slide.

"Everyone, leave!" William ordered as he opened the door. He used his skill and created an ice bridge. The driver made his escape with Carl and Rohesia following after.

They wobbled when they feel the ground continue to shake.

They rushed down and successfully returned to the flat ground. They panted and hear the people scream.

Everyone was panicking.

A while ago, the citizens were becoming frantic when they saw the smoke from the academy and its collapse. They realized they needed to evacuate and walked towards the designated area.

But now, everyone was running for their life.

Screams echoed as people became trapped.

William gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist. "Everyone?" He asks through their device.

All they could hear were statics.

The prince cursed under his breath.

Rohesia examined her surroundings and became worried. Carl noticed their sudden change and assured the two.

"With what happened, we're going to need to travel on foot. But-" The brunette turns towards the uneven land. "What would you rather do? Save the people or prioritize our grouping?" He asks.

William took a deep breath as he thinks of their situation. He held a thoughtful look as he studied the place.

He glanced at the knights and saw them helping the people. He turns towards his friends who awaited his response.

He was about to speak his decision when he suddenly hears a voice behind. He turns his head and saw his butler Franz making his way towards them.

"Leave the place to us." He spoke as he arrived in front of them. He turns towards the other 2. "I was informed by Mark to support his highnesses and his team." He explains.

Rohesia blinked in surprise. "Mark-san did?" She asks.

The man nods. "Yes. He told me that Royse and his highnesses have already assembled a plan. That is why allow us to support you." He bowed towards William.

The prince frowned. "Very well. I order you to save the people. We will need to head towards our meeting point."

Franz nods. "Yes, your highness."

William turns towards the two. "Let's not delay any further."

They nodded their heads and started running towards the place.

On the other side, Elsie examined her surroundings.

She ran around the place as she tried to find her way. Tears escaped her eyes as she travelled on foot.

"Where is it...?" She asks herself.

She knew she was lost and with the land suddenly changing, it didn't help her situation.

She was separated from Juli and Moran when they made their escape from the vehicle they were in. Now, she was alone to find the place they agreed upon.

She wiped her tears and blinked in surprise when she hears a loud cry of a child.

She rushed towards the source and saw a little girl trapped underneath the house.

The brunette widened her eyes and immediately tried to pull the woods that hindered the way.

"Don't worry, I got you!" She assured.

She chanted her skill when she realized she won't be able to lift it with her strength alone.

Wind revolved around her before going towards the wood. It lifted it and gave an opening for the child to escape.

Elsie stretched her arms to pull the little girl. "Take my hand!" She yelled.

The little girl sniffed as she nods. She brought out her arms and tried grabbing Elsie's.

When she managed to secure her hold, she grunted as she pulled the little girl. The brunette controlled the wind to go inside to lift the little girl, giving her an easier time in pulling her.

When she was finally out from the wreckage, Elsie hugged the little girl in her arms. The girl cried as she wrapped her arms around the brunettes.

"There there, it's alright now." She assured as she rubbed her head. "Big sister will bring you to the evacuation area."

With that, the brunette travelled with the little girl in her arms.

Juli and Moran continued to save the trapped people.

"We should probably go to the meeting point." Moran states. He grunts as he brings his hands underneath a rubble and carry it. He threw it off and checked if there were anyone trapped underneath the hole.

"Yes, but the people need to be saved." Juli frowned at his brother.

Moran sighed. "The knights are here." He states as he glanced at them searching for other citizens.

"Remember the plan. Father told us not to allow our emotion get the best of us."

His brother gazed on the ground. He slowly nods his head and gave in to Moran's words.

They stopped what they were doing and started heading towards their destination.

Another explosion shook the ground causing them to turn their heads in the direction it came from.

Shockwaves came from the sky.

3 blurs were flying around, fighting with all their strengths.

"Best we hurry." Moran states as he turns away and continues walking.

Juli gazed at the sky.

"Please be safe..." He whispers.

Royse groaned as he continued to match Xena's speed. He swung his sword with all his strength, pushing off the enemy.

Xena threw another of her attack towards the redhead.

Royse flew to avoid it and realized it wasn't directed to him. He turns to look at his back and see it heading towards the town.

He was about to stop it when Amy flew towards it and used her skill to stop it instead.

"HAHAHAHA! How do you like that? It seems like the both of you can't save this kingdom of yours!" She mocked. "A lousy cavalry!" She yelled as she continued to throw her attacks.

Royse knew he needed to nullify it to avoid the attacks diverting in the town. He used his skills and absorbed the attacks that came his way.

He glanced at the kingdom underneath and gritted his teeth when he saw the state it was in.

"She's stronger and faster." Amy panted as she wiped the blood on her cheeks.

"Yeah. I had expected that dealing with her in this phase would be much more difficult." Royse fixed his grip on his weapon. "But it still makes me surprised."

Xena continued to laugh as she examined their appearance.

"Getting tired?" She laughed. "Of course you would. Humans and their limits."

Amy narrowed her eyes as she smiled. "Correction. Humans that made it possible for you to become desperate." She taunted back with a sassy tone.

If it came to this, then there was no way in hell will Amy allow the demon to have her way in mocking them. No way would she allow the demon to outrank her when it came to ridiculing.

That was her throne alone after all.

Xena gritted her teeth. She was furious by how the light user found ways in responding to her.

Amy hummed as she held a thoughtful look. "I'm pretty sure when someone is desperate it's because they know their limits." She comments. "Where have I heard it?" She glanced at Xena's expression and grinned in satisfaction. "Oh yeah, I've read that in class." She giggled.

Royse shook his head from his friends' actions but also smiled at her taunting.

"Silly me, of course you wouldn't know that. I mean, you guys don't study in school so it's only expected that you didn't know that info. Heck, I bet you don't have enough brain cells to even comprehend it."

Xena snapped.

She appeared in front of Amy.

The light user had anticipated her reaction and brought her sword to deflect Xena's claws.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She exerted her strength and pushed the light user. "I LIVED FOR A MILLENNIUM!" She continued her attacks and drove back the ombre-haired girl.

Amy gritted her teeth as she deflected every attack.


A huge slash came flying her way.

Amy found no escape and used her skill. She rose her arms and waved her sword. It clashed with the attack.

She was pushed by the impact yet it didn't stop her. She brought out her strength and with a yell, she countered it and sent the slash flying towards the sky.

With a smile, she narrowed her eyes over Xena.

"You've lived a millennium?" She laughed out loud. "Then why is it that you didn't understand what I said. How embarrassing. You're not just an elder, but a dumb one at that."

At this point, Xena's attention was fully over the light user. Her aura spiked once more as she glowered at the lady.

She appeared once more towards the light user.

Amy anticipated and stopped the attack but widened her eyes when her arms trembled and lost their strength.

The light user was sent flying towards the ground.

She gritted her teeth and sensed Xena nearing behind her.

"You've crossed the boundary human!" She snarled as she continued her attack.

Amy deflected it but felt it strike her body. She gasped from the pain and flew away.

She immediately heals her injury and glared at the enemy.

Xena was silent. All she felt was anger.

Not only did the light user toy with her back in the academy, but she also went and mocked her.

She, one of the highest beings was ridiculed.

Royse flew towards Amy. "Guess this battle will be even more difficult after what you did." He states.

Amy smirked. "I don't mind. It's best to cloud her mind with anger. She won't be able to think straight." Satisfied with what she did, she finally used the skill she was saving for.

Her eyes glowed as she chanted. Her body became clad with light and shone brightly as it moved.

It slowly took form and manifested into armour.

When she was done, she looks over at Xena who saw her transform.

A regal aura surrounded the light user.

The redhead beside her smiled. "Congrats. I've been waiting for you to succeed this."

Amy rolled her eyes. "It's not easy you know." She brought out her sword and used its skills.

Hundreds of swords were summoned around them. All of them glowed as Amy used her skill.

She points her arms towards Xena.

The weapons followed after her action.

And when Amy mouthed her skill, they all flew in speed towards the enemy.

Xena deflected them like before but realized the number continued to grow.

The weapons broke from Xena's counters but the light user continued to summon more and retaliated.

The demon yelled as she fought. Driven by anger, she was focused on targeting Amy.

Due to this, she didn't sense the nearing redhead.

Royse used this chance to sneak behind the enemy. He teleported around the sky.

Wrapping his sword with light, he teleported behind Xena.

The demon widened her eyes went she sensed him nearing and turned behind.

When she did, Amy's summoned swords used this as a chance and flew towards her at the same time.

It struck Xena, making her gasp at the pain. She widened her eyes when the redhead appeared in her view.

Royse's weapon glowed and created golden sparks. With a yell, he swung his arms and struck her.

With all his strength, Royse targeted her neck. He further strengthened the light that covered his sword, making sure it was enough to stop Xena from regenerating.

She returned to her senses and realizes the redhead's agenda. She ignored the pain and brought her arms to block the slice.

A loud explosion erupted as they make contact.

Amy remained alert as she watch the smoke that came from their battle.

She senses their presence separate from one another. Royse teleported beside her while Xena flew away from them.

Her body received multiple wounds but most of all, her two arms were sliced.

Light enveloped her arms where Royse cut through, disabling Xena's regeneration abilities.

She snarled as she glared at the two.

She was losing. Even if her powers hasn't fully returned, she assumed her current state would be enough to defeat the two.

Arabella's words echoed in her mind.

If that was the case, then it was time for her to use a different tactic.

She controlled the land once again. She separated them, destroyed them, and rose mountains.

The redhead clenched his fist as he saw Xena destroy the kingdom.

He was about to stop her but saw her create thousands of shadow clones.

Not only clones but also ravenous beasts. They growled and howled and immediately flew towards the kingdom as soon as they were created.

Royse and Amy had anticipated it. They remained unfazed as they knew it wasn't their job to stop them.

Xena tilted her head.

"Oh? Ignoring the people?" She laughed. "I see. Humans are heartless as ever." She remarks.

"Heartless?" Royse grinned. "Trusting is more fitting."

He tightened his grip over his weapon. 'We'll be relying on you guys.' He thinks.

Xena hummed at their expression. She summoned a shadow sword and used it to cut her shoulders.

Amy and Royse understood her purpose and watched Xena regenerate her limbs.

When she was done, she glared at the two.

"Shall we continue our battle?"

People in the evacuation site stood in fear. They watch the knights stand guard over them. Medics were stationed and were treating the injured.

Families did their best to assure their children and try to lighten the mood. Many people whispered as they witness explosions erupting.

"The kingdom is currently being attacked. Please do not leave this site for your safety." A knight announced.

A citizen strode towards the man. "What will happen to us?!"

"My mother! My mother is still there!"

Many of the people shouted as they panicked.

"The saintess! Is the saintess here?!"

Knights felt their sweat trickle down their cheeks as the commotion grew.

"The lady Amy is currently battling against the enemy responsible for the attack. Until then, we knights will keep everyone safe."

Many of the people whispered their opinions. All of them sported a fear-stricken face as they glanced at each other.

"Commander Berryann." A man announced and saluted.

"Has his highnesses arrived yet?" Jack asked.

The men shook their heads. "No. We believe due to the terrain, they are still finding their way to this place."

The 2nd division commander frowned at the explanation. He turns towards the kingdom and saw mountains stand tall. The kingdom that was just peaceful a moment ago was filled with fire and terror.

"To think his highnesses have anticipated what was to come." He turns towards his men. "Everyone remain alert! Remember, this is just the beginning!"

With his shout, they started leading the citizens outside the kingdoms' walls.

People that lived outside it was notified of the things currently happening. They often thought that living inside the kingdom's walls were safer but right now, they thought the opposite.

The caretakers inside the orphanage consoled the children. Everyone was huddled inside the basement and prayed.

Children were in fear as they hold each other's hands. They flinched when they hear explosions from above.

"Don't worry. This will soon be over." Linda whispered to the children. Other caretakers did their best and rubbed their backs. They were also in fear of all the happenings but knew they shouldn't show it to their face.

"What about the people inside the kingdom...?" One whispered.

"Knights will save them. That's why we should pray for their safety."

"What about big brother Royse and big sister Rohesia?"

Linda furrowed her brows as she thought of the redheaded siblings. "They'll be alright. They are strong."

The old lady could only tighten her hold over the children.

'Please, gods, protect them.' She silently prayed.

A lady panted as she unfold the sails. She wobbled when the sea thrashed due to the explosions. She glanced towards the land and jumped in surprise when another mountain rose from the ground.

"Hurry!" Her brother shouted.

The lady returned to her task and tied the ropes. She hurriedly went to do the next job and helped pull the anchor.

Men around the boat assisted one another. The boat soon moved and sailed away from the docks.

The lady looked back at the kingdom and clasped her hands together. Her brother placed his hand over her shoulder.

She turns her head towards him. "Will everyone be ok?" She asks.

Her brother looks at the scene. Smoke lingered everywhere, mountains that weren't there before stood tall.

"We can only hope." He replied.

As they drifted further, they see explosions coming from the sky.

"WHAAAAAAA!" A mage yelled as she tripped over the cracked ground and fell inside it.

She immediately used her skill and controlled the ground, creating a space for her to step on. She landed on her bottom and winced at the pain.

"That hurts!!!"

"Miya!" Her companion shouted from above. "You good?!" The man shouted as he crouched on the cracked ground and saw the lady on the bottom.

"Yeah I'm fine!" She replied. She looks at the walls around her and manipulated them. She created a path to climb on and soon, she made her way back up and panted as she successfully returned.

A buff man immediately assisted her and pulled her up. "You ok?" He asks.

Miya nods. "Yeah, remind me to be careful from now."

"Guys." The voice of their other companion took their attention.

The bespectacled male pointed towards the sky. The two followed the direction he was pointing at and squinted their eyes.

Black blurs were flying towards the ground.

The 3 of them tried identifying it and widened their eyes when they did.

The black figures landed on the ground with a thud. Many followed after and grew in numbers. Soon, an army of them stood.

The trio took a step back.

"Uh, is it just me or am I seeing monsters?" Miya asked as she hugged her staff. She flinched when they growled.

Bailey rose his shield and placed it in front of him. "You're not." He replied as he felt his sweatdrop. He recognized the monsters in front of them and knew their rankings. "Allister." He called as he glanced at the male beside him.

The swordsman unsheathed his sword. He grips it tightly as he studied the monsters.

"Be prepared. This is going to be a tough battle." He states.

The monsters howled and growled as they walked closer towards them.

Bailey wore a toothy grin as Miya applied a buff to them. "No need to say the obvious."

On their mark, the trio proceeded with their formation and ran towards the hoard of monsters. The shadow beings did the same and attacked them.

Bailey shouted as he raised his shield and took the attack head-on. He brings his greatsword and slashed the monsters.

Miya chanted her skills and summoned a huge venus fly trap. The carnivorous plant immediately targeted the monsters and munched them.

Allister ran towards the monsters and moved in a blur, he mimicks a certain action and beheaded the monsters in front of him.

He halts as he senses the monsters disintegrate.

He swung his sword and turns towards the rest. He continued his job and mercilessly defeated the hoard.

Bailey whistled at his display. "Copying Ro huh!" He shouts.

Miya grinned. "Though it still needs improvement for him to fully copy him." She remarks.

The swordsman agreed to her words. "Yes. Slowly but surely, I'll be able to succeed." He states. He swung his weapon and manoeuvred around the monsters. He slashes them and didn't stop.

Bailey shouts as he brought out his strength and pushed the monsters towards the cracked ground, sending them falling.

Miya used her skills and summoned roots to form on the ground. It grabbed the monsters and tossed them towards the cracks.

She grabbed a mana potion and panted. She removed the cap and drank its content before storing the empty bottle back in her bag. "I think I may get a potion overdose after this." She comments.

"Control yourself! If you faint I don't want to be the one dragging your ass!" Bailey shouts from his place.

"But you'll do it anyway!!" Miya refuted as she summoned another carnivorous plant. When she tried pulling her staff, she felt it being stuck.

She looks down and saw a snake wrapped around it and hissed when it noticed her gaze.

Miya shrieked.


Tears escaped her eyes as she controlled the plants to target the snake. Just like that, the shadow monster was eaten by it.

"THAT'S IT! NOW I'M ANGRY!!!" Miya declared as a fire blazed from her eyes. Her veins bulged out of her forehead as she rose her staff and chanted.

Trees of all kinds suddenly rose from the ground. It moved one by one. The trunks opened and revealed a spiky mouth. Two glowing orbs appeared above it as they stood from the ground and revealed their feet.

Gigantic monster trees rushed towards the monsters and swatted them with their wooden arms. The hoards attacked the tree but were easily thrown off.

"Ah. Miya started..." Bailey comments as he watches the scene.

Monsters whimpered as the tree giants roared and attacked them.

Allister smiled. "Well, seeing our situation, we can let her pass this time." He states.

The mage continued to shout as she ordered her creations. "THAT'S RIGHT!! BITE 'EM OFFFFFF!!!!"

The ground shook as the giants roared and kicked the monsters.


The shield of the group nervously glanced at her. "I have a feeling she'll be out for more than a week..."

On another side of the kingdom, men were fighting against the clones.

A certain figure easily eliminated his enemies and didn't spare any glances on them.

He smiled when the monsters snarled at him.

"Oh my, shouldn't I be the one angry for being betrayed?" He taunted.

The hoard growled as they jumped towards him.

With a wave of his arms, he easily sliced every one of them.

One monster, in particular, hid its presence. It watched the white-haired male quietly.

When it saw the male lowered his guard, it used its chance to sneak an attack.

Fangs bared as it drew closer.

Before it could make contact, it failed to notice an incoming figure.

It wasn't able to register that its head was cut.

Damien smiled from his place. He turns towards his back and saw a lady huffing as she stood over the disintegrating monster.

He clapped his hands and sported a smile. "Amazing as ever Hazel." He applauded.

The lady remained unfazed. "There are still more. Please remain cautious." She spoke.

Monsters snarled. Many more continued to emerge and target the people.

Damien sighed. "I swear. That Xena never changes." He brings out his weapon and waved it around. It glinted as the half-blood eyed the hoard.

"Might as well return the favour now."

While that was happening, knights were struggling against the monsters. They clashed with the shadow beings.

Adventurers were divided. Others battled against the enemies while the others searched for the people in need of rescuing.

Franz huffed as he carried a citizen in his arms. He jumped from one roof to another and landed on the ground. He placed the person down and ordered them to run away.

The butler turns on his back and blocked an incoming attack. Using his dagger, he deflected it and swiftly slashed the monster's neck.

He panted as he fixed his stance. "Where is that Mark." He murmurs.

The butler noticed another hoard running towards the evacuation area.

Setting aside his thoughts, the man ran towards them and used his skills. He grunts as he made his swings. Heads flew as the butler made use of his abilities.

After he was done, another wave arrived.

He tsk'd in irritation.

"I hope his highnesses have arrived in the location." He whispers. His dagger glinted as he prepared to make his attacks.

On another side, Mark hurried to drive the vehicle. Albert hugged his wife as they travelled. Vanessa closed her eyes as she prayed.

"Please, please be safe..." She whispers.

Albert frowned. He wished to fight alongside the others but needed to follow the order in heading towards the evacuation site first.

"Mark, how long till we arrive?" He asks the man behind the wheel.

The butler skillfully evaded a monster and continued to drive at full speed. He steered the wheel and turned to the corner.

"We'll arrive in a minute Master." Just as the words left his lips, a huge monster came their way. The butler furrowed his brows, he shifted the gear and turned the wheel, drifting in the corner to avoid colliding.

The two was jostled from their seats.

Albert gazed at the window. He sees an army of monsters wreaking havoc. They roared and destroyed the buildings. Adventurers and knights fought alongside one another as they fended them off.

Monsters noticed the moving vehicle and started running towards it.

The Marquess removed his hold over his wife. Vanessa opened her eyes and gazed at her husband. She sees him opening the window.

"Dear, what are you planning?" She asks.

The wind entered the vehicle and ruffled everyone's clothes. "Monsters have noticed us. I will be fending them off." He explains as he placed his foot over the window. He brings his hand over the roof to pull himself.

Vanessa nods. "Be careful."

Albert smiled. "I will."

The marquess easily exited the vehicle and jumped towards the roof. He summons his sword and sees the hoard nearing them.

A blazing fire covered his weapon.

Albert narrowed his eyes as he directed his attention towards the monsters. They snarled and sped up, jumping towards the man and attacking him.

He took a step back and swung his sword. Flames flew and sliced the monster.

Another one came and Albert repeated his actions.

Monsters after monsters attacked the man.

Mark glanced at his side mirror and saw the marquess skillfully fending off the hoard.

The butler then noticed the incoming monsters in front and gripped the wheel tighter. He made a drift and drove on an alleyway.

Albert who stood on the roof kept his balance as he fended the monsters that came above the buildings.

They roared as they used the wall to their advantage and jumped from all sides.

Fire continued to blaze as the marquess sliced them. He summons his skill and sent the monsters flying away.

When they exited the alleyway, Mark continued to drive to their location. The vehicle then stumbled when a nearby explosion took place.

He repositions the car and glanced at the source.

He sees a familiar figure and smiles.

"So he's here." He whispers.

The figure he saw noticed the driving car. The man caught a glimpse of the driver and huffed.

"So that's where you've been." Franz comments. Sensing the monster nearing, he moves his arm and sliced it before it could even attempt to attack him.

"You better get here Mark." He murmurs.

Albert beheaded a flying monster. He turns his head and sees the prince's butler from where they exited the alleyway.

He examined his surroundings and sees the hoard focused on the figure.

Seeing they were in the clear, the marquess returns inside the vehicle through the window.

"I saw his highness's butler." He informed as he took his seat.

"Yes. He has been notified and is here for support. I will join him when I drop the Master and the Madame in the evacuation site." Mark explained as he drove.

Mark knew they were nearing when he noticed the increase of knights and adventurers fighting off the monsters.

Knights shouted as they pointed over the evacuation site. Citizens rushed towards the destination with the adventurers assisting them.

Mark halted the car when they arrived in front of the place. Vanessa and Albert exited the vehicle and examined the surroundings.

People were moving. They were being escorted outside the kingdom's walls seeing how it would be safer.

The butler exited the vehicle and bowed towards the two. "I will be taking my leave." He rose and took something from his pocket and handed it over to the couple.

When they recognized the item, they widened their eyes.

"This is?" Albert spoke.

The butler nods. "Yes. The young master had stored a few items in case of emergency. He wishes to give this to both master and madame if ever a situation arrives." He explains.

The highest grade of light stone was embedded in a gold brooch.

Vanessa and Albert remembered their children. They frowned and gazed at the butler.

"Mark, please find them." Vanessa spoke with a pleading gaze.

The man bowed. "Yes, I will do my utmost best."

With that, the butler strode towards the car and rode it again, driving back to the battlefield.

Albert placed his arms over his wife's waist. He pulled her closer and consoled her shaking figure.

Vanessa closed her eyes as she gripped the item with both of her hands.

"Please be safe, Royse, Rohesia...." She whispers.

Juli and Moran gazed at their surroundings. They see many citizens following after the authorities.

They turn their heads as they search for their group.

"Hello, anyone hear us?" Moran asked through the earpiece.

They hear a static voice.

"Mran, y-ur hre?" They hear a female voice speaking from the other end.

The two males smiled. It seems everyone was finally getting closer.

"We're currently around the medics tent." Moran informed as he gazed at their area.

Juli turns his head, checking to see if the others were around.

"Ah, w're around the adventrers g-ild." She replied.

That means they were close. Moran looks at his brother and saw him examining the area.

"We'll stay here. Have you seen Prince Henry, lady Emor, lady Wilk and Berryann?" He asks.

From the other side, William gazed at their surroundings. Knights were following after them. "Are they not there yet?" He asks with a quirk of his brow.


This was odd. Henry and the other 3 were the first to leave the academy. By now, they should be at the evacuation site.

"Wait, Elsie is not with you?" Rohesia asks in concern.

"No, we were unfortunately separated." Moran replied. He frowned when he recalled the moment their car was thrown off. If it weren't for Moran controlling the wind to fix the vehicle to its proper position, they would've been injured.

Sadly, when they escaped the vehicle, the ground cracked and changed formation, causing them to be separated from the lady Wilk.

"I see." William was quiet as he thinks of their plan. "We'll wait for them. If they still remain far, then we'll have no choice but to move ahead." William spoke.

Rohesia pursed her lips but obeyed the order nonetheless.

Noticing her expression, the prince assured the redhead. "Do not worry, I will have the knights pass on a message if ever they find the rest."

Carl examined the area and recognized a few faces. "Everyone's heading outside." He states.

The prince nods. "Yes. Our first plan was to have them remain in the evacuation area but seeing the radius of the enemy's attacks, evacuating outside would be wiser." He replies.

The trio walked towards the location of the medical tents. People passed by them, ignoring them as they were focused on travelling towards the gates.

When they see the familiar white tent, they quicken their pace.

Juli turns his head on the side when he sees the trio. "They've arrived." He informs his brother.

Moran turns in the direction and smiles. He waves his hand as they get closer.

Stopping in front of them, Rohesia examined the area. She frowned when she sees many injured people being treated.

Cries echoed around the place. Parents try to assure their children, people argued with each other, many knights were arriving injured.

She clenched her fist. "This is terrible..." She whispers.

The others could only nod in silence.

A loud explosion erupted from the sky.

Everyone turn their heads at the source and saw multiple lights being summoned. They flew towards a flying blur that avoided them and deflected it.

Rohesia nervously watched the battle.

"Rosey said to leave it to them in handling the fight..." The redhead pursed her lips. "But..." She looks down.

Everyone shared the same thoughts. They didn't like how they depended on the two in fighting but they also knew they'd just be hindering them if they get involved.

"Protecting the citizens..." Juli spoke, removing the others from their thoughts.

"Us protecting the citizens is more than enough. To lessen the casualties, to prevent the people from being damaged of this day."

To avoid having more people like Juli.

Moran gazed at his brother's figure that stood. Light blue eyes watched his surroundings as he recalls his past.

He strode towards his brother and placed his hand over his shoulder, smiling in an assuring manner.

Juli turns towards his brother and sees his expression.

"Of course. That's why we're here." The yellow-eyed male directed his gaze over the others. "The redhead's relying on us, just as how we're relying on them." He announced.

That changed the atmosphere.

Carl sported a smile. "What fitting words." He comments.

Rohesia's eyes shone. She shook off her doubts and replaced her frown with a determined look. "If Rosey is relying on us then I need to heed to it." She spoke.

William closed his eyes.

"The kingdom is the number one priority."

Royse's words echoed in his mind. He recalls his black eyes gazing at his own.

The redhead spoke with finality when they discussed their plan. The concern regarding his battle with Xena never crossed Royse's mind, instead, he was focused on everyone's safety.

He remembers how Royse revised and reviewed their plans multiple times. He spent evenings staying awake to make sure that everything was going smooth.

William was ashamed when he watched the redhead.

Royse was fit to be a leader. His concern over his subjects rather than himself spoke his personality.

The prince opened his eyes.

That was right. He too needs to follow after the redhead's action.

"Y'ou g-ys hear -s?" A familiar voice spoke.

Everyone smiled.

"Henry?" William spoke.

"Yea-h. Whe-r ar- you g-ys?"

"We're in the medics tent. Who are you currently with?"

"Cath-rin, Milivo-. We als- foun-d lady -ilk."

Rohesia sighed in relief. It was assuring to know that no one was alone in their group.

William nods. "I see. Then we'll wait for you."

Carl crossed his arms. "Glad to know that they're headed but I must say," He gazed at the injured knights and adventurers.

"I've noticed the increase of wounded." He states as he eyes the area. As they waited, more people from the battlefield arrived for treatment.

Moran frowned. "I believe Royse informed us regarding this phase." He spoke.

Juli focused on his senses. He could hear growls from afar and smell a rancid odour.

"Monster clones are running havoc." He informed.

"Did his highness stumble upon them when they travelled here?" Moran asked as he turns his head towards the blonde's direction.

The trio shook their heads. "No. The knights and adventurers stopped them from reaching the evacuation areas. They are stationed in those locations for that reason." William explained.

"It's assuring to know that, though I have a feeling they won't last long." Carl comments. "There's a limit to how long they can keep up."

Both Juli and Moran agreed with his statement. The people were dealing with a monster hoard. Between them, the people were weaker in terms of strength.

"Reinforcement will arrive." William reminded. "They just need to hold out until they are here."

That was right. The Wilk family were only starting to arrive in the place. Not only that, but the Hubel family was nearing.

Moran pulled the flare a while ago as a signal. It was not only a signal for the knights but also his family.

Knowing his father, he's sure to have brought the strongest division they had.

A sudden shout took their attention. They all turn their heads towards the source and see an injured adventurer being devoured by a monster.

The gruesome sight caused the people to pale.

Rohesia trembled as blood spluttered around. Carl widened his eyes, frozen from his spot.

Moran frowned as he looks away.

Juli clenched his teeth. He summons his greatsword as he feels his anger rising.

When the monster finished its meal, it rose its head as it gazed in their direction.

The monster growled as it saw the number of people.

William didn't waste a second and shouted.


The people immediately followed the order. They screamed as they escape. Knights rushed towards the nearing hoard and shouted as they fought.

Medics rushed to get the patients out of the area. They hurriedly carried them over a wheeled bed to transport them to a different area.

The cast prepared themselves as they saw the monsters rise in numbers.

"If they're here, that means-" Rohesia spoke as her eyes trembled.

None of them wanted to admit it but if the monsters reached their place, that meant the front line was defeated.

"Either that or they just grew in numbers." Moran spoke, trying to assure the rest. "It's a possibility that they were too many." He summons his weapon.

A sniper rifle appeared over his arms. "I'll support from the top." He states. Using his skills, he flew from the ground and into the sky.

"Inform us the hoards formation from above." William spoke.

"Roger that."

They soon ran towards the monsters.

"Henry! Are you guys near?!" William asked. Rohesia, Carl, and Juli were running right behind him.

"Yeah, we're near. Something's going on there right? There were suddenly people running in panic, I'm guessing they came from your direction." The eldest twin rushed towards their location.

Elsie followed after the group and saw smoke emitting not too far from where the medics were stationed.

"Monsters have reached the place. We're fending them off right now." William informed.

They could hear loud growls from their earpiece.

"Got it." Henry's group manoeuvred around the fleeing crowd. "Catherine, Milivoj, I'll leave you two in handling the rescues and the terrain." He orders.

The blonde and bluenette nodded their heads. "Understood."



"Think you can use your skills to provide an easy escape for the people?"

The brunette held a determined gaze. "Yes!"

They rushed towards the location. They skidded to a halt when they see the scene before them.

Monsters wreck havoc as they attacked everyone. Knights and adventurers struggled at their number.

Catherine and Elsie froze from the sight. They trembled when they saw numerous kinds of monsters.

Monsters that they only saw through books now rampaged in front of their eyes.

They become frozen when they saw a knight being bitten. Their scream echoed as blood gushed out.

Water and ice suddenly shot straight towards the monster. It pierced through its head, making it stumble and fall on the ground.

A redhead rushed towards the injured knight. She assisted him and used her skills to disinfect the wound. After she was done, she immediately ushered him to escape.

Seeing his state, the knight had no choice but to oblige and flee from the battlefield.

The redhead's action pulled the two ladies out of their thoughts.

When she turns her head and noticed them, she sported a relieved expression.

"Henry-sama!" She exclaims.

The rest of the cast turns their head at the newly arrived group.

William smiled. "You're finally here." He spoke. He uses his skill and sliced a monster.

"Glad to see the group complete." Carl commented from his place. He uses his fire to burn the monsters. Sensing his mana being depleted, he switched to his weapon and battled the monsters with it as he waited for his mana to replenish.

Juli used his greatsword and sliced towards the hoard, not only the monsters but the ground was also sliced with his attack.

Carl whistled from his place as he saw the action.

"What a monstrous strength." He commented.

"Seeing how everyone's here, shall we proceed with the plan?" William spoke.

Everyone sported a smile.

"Yeah!" They replied in chorus.

Just like that, everyone went to their position. Milivoj and Henry rushed towards the battlefield, summoning their weapons.

Catherine and Elsie were together as they did their assignment. The blond used her foot and stepped down.

The ground that Elsie stood in rose. The brunette gazed at the ground to check the citizens. She surveyed them and saw a few heading towards a direction where monsters were around.

Using her skills, she used the wind to head towards the citizens. The breeze took them by surprise and was confused when it was pushing them. When the citizens heard growls, they realized the wind was directing them in the right direction.

They immediately allowed the wind to push them, leading them to the gates.

While the brunette did her job, the blonde gazed at her surroundings. She used her attribute to lift any rubbles.

When she hears cries underneath a house, she rushed towards the location. She places her hands over the ground and manipulated it to lift the house. When she sees the trapped people, she rose the platform they were standing on and pulled them up.

"Hurry to the gates!" She exclaims.

Milivoj shouted as he slashed the monsters. Using the ground, he grabbed the monsters by their feet, trapping them and immobilizing them from moving.

Henry jumped from his place. A crackle of lightning was heard as he travelled in speed. He waved his sword and sliced through the trapped monsters, beheading them all.

Static roamed in the air as he used his skills.

Rohesia chanted as she points her sword towards the sky. A huge magic circle appeared above her.

Droplets of water fell underneath the radius of the circle, drenching the enemies. It was then followed by a barrage of ice spears.

It fell and landed on the monsters. When a few managed to simply graze it, the ice suddenly spread throughout its body. They roared as they become frozen.

Rohesia wasn't done yet. She remembers her brother's skill and focused on copying it.

Sweat trickled down her cheeks as she started creating a monster from water.

She gathered her mana and spread her arms. From a small orb, it grew into a ginormous hydra.

When she was finished, it let out a raging roar. It flew towards the monsters, taking them in its mouth. It thrashed around the place, distinguishing the flames along the process.

The redhead panted as her mana was consumed.

Monsters saw this as a chance and snarled after seeing her abilities. They roared and simultaneously jumped towards her.

The redhead was late to notice.

She was about to attempt to defend herself when a bullet pierced through each of their heads.

They fell on the ground with a thud and disintegrated before her eyes.

The redhead gazed at where the bullets came from and saw Moran grinning.

"Thought you needed some help." He spoke.

Rohesia smiles. "Thanks."

The yellow-eyed male sent a thumbs up before returning to his job. He uses the scope in his rifle and followed after monsters.

He licked his lips when he foresaw their movements.

Pulling the trigger, the bullet flew towards his target and hit its head. He reloaded it and went to his next target.

This time it was a monster that passed through the knights and was headed towards the citizens.

Before he could pull the trigger, flying monsters screeched as they attacked him.

He tsks in irritation as he used the wind to evade them. Switching to melee, he uses his skill and inflicted damages to them.

Since they were in the air, Moran was at a disadvantage. The monsters could easily manoeuvre, while the male had to focus on his skills.

He flew around and turns his head to look behind. Monsters screeched as they try to catch him.

Deciding not to delay any further, he exerted more mana and boosted his speed.

He disappeared from the monster's sight, causing them to halt and search for the male.

When they sensed him, they gazed up and saw the male pointing a Gatling gun over them.

Without giving the monsters a moment to react, the bullets shot through their body, eliminating them and sending them falling. They disintegrated before they hit the ground.

Moran returns his attention towards his original target. He summons the rifle he was using earlier and used its scope.

Pulling the trigger, he easily hit his target before it had the chance to attack any people.

"The other sides clear." He reported. Moran examined the surroundings from the sky. "There's more approaching." He notifies when he saw another wave of hoard running towards them. There were also flying ones diving straight towards the group.

Returning to the ground, William used his sword and sliced the monsters in half.

"Is that so." He spoke undeterred.

He brings his foot and summoned pillars of ice. He jumped from it one by one and attacked the new monsters that flew over their heads.

As he fell, he created an ice platform for him to slide on and eliminate the enemies along the way.

Skidding on the ground, he turns his head and sees a giant monster suddenly manifesting.

When it took form, it cast shadows upon them and roared.

The ground trembled as it stomped its feet. Buildings shook and crumbled. Cracks formed on the ground.

"This is going to be a bit difficult..." Carl commented as he felt his sweat drop from the size of the monster. "Is this a real monster? Cause I don't think I've seen this kind yet."

Juli swung his weapon and sent an enemy flying. "It is a real monster. One that resides in the mountains of Sko Cria." He informed.

"No wonder." The brunette remarked.

"We're going to need a little more help." Milivoj spoke. He checked their vicinity and saw knights occupied with the lesser monsters. Some adventurers were up for the task and were familiar with battling against this kind.

William was about to say his orders when two familiar figures strode towards them.

"Your highnesses."

They turn their heads and saw two butlers making their way. One sported a frown as he dusted off his clothes while the other wore a smile.

Franz greeted the princes. "We've successfully defeated the hoard from the other side." He reported.

Mark stopped from his action and gazed above. He sees the gigantic monster and wondered how he would deal with it.

"In that case, I will ask for your cooperation in defeating this beast." William spoke as he turns his attention back to the duo.

Seeing how they were conversing, the monster used this as a chance and opened its mouth. Mana gathered around it and shot out a beam.

Everyone widened their eyes.

Seeing the huge attack, they knew they'd be too late in fleeing.

Everyone had the same thoughts and remained on their location. The situation left them no choice as they chanted their skills.

Elsie and Moran used their attribute to swirl around the attack.

Rohesia summoned a wave of tsunami and engulfed it. Mark also used his attribute and strengthened the redhead's skill.

Milivoj and Catherine used the ground and engulfed it. Caging it inside the rock.

Finally, Rohesia and William covered it with ice. The attack was stopped and exploded, sending debris to fly all over the place.

Smoke wafted as the explosion sent a strong gust of wind in everyone's way.

Juli and Henry jumped from their place.

Lightning crackled as they sliced the falling rocks into pieces and shattered them into dust.

Franz and Carl saw a few that were engulfed in fire. They used their skill and consumed it before slicing them into pieces as well.

The monster growled when it saw them stop its attack. It swung its tail, sending it towards everyone.

They jumped from platform to platform to dodge.

The monster thrashed, destroying everything in its vicinity. It roared as it opened its mouth again to gather mana.

"Oh no you don't!" Franz exclaims. He disappeared in a flash from his place.

The group looks at the sky and saw the prince's butler appearing above the monster's head.

Fire blazed from his hands.

Mark focused on his target. His eyes searched for the weak points and chanted his skill.

Magic circle appeared in his hands as he stretched it towards the beast. Water came rushing and travelled in speed.

It swirled around the monster's neck and travelled on the mouth. A bubble engulfed the monster's head, causing it to move and attempt to shake it off.

The monster closed its mouth, discarding its task and tried attacking its assailant.

Mark narrowed his eyes as he chanted his next skill. Another liquid flew towards the monster. When the group realized it didn't mix with water, they knew what liquid the butler had added.

They rushed out of the scene, already knowing the 2 butler's agenda. William ordered the people around the vicinity to escape.

Adventurers and Knights didn't question the prince and immediately fled.

Franz shouted as the fire blazed stronger. From the sky, a massive flame was seen flying towards the monster.

The butler exerted force as he stretched his hands, sending the flames flying towards the gigantic beast.

Fire, water, and oil met.

The reaction was immediate.

A massive explosion took place. The force shook the area and rose in temperature.

The monster's head was engulfed in flames. It made noise from the excruciating pain.

The fire continued to spread as it only became stronger.

The monster thrashed its body as it try to shake off the flames that engulfed it.

It continued to let out a loud cry that hurt everyone's ears.

William gazed up, trying to search for his butler. He saw a blur falling towards them.

The prince was about to use his skill to assist the man but was surprised to see a pillar of water flying up towards the man.

It swirled as it caught the falling butler. The man could be seen at the top of the pillar, floating.

The water then moved, flying towards them.

It landed without any difficulties and placed the butler on the ground.

Franz smiled at the person responsible. "Knew you'd do that." He comments as he shook his arms, removing the water from his sleeves.

Mark huffed as he retracted his skill. "Still rushing off to danger." He remarks.

The cast watched their interaction. They were curious about what relationship the two had but disregarded the thought when the monster roared and started falling.

Everyone bolted out of the area before it could fall over them.

With the help of Moran, everyone was able to escape in a flash.

The monster landed on the ground with a loud echoing thud. The ground shook from its weight. Buildings were destroyed and turned into rubbles.

Smoke and dust wafted all over the place, blocking everything from view.

Everyone coughed as they waited for it to clear.

After a few seconds, the smoke slowly dissipated and revealed the aftermath.

The monster lay lifeless as it started disintegrating.

Afterwards, a large space was cleared.

Buildings that stood tall now lay as ruins. The ground was uneven and showed cracks. There was still fire that continued to blaze around.

The effects of the attacks destroyed the area. Taking along the monsters with it.

Adventurers and Knights struggled as they escaped from rubbles.

Everyone was silent as they take in the scene.

"No more monsters in sights. I'm guessing that's the last of them." Moran informed as he made his landing towards the ground.

Before the group could sigh in relief, a voice spoke through their earpiece.


They all stiffened from where they stood.

Damien's voice continued to shout.


They all widened their eyes when a deafening roar was heard.

They turn their heads up in the sky.

A huge black circle was seen. A dark aura surrounded it as a head escaped from the circle.

A huge dragon-like body emerged. It flapped its wings and roared.

Everyone paled when its eyes landed on them.

Its size was bigger than the monster they had fought just now.

Juli couldn't believe what he saw.

He grits his lips as he recognized the dragon.

Before anyone of them could move, something came flying their way.

A blur came crashing towards the ground, leaving a trail due to its impact of descent.

It skidded to the ground and crashed towards the rubble. Smoke wafted as dust scattered from the collision.

Everyone turned towards the thing that fell and widened their eyes in horror when they registered the figure.

Royse laid unconscious on the ground.

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