Transmigration as an Unknown...

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I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 44

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Royse groaned as he covered his eyes from the light that passed through the windows. He sat up on his bed and gazed at the view.

He could hear the birds chirp and the trees rustle.

A sigh escaped his lips.

"Spring, what a fitting season..." He murmurs. Checking the time, he stood from his bed.

Maids soon entered his room to prepare him for the day. A few went to the bathroom to prepare the tub while some prepared his outfit.

When the water was at the right temperature, the maids exited the bathroom to give privacy to Royse.

The redhead thanked the maids as he entered and closed the door. He walked towards the middle and removed his clothes. After that, he dipped inside the foamy bath and sighed at the temperature.

"Enter." He announced.

Maids opened the door and entered one by one and took the necessities to start their task. One scrubbed his hair while another wiped his arms and legs.

"Would you like a massage after?" She asks.

"Yes, that would be great." He replies.

Royse closed his eyes as he allowed the maids to focus on their job. It didn't take long for them to finish.

He dried himself and wrapped a towel over his lower area before walking towards a bed for his massage.

As he lay on his front, he hears the bottle of oil opening and felt the cold liquid pour on his back.

He sighed when the maid started massaging him, releasing the tension in his muscles.

A sweet smell soon circulated in the room. He knew it must've come from the oil.

When the massage was finished, his body was then applied with oil-based perfume.

Finally done, Royse stood from the bed and wore a bathrobe. He exited the bathroom and sat on the vanity desk.

A maid started fixing his hair.

"Young Master's hair is absolutely beautiful." She comments as she became mesmerized by how silky it was. "I'm glad you decided to grow it out."

The redhead smiled. "Aneki says the same. I don't mind trying something different for a change."

The maids giggled. "Indeed, the young lady loves playing with the young master's hair."

Royse sighed. He knew his sister was jealous. As he grew older, the blessing from Cilena continued to take effect and made his body glow. Not only that, but it also made his hair thick and silky.

Rohesia would compliment him but he knew behind those eyes were jealousy as she played with his locks.

He already accepted that fact but it still made him irritated from time to time.

Still, a blessing was a blessing, despite seeming like a curse.

"Well then, how would you like your hair to be styled?" The maid asks.

Royse smiled. "Since it's a special day, I don't mind for something different."

Everyone's eyes sparkled.

"Then I know just the thing! I'm sure it would suit young master very well with his outfit!"

Maids nod their heads as they became excited about dressing him up. Usually, Royse tended to choose simple styles. It was rare for him to allow maids to dress him up to their liking.

They wouldn't waste this chance.

Maids started to do their job. As his hair was being styled, one maid also started to apply makeup on his face.

He smiles as he watches the people being focused. From his mirror, he sees his maids choosing the shoes for him. Others were picking the perfume for his clothes.

He feels his hair being pulled and saw the maid applying a sort of mousse.

He closes his eyes when an eyes shadow was applied. After that, he parted his lips for the gloss.

The maid braided his hair easily and took a gold tie. She grabbed a bottle and sprayed cologne over his hair.

She smiles from her work and took an ear cuff from the accessory box. She put it over his left ear and parted his hair so it wouldn't cover it. She then placed his braided hair over his left shoulder.

At the same time, the other maid finished her task and applied a little blush on his cheeks as a finishing touch.

Royse thanked his maids and stood from his seat. He walked towards his dressing room and saw his outfit hung. He sadly smiled as he gazed at the clothes.

Removing his bathrobe, he wore his inner garments before wearing the suit. He fixed his coat and smoothed out the wrinkles before leaving the room.

Maids gasped as he exited and fawned over his appearance.

A maid walked towards him and kneeled to assist him with his shoes. Royse thanked the lady and wore it.

Finally done, everyone could only stare at Royse in trance.

The redhead checked his appearance in his body mirror and smiled at the outfit.

"Amelie sure is talented in choosing the right colours..." He whispers.

"You looks absolutely breathtaking!"

"Young master is so beautiful!"

"The madame and master are sure to be surprised!"

He turns to look at his exposed back and nervously chuckled. "Though I need to get used to this..."

A maid proudly huffed. "As expected of that new designer, they know what they're doing!"

Other maids nodded their heads in agreement.

The redhead smiles and decided to leave his room. He travelled across the hall and examined the paintings along the way.

It didn't take long for him to arrive in the dining area where his family was already sitting and eating their meal.

When they notice him, they all wore a smile.

"Rosey!!" Rohesia's eyes sparkled as she took in the appearance of her brother. She examined his outfit and could feel herself become excited at the clothes he wore. This was the first time she saw him wear something like this.

Vanessa giggled. "It seems Royse went all out." She teased. When she glanced at her husband, he sees Albert sporting a worried gaze.

"I can't believe how attractive my children are, mother is very proud. I'm sure whoever the two of you marries are a lucky fellow."

Albert visibly frowned at her words. He glanced at his wife, knowing she said the statement on purpose.

"Don't you agree dear?" She asks with a tilt of her head, feigning innocence.

"Yes, though please inform your mother and me if you plan on entering a relationship."

Vanessa chuckled. "Protective as always." She comments as she glanced at her husband.

"I am simply doing my role as a father." He reasons.

Both Royse and Rohesia laughed at their parent's display.

The youngest of the family walked towards the table and took his seat. He picked the utensils and started eating his meal.

"With Rosey's appearance, I feel as if he's the one graduating." Rohesia teased.

Royse rose a brow. "I still think aneki looks better."

Rohesia wore a gown with roses as its theme. It was simple but she easily made it look elegant.

"Thank you Rosey." She smiles. "Ah, I heard the news of what you did yesterday. You decided to perform again huh."

The youngest redhead nervously laughed. "It has been a while since I did."

Vanessa nods in understanding. "Don't worry dear. Many of the citizens loved it, perhaps someday you could accept their invitation to formally perform in the theatre." She informed.

Oh yeah, he did receive an invitation about that.

"Oh! How about Royse dear performs in the graduation party later in the onsen?" Vanessa asked.

Rohesia stiffened from her seat and felt her sweatdrop. She wondered how she would reply and glanced at her brother.

Royse continued to smile as he ate his meal unaffected. "I do not mind." He replies.

Vanessa claps her hands in delight. "Then it's settled, I'll have everything prepared!" She turns towards Mark who stood by the entrance. "Mark-san, please take care of it." She orders.

The butler remained unfazed and bowed. "Yes, madame."

Vanessa hummed. "I'm starting to get excited. After this, Rohesia dear will move to the knight's trainee dorm." She spoke with a soft tone. Her gaze was sad as she looked at her daughter.

Rohesia mirrored her expression. "Don't worry mother, they allow us to go home at least once a month, and I'm sure Rosey won't have any troubles in visiting me on the grounds."

"That's true. Despite being a first-year, I'm sure Royse had already received the approvals of the knights." Albert comments as he proudly looked at his son.

Rohesia nods. "Yes. He's more than welcome to pay a visit." She states as she looked at her brother.

Royse gripped his utensils tighter as he sent a smile towards his sister.

"Yes. I will be visiting you often."

The words felt bitter as they escaped his lips.


The ride towards the academy was silent. Rohesia sported a worried expression and realized that it was time for their plan to commence.

Seeing her state, Royse stood from his place and sat beside her instead. He grasped her hand and rubbed his thumb over it in an assuring manner.

"It's going to be ok."

Rohesia could only nod as she tried to replace her thoughts. "I know. I know we can do this..." She spoke, tightening her grip.

They watch the scenery pass by solemnly. They knew it would take a while for them to see the capital in a peaceful state like this again when everything was over.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the academy.

Many carriages were parked. Students walked towards the entrance, all heading towards the auditorium.

When Royse and Rohesia exited the vehicle, they took the attention of every student.

They ignored their gaze and whispers and proceeded to travel towards their destination.

Unlike the others, they went in the opposite direction. As they travelled further, the number of students dissipated until there were none.

The siblings took their time. Both were examing their surroundings and held a solemn gaze.

"You know..." Rohesia starts. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor. "I'm going to miss this place..." She spoke as she looks at the side where numerous paintings made by the students were hung.

Pictures were also displayed on shelves. Some posters also remained ever since the school festival.

"I understand..." Royse replied as he also noticed the training grounds from the window.

He also noticed the door leading to the library.

When he glanced on the side, he sees the path to the courtyard and the one headed towards the garden he frequent.

"I still can't believe this is all happening..." She pursed her lips.

Her brother was silent.

"Me too..."

For Royse, it felt as if it was only yesterday when he opened his eyes and realized he was inside his sister's favourite game. And now, here he was, about to enter the final stage of the game.

He balled his fist as he frowned.

This would mark the end of the game.

Everything would rely on them.

They walked in silence as each of them thought of the soon to come event.

When they felt a group of presence in front, they look up and saw the rest already assembled.

The group noticed the two and smiled.

"You've arrived."

Rohesia chuckled as they walked towards them. "Well, Rosey took his time in preparing." She explains.

Royse huffed as he side-eyed his sister. "I did not." He denied.

When the twins noticed Royse, they felt their breath hitch at his appearance.

They were silent as they take in his appearance.

Carl sent a teasing smile as he glanced at the twins while both Catherine and Rohesia chuckled as they knew what the twins were thinking.

Milivoj could only nod in approval, aware of his highnesses attraction towards the redhead.

Amy scoffed and glanced at Juli. She pitied the light-blue haired male when he smiled in understanding when he saw the twins' expression.

When she noticed Moran's expression as well, she knew he was aware of his brother's feelings towards Royse.

Elsie recognized the outfit and sadly smiled.

"You wore it..." She whispers.

Royse slowly nods as he looks down, taking a look at his clothes. "Yeah..."

"Amelie-san truly has good taste with the outfit." The brunette comments with a laugh.

The group could only look at the 2 and realized that the redhead's outfit held something significant.

"So my dear cousin was the one..." Catherine whispers. She smiles when she examined the outfit. "She's as artistic as always." She chuckled.

Elsie nods. "Yes, Amelie-san is very talented." The brunette turns towards Royse. "I'm sure she would've loved to see Royse right now."

The redhead agreed. "Yes." He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Memories flashed his mind the day he last saw the real Amelie.

When he opened them, he sported a determined gaze.

"We're doing all we can to bring her back." He declares.

The group soon mirrored his expression as they nod.

Royse took the devices from his item box and proceeded to distribute them to one another.

"This is the earpiece that I mentioned. We'll be able to converse with one another with it." Royse took the transmitter device and turned it on. "Please press the button there." He told.

The group followed his instruction and saw the small device blink before turning green.

The redhead checked the transmitter in his hand and saw every earpiece calibrate and connect.

"It's done." He announced. He wore the device in his ear and fixed its position. The rest did the same and made sure it was secured.

Royse took a deep breath. "The plan remains the same. Are the light stones successfully planted to each student and advisor?" He asks Carl and Milivoj.

Both brunette and bluenette nod. "Yeah. We placed the stone inside the flower pins that are distributed to everyone in the academy." Carl explained.

"Good. Well then, I believe we should head out to the auditorium." Royse announced.

"Yeah." They all spoke in chorus.

All of them marched towards the location. They sported a serious expression, knowing what awaited them.

When they arrived in the auditorium, an advisor stood by the entrance and greeted them with a smile. He grabbed the flower pins on the table beside him and gave them to the group. They wore the pin and made sure it wasn't loose.

"It seems this is the last I'll see you." The adult comments as he looks at the 3rd years. "I know you will be occupied after the ceremony so allow me to send my farewells early on."

He bowed towards the twins and the rest.

"It was an honour to have you as my students."

His highnesses smiled. "Please raise your head. We are also grateful to have you as our advisor. We hope to see you continue your profession and teach the next students to come." William spoke.

The advisor rose his head and nodded at the words. "I will, your highnesses."

When they finally entered, the twins gazed at everyone. "Please be safe." Henry conveyed.

They all nod.

"We will." Royse replied.

As they were about to walk away, Royse called for Amy.

The light user rose a brow. "What?"

The redhead took a key from his pocket and threw it towards his friend. Amy easily caught it and wondered what it was for.

"If you wanna know what it is, ask Mark-san." He says with a grin.

Amy huffed. "What's this, a surprise perhaps?" She asks.

The redhead shrugged.

She laughed at his action and hid the key inside her item box. "I'll look forward to it."

With that, each of them went to their respective seats. While Royse and Elsie were located towards the 1st year section, Rohesia and the rest sat on the graduate section. The twins on the other hand walked to the side, heading towards the stage.

When the dean finally stood on the lectern, he finally spoke on the microphone device.

"Greetings everyone. We are here today to witness the birth of our new generation." His voice echoed within the hall.

Royse glanced at Elsie who sat beside him and saw her pale. Her hands trembled as she looks down on her lap.

The redhead grasped her hand.

The brunette blinked in surprise as she was pulled out of her trance and gazed at Royse who remained focused on the stage.

When the redhead sent an assuring squeeze, Elsie smiled.

"It is an honour to witness our students spend their years learning and growing to adulthood." The dean continued as he looks at every audience.

Advisors stood behind him as they also watch their students listen.

The dean continued to recollect the memories that happened in the year and mentioned the changes he saw.

He even hinted about Royse which caused a few to turn their heads towards his direction.

Royse mentally groaned and wanted a hole to hide into.

"Let us have his highnesses speak." Finally done with his turn, the dean turns to the side and took a step back and bowed when William walked towards the lectern.

The prince gave a small bow towards the dean before starting his speech.

"I am grateful to have spent my 3 years here in the academy." He starts.

Static can be heard on their earpiece.

A few seconds later, they could hear Damien's voice.

"I'm near the academy and I saw a blur fly past the kingdom's walls. Xena should be arriving soon." He informed.

The white-haired male stood from his station and gazed at the academy, alert of their opponent's nearing presence.

His men stood behind him. They sported a serious expression, knowing the attack that was about to happen around the academy's vicinity.

A lady walked towards the male. "The others finished their task just now. We've successfully installed the devices around town." Hazel informed.

"I see, good job. The towns ready." Damien added.

"Understood." Royse whispered from his seat. He frowned when he looks at the stage.

He noticed Henry's expression grow rigid. His posture changed and became alert.

Royse glanced at the senior's seat and saw Rohesia and Catherine turning their heads to check their classmates.

Juli and Moran remained still as they listen to the speech.

Elsie tightened her grip on Royse's hand and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

"We've experienced many challenges and we anticipate more to come in the future. And we know, it's not something we can escape from." William continued. He heard Damien's words and remained unfazed, focusing on delivering his words.

"We would rather run from it, hide from it." He looks at the students. "But if we do, we'd be limiting ourselves."

Damien continued to monitor the vicinity. When he sensed a huge aura, he turns his head towards the direction and saw a blur fly in speed towards the academy.

He frowned.

"She's nearing."

"Even if we are in fear, we strive to stand up."

Henry glanced at Royse.

Carl and Milivoj prepared to summon their weapons.

"We strive to do our best."

Rohesia and Catherine stabled their mana and started preparing their skills.

Elsie removed her hand from Royse and clasped it together, closing her eyes as she prayed.

Moran prepared his flare gun while Juli gripped his family's insignia.

"We refuse to give in."

Damien narrowed his eyes as he registered the figure dive straight towards the building they were in.

"She's here!"

"We fight back against our adversary!"

A loud sound echoed.

Explosion erupted from the ceiling. Students screamed as they rush to escape from the falling debris.

The cast stood from their seats. All of them used their skills to stop the debris and smashed the big ones into smaller pieces.

Elsie used her wind to slice the debris, protecting her section. Henry and Lan used their lightning attribute to shatter the boulders. Catherine and Milivoj used their skill to create a wall of rock to shield them.

Royse and Amy moved in a blur as they sliced the rest of the falling debris. They jumped from one wall to another and split everything into pieces.

Moran rose his hand and pulled the trigger on his flare gun.

A cloud of dust covered the area.

Advisors became alert and immediately rushed towards the students to escort them to safety.

A laugh echoed, making them stare at the ceiling.

Everyone squinted their eyes and saw someone behind the smoke.

When it dissipated, it revealed a figure.

She wore a dark outfit. The tail of the dress waved as she floated and her heels glittered at the gems embedded.

Two horns stuck out on her forehead, glowing crimson red.

Her golden-red ombre hair fluttered as her red slitted eyes scanned everyone inside the building.

She continued to laugh as she saw the fear-stricken face of everyone.

"My my my, what a joyous day it is~" She spoke loud for everyone to hear.

Royse frowned when he registered the different voice.

"I wonder if the awards have been distributed." She hummed as she gazed at the stage, noticing the desk with the certificates. "I'd like to see who those people are to deserve such things."

When she looks around, her eyes locked on a certain redhead.

"Ah, but that is not of my concern."

She widened her smile as she spread her arms.

"I am here for you after all."

A raging fire blazed from her hands. She threw it to the ground and as it flew, it erupted into a tornado.

William gritted his teeth.


Students screamed as they escape. Advisors immediately grouped from stopping the tornado to escorting the students.

"Everyone head to the exits! You are protected by the light stones that are placed on your pins!" William shouted on the microphone.

That took everyone's attention and gazed at the pin on their clothes.

"Advisors, escape along with the students!!"

Xena tsked as she diverted her attention towards the prince. She waved her hand as she narrowed her eyes. "How bothersome."

Immediately, she threw her attack towards the person on the stage.

"Your highness!"

The prince grits his teeth as he unleashed his skill. He summons his sword and pointed towards the attack.

He chants his skill and immediately, large pikes of ice towered over him, all pointing over the coming fire.

William directed it towards the attack and sent it flying.

It exploded upon collision and erupted into steam, spreading it inside the hall.

The people nearby were pushed by the force, covering themselves as they feel the heat on their skin.

Xena glowered and glanced at the side when she sensed another individual gathering mana.

Rohesia focused on her task and brought forth a water tornado of her own.

She sent it towards the fire ones. Four tornados clashed within the building.

The walls started crumbling from the impact. It collapsed as it no longer was able to support itself.

Catherine and Milivoj used their skills. Both joined forces to stabilize the building, strengthening it to stop tumbling over the students.

Xena glared at Rohesia as she recognized her. "Ah, that little pest." She growled.

The older redhead glared at the enemy.

Xena could only feel herself become furious as she gazed at her eyes. The same blue ones from 16 years ago.

"You grew up to be strong just as expected." She announced, looking down over her.

Rohesia's brows twitched as she tried to understand what the enemy meant but she shook off her thoughts and remained focused.

Smiling, Xena used her other skills. The ground shook as pillars formed, rising as it reached the ceiling, creating another hole in the roof.

The building continued to shake as it started collapsing.

From afar, citizens saw the smoke erupting from the academy and yelled when they saw it crumbling.

Damien who watched from afar saw the students that were starting to escape the building.

"The students are out!" He shouts towards his men.

Immediately, they did their job and rushed towards the students to escort them to the magic vehicles and have them escape.

Advisors helped alongside the group as they realized they were here as support.

While that was happening, students inside the building continued to scream as they escape.

Xena laughed maniacally as she sent roots to form on the ground and engulf it in fire.

Rohesia cast her skills, stopping the spread. She glanced at the students who were trapped.

Catherine and Milivoj handled them as they used their skill to move the debris.

Before Xena could send another wave of her attacks, Royse and Amy didn't allow her any further.

A blur of red and pink came flying towards the enemy, forcing her to defend herself.

Smoke erupted as the enemy was pushed back, sending her flying towards the wall.

She snarled when she regained herself. Pulling herself from where she landed.

2 figures floated as they both held their weapons and glared at the enemy.

"Ah, I guess it's time for our rematch~" She announced.

Amy smirked. "Rematch? I wonder if it counts as one when you're going to lose anyway." She taunted, tilting her head as she rose it, looking down at Xena.

The demon snarled as she became angered by her action.

Both Royse and Amy coated their weapons with the light attribute and proceeded to act as planned.

"I'll have you know, I am a lot stronger compared to our first match." She informed.

Suddenly, her arms turned black. Claws suddenly grew from her hands as her eyes glowed.

She licks her lips. "Entertain me again~"

Just like that, she appeared in front of them.

Royse and Amy anticipated her move and blocked her attack.

They flew in speed, sending shockwaves with each of their hits. Their battle could be heard from afar. The walls shook from their clashes and continued to slowly collapse.

Xena broadened the roots and sent them on fire. They spread past the auditorium and stretched into the main academy, destroying every wall.

The roots travelled towards the students that managed to escape the auditorium.

They halted when the burning roots blocked their way.

William used his skill and turned the roots into ice, fighting off the fire. "This way!" He shouts.

Students followed after his order and ran.

As Amy and Royse did their job, the rest of the cast proceeded to do theirs.

Rohesia remained near the auditorium to stop the spread of fire. She continued to use her skill and fought it off, trying to buy enough time for the people to escape.

She summoned an ice wall to shield herself from the debris that collapsed.

"Rohesia!" Carl called from their earpiece. "Target the roots! They won't easily catch on fire if they're wet!" The brunette spoke amidst the chaos.

Rohesia heard his words and nodded.

She directed her skills towards the roots and made sure to extinguish the fire.

She panted as she continued her job. Smoke continued to fill the building, causing everyone to have a difficult time breathing.

Noticing this, Elsie used her wind skills and sent them outside the shattered windows.

She panted and flinched when she feels her mana used. She hurriedly grabbed another bracelet that Royse gave her and wore it. She immediately felt her mana regenerate quickly as a result.

She was about to continue her job when a stronger gust appeared. She looks at her side and saw Moran assisting.

"Allow me." He spoke and with a wave of his hand, he manipulated the smoke and sent them outside.

A scream then took their attention.

They turn their heads and saw the ceiling collapsing.

Milivoj and Catherine were about to use their skill to protect the students but were surprised to see someone fly towards the debris.

A loud roar of thunder erupted. It struck the debris, shattering it into dust.

The one responsible landed on the ground with a great sword in his hand.

Juli's hair fluttered from the impact and stood still. He turns towards the students and spoke. "Please leave this to us."

They nodded and continued to rush towards the exit.

Juli turns towards the roots and walked.

He was calm as he travelled. He strode towards the roots and stretched his arm, lifting his weapon with one hand.

Just like that, he easily sliced the roots that blocked their path.

Moran smirked as he did the same. He used his wind and sent it towards the roots, cutting it into pieces.

While they were busy, Milivoj and Rohesia decided to follow after the students and protect them from the collapsing building.

"We'll keep them safe!" Milivoj spoke.

Catherine used her skill and strengthened the walls when she saw them starting to collapse towards the group of students.

"Leave the fire to us!" Rohesia replied as she continued to extinguish them.

William did the same as he created a wall of ice, blocking the spread. "Henry, how's your end?" He asks his brother through the earpiece. His sweat continued to trickle as the surroundings grew in temperature.

"The advisors are making sure everyone is directed at the right place. They're fighting off the fire on the other side of the building to give access to the remaining students." The other prince informed as he gazed at the people that were escaping.

"Your highness, please escape!" An advisor spoke.

Henry shook his head. "No. I will not leave until there are no more students left in the building." He declared.

The advisor sceptically nods. "Then allow us to assist you!"

Carl absorbed the flames and groaned when it felt weird. "The level of fire from the enemy is serious. My body can't take too much." He comments as he gazed at his palms. He wiped the bead of sweat that trickled over his eyes.

When he sees a student about to be surrounded by the flames, Carl immediately rushed towards them.

Fortunately, they glowed as the light stone took effect and protected them. When the student realized this, they hurriedly left the scene.

The brunette sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness for the stones. They're a huge help..."

"But we must not rely on them. It's still our job to protect them." William reminded as he used his skill to freeze the roots.

Rohesia used her ice attribute as well to cut them. She used her foot and directed the ice to spread on the floor and seep into the other rooms that now had fire.

"Rosey, how are you doing there?" Rohesia asked in concern, huffing as she tried to regulate the temperature around her.

The said redhead groaned as he was sent flying towards the wall. He gasped as the air left his lungs.

Immediately, everyone heard him and called his name.

He coughed as he regained his breath. He stood up and gazed at Amy who covered for him.

"D-Doing good. Just a little miscalculation." He assured as he wiped the blood on his nose with his sleeve.

Again, he flew towards Xena, making sure not to repeat his mistake.

"HAHAHAHA! HOW LOVELY!" Xena shouted as she blocked the attacks and sent a wave of shadow towards Amy.

The light user flew to avoid it but it stretched and grabbed her ankle. She used her skill and purified it.

She flew away and sent light cannons towards her target.

Xena mixed her skills and sent an attack to counter it. "The same thing? How original!" She laughed.

Amy snarled. "Has everyone escaped yet?!" She asks, feeling herself become irritated at the fact that she needed to control her strength until the others were done.

"Not yet!" Rohesia answered. She gazed at the few students that were running. "There're still a couple more in our side, what about his highness Henry?"

The prince examined his surroundings. "The advisors are checking one last time for any remaining students." He informed.

"We arrived near the exit." Catherine spoke next. She sees Milivoj entering each room to save any trapped students. "Most of them have escaped back in town. The knights are stationed outside to provide support." She panted.

"Yeah, things are doing good on our end." Damien spoke as he ordered his men to drive the magic vehicles to the emergency points. "The knights informed us that adventurers are stationed and ready for battle."

Amy groaned as she blocked an attack and was sent flying from the force. "Tell us when it's time!" She spoke as she regained her balance. Afterwards, she sent her attack with a shout.

Xena smirked, already reading through her actions.

She used the roots to cover for her and sent another tornado of fire.

This time, Royse was the one to nullify it. Stretching his hand, he uses his attributes to cancel out the attack. The tornado disappeared as if it wasn't there.

The redhead glared daggers over the enemy.

Xena widened her smile.

"How beautiful~"

She gazed at those black eyes.

"Yes, this time, I will succeed and retrieve my position~"

Suddenly, her aura spiked and her body glowed a dark colour. She stared at Royse and targeted him.

She disappeared from her position.

Amy was unable to follow through with her movement but knew she was after her friend.

"ROYSE!" She shouts in alarm.

The redhead was able to defend himself just in time and grunted at the impact. He supported his weapon with both of his hands. He grits his teeth as he felt himself being pushed back.

Xena laughed as she closed their distance, staring right at his eyes. Her arms shook as she exerted force.

She didn't care if her skin burned from his light-coated sword.

Royse chanted his skill through his gritted teeth.

A poison hydra took form and flew from the ground, roaring as it made its appearance.

It flew towards them, taking the two of them in its mouth.

The redhead closed one of his eyes as he swam inside the hydra's body. He used his skill and teleported outside and back in the tattered auditorium.

He gasped for air and watched the poison hydra coil as it trapped their opponent.

Of course, a few seconds later, the monster suddenly glowed and was engulfed by flames.

It exploded afterwards with Xena escaping unscathed.

She chuckled, satisfied at what Royse had done. "Oh how delightful. Yes, show me more~!" Her aura spiked once again and rose her palm.

Black flames emitted from it. It grew in size and formed into a sphere. The fire circulated and glowed. Not only that but Xena also covered it with the dark attribute.

They could feel the heat despite the distance and knew she was getting serious.

"Shit!" Amy cursed.

"Language lady Braegon." Milivoj reprimanded.

"Sure, try not to curse when there's a ball of fire the size of a fucking meteorite about to engulf our asses!" She snapped as she gazed at the sphere above them.

By this time, the light user held no care if she was cursing right through everyone's ears.

Ignoring it, the rest became worried at how the battle was going on their side.

"How long till everyone's gone?" Royse asked as he spread his arms, preparing his skill. He started constructing a pentagon shape with his attribute.

Henry saw the advisors notifying them that there were no more students in the area. "We're good here." He informed as he started rushing alongside the advisors to evacuate.

"We're also done here!" Carl states as he absorbed the flames that circulated him and Juli. After that, they grouped up with Rohesia and the rest.

"All there's left are us. Anyone here able to transport us quickly?" Carl asked as he looked at the others.

Moran grinned as he used his skill and lifted everyone. They suddenly sat in the air and before they realized it, they were travelling towards the evacuation area in speed.

They covered their eyes from the dust and smoke. Moran easily controlled the direction and avoided the falling rocks.

Elsie opened one of her eyes and noticed the ceiling collapsing over them. She opened her mouth agape as she alerted them.

"It's collapsing!" She shouts in fear.

Hearing her words, all of them turns their head above. Walls and ceiling formed cracks and started dropping around them.

It fell on their sides, causing them to lose balance. Moran felt his sweatdrop and gritted his teeth as he fixed their position.

Juli turns his head towards his brother.


"Yeah, I heard you." The yellow-eyed male spoke. He sped up and sensed his surroundings for any incoming debris.

An explosion shook the building, causing Moran to steer their direction into a drift to avoid colliding with falling rubbles.

The passengers tumbled from their seats as they try to keep themselves balanced.

William glanced at Rohesia. When the redhead noticed his gaze, she immediately understood and gave him a nod.

The two of them prepared their skills.

Frost started to form around their hands. With a determined gaze, they look up and chanted their skills at the same time.

Stretching their hands, they sent ice towards the top. It spread throughout the ceiling and halted their collapse. They continued to freeze the building as they make their escape.

"Hold on tight!" Moran informed. As soon as the words escaped his lips, their speed doubled. Carl and Elsie closed their eyes as the wind threatened to push them off their position.

William and Rohesia continued to freeze everything around them, giving Moran an easier time to bring them outside.

Juli focused in front. When he saw the familiar arc, he informed everyone.

"We're near the exit."

They continued to zoom past the cracked walls. A few seconds later, they successfully escaped through the door.

Moran controlled the air to a halt.

Knights immediately rushed towards the last group of evacuees.

"Your highness!" They shouted as they neared.

The air supported them as they stood. Elsie felt her legs shake and struggled to stand. Rohesia saw her state and caught her.

William strode towards the knights.

"Has everyone around the area evacuated?" He asked, focused on the case.

The knight nods. "Yes. Citizens have been notified and are currently heading towards the emergency point." He informed.

The prince nods. Before he was about to ask for the other's whereabouts through the earpiece, a loud explosion was heard.

It shook the ground, causing them to wobble.

All of them turned their attention to the source and saw the academy's roof being engulfed by a blazing sphere of black shadow.

"Wait, is that what Amy meant?" Carl asks, eyes wide from the size. They immediately felt the heat that surrounded the building.

Everyone was reminded of who they were dealing with.

"Your highnesses! Please evacuate! His highness Henry has already ridden a vehicle and is headed towards the town!"

William frowned as he turns towards his group. "Everyone!"

Not wasting a second, they rushed towards their respective magic vehicles. As soon as the doors closed the driver stepped on the pedal and drove at its full speed.

2 last vehicles left the academy's ground.

"Royse!" William called as he looks at the back window and watch the academy crumble.


"Everyone has evacuated!"

The redhead smiled from his place.


Royse turns towards Amy and saw her smile.

"Now that's what I was waiting for!" She comments.

Finally allowed to let loose, she finally became serious. "Royse, I'll leave it to you!" She spoke.


The light user flew in speed towards Xena.

The demon created clones of herself and sent them towards the duo to fight them off.

"Watch everything disappear right before your eyes!" She yelled. The sphere continued to grow and engulfed the buildings, turning them into dust as it made contact.

Amy easily retaliated and created clones of herself with her attribute. They flew and battled the shadow ones and fought for victor.

Royse dodged the clones and didn't attack. He was focused on his task and flew around the place.

Pentagon shapes swirled around him as he manoeuvred. Sweat trickled down his cheeks as he focused on evading and completing his task. The heat grew, making him discard his coat.

One minute ago when Royse was still preparing his skill, he had informed Amy of his plan.

"You want me to divert her focus?" She asks as she flew around the place, trying to attack Xena. She panted when she was easily countered. "Aren't I doing that now?"

The redhead flew to avoid the debris that fell. "No, I want you to make her forget about me, even just for a few seconds." He explained as he avoided an attack.

Amy gritted her teeth as she exerted force to slice the boulders that Xena sent towards her way. "I can do that but what do you plan to do?" She asks. With a shout, she sliced the boulders into pieces.

"I'm encasing that attack and sending it to the void." He explained.

The light user frowned as she panted. "Shouldn't you save it for last? It has a cooldown of 1 week right?"

"We still have another option. Right now we need to focus on this." He replied as he flew around the place to mark his surroundings.

Amy tsk'd in irritation as she fixed her stance. "Fine, leave it to me!"

Returning to the present, Amy rose her sword.

Chanting her skill, a light beam shot out of it and into the grey sky.

It shone bright, capturing everyone's attention.

Shadow clones all turned towards the light. They snarled as their focus shifted on Amy.

"They despise the light right?" She asks.

The redhead smirked. "Yeah. They'll do all they can to remove it."

The beam connected with Amy's clones. They grew and strengthened and proceeded to easily defeat the shadow ones.

"Good to know!" A smile was plastered on her face as she glared at their enemy. "Time for me to get serious!"

Xena gritted her teeth but still remained focused on the gigantic sphere in her hand.

Amy mouthed her skill and sent light cannons towards Xena. Not only that, she also doubled the number of clones.

They all targeted Xena. Shadows fought them to protect her but they were outnumbered.

Xena gritted her teeth as she halted her current task to protect herself. She watched her surroundings and avoided the cannons along with the clones that came her way.

Attacks came from all her sides. She flew around to avoid it and shouted in pain when she was struck.

Amy didn't allow a moment for her to rest.

She flew towards her and used her special weapon.

A hundred swords were summoned around her. She coated them with light and sent them towards Xena. Amy unleashed her skills and travelled in speed towards the enemy.

Xena widened her eyes and found no escape. She covered herself in shadow armour, deciding to deflect the swords instead. But she screamed as soon as she made contact with it.

Amy smirked. "Idiot. All those swords have a buff in nullifying the dark attribute." The light user smiled as she swung her sword and sliced through Xena.

The enemy screamed as she was pushed back.

The redhead watched and realized the weapon that Amy found along with his.

"So that's what you meant." He smirked. He knew one weapon that was capable of that. But he also knew that it had a requirement for a person to use the weapon's abilities.

Xena screamed, feeling all the pain that her body took.

What was happening?

How come the light user suddenly grew stronger?

She was having difficulties a while ago.

Her fighting suddenly changed.

Did that mean she was toying with her?

Was she hiding her skills all along?

Xena opened her eyes and saw amethyst ones glaring at her. It shone brightly as she fought.

She gasped when the sword pierced through her abdomen.

She lets out a scream and unleashed her skills. She rose the ground to create a wall around her and sent burning roots to stop Amy's attack.

Xena floated in the middle of her makeshift base. She gritted her teeth as she tried to stop her wound from spreading.

She was about to remove the light attribute lingering on the wound inflicted but halted when the walls shook and started collapsing.

Dust scattered all over the place. Smoke came from all around, covering them.

The roots that Xena unleashed were chopped to pieces, the wall she rose crumbled and fell on the ground, shaking the environment.

A figure floated behind the smoke.

Glowing amethyst eyes stared at Xena's bloodied body.

She trembled when she realized the true strength of the lady before her.

Gritting her teeth, she finally decided to act on her next plan. She immediately flew towards the sphere she left floating in the air.

"AS IF I'LL ALLOW YOU TO DEFEAT ME!" She screamed. The shadow around it grew stronger.

Xena saw the timing and stretched her hand. She moved it, sending it towards the ground.

The catastrophic attack flew towards them. It absorbed the building and turned them into ashes.

The view seemed as if it came from a movie.

A gigantic attack that was capable of destructing mankind.

Amy wiped the sweat off her forehead as she gazed at the sphere that made its way. "This should be enough right?" She looks at the blur of red in the sky.


The said figure smiled.

"Thanks for the hard work." He announced.

The pentagon shapes were now placed on its designated area.

Royse triggered his skill. It glowed as it started moving. Aura shot out of his creations and headed towards the sphere that descended.

They circled around the blazing shadow and connected with one another.

Xena widened her eyes when she saw what was happening. Sensing the familiar presence, she looks up and saw the redhead flying above them.

Royse spread his arms as shapes floated around him. Aura surrounded his body and headed towards the raging sphere.

Xena realized she forgot about her main target and snarled. She flew towards him to stop what he was about to do but failed when Amy sent an attack and slice her.

She screamed in agony and was sent flying. She landed on the ground and created a crater due to the impact.

Royse used his skills.

When all auras were finally finished, he proceeded to the next step.

It spread around the globe and encased it. It glowed purple as it did its job.

Fully covering it, the sphere lessened in size.

Royse used his space attribute and swallowed the massive sphere. The aura that surrounded it continued to constrict its size.

From the size of a meteor, it turned into a small orb before finally being fully engulfed by the void.

Everything happened in a blur.

The sphere seemed as if it wasn't there in the beginning. The only thing that showed its existence was the destructive aftermath it caused.

Royse flinched when his mana depleted. He shook it off and saw Xena laying on the ground.

He descended and stood on the uneven terrain. Amy followed after and stood beside him.

The two of them was alert as they watch Xena move and regain herself.

She looks up and saw them looking down on her.

Their figures loomed.

The scene caused an image to resurface in her mind.


An elf stood in front of her.


"You are weak."


"You cannot defeat me."


Xena screamed as she released her mana. Her aura spiked as the darkness engulfed her body.

Royse and Amy were pushed back by the force.

The wind grew stronger by the second. Trees rustled as the leaves fly from their branches.

The redhead and light user prepared for the next phase.

Dark shadows revolved around her body and obstructed her from view.

When she was finished, the shadows disappeared and revealed her.

Her appearance was now fully different.

Black covered her eyes. Her hair glowed a crimson red with blonde highlights. Her horns grew longer and glowed. Fangs were seen on her teeth. Her arms were decorated in scales.

When she opened her mouth, a long forked tongue was seen.

The aura around her was starkly different from earlier.

She gazed at them with hatred. She hissed, similar to a snake. When she stretched her hand towards them, an attack came.

Royse and Amy flew to avoid it in time.

The attack came in speed. It shot straight like a cannon but after, it exploded and destroyed the land.

The two of them felt their sweatdrop as they realized the new power their enemy possessed.

Royse opened his mouth and spoke.

"2nd phase has arrived."

Okumaya devam et

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