In Safe Hands 2: In My Arms (...

By AuthorUprising36

50.2K 3.2K 2.8K

~Sequel to In Safe Hands~ They thought it was over. Yugi and Yami were together and were safe. For good. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Shameless Self Advert: NEW FANFIC

Chapter 18

1.1K 76 112
By AuthorUprising36


Please keep in mind that I am still not very updated with the affairs of GX and such, so I am not very sure that Crowler is one of Jesse's teachers.

I could be wrong, so I'm just making that clear before I cause any confusion.

Anyway, let's get ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!


The next day, Yuya's mother came to find him at the hospital. She had no idea that Yuya never made it home, and she had no idea either on the whereabouts of her husband.

"He usually likes being alone to work on dueling tactics..." She had told Yami when she picked her son up, "...but never around Yuya or in public. Thanks for taking care of him. I owe you so much."

Yami shook his head at this statement and chuckled, dismissing the offer.

They were all friends in Domino City. And in Yami's eyes, friends didn't ever keep score. He didn't see that as fit in a true friendship.

After the ordeal with Yuya the adorable cutie, Yami returned to work, surgery after surgery like always.

Yugi on the other hand, didn't have that busy of a schedule. He had arrived later in the morning than Yami had, getting some sleep after the late night he sent with his Mou Hitori.

He was inching closer and closer to making the decision. He wanted to move in with Yami, but he didn't know when was the right time to tell him.

Well, he had a lot of time to think about it.

He did have appointments with various patients, all of them varying in ages. But they weren't until later in the day. His first surgery wasn't really scheduled just yet.

So, he was open for anything all day.

He walked up to the front desk, where Mana chattered with Mahad over various everyday things. They seemed especially happy today, which made Yugi think that something was up.

No, he knew something was up. He knew it when he saw their hands laced together at their sides as they talked.

Yugi smirked and leaned on the desk.

"Goooood morning, childs." Yugi laughed slightly, "How are we today?"

Mana beamed, looking from Mahad to Yugi, "We are great. We could never be any happier."

Yugi tilted his head, eyeing them both in a very playful fashion.

"And what may this occasion be?" Yugi smiled slightly.

"They had an extra bowl of frosting and sprinkles for breakfast!!"

Suddenly, a fourth figure came sliding in. Yugi was knocked back slightly, but he was caught by that new figure, who held him tightly.

Mana laughed, Mahad shaking his head at the new arrival.

"Nope. Wish we did, but nope." Mahad chuckled, "Sorry, Yami."

The fourth person to join, clicked his tongue with teasing frustration, looking to the side slightly.

"Dang it..." He muttered, then looked right back up at them, "Did Eren Jaeger finally come in for a check up after his 5 years of going without one?"

Suddenly, a young man who stood a few feet away, about 18 or 19 years of age now, turned and looked at them.

"What?" He asked.

They all shook their heads, "Nothing, Eren!" They laughed.

"Well, yeah, but that's not the reason~!" Mana giggled, shaking her head just as Mahad did.

Yami looked at Yugi and Yugi looked back at him with a shrug. They both looked at Mana and Mahad.

"Then what?" They both said at the same time, their voices in complete unison.

Mahad and Mana raised their right hands, showing a new accessory that they both got. A ring. They were identical.

Yami and Yugi both jumped back as if they were blown away. They smiled and Yami hugged them both in a huge bear hug.

"Why didn't you tell me that you two were engaged earlier???" He asked, laughing.

"I only asked her this morning!" Mahad said, chuckling and separating from them, "You know, while you were dealing with that chick who was hit by that train."

Yugi looked at Yami, who nodded back at him sullenly.

"Yeah, well I would have wanted to see that more than what I saw on the operating table." Yami muttered, "She's comatose now. We have no idea when she's gonna wake up..."

Yugi patted his shoulder and grinned reassuringly. Yami looked at him.

"You did what you had to. Now, she has to make the choice to come back or give in to the inevitable." He told him, "You've done what you could do."

Yami looked at him and smiled, hugging him too.

"Come here, aibou." He chuckled slightly, hugging him in a tight, loving embrace, "It feels like forever since the last time I held you this close."

"Forever and a day..." Yugi giggled, highly aware that they hugged like this the night before.

Yami finally separated, going a bit red with blush and he looked at Mana and Mahad.

"Crongrats, guys~!" He cheered again.

"So, are you two gonna do anything to celebrate this?" Yugi asked.

Mana and Mahad exchanged glances before looking back at them. Mana leaned into their ears, whispering in a very low voice so that no one could hear.

"We're going to eat out at Michio Mokota's new restaurant." She squealed, "You know, the newest one down town?"

"Ooooooh, that one?" Yugi beamed, "I heard they have some good pocky flavored ice cream!"

"Pocky flavored ice cream?!" Yami looked at him with wide and wonder-filled eyes, "Okay, aibou. We're eating there. Me and you. Soon. Very soon."

Yugi laughed, patting his head.

"Okay, Mou Hitori No Boku." He smiled, "We're gonna go to that restaurant, but only if you're a good little doctor."

"I'ma be a good little doctor~!" Yami smiled in return, his voice resembling that of a child, making Yugi grin wider, "I pwomise!"

"Good~!" Yugi beamed, when suddenly, his pager went off. He fished it out of his pocket and sighed. Looked like he was late for a check up.

"Well, I better be off." Yugi said, looking at them and turning.

Yami grabbed his hand and turned him back around to face him, Yugi's eyes widening when he did so.

"U-Um...yes?" Yugi smiled slightly once more.

"Are you forgetting something?" Yami smiled, locking he and Yugi's lips together for a brief three seconds before letting go and watching a red faced Yugi walk away, halfway dazed from what just happened.

Mana squealed from what she had just seen, letting her fangirl self take over for a very brief amount of time before she finally regained her composure.

"Excuse me, gentlemen and lady~." Yet another voice joined their conversation as a Lady Ga Ga looking wannabe stepped up to the desk.

"Oh, hello there, Ma'am." Mahad said, greeting the new arrival.

He was then answered to by a loud pound on the desk.

"I am a MAN." The man declared, "My name is Professor Crowler. Call me by no other name."

Mana and Yami both snickered silently as Mahad stepped back, taken slightly back by this man's remark, but he still kept himself calm and collected.

That was one of the qualities of a true doctor, anyway.

"Well, Professor Crowler, how may we help you today?" Mana said, finally letting her giggles die down.

"I would like to visit a student of mine who is currently in your hands at the moment." Crowler responded, raising his chin ever so slightly.

Mana nodded, turning to her computer that was nearby and began typing, her gaze on the screen, but her voice to Crowler.

"And who might this patient be?" Mana looked up at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Jesse Anderson." Crowler answered her, "You know the one."

She nodded and pointed down the hall to where his room was and she then received a nod of the head from Crowler before he turned and made his way to the young boy's room.

Yami looked back at them, bursting into laughter as soon as he was out of earshot.

"Did you see that?!" He doubled over, making Mana giggle slightly and Mahad go completely red.

"Dude, he had a FULL FACE OF MAKEUP." Mahad said, looking at them both, "How was I supposed to know that he was a man?"

Mana laughed, "I loved your face when you found he was a guy! That was priceless! All color left it and you were shocked!"

"That's because I WAS shocked!" Mahad chuckled slightly, still pretty embarrassed.

Yami's laughter soon died down and he met Mahad's side, putting his arm around him.

"Even more so, Mahad." He said in a very philosophical tone, "It takes many different types people to make the world go round. VERY different."

This made them all laugh, until Mahad's pager suddenly began to beep. He then suddenly remembered about a meeting he had and turned.

"Well, hey. Where are you going?" Mana looked at him, raising an eyebrow at his sudden movements.

"I have a really important meeting that I have to be at like, right now." Mahad said, looking back at them, but quickly pacing away, "See you guys at break!"

Yami leaned on the desk and waved at him, looking at what Mana was doing on the computer as she went through files.

"Anything new?" He asked.

"Nothing new." Mana shook her head in reply.

Suddenly, that Mrs. Man was back and Yami straightened up when he saw him. He couldn't wait to see what else unfolded in front of him this time.

"Excuse me." Crowler said, looking at Mana.

"Yes?" Mana looked right back at him, politely.

"Are you aware of when Jesse might wake up?" Crowler questioned her, making both she and Yami freeze.

Yami's eyes widened and he looked at Crowler.

"He still isn't awake?" He asked.

Crowler shook his head, "Not at the moment, anyway. But I was hoping to have a few words with the boy. I would like to know when I could be back to speak with him."

Yami looked at Mana. He and she both knew that Jesse should have been up by now. They had no idea what was taking him so long. Perhaps they had missed something in his surgery?

Yami looked back at a tall, slender nurse with long purple hair that was tied up into a ponytail. She looked at him, immediately feeling his eyes on her.

"Miho, are you Jesse Anderson's nurse?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I sure am." She nodded, attention all on him.

"Have you done his morning cleaning and reading yet?" Yami asked still, putting a hand on his hip.

Miho thought about it for a second, but shook her head.

"I was actually just about to go do so before I got distracted." She admitted.

Yami nodded and looked at Mana, raising an eyebrow. He walked over to her and stood behind her, looking at the screen of the computer as she went through the files, looking for Jesse's.

"When was the last time he had a scan?" Yami asked her, taking note of every single piece of information he was able to get.

"I don't think he ever had one other than the one we gave him when he first got out of surgery." She shook her head and looked up at him.

Yami straightened up and looked at Miho, pointing.

"Miho, set him up for a scan. This kid is gonna need it if we wanna find out what is keeping him from waking." Yami instructed, Miho turning and doing just that.

Yami turned and looked at Mana.

"I want you to come with me to help check his readings. Let's go."

Yami and Mana left there without a moment of hesitation.

Yami's eyes never left that open door that led to Jesse's room. His pace never died down. His determination was never this flared up.

Jesse could not be in a coma.

Yami wouldn't let it be so if it hadn't happened yet.

But he still didn't know if he still had a chance.

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