Transmigration as an Unknown...

By saikkuro

282K 12.1K 5.3K

I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 42

924 37 5
By saikkuro

Catherine huffed, trying to catch her breath.

She rose her head as she stared at the training ground. She sees Milivoj, Amy, and Rohesia training.

She watches how the trio moved accustomed. They knew how to fight and fair well with battling each other.

The blonde was aware of how amazing the 3 were.

She furrows her brows as she looks down.

Catherine knew she didn't excel in this field and accepted that fact. But had she known this situation would've happened, she might've taken up training in advance.

She was still feeling guilty for not taking action despite being aware of Amelie's situation. She thought it was enough to see her friending Royse.

In the end, she passed her job towards the redhead. Depending on him to help her cousin when in fact, she should've been the one in his place.

Catherine felt as if she failed at being a family to her.

Raising her head, she sees Rohesia walking towards her.

Shaking her thoughts off her head, she sent a smile towards the redhead. "Finish already?" She asks.

Rohesia nervously smiled. "Not really. Milivoj said he wanted to battle Amy-san for a while."

"Ahh, I see..."

The redhead stood by the blonde's side. She glanced at her and studied her expression.

Catherine wore the same smile, but Rohesia knew her eyes spoke differently.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

The blonde opened her mouth to assure her friend but stopped as she knew Rohesia would see through her lie.

"I'm simply guilty. I..." She paused, looking down as she held a solemn gaze. "I just wished I could've been a better family to my dear cousin."

The redhead frowned. Catherine was not at fault but she was sure the blonde would deny it. She knew the blonde was blaming herself.

"Catherine-sama..." Rohesia pursed her lips, trying to think of the right reply. "But, Catherine-sama will be saving her, right..?" She asks.

The blonde rose her head to look at her friend. She sees Rohesia gazing at her own eyes.

She felt lost at her gaze and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, this time, I will do my best." She spoke, feeling her former thoughts disappear with her new resolve.

Rohesia softly smiled. She leans towards the blonde and placed her head over her shoulder.

"I'm glad." She whispers.

Amy huffed as she blocked the incoming attack. After stopping it, the light user jumped back and fixed her stance.

Milivoj did the same as he gripped his weapon tighter. He stared at the lady before him with a smile.

"You've improved." He comments.

Amy simply smirked. "Obviously. Know that you're to blame for persuading me to join the knights, if you hadn't then perhaps you're stronger than me by now." She taunts.

Milivoj could only widen his smile. "I'd rather not take an easy win." He replies.

After their small talk, Milivoj rushed towards the lady and sent his attack.

Amy carefully followed his movements and made sure to counter them. She twirled her body as she easily blocked and dodged the swing.

Milivoj refused to give up and continued with his job. They were training for the event that will soon happen, he needed to be serious with his sparring.

Amy could feel the male's passion and knew she needed to respond to it. She made sure to battle seriously with the male and prove to him that she wouldn't give in so easily.

Their swords hit with each other, pushing them as both refused to lose. Dust continued to cloud around them due to their quick steps.

When Amy saw a chance, she prepared herself and gathered her strength. She moved in a blur and smiled as she sends her attack.

But her attention was soon moved towards the two figures behind Milivoj.

Noticing her distracted, Milivoj used this as a chance to counter her.

Amy blinked in surprise and used her sword as a shield, pushing her and sending her skidding on the ground from the force.

She panted as she maintained her balance, glad she made it in time.

Milivoj frowned. He knew how Amy tended to be focused on her thoughts, but to become distracted when they were sparring?

It didn't sit well to him.

He walked towards the lady. Amy saw the male and knew Milivoj must've noticed her sudden change.

She sighs, placing a hand on her hips. "My bad. You can blame me for that one, I got side-tracked." She explains, admitting her mistake.

The male deepened his frown.


As if expecting his words, the lady didn't let him continue. "I know I know. I'm fine. The plan just weighs heavy ok, 'specially with me and Royse being the ones to battle Xena." She announced.

Milivoj knew that wasn't the only reason. He knew Amy suddenly changed when she noticed something behind him.

Realizing this, he turns his head and saw the two figures from afar.

When he returns his attention towards Amy, he noticed her pained expression as she also gazed at the 2.


Milivoj finally understood why.

Amy huffed, walking away. "Let's end this. We've battled enough for today. Let's continue this tomorrow." She announced, making her way towards the changing area.

But she halted when a large hand grabbed her wrist.

Amy sighed as she turns towards Milivoj. She sees his expression and knew he was worried for her.

"I know you hate that I'm being distracted, but I promise that I'll do my best not to repeat it." She assures.

Milivoj didn't give in and kept his hold. He frowned, knowing he couldn't bear to see his rival like this.

"Can you at least tell me your worries...?" He asks in a soft tone, keeping his gaze towards her.

She widened her eyes as she registered his words.

This took Amy by surprise.

He knew Milivoj showed his concerns through actions but this was the first for him to voice his thoughts like this.

For him to ask her so softly.

She wanted to ignore the male but a part of her knew she needed to appreciate her friend's concern and effort.

'That's right, he was also like this back in the school festival.'

Amy pursed her lips.

"Sorry, but a lady just needs to move on from a heartbreak..."

She finally admitted it.

She had expected Royse to be the only one to know.

To think she would've opened up to Milivoj as well.

She sadly smiles.

This might be the first for her to say something to the male. She always escaped from his questions. Always left him hanging.

Milivoj couldn't find the words to reply.

He studied Amy's expression and felt a pang in his chest as he knew the pain that painted her face.

He wasn't familiar with the concept of romance.

Never did it cross his mind.

His thoughts only revolved around how he would become strong. How he would defend the citizens and especially have Amy fight alongside him.

But this?

He didn't know how to console her.

He was worried but at the same time, he hated the feeling of Amy being in this state.

Amy was open to showing her appreciation with Rohesia, but many of them only thought of it as an endearment towards a friend.

But she was serious.

The gaze she sent towards the redhead was sincere.

And Milivoj felt himself becoming angry for realizing this.

"I, I don't know much about this..." He starts.

Amy softly smiled, understanding that her friend didn't understand the concept but she was grateful for his attempt.

She was about to assure him but stopped when he continued.

"But, I know that you are strong." Milivoj declares as he gazed at her. Staring at her amethyst eyes.

"But I know that this pain is a different kind that even the strongest people suffer with. I know that it takes a long time for this to heal..." He pursed his lips.

"But, I-..."

He halts.

"I am here for you..."

The wind wafted by them.

Silence lingered in the atmosphere as Milivoj spoke his words.

Amy could only gaze at him.

Trying to read his eyes. Read his feelings.

"I will wait for you by your side."

"Wait for you as you heal..."

Amy could only open her mouth. Silent at his words.

No longer able to stop herself, she laughed.

Milivoj blushed a crimson red.

"Haha!! Really, this doesn't suit you!"

The male could only be silent as he allowed the lady to laugh at him.

"But-" Amy wiped the tears that escaped her eyes.

Milivoj gazed at her.

He felt his breath hitch at the soft smile and gaze that Amy sent.

"Thank you...for being with me..."


Royse busied himself with the documents that were scattered on his desk.

He reads every content, making sure to send a reply to their reports. Stacks of paper piled on his desk, covering him from view.

The redhead was busy with his job that he didn't notice Mark walking towards him.

"Young Master, Viscount Vazquez wishes to schedule a meeting." He announced.

The redhead simply hummed as he kept his focus on the documents. "Please kindly inform him that I will be busy for the whole month. If he wishes to meet me, I'm afraid he'll have to wait for quite some time." He replies. After revising the document in his hand, he hands it towards his secretary. "Also, please send this to our main branch. I'll be issuing a change of faculty members."

Mark bowed as he takes the paper and did his job. As he was about to leave the room, the older male glanced at the young master.

He heaves a sigh before leaving the room.

Mark was concerned with how busy Royse was. He understood that the redhead had a lot of things to do, especially with the investigation going on and along with his training. But what made Mark confused was how Royse was finishing every work immediately.

As if he had a deadline to meet.

There was also something odd with how Royse was reviewing employment forms. Technically the redhead wasn't supposed to be handling that task, but Royse was adamant that he should be the one to review it to avoid another incident like the merchant a few months ago.

Not only that, but the redhead was also busy withholding an inspection with each of their branch and him assigning new managers and such. He was also more strict.

There was also the case where Royse would hand his workload to the other people, which Mark was glad, but he was surprised that there were sensitive documents that he had also included.

Of course, their people were trustworthy enough, but Mark couldn't shake off the feeling of how subtly odd the redhead has been.

In the meantime, Mark would continue his job of observing Royse.

The redhead sighed as he leaned on his seat. He felt drained as he finally finished the batch of work for the afternoon.

Only allowing himself a few minutes of rest, he stood from his seat and walked towards a cabinet.

He rummaged inside it and found the familiar box. He opened it and made sure the content was still the same.

Seeing how it was still there, he closes his cabinet and walked into the middle of his office. He closes his eyes as he starts praying.

Light attribute poured from his body as he allowed his mind to dwell further.

A few seconds later, when he opened his eyes, he sees himself standing in a white area.

When he turns his head, he sees a familiar figure.

With a smile, he waves. "Hello, Cilena." He greets.

The Goddess returns his expression as she walked towards him. "I believe it's been a while since we last saw each other. I saw how busy you've been." She comments.

The redhead nervously chuckles. "I hope you don't mind."

Cilena simply smiled as she shook her head. "Worry not. I'm aware of the current situation. You are nearing the end-game, therefore needs to be prepared."

Royse was relieved to hear her words. He stretches his hand and showed the box.

Cilena blinked in surprise and took the object. "This is?" She asks as she inspected the object.

"A gift. I haven't been offering you for a while." Royse explains.

The Goddess chuckled. "Thank you. Although I do miss the treats that you offered, you need not give me a gift every time. Simply providing me conversation is more than enough."

Royse laughed. "Please expect more to come."

Cilena huffed but smiled at the redhead. She continued to gaze at the male, taking in his appearance.

"Looking at you now, years have truly passed." She comments fondly.

She remembers the time when she first met him. The time when he was still new to the world.

Royse sadly smiled, understanding her words. "Indeed. It makes you sentimental huh." He sheepishly states as he scratches his cheeks bashfully.

The Goddess could only nod in agreement. "Yes. Now, you are in this phase of the game. May you be successful with your battle."

Royse smiles. "Thank you."

Soon, the redhead glowed. Particles floated around him, signalling his return.

When he blinked his eyes, he sees himself back in his office.

He heaves out a sigh as the words of Cilena echo in his mind. He truly hopes they win the battle.

Shaking off his thoughts, he walked towards his desk to continue his job. There was still a lot for him to finish.

He grabs a document and frowned. "I've already thought the others how to do this task, but to be sure, I should supervise them and see how they fare." He murmurs as he places the paper down and checked his calendar.

He hums as he tries to see if he could add that plan to his schedule.

Just then, a knock can be heard.

The redhead removed his attention on the calendar and allowed entry.

Mark appeared and walked inside the room with another person.

Royse smiled as he sees his friend.

"Lady Amy is here for a visit." His butler announced.

"Thank you Mark-san."

The older male bowed and turns his back, but before he could exit, Royse stopped him.

"Ah, wait. Can you change my schedule for next week's inspection? I'd like it if I could stay in our branch to supervise the workers along with the people in the office."

Mark rose a brow but nods as he finally left the room.

Amy huffed as she turns towards her friend. She gazed at him in disbelief as she noticed the stack of papers across his desk.

"Is it just me or did the number of documents increase so suddenly?" She asks as she strode towards the redhead.

Royse sighed. "It did. And before you reprimand me, the reason for this would be because I'm instructing the others about these tasks. You said to pass this job to others, and so I did. But I knew there would be questions from them regarding their new tasks so I'm making sure to teach them everything I know." He explains.

Amy sighed as she placed her palm over her forehead. "I said those words to lessen your tasks, but instead it only gave you more..." She comments tiredly.

Royse simply chuckled. "Don't worry, this is only until I see my people able to work fine without me. If I conclude that they're capable enough, then I won't be as busy as before." He assures.

Amy huffed as she crossed her arms. "You better keep your words."

The redhead nods. "So, why the sudden visit?" He asks.

The light user remembered her agenda and grinned. "I stumbled upon that Juli guy back in town. He seemed busy and mentioned that there was something he wanted to tell you but couldn't find the time to schedule a meeting with you since you're busy and all." She informed.

Royse blinked in surprise. "Really?" He hastily grabbed his calendar and checked his schedule. "There should be a slot. Even for just a few minutes..." He whispers, which went heard by the lady in the room.

Amy became amused with the reaction she received. She knew Royse was strict when it came to his schedule but this was the first for him to prioritize someone.

Usually, the only people that were on this list were his highnesses, but that was because they were royalty.

But then this Juli guy was here, capable of making the redhead try to change his plans.

Royse hummed. "The only time I'm available is in the evening. I can meet up with Juli-senpai in the academy and speak with him there."

Amy widened her smile. "Ah, don't worry about that. Juli mentioned that he's often in town to visit the blacksmith. He told me if ever you want to find him, he's in the place where he gifted you that box."

"Oh, I see..."

The light user made a Chesire grin as she travelled towards the side of the redhead. She elbows her friend and spoke in a teasing tone. "So, are you guys official?"

The redhead sputtered as he registered her words. "What are you talking about!? How did you jump to that conclusion?!" He asks beet red.

Amy shrugged. "I dunno, you seem comfortable with him and not to mention that." She points at the calendar that he was holding. "It's rare for you to prioritize someone that's not the princes'." She explains.

Royse blinked in surprise and placed the calendar back on his desk. "He may have some information to tell me. It's only natural." He reasons.

Amy scoffed. "'Natural' my ass. You're not like that with Carl."

"He and Juli are different."

"And the honorifics gone."

"Just stop. You're worsening my headache."

"Oh I'm more than happy to~"

The redhead scoffed as he looks away. "As if I'm one to talk, you're also like that with Milivoj." He comments.

He waited for Amy's reply and rose his brow when all he received was a silent treatment.

He turns towards his friend and was surprised to see her sporting a blush?!

"Wait, what was that just now..." He asks, staring at Amy wide-eyed.

The light user frowned. "What?"

"You-" Just then, Royse immediately smirked. Upon seeing his expression, Amy knew what the redhead was about to say.

"Oh, so that means you finally accepted-"

A hand engulfed Royse's face, making him silent.

"We're like you and Juli. We're friends. F-R-I-E-N-D-S!"

Royse stepped back and slapped the hand on his face. He huffed as he gazed at Amy impassively. "Yeah Yeah, I believe you." He sarcastically states. "But for real though, is that the reason for your visit? Telling me about Juli?" He asks.

"Of course not." Amy frowned. "Damien gave me this." She took something in her pockets and gave it to the redhead.

Royse furrows his brows as he analyzed the picture. "This is..."

Amy nods. "Yeah. Damien's people were already informed of Xena. A few of them stayed in the neighbouring kingdom and saw her there."

"So she's hiding as of now..."

"Yeah. I asked Damien if Xena would plan an attack in that place, but he was confident that Xena wouldn't do a thing, considering that Arabella had ordered her to keep her focus here in the capital."

The redhead hummed. "Then it's best if we don't run after her then. If we do, that would foil our plan. Bringing the fight to a different place would lead to more casualties, not to mention the neighbouring Kingdom would react harshly." He looks up towards Amy. "Does Carl and his highnesses know?"

Amy shook her head. "Damien and I both agreed it was best if we kept it a secret. We're only telling them this if Xena made a move, until then, we make her think that she's unnoticed."

Royse nods. "Good."

"Well, that's the only news I've got. Damien's people were ordered to keep distance with Xena so you don't need to worry about them starting an incident there." She assures.

Amy started walking towards the door and opened it. She was surprised to see Mark at the other end, about to knock.

"Ah, I'm done with my meeting. You can reprimand him now." She comments as she walked away.

Mark simply nods and entered the room.

"Ignore her words." Royse states as he went back to his seat and resumed his job.

"Young Master, we've received a letter that the order you have placed has been accepted. They are currently creating a prototype batch." Mark announced.

The redhead smiles at the news. "That's great."

Mark narrowed his eyes. "Forgive me for being blunt, but how was young master able to think of such device?" He asks.

Royse hummed. "It's not really mine. Someone else had already thought of it. There was simply no place to buy that device so I decided to commission someone to make one." He explains. "I'm sure Mark-san is quite aware that there has been a rise in numbers when it came to magic devices."

The butler nods. "Yes, I have been informed. But I must admit that this device you asked for will be revolutionary. It's different from any devices I've come across."

Royse smiled. "Not really, it's just replicating the voice transmitter skill. Not everyone has that skill, so with this device I ordered for, everyone will be able to use it without the use of it." He adds as he returns his attention to the documents that lay on his desk.

Mark felt his sweatdrop from the redhead's words.

'That's the reason why it's revolutionary...' He thinks.

A sigh escapes his lips.

"Ah, Mark-san." Royse calls.

The butler turns his head towards the redhead. "Yes?"

"I'll be leaving in the evening. There's someone I'll be meeting." He informs.

Mark rose his brows but didn't pry for answers.


Royse pulled his hood lower as he examined his surroundings. He glances at the clock on the post and wondered if he would see the familiar figure.

He uses his skill and sighed when he saw no sign of the older male. Though not like he minds, he did go to town for another agenda.

It wasn't like it was solely because of Juli.

As if.

As he travelled, Amy's words continue to echo in his mind making him deny each of her claims.

Before he knew it, he arrived at his destination.

Royse entered the building and greeted the shopkeeper.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" The shopkeeper asks.

The redhead walked closer towards the counter. "I was wondering if you have a safe here." He inquires.

The man nods. "We have a variety of them here. May I ask what type you are looking for?" He asks.

"Nothing too special. I'm simply using it to store a few items."

The man nods as he left the counter and lead the redhead towards an aisle. The man gestured towards the safe's that were lined up. "Feel free to choose the one to your liking."

Royse nods as he turns his attention towards the items. He places his index finger below his chin as he hummed.

There were a lot of them. Some had multiple colours, some plain ones, and a few with a sturdy design.

Royse wasn't looking for anything special. He just needed to find one that could store his items.

After eyeing the selections, he turns his head and found one he liked. He checks the price and smiles.

Pointing towards the object, he spoke to the shopkeeper. "I'll get this." He announced.

The man nods. "This is quite heavy, would you like it delivered?" He asks.

"No need. I have an item box to store it."

The man rose a brow at the information. Seeing the redhead have an item box, the man was confused with why he needed a safe.

Shaking his head, the man decided not to pry and nodded. "Then if you will follow me to the counter."

They walked towards the desk and after that, the man informed him of the price. Royse took his money out of his item box and paid for the item.

After taking the receipt, Royse walked towards the safe and transferred it to his item box.

"Here is the key for it." The man handed the object.

The redhead thanked the man and left the shop after.

A groan escapes his lips as he stretched his arms. He sighs as he looks up and gazed at the night sky.

"Should I wait for a couple more minutes...?" He murmurs. He still needed to find the older male after all.

Deciding that, he travelled around town and watched the night lights shine. A warm hue covered him as he sees the people doing groceries and having a drink.

Many citizens smiled as they enjoy the evening.

He mirrored their expressions as he walked peacefully. The atmosphere of the place was lively, something that Royse loved.

He was accustomed to the sight yet never felt bored from it. He enjoyed the way peals of laughter echoed in the air, the sound of glass clinking, sizzling food in the griller, and many more noises that seemed to complete the place.

He was sure he would miss this place.

As the redhead took in his surroundings, he blinked in surprise when he felt something.

He turns towards the direction where the water performance was located. He rose a brow and allowed his legs to travel towards the place.

When he arrived, he was surprised to see the back of the figure he was looking for.

There Juli stood.

The redhead smiled as he made his way towards the older male.

He tapped his shoulder, making Juli turn his head and look at the redhead.

"I heard you were looking for me." He states with a smile.

Juli mirrored his expression and nodded. "Yes. Amy must've told you. I apologize if I ruined your schedule."

Royse huffed. "Please don't be. I happened to be free this evening, so everything's ok with my schedule." He explains.

The older male sported a relieved expression. "Thank you..."

A peaceful silence engulfed the atmosphere as the two continued to gaze at one another.

Royse was the first to look away and cough on his fist.

"So," He starts as he glanced at the surroundings. "Were you waiting for the performance to happen?" He asks.

Juli nods. "Yes, though I only found out that it was currently under maintenance." He chuckled.

"Yeah, it happens often. The machines used are still new so malfunctions frequently appear. The duration depends on the issue the management would notice. It's usually fixed in just a couple of hours, though there are times where it would take a week." Royse finally looks at the older male. "What is it that Juli-senpai wanted to tell me?"

Immediately, the older male's expression turned solemn.


Royse furrowed his brows and noticed the older male's hands trembling.

Unable to stop himself, he grasps Juli's hands on his own. He looks up, diverting his attention to him.

"Breathe." He whispers.

Juli gazed at his eyes as he slowly nods.


The redhead could only shake his head as he tightened his grip on his hand.

Royse allowed the older male to take his time. From his expression alone, he knew the topic of their conversation would be sensitive.

After a minute, Juli took a deep breath and gazed at Royse.

"I do not want you to fight..."

The redhead could feel Juli's thumb rub over his hand. He sees his eyes shining from unshed tears, his lips trembling.

"But, I know nothing can stop you..." He pursed his lips. "The incident in my country, I wish not for it to repeat..."

He lowered his head, closing his eyes as he hid from Royse's gaze.

"I am afraid if you are to disappear..."

Royse opened his mouth but found the words stuck. For the first time, Juli looked so vulnerable.

He always stood tall but here he was, showing this side to him.

He could feel his chest throb. It was as if he could feel Juli's pain.

Of course he would be terrified. After all, their battle would affect the citizens.

Juli wasn't from here, yet here he was involved in their problem. He was going to witness another incident.

Another incident like his past.

Royse wanted to assure him, wanted to tell him everything will be fine.

But he couldn't.

"That's why..." He looks up.

He brings his other hand to caress Royse's cheek. He gazes at his eyes pleadingly.

"Please, please promise that you will be safe..." He whispers.

He rubs his thumb underneath his eyes, wiping the tear that had escaped Royse's eyes.

"Promise me that....please..."

Royse felt his breath hitch.

The redhead's lips trembled.


Juli retracted the hand on the redhead's cheek and brought out his pinky.

He sadly smiled as he looks down. "I heard this was called a pinky promise..." He stretched it towards Royse.

Royse was silent as he nods.

He brought his other hand and intertwined their pinky.

The two gazed at each other.

As a few seconds passed, lights suddenly turned on and the fountain erupted.

It danced gracefully, moving in its designed choreography.

The two of them turn their head towards the performance. Light reflected off their eyes as they take in the view.

Juli chuckled as he returns his gaze at the redhead.

"It seems they fixed it..."

Royse turns towards Juli and solemnly smiled.


He pulls his hand away and took the music box inside his item box.

"Play it for me..." He whispers.

Juli warmly smiled as he nods. He takes the key and inserts it in the keyhole. He rotated it and soon, the familiar lullaby played.

They both intertwined their hands as they watch the fountain and listen to the tune.

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