Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help F...

By PrettySav15

71.1K 133 34

After years of longing, Jennie Ruby Jane was finally going to marry the man of her dreams - Lalisa Manoban. H... More

Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306
Chapter 307
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
Chapter 316
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chapter 344
Chapter 345
Chapter 346
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353
Chapter 354
Chapter 355
Chapter 356
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
Chapter 359
Chapter 360
Chapter 361
Chapter 362
Chapter 363
Chapter 364
Chapter 365
Chapter 366
Chapter 367
Chapter 368
Chapter 369
Chapter 370
Chapter 371
Chapter 372
Chapter 373
Chapter 374
Chapter 375
Chapter 376
Chapter 377
Chapter 378
Chapter 379
Chapter 380
Chapter 381
Chapter 382
Chapter 383
Chapter 384
Chapter 385
Chapter 386
Chapter 387
Chapter 388
Chapter 389
Chapter 390
Chapter 391
Chapter 392
Chapter 393
Chapter 394
Chapter 395 (THE END)

Chapter 290

425 1 3
By PrettySav15

This woman, as a result of the trauma, had successfully caused herself to be down with a fever!

Yes, she was that useless!

The fever depleted Jennie of her energy and made her groggy.

She woke up in the middle of the night and teared up. "You're all liars!"

"You're all liars!"

Jennie sobbed and wiped her snot with a corner of the blanket. Not feeling satisfied, she grabbed a corner of Lisa's pajamas to blow her nose as well.

Lisa was exhausted from caring for her and sat by the bed to nap a little. He was not aware that his pajamas had been contaminated...

As her nose was relieved, Jennie felt much better, but upon seeing the side of Lisa's face, she could not help but sob again. The inexplicable sobs woke Lisa up from the bed.

He noticed that the woman who was groggy from the fever had an unusual redness on her face. Her eyes were teary, and her hands were shivering. He was shocked and immediately pulled her into his embrace. "Don't be afraid!" "Little Nini, I'm here to protect you..."

Jennie did not know why she was crying. She just felt upset and miserable and that she would only feel better by crying and letting it out.

She hugged Lisa's arm and sniveled, and her snot smeared his arm.

Lisa did not scorn but let her vent out freely.

She slept, woke up, and slept again. She did not eat much during the daytime, and those that she barely swallowed were vomited out.

After having her meal, Ah Fu served up a bowl of medicine soup. The moment Jennie saw it she was so terrified that she teared up.

"No medicine... Bitter!"

Jennie was rather rational during the usual days, but after falling sick, she had turned around completely. That manner of hers was of one who would fight to death and could be dragged out to be flogged 20 times!

Lisa was mad, annoyed, and felt sorry for her. He was like torturing himself as he coaxed, "Jennie, be a good girl." "You take a sip, and I'll take a sip."

Hearing that, Jennie thought that the idea was good. At least, she could drink only half of it.

After taking a sip, she laid on the bed and stared at Lisa, looking just like Little Ginger Fur Ball.

Lisa had no other way. His lips pressed lightly together. Even a healthy person needed to take medicine, the patient must be seriously sick.

Jennie was pleased, and she took another sip...

Lisa thought about what would happen after they had a daughter. He would have to care for two little women, and he wondered what kind of scene would it be.


Thinking of this, Lisa became somewhat

If their daughter were to resemble Jennie, how delightful it would be to be cuddling one on the left and embracing another on the right...

Thinking of daughter, his body was in a state of incitement, and he wanted to have a baby!

He must have been bewitched by her, instigating him to commit the crime whenever and wherever. Especially now that she was looking all delicate and pitiful, he only felt like bullying her even more fiercely...

However, Lisa was very rational. In this kind of state, how could he do it?

Watching Jennie suffering, his heart ached for her intensely. Jennie had no idea that on this night, Lisa had gotten up numerous times to wipe her sweat away.

By the time she was fully awake, it was already two days later.

Those who were drunk would not have a worse reaction than Jennie.

Her memory was completely blank, and she had no idea how much she had been courting death.

Early in the morning, Ah Fu prepared a light breakfast. Jennie had just finished a bowl of porridge when Lisa walked downstairs and adjusting his collar at the same.

"From today onwards, Little Nini, you have to be secluded and meditate for some time."

Jennie could hear that it was an order rather than a discussion.

"I've recovered!" "Take a look. My body's all fine..."

Jennie tried to turn the plot around. She wanted to fight for her rights of not having to be confined.

Lisa coldly eyed her, his large hands lifted her chin, and his dull voice spat out the words one by one, "I've made myself clear. There's no need for you to argue." "During this period, don't you try to walk out of Hibiscus Garden again!" "You secretly went to the hospital, and I haven't hold you accountable for it. What else do you want?"

Jennie could see the anger raging in the man's eyes, and she became silent.

When Lisa saw that she had recovered, there was no need for him to tolerate her anymore. He would no longer relent but would rant when needed to...

Watching the back of the man leaving, she refused to comply but she also dared not voice out.

However, even if she could not go outside, it did not mean that she could not get hold of the news in the outside world.

Yeji received Jennie's message and replied to her that all was well. Ye Kun had regained his sanity and was back to his apathetic manner, becoming even quieter than before.

Minho dared not let the outside world stimulate Ye Kun again, hence stricter conditions were imposed on the doctors who entered the ward.

She herself was scolded by her father and ordered to not approach Ye Kun's ward.

Although Jungkook had it better, not getting reprimanded did not mean that he was off the hook. Minho ordered the poor man to do social work for a week, and so he missed the chance to help Tzuyu change her bandage.

Jennie felt uneasy in her heart. Not to mention her reckless action this time, the mystery had only gotten deeper, and she did not even take Lisa's warning to heart.

"Yeji, you've got to help me."

Jennie figured that if she was confined at home, the only person who could help her was probably Yeji.

"What are you thinking of doing now?" Yeji was surprised. She had known Jennie for many years, but she did not know that her buddy could be this persistent.

"Help me find a reason, say that I need to be
admitted into the hospital."

Jennie pleaded to Yeji.

Yeji was speechless.


Lisa returned home at night and saw Jennie gloomy and unhappy. He thought that she was unwell again.

Jennie answered, "Indeed, I don't feel good."

Having been confined for the entire day, Jennie felt as if her whole body had grown hair. Chaeyoung noticed she did not show up for work, so she gave her a call. When she heard that it was such a situation, she replied that there was nothing she could do to help, and she fled the conversation.

"If you don't feel good, then come exercise with hubby?"

While speaking, Lisa's hand began to roam about, frightening Jennie and causing her to plead with him.

Lisa had only wanted to scare her. How was he willing to crush such a weak body? He had to frighten her a little so that she would not stir up trouble. Having experienced trauma, should she not remember and learn of the repercussion of her actions?

She absentmindedly finished her dinner. At night, Lisa went to the study room to deal with some work, while Jennie paced back and forth outside the study room.

Finally, after she had gone in and out to drink water for three times, picked up her phone twice and used "I think I heard something. I'll go and check it out" as an excuse, and made the fourth trip, Lisa came out of the study room and halted this woman who could not stay still...

"Spit it out. What do you want?"

Lisa's lustrous eyes revealed a look that said that he was waiting for her confession.

Truth be told, from the time the two had known each other up till now, Lisa was the one who had always been in the driving seat and the one who had the final say. However, this did not mean that Jennie had no thoughts of her own. On the contrary, she felt a great deal of uneasiness!

Softness did not equal to fragile...

Seeing Lisa being straightforward, Jennie did not beat around the bush. "Who's Ye Kun actually?" "What's your relationship with him?" "Why does he hate the Kim Family to the core?" "Why does my brother want to kill Ye Kun, and what secret does he have?"

Jennie spouted out a string of questions. Her gaze was affixed as she put on a dauntless display and a you-must-give-me-an-explanation expression.

Lisa pondered for a moment on the sofa. The British-styled man looked gorgeous all over. From Jennie's angle, he had a sultry manner.

No matter how indifferent and unapproachable Lisa was on the outside, but when he was with Jennie, all his edges would be toned down.

He reached out to embrace Jennie, twirling her hair with his fingers. "Ye Kun was my father's bodyguard back then, so isn't the nature of our relationship clear?" "He was nearly beaten to death by your father, so him hating the Kim Family is not something bizarre, is it?"

"As for why your brother wants Ye Kun dead, you should find Hanbin and ask him yourself." "Lastly, about the secret he has, I can tell you honestly that you won't be interested in it."

There was nothing wrong with Lisa's answers, but it was also as if he had not really explained anything.

Jennie knew clearly that Lisa was deliberately avoiding the main point. She bit her lips, and hesitation was seen in her eyes.

She did not know after she had raised the next question, how would it go between Lisa and her, but she could not resist it.

"Ye Kun says that Woo-bin worked in collusion with the Xi Fan people and caused the death of your father. Is this true?"

Jennie's voice was quivering. No matter what the end result was, she and Lisa would have it hard to wind up the matter.

Lisa's clear eyes stared at Jennie, his lips pursed into a beautiful arch. He swept his gaze across Jennie's face, and suddenly, the man carried her up and pressed her down onto the big black bed.

Jennie panicked. She pushed her hands against his heavy and sturdy body, intending to resist, but Lisa's large hands grabbed her tiny hands and pinned them above her head on the bed.

"Lisal, you haven't answered me... Ahh..."
Before Jennie had finished her words, her collarbone was bitten hard by him.

It was so painful that Jennie wanted to tear up, but she would not yield. She lifted her knees and held them against Lisa's waist. Lisa noticed her intention and pressed down on her, his legs forcing her knees to part, and his body bore down on her seamlessly...

At this moment, she really could not close her legs together. Jennie was afraid of this pose. Although they were both wearing clothes, the material of their pajamas was rather thin. Hence, she could sense clearly the changes in his body.

"Lisa, you're ignoring the important points and focusing on the minor things. You haven't answered me... Ahh..."

Jennie had not completed her sentence when her towering part was unceremoniously bitten by Lisa.

Lisa dark and deep gaze looked into Jennie's eyes. In his constricted pupils, the cold gaze was filled with an overbearing expression.

"If you dare to ask any more questions, I'll continue!"

Lisa did not speak, but his eyes were telling her this fact!

Jennie refused to give in, and her tone was filled with a great deal of dissatisfaction. "You're not saying anything. Are you avoiding the question?" "You..."

When Lisa saw that she was unrepentant and kept pursuing this topic relentlessly, he was somewhat irked. Initially, he had looked upon the fact that since she had just recovered from a major illness, her body was still in a weak state, hence he did not want to do her. However, this woman was really stubborn!

Lisa said nothing. His lowered his head and pecked her neck continuously. It was not painful, but it was very itchy...

Jennie could not help but moaned!

Realizing that she had been aroused by him, Jennie bit her lower lips and the suppressed sound turned into a muffled moan, which only encouraged Lisa's lust.

"Since you have such energy to question non-stop, then you should just exercise with me!"

Hearing that, Jennie said nothing, but her eyes were filled with rage!

She hated herself for not being able to resist his provocation. Lisa always had a way to make her surrender easily.

"How stubborn!" The man said like he was sighing.

He picked up her scattered hair by the side and tugged at it lightly, feeling the smoothness of it. "What good is there for you to flaunt boldness?"

Jennie was speechless.

"You can plead with me." "Hubby will be gentle later on."


"What a strong-willed woman! I've really underestimated you previously."

Jennie clearly knew that if she was unyielding in her words, her body would have to suffer. However, she could not bear the fact that Lisa was restricting her in all areas. She was not allowed to question and not allowed to investigate, but he knew everything while she was kept in the dark!

As her mind wandered off, the man easily turned her over. His warm palm went into her shirt and held onto her waist, gently kneading.

"You were down with a fever a few days back. Do you feel sore all over your body? "

Lisa changed the topic, and the gentle force from his hands continued as he said, "Hubby will give you a massage in case you say that I only know how to bully you."

Jennie had to admit that this massage was indeed extremely comfortable. She had suffered soreness from muscle stiffness for two days.

The massage loosened up her tight muscles, and Jennie's brows slowly relaxed. However, as the soreness disappeared, she quickly realized a critical issue.

Although Lisa was not sitting on her, he was leaning very close to her. Every time he moved a little, he would brush past her backside...

Although he did not do it intentionally, it was... really uncomfortable.

"I feel... alright now..."

"You don't need me to massage a little more?"
"My skills are not bad, right?"

"No need..." Jennie's tone was a little hasty. Her face was already red, and it was sweet-looking and enticing.

The man chuckled. "Don't be shy. I'm at Mistress' disposal."

"I really don't want it anymore."

"Then what do you want?"

Jennie was speechless.

Just when Jennie was distracted, the world before her eyes whirled around. This time, he was lying on the bed while she was on top of him.

"How does Mistress feel about this?" Lisa's gaze became misty.

"Nothing much."

Jennie would not admit that she was scared and... anticipating!

Her eyes were filled with various discomfiture and avoidance. She pressed her hands on his chest as she attempted to get down from him.

The man's gaze deepened, and it became dark and unpredictable.

He suddenly got up and went down from the bed. Jennie did not know where did he head to. She sat on the bed stupefied. Pinching her hot cheeks and recalling the scene from just now, her heart was thumping non-stop.

Lisa returned a while later, and in his handwas a wine glass. He opened a bottle of wine and poured the red liquid into the transparent wine glass.

In the quietness, the sound of the flowing liquid
was extraordinarily clear.

Jennie watched the man's gentle and elegant movements, and she held her breath.

Lisa turned around and swayed the wine glass in his hand.

Jennie saw the smile in Lisa's eyes, and when that dangerous aura came close to her, her heart skipped a beat.

The man said nothing but placed the glass at her mouth.

"Take a few sips. It's good for relieving fatigue and you won't say you're tired after just a while..."

Lisa's tone was soft and gentle, but Jennie was aware of his intention. He was telling her that he must have her tonight!

"Lisa...I won't ask anymore..."

Only now did Jennie want to retreat. She knew that on this matter, Lisa was the one who was in power.

The man smirked and slowly lifted the wine glass, pouring the wine into Jennie's mouth. She had only taken a sip and then she was choked by the pungent taste of the wine and began coughing hard.

"Cough, cough..." Little Nini bend over to dodge, her small face immediately turned red from the stimulation of the alcohol.

The man lifted her chin, raised the glass and contained the wine in his mouth. He then leaned forward and pressed onto her lips, forcefully passing the wine into her mouth.

The alcohol consumed earlier on had begun to take effect. Jennie felt dizzy from the wine, and for a split moment, she had forgotten the inner conflict she had and intuitively swallowed the scorching liquid.

In her stomach, there was like a ball of fire raging and a burning sensation...

Jennie turned her face aside to refuse his kiss. The kiss missed and was planted on the side of her neck.

The man put down the wineglass and pressed down on her, murmuring softly into her ear.

"Little Nini, there's no need for you to know much. Just remember the present feeling. It's all my love to you."


The thrust that Lisa gave her had a sense of dominance, love, constrain, and contentment..


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