Transmigration as an Unknown...

saikkuro tarafından

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I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 37

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Midnight arrived.

Royse created his clone and ordered it to lay on his bed. After that, the redhead grabbed his change of clothes. He wore the usual outfit he used for sneaking, except this time, he didn't wear his mask and didn't drink a colour changing potion.

He feels his hair tickling his cheeks. Realizing it would hinder him, he grabs a hair tie.

He places the tie between his lips as he went and gathered his hair in a ponytail. After that, he takes it from his lips and secures his hair with the tie.

He glances at his window and saw the moon. Closing his eyes, he teleported towards the meeting place.

He arrives just like that inside the shop. Royse checked his surroundings and realized he was the first to arrive.

He walks towards the door and used his spare keys to unlock it. After that, he leaned on the wall beside the door.

He crossed his arms as he waited for the other two.

Being alone, this allowed the redhead to be deep in thought. Thinking about the situation, he realizes they were nearing the end of the story.

Ever since their summer vacation ended, everything started to go downhill. So many incidents took place. It was as if their vacation was the calm before the storm.

He was beginning to miss the peaceful days years ago. When everything was just him meeting the cast, him spending time with them. Despite being busy with work, he prefered that over his current situation.

And back then, his only worry was his sister and how he would protect her.

Now, it wasn't just her.

There were family, friends, people he also needed to protect. He needed to protect them from the chaos that will happen soon.

He sighs, feeling the familiar pressure bearing its weight on him.

When he senses a presence behind the door, he looks in the direction. When it opened, it revealed both figures he was waiting for.

The two was also wearing their own getup.

Everyone wore simple clothes. Amy was wearing a black cropped top paired with the same black cargo pants like him. She wore black combat boots and finished her look by wearing fingerless gloves.

As for Juli, his attire gave justice to his muscles that weren't noticeable when in his uniform.

The older male was also wearing a black turtle neck like him, except his was long-sleeved. His top was tucked inside his black slacks and finished his look by wearing the same black gloves as him and black dress shoes.

"Huh, surprised to see us look like a band." Amy commented as she studied everyone's appearance. "Can't complain. I like it." She grins.

Royse huffed as he looks at Amy. When he noticed the older male, he tilted his head after noticing his bewilderment.

"Is there something wrong Juli-senpai?" He asks.

The older male shook his head. "No. I-" He assessed everyone. "I'm simply surprised to see the both of you wear those outfits..." He trails.

"Ah, I didn't mean to offend." He adds.

Both Royse and Amy breathes out a laugh.

"Hey, don't worry 'bout that. These outfits are usually worn by adventurers, and when nobles do go on an adventure, they usually wear something extravagant. So it's no surprise for you to say that." Amy assured.

"It's better if we wear something that would allow easy movements. We are going to track down an enemy after all." Royse reasoned.

The older male nods. Dropping the topic at hand, he rose his palm and calls for Freesia.

The symbol glowed and soon, the fairy appeared and floated.

"Freesia, can you sense the surrounding?" Juli asks.

The pixie nods its head and closed her eyes. She focused on her ability and did her job.

She soon started to feel the magicules around her. They started forming shapes, giving her an idea of its circulation.

A minute passed before the fairy opened her eyes and floated towards the door, asking for them to leave.

It seems she found traces of their target.

Royse grabbed an invisibility cloak from his item box and passed it to the two. They wore the fabric and triggered it before leaving the shop.

The redhead locked the door before following after the two. Freesia continued to do her job, sensing the surroundings.

She continued to float towards the direction of where the enemy travelled to. She turns her head in every direction, sensing the trace.

The city that was bustling during the day was now asleep. The trio travelled through roofs as they noticed knights on patrol. There were also adventurers awake, travelling towards the nearest pub.

They jumped from roof to roof, maintaining their focus on the pixie that was in the lead. Their cloak fluttered as they travelled in speed.

They could hear Freesia chime as she flew towards the ground. The trio followed and jumped off the roof, landing on the ground.

The pixie headed towards the alleyway. They easily followed her and carefully moved at the narrow path.

When they saw the path ending, they jogged and searched for the pixie. They were now inside the secluded part of the city. The place where homeless people stayed. The trio could see a few people sleeping on the streets while some were awake and was conversing with one another.

When they continued to examine their surroundings, they saw Freesia staring towards a mysterious path.

The three jogged towards the fairy and halted beside her. Juli spoke as he looks at the pixie. "Is it here?" He asks.

Freesia nods her head.

They start walking towards the path. As they moved further, crates and garbage block their way. Fortunately, there were no people that hid on the path.

"I'll handle it." Royse spoke as he strode closer and stretched his hand. He uses his item box and absorbs everything inside it.

When the obstacles finally disappeared, they could see a hidden entrance on the ground.

The redhead frowned as he studied it.

There was something oddly familiar with this place.

Amy glanced in the direction of her friend and knew what he was feeling. She stayed silent, knowing the redhead would soon recognize the place.

"Thank you Freesia." Juli spoke.

The pixie chimed before disappearing.

The three of them gazed at the entrance to the place where their enemy resided.

"Since we need to follow our orders, we'll only investigate and leave immediately." Amy states, reminding the redhead about his highnesses order.

Royse nods before crouching and pulling the door open. He grunts at the weight and took a step back as the door gave them entry.

"Careful now." Amy announced.

Finally, the three of them walked down the stone stairs that lead underground.

It was dark. Royse hurriedly used his skill and deactivated his invisible cloak to give night vision potions to the two.

Juli and Amy also did the same and thanked the redhead before drinking the potion. Soon, the dark was no longer a bother to them.

They continued to travel after they activated the cloak once again, being alert of their surroundings. The atmosphere of the whole place was ominous. And the deeper they go, the heavier it became.

Were it any other person, they would've already collapsed from pressure.

Royse was familiar with this atmosphere. It was something he knew of from the time he also investigated on his own.

They knew the heavier the atmosphere became, the closer they were to nearing their target.

When the stairs stopped, they realized they finally reached the floor. They continued walking, feeling the hair on their body stand due to the pressure the whole place emitted.

The more they travelled inside, the more alert they became. Royse continued to be in discomfort as the place became familiar.

It wasn't until they stopped by a door did Royse recognize the place.

The same door from the game.

This place was the basement where the villainess kidnapped the heroine.

Even though Amy couldn't see Royse, she knew what expression the redhead wore.

Royse felt himself shaking.

This meant they were already at that part of the story.

The place where Rohesia was betrayed.

Where Rohesia was accused.

Where the villainess escapes.

Where Amelie will disappear.

Juli opened the door, removing the redhead from his thoughts. The door silently opened. The three entered the next room quietly and as they stepped foot, the pressure inside was enough to push them back.

They felt their sweatdrop as they try to keep themselves composed.

The enemy was inside.

Silently, they peaked from a wall and saw two figures.

Two figures that Royse knew all too well.

One was Amelie and the other was the one that Royse had fought.

"Oh, it's good to see you Damien~" Amelie, no, the demon residing inside her spoke.

The white-haired male scowled at the person in front of him. He crossed his arms, glaring at the lady in disdain.

"I don't need your words." The male spoke in a venomous tone, showing his disgust towards the lady.

The lady giggled as she covered her mouth. "Oh Damien. Can't you see I'm happy to see you? Why I'm sure I sensed that you were the one protecting me while I was sealed." She states. The lady walked closer towards the male.

The white-haired male stopped her from getting closer.

"Protect? I was only doing my order." He scowls.

The lady hummed. "I see." A dark smile rose from her mouth. "So you're a slave now." She states as she eyes the male's chest.

The male named Damien didn't react to her words and instead puffed his chest further, unbothered by the topic. "And what of it?"

The lady giggled. "So the 2nd seat told you she'll remove the slave seal, I assume."

Damien smirked. "Yeah, a fair trade I believe." He tilts his head and spoke his next words to spite the lady. "You're not as dumb as I thought. I assumed that you being sealed for 16 years reduced your brain cells."

The lady's smile disappeared from her face.

"Listen here you half-blood, you're in no position to speak that way!" She replied, gone was her amusement.

"You may be favoured by both the 1st and 2nd but the rest of us will never accept you." She announced, looking down at the male.

Damien smirked. "Oh~ How frightening." He mocks.

The lady was about to refute but blinked in surprise. She gazed in the direction of a wall.

When she confirmed the presence behind the wall, a smile rose from her mouth.

"We have ourselves some guests ~" She happily announced with a tilt of her head.

Damien frowned, somehow feeling he knew who was behind the wall.

Despite the lady exposing them, Royse and the rest refused to show themselves.

The lady widened her eyes when she feels them move and make an escape.

Just like that, she stretches her hand and unleashed her attack, not allowing them to leave.

A loud explosion can be heard.

The walls shattered and exploded, sending its debris flying around the place.

The wall, no, the place was immediately destroyed by her.

Rubbles and dust filled the place and covered the tenants in the room.

3 shadows stood, their cloak ripped apart from the explosion, revealing themselves. They discarded the fabric, throwing it on the ground.

When they came into view, the lady couldn't hide her smile.

"Ah, if it isn't Royse~ I've been hoping to see you~" She announced, exhilarated upon seeing the redhead.

Royse scowled as he glared at the lady.

The redhead wanted to remove the expression that the lady wore. She was using his friends' body as she pleases.

He could feel his blood boil as he continued to gaze at the enemy.

The lady seemed to pout. "What an expression. Do know that I am hurt." She grasped her chest, acting as if offended.

Veins popped on the redhead's forehead. He grits his teeth. Once again, he could feel as if a part of him was howling, wanting to lose control.

Amy placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down..." She whispers in his ear.

Juli glanced at the redhead in concern, sensing the sudden spike of aura around him. He was grateful for the ombre-haired girl to calm Royse.

The enemy sighed in disappointment when they calmed the redhead. She wanted to see Royse go out of control.

"How boring."

Damien frowned, aware of what the lady wanted.

But he smiled, knowing that she was underestimating Royse.

"Well, since you're here and all that-"

The lady appeared in front of the redhead.

"I'll be taking you~"

Amy and Royse widened their eyes, unable to follow after the movement.

Juli was able to realize what happened and summoned his greatsword to attack the lady, forcing her to jump away before she could grab the redhead.

The older male grabbed Royse by his waist and jumped back, creating a distance between their enemy.

Amy and Royse were surprised at what happened. They didn't waste a second and also brought out their weapon, returning to their senses and becoming alert.

The lady glared at the older male. She tilts her head as she tries to recollect where she had seen him.

"Hmm, I wonder why you seem so familiar." Giving up on trying to remember, the lady focused on her goal.

She stared at the redhead that stood in the middle of the two.

"You have quite a bodyguard, I can understand why. A person such as yourself deserves it~" She comments with a smile.

Everyone, including Damien was confused at her words. What was she implying just now?

But there was one person who understood the lady.

Juli frowned, standing closer towards the redhead to guard him.

"Royse, you are her target." Juli informed as he gripped his weapon tighter, glaring at the person in front.

The redhead nods, finally understanding why the lady approached him that way back on campus.

Amy smiles. "Well, if that's the case, then you're gonna have to go through us first." Amy announced.

She brings her sword and planted it on the ground.

Smirking, she chanted her skill.

Just like that, the floor was engulfed by the light attribute, making the place glow. Not only that but the walls became a gold colour.

Both Damien and the lady immediately took action and floated. The lady narrowed her eyes at the ombre-haired girl.

"A light attribute." She scowls.

This was irritating. Of all attributes, the girl just had to possess it.

Damien kept his smile to himself, knowing the enemy before them wasn't their average person.

He was even more excited when she'll realizes Royse's attributes.

He was silently cheering for Royse and his team to beat the lady.

The lady glanced to her side and noticed Damien. She snarls, seeing his unfazed expression.

It seems she was alone in this.

Not like she needed the help of the half-blood.

The lady soon became serious.

She coats her body with dark attribute and flew in speed towards the three.

Amy jumped in front, pulling her sword from the ground.

She deflected the attack that came their way. Grunting at the force, she took a step back as she balanced herself. Her arms shook, feeling her sweatdrop from the strength the enemy possessed.

Gritting her teeth, she maintains her position and tried to build up her strength to retaliate.

Royse provided buff for them. When Juli noticed this, he didn't waste a second to swing his attack towards their enemy.

The lady sensing the movement, made haste to jump away and blocked the greatsword that almost sliced her.

She flipped on the air and flew once again, this time, doubling her speed in attacking.

Juli gritted his teeth as he reads her movements. Their movements were a blur. The two clashed. Juli's sword taking all the force.

Sweat trickled down his cheeks as he was pushed back.

Royse ran towards the side and prepared himself. He coats his sword with light attribute and swung towards his enemy.

With one hand busy attacking the older male, she used her other hand to block the attack of the redhead.

"Another light user?!" She exclaims.

After she just blocked it, Amy was next to make her move.

The lady turns her head, veins bulging out of her jaw as she realizes she was trapped from all sides.

Amy shouts as she makes her attack.

"Take this you bitch!" She swung her sword and summoned light cannons.

With no option, the lady flew up to avoid the attacks but was futile when the cannons flew after her.

When she turns her back, she sees it nearing and finally landing on her.

A loud boom echoed. Smoke erupted from the lady.

When it dissipated, the lady snarled. She covered herself with her skill, shielding herself with the use of shadow just in time to save her from the attack.

She balled her fist, angry at the fact that she was outnumbered.

And at the fact that she was dealing with 2 light users.

Now she understood why the 2nd seat wanted the redheaded siblings gone.

The lady growled. She tries to focus and bring her strength out.

Royse took a step and closed his eyes.

Everyone was silent as they wondered what the redhead was doing.

Amy smirked, recognizing what Royse was about to do. She should've known he was training on using this skill.

"You just messed with the wrong guy." She comments as she mockingly stared at the enemy.

The lady scoffed, taking the girls words for a joke.

Damien on the other hand was starting to panic. He starts backing away, already expecting what was about to happen.

Royse opened his eyes as he finally registered the place. Everything was ready for his skill.

He was only able to practice this a few times, considering he trained inside the void. It was difficult to use this skill while inside there, it required too much mana.

With a wave of his hand, he threw his attacks towards the lady. A beam of lights shot towards the enemy.

The lady was about to dodge it but noticed it steering on her sides, causing her to laugh at his aim.

"Really? Is that all? And here I thought you'll do something else!" She mocked, laughing at his display.

But later did she know that the redhead purposely aimed at the sides.

When Royse retracted his hand, he finally triggers his skill.

The bullets that pierced the sides suddenly turned into symbols.

It shone and connected with the other symbols, creating a barrier to trap the enemy.

The lady realized what the redhead had done. She turns her head in every direction, trapped within the barrier.

"Amy! Juli!" Royse shouted.

"Like you have to ask!" Amy once again planted her sword on the ground and used her skills. She grinned, as the room brightened, being charged by the light attribute.

Juli's eyes glowed, returning to his original eye colour as he summoned thunder clouds above them. The sound of thunder crackled, louder with each second.

The lady widened her eyes from the all-out attacks about to happen. She was now on the receiving end.

The prey caught in the trap.

Damien hurriedly went out the way, trying to escape.

The lady glanced at the side and saw the white-haired male making his escape.

She gritted her teeth as she realized she underestimated her opponents. She should've initiated battle when all her powers had returned.

Leaving her with no choice, she hurriedly grabbed the item that was given to her.

She didn't care if it was a one time use. Instead of saving this for later, she knew she needed to use this to survive.

Amy and Juli finally made their attacks.

All shouting as they engulfed the entire place with their skills.

Royse took a deep breath as he provided them shield and summoned shackles underneath their enemy, grabbing their ankle.

The attacks finally made contact, resulting in a huge explosion to happen.

Above ground, it shook. People that passed by stumbled from the trembling, worried if there was an earthquake happening. They were confused and rushed out of the vicinity.

The attacks sent cracks to form on the wall, fully destroying the room they were in.

Debris fell from the ceiling due to the force. Dust covered the place as the glow slowly diminished.

With Royse's skill, the three of them were floating above the cloud of dust that engulfed the place.

When it cleared, it revealed the aftermath of their attacks. A crater was formed.

The former room was no longer distinguishable.

They check their surroundings, trying to find out if they finally defeated their enemy.

The same presence answered their question.

There the lady stood. Heavily injured but still alive from the attack.

She was seen holding an orb. After a few seconds, it broke into pieces.

She glowered at everyone.


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