Transmigration as an Unknown...

By saikkuro

299K 12.5K 5.5K

I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 36

1K 49 5
By saikkuro

Royse teleported inside Amy's room in the middle of the night. His sudden appearance took his friend by surprise who happened to be awake and was reading a book on her bed.

The lady crossed her arms.

"You do know that trespassing in a lady's quarter would deem you a pervert."

The redhead rolled his eyes. "Please, as if you didn't come barging in my room without permission." He replies back. Royse sighed and stared at Amy. "Look, I'm not here to joke around."

Amy placed down the book she was reading and stood up from her bed. She leans on the wall as she studied the redhead's expression. It was something she was well familiar with.

"Bad news I assume."

Royse pursed his lips as he silently nods.

"Amelie is the victim..."

Amy widened her eyes at the information.

Of all people, Royse's friend had been the one to fall instead.

She already knew how Royse was feeling.

"How did you find out?" She asks, straightening herself and walking towards her shelf to prepare some tea. It was something she decided to put in her room knowing the chances the redhead would visit her so suddenly.

Like now.

"Just this afternoon." Royse took a seat on the couch and sighed. He allowed himself to delve deeper into the soft cushion. "She was already acting weird when I joined her and Elsie."

Amy hummed, recalling Royse joining his friends back on campus. "So at that time, she was already possessed?" She continues while brewing the tea and preparing the cups.

The redhead nods despite knowing the ombre-haired girl couldn't see him.

"Yeah. I paid it no mind at first but it became evident when they were sparring."

Royse could hear the clacking of utensils. Amy was silent, allowing Royse to continue.

"She was more bold, confident and don't get me wrong, it's nice that she is but it wasn't for the good." He furrows his brows as he remembers their interaction. "Amelie seemed as if she was challenging me."

Amy finally finished her task and placed the tray on the coffee table. She took a seat in front of her friend and sipped her tea as she listened.

Royse took his share before continuing.

"Something happened when I was with you guys in the council room. Elsie and Amelie were the ones to fight each other in the last round." The redhead further deepens his frown as he remembers Elsie's state back in the infirmary.

"You can already tell that Elsie suffered quite a lot."

Amy nods and gazed at her friend in concern.

"Are you ok?"

The redhead breathes out a laugh. "I'd be lying if I said I was..." He stared at his reflection on the cup. "I'm the reason why she became like that after all..."

It wasn't an error from the story itself. Royse was the one responsible for her to become possessed.

His presence led that to happen.

The ombre-haired girl frowned as she studied his grim expression, knowing how guilty he was feeling as of now.

Silence engulfed the room. None spoke as they were thinking about their current situation.

Amy sighed as she placed down her cup.

"Then we'll save her."

She crossed her arms along with her legs.

The redhead rose his head to look at his friend. He sees Amy smiling, gazing at his eyes in an assuring manner. Reminding him that this wasn't the end.

"That's what you planned from the beginning right?"

Her words pulled Royse from his deep thoughts. It was as if he was doused by ice-cold water, bringing him back to his senses.

If he was responsible, then it meant it's only right for him to fix this.

Returning to his usual expression, Royse became determined.


Seeing his appearance, Amy chuckled. She was glad her friend was back to normal.

"So what's the plan? Are you going to confront her?" She asks, taking a snack on the table.

The redhead shook his head. "If we did, we'll only be ignoring his highnesses plan. Our goal is not only to lessen the casualties but also save Amelie." He pondered over how he was going to deal with their situation.

"Amelie is currently suspended. I need to know how she is right now and especially if her mother is aware of her changing."

His friend hummed as she ate the snack. She took her cup and sipped her tea. "You're going to need to ask Carl for that. Ask him for any changes and decide how you'll act after hearing his information. I'll be free tomorrow since my investigation with the corpse has been pushed back." She explains.

"I see. Then I'll notify you as soon as possible." The redhead stood up from his seat.

He turns towards his friend and smiles.

"Thanks by the way..."

Amy breathes out a laugh at his words.

"You're welcome. Know that I'm always here."

The redhead nods, grateful towards the lady.

He uses his skill and teleports back in his house.


He started the day with a tense atmosphere within their household. His family had heard of the news regarding Elsie's condition. They were worried and planned on sending a few get well gifts to the Wilk family.

Royse assured everyone and told them that the brunette was feeling much better than before.

But his family was aware that Royse was the one affected the most. His parents made sure to ask how he felt, telling him to take a rest if he needed to.

Royse could only be grateful to them and assured them that he was feeling fine.

When he was alone with his sister, Rohesia asked how Amelie was doing.

The younger redhead frowned and shook his head as he replied dejectedly to his sister.

"I haven't spoken with Amelie yet. I don't think the Caddel family would allow anyone to visit them for the time being." He explains in defeat.

Rohesia simply nods in understanding. She was worried for the brunette but was also worried for the blonde. Rohesia heard stories about Amelie from Catherine, so never did she expect Amelie to hurt someone.

She knew Catherine had already heard the news by now. Rohesia was sure Catherine also never expected this to happen.

When they arrived inside the academy, the siblings parted ways. Royse travelled to his classroom and when he arrived, he sees Elsie sitting in her seat, her appearance better than yesterday.

The redhead greeted the brunette with a smile. "How are you feeling?" He asks as he places his notebook on his table and took a seat.

Elsie returned his expression and nodded. "My family made sure to give me my medication. I'm feeling better compared before."

Royse was relieved at her answer. "I'm glad."

The brunette looks down at her hands that lay on top of her table. She fiddled her thumbs, wanting to speak about the topic yesterday.

"Royse, about Amelie-san..." She starts.

The redhead gazed at his friend and kept his sigh to himself. "I haven't spoken with her if you are wondering." Royse explains, knowing the question that circled inside his friend's mind.

The brunette nervously laughed, aware that Royse read her like an open book. "I was hoping to speak with Amelie-san first... She's suspended for one week, right?" She asks carefully, glancing at the redhead beside her.

Royse frowned. He didn't want to allow the brunette to visit Amelie after knowing the truth, but there was no way Royse would say that. If he did, Elsie would become curious and would leave him no choice but to explain.

He didn't need any more people to be involved.

"Yes. But I have a feeling that they won't be allowing visitors. I'm sure Elsie remembers how strict her mother is..."

The brunette pursed her lips, she became quiet as she recalls the time when Amelie explained to them how she needed to stay at home to study.

"I hope she's doing fine..."

Royse hoped so too.

They spent their classes as usual. The redhead paid no attention to his lessons and only wished for it to end. He needed to talk to Carl and ask for any new information he's gathered.

The redhead knew Amelie's action yesterday won't go unnoticed by the cast.

When they finally entered their break, Royse excused himself and went with his plan.

With the help of his skill, the redhead easily found Carl's location inside the campus. He travelled towards the direction while being focused on his thoughts.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at where the older male was. He spoke by the door, allowing the tenant in the room to recognize his voice.

The door soon opened and revealed the figure he was looking for.

Carl wore a serious expression as he opened the door. The older male was silent as he returns to the table that was filled with documents.

Royse closed the door behind him and strode towards the mess inlaid.

"You're here because of yesterday, I assume." Carl spoke. He sat down on the table while gazing at the documents. Grabbing a paper, he read its content and ruffled his hair in irritation, something Carl rarely did.

"Yes. I must say, this is the first that you brought your documents here." The redhead commented as he examined the place. He could already tell the brunette was busy with all the events that occurred, having him no choice but to bring his workload inside the academy.

Carl sighed. "I admit everything has been hectic. His highnesses wanted to keep the info about our enemy a secret, that's why I'm occupied with it instead. William and Henry are also busy, but I offered to take a few of their load after seeing the bags underneath their eyes." Carl explains as he tossed the paper he was holding on the pile of mess.

Royse walked towards the table and picked a few papers. He read its records as he continued to speak with the older male.

"His highnesses are here today, correct?"

The brunette nods. "Was. They were called by the king regarding some matters." Carl gazed at the redhead. "So, curious about Amelie Caddel." He starts, knowing Royse's agenda.

The redhead returns the paper to the table. He nods at the older male's words.

"She's suspended right now, and I'm sure that the Caddel family won't be allowing any visitors." Royse explains.

Carl sighed. "It would be better if that was the case..." He blurted.

The redhead tilted his head, confused at his statement. "Why so?"

"Amelie is reported to be missing."

Royse blinked at the news. He crossed his arms, seemingly unfazed.

"I see..."

The brunette was surprised to see the redhead's response. He had expected a different reaction from Royse.

"Huh, I have a feeling that you somehow anticipated this to happen." He comments, intrigued by the younger male.

The redhead shrugs. "I know her best." Was his only explanation.

Carl narrowed his eyes as he stared at the redhead in suspicion. A small smile displayed on his face. "You going to tell me the truth?"

Royse returned the smile. "Soon. I need to find evidence first before I can tell you guys." He replied.

The redhead turns his back, walking towards the door.

Carl leaned and folded his arm, placing his cheeks on his palm. "If the twins find out about this, not my problem if they scold you." He reminded.

The redhead turns his head, looking at the brunette with a smile.

"You're not stopping me though."

The older male waved his other hand. "I would have been protective but after knowing that you're the famous undercover hero, I'm sure you can protect yourself. Better than us."

The redhead laughed at his words, amused at the quick change of impression that Carl had of him.

"You know, the twins could learn a thing or two from you." He comments.

Carl gave a toothy grin.

"That would be nice."

They didn't say anything more. Royse left the room, leaving the brunette to continue with his work.

Carl huffed when the other presence disappeared.

"Seriously, I can understand why William and Henry are protective. Royse is too reckless." The brunette sighed as he hopped off the table and cracked his neck.

"But, I do wish the twins would give him more credit..." He comments.

Shaking his head, he stopped himself from getting distracted any further and focus on his task. There was still a lot to prepare.


Amy gazed at the redhead that paced around the garden. She watches as Royse bit his nail as he racked his brain for ideas.

"Why don't we just follow my plan?" The ombre-haired girl sported an impassive expression to her friend.

"It's not that I don't like your plan-"

"You do."

"Let me finish." The redhead sighed, getting tired from his friends' interruption. "This is the same enemy that appeared unnoticed. If the chances the enemy finds out that my clones are venturing around the night, then it may retaliate by doing the same." He explains. "It's too risky."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Then make them invisible." She states, giving the most logical option.

The redhead quirk his brows. "You do know that despite my clones being invisible, they still can be sensed by someone with an expert level."

His friend groaned and waved one of her hands. "Then what are your alternatives? How will you find the enemy that's currently residing, I don't know, inside a huge ass kingdom."

The redhead closed his eyes as he crossed his arms. He tilts his head, still thinking about his other options.

"If only I still have that tracking device..."

Amy huffed as she looks away. "I thought you're capable of tracking someone..."

"I am but I don't want to use that skill. It has a week of cooldown." He reminded.

He opens his eyes, looking up in the sky. Royse watched the clouds pass by as he still racked his brain for ideas.

"If this continues, I have no choice but to venture around town right now."

"Skipping class?" She hums at the idea. "I like that."

"Not for fun you doofus." Came the redhead's remark.

He could experiment with his skills. If he uses his space skill, followed by the light attribute, he could perhaps find any small traces of aura belonging to their enemy around the city. It won't take too much of his mana, unlike his x-ray skill.

"Guess I have no choice but to do that."

"Do what?"

A face of a familiar man greeted his vision.

The proximity of their faces caused the redhead to become beet red and scamper away, creating distance between them.


Ah, Royse forgot about honorifics.

"Senpai..." He added. He covered his mouth with his fist and coughed, trying to recover from his slip up. He was starting to see a pattern with the way the older male would see his embarrassing state.

"What are you doing here?" He nervously laughed. The redhead glared at the side towards where Amy stood. Did his friend purposely decide not to tell him that the older male was nearing them?

When Royse checked Amy's expression, he realized that the ombre-haired girl was also surprised by the appearance of the male.

Glad to know he wasn't the only one incapable of sensing the older male then.

"I happened to see you pacing from afar. I was wondering if something was bothering you." Came his reply.

From his peripheral vision, he could see Amy grinning at him teasingly.

The redhead wanted to slap the smirk off her face.

"Ah, there's nothing really. I happen to be thinking of how I should spend my day with the lovely lady Amy." He explains, walking towards the ombre-haired girl and putting his hand on her shoulder.

Amy looks at Royse for his incredulous reason. Of all excuses, he just had to choose that. How original.

The light blue-haired male blinked in surprise. "I see, then would it be alright to ask if the both of you will visit the town?"

The redhead became confused at the question. "That's one of our options? Why the question?" He asks in wonder as he retracted his hand to his side.

The older male frowned as he opened his mouth to explain. "I've heard that it's dangerous lately. It may be best if the both of you perhaps avoid going in town..." He trails, feeling uncertain as he said his reason.

Amy and Royse looked at one another.

Was he just worried for them?

Amy shrugged as if understanding the message behind the redhead's gaze. She didn't know much about this person so she didn't know if the dude was genuine about his concern. Though she did hear rumours about an emotionless student with his outgoing brother.

Amy hummed, somehow interested as she realized the immediate difference of the person from the rumours. She could tell this person was an open book when around the redhead.

"Ah, perhaps I've overstepped my boundaries..." Juli nervously chuckled. He looks at Royse and sadly smiles. "If you do so still plan to visit the town, then I can only advise you to be careful. Please leave when you notice any danger lurking."

Amy hummed.

She glanced at Royse and saw him being thoughtful about Juli's words.

The two of them knew this person was aware of what was going on. It seems they weren't the only ones investigating this case.

This person wanted to stop them from going in town, meaning there was a chance that he must be also targetting the same enemy, if not, held knowledge of it.

"Juli, if I'm correct." Amy starts with a smile, taking a step.

The older male nods.

"I'm curious about something. Since we're here alone and all that,"

The redhead beside her frowned as he realized what his friend was going to say.

Royse immediately placed his hand on her shoulder and stopped her from moving. "Amy." He calls in a warning tone.

The ombre-haired girl smiled his way before looking back at the male before them.

"Royse is still fine despite dealing with the incident. Do you not trust him enough? Or do you think he'll lose to an opponent so easily?" She speaks.

Royse was aware of what Amy was doing. She was trying to probe answers from the older male.

Juli opened his mouth to reply but stopped. A frown formed on his face as he tried to think of his reply.

He glanced at the redhead. Royse was staring at him, awaiting his answer.

Seeing him, Juli spoke the truth.

"I trust his abilities. But the town is currently dangerous. There may be an enemy lurking around. I simply wish for no one to be hurt."

Amy huffed as she placed her hands on her hips. She had hoped for a different answer but this just shows that Juli knew about the enemy.

Well, the older male seemed to be open about his feelings if the redhead was involved.

Might as well use everything to her advantage.

"What? It's not like Royse can't beat the enemy." Amy refuted, this time, trying to irk the older male instead.

"I'm sure the enemy's just some person craving for attention." She waved her hand, acting dense and immature. Amy purposely spoke in a haughty tone to make herself seem overconfident with her friend's abilities.

She glanced at Juli, smiling as she noticed his troubled expression.

'That's right. Don't be shy and tell us everything. You don't want Royse to be in danger right?' Amy continued to gaze at the male.

'Don't you want to protect Royse?'

As if using her thoughts to push the person for answers, Juli sighed as he finally made his decision.

"No, the enemy is not as simple as they seem..."

Amy smiles in victory.

She looks at Royse with a proud expression.

The redhead could only sigh at his friend's win. He could only pity Juli for giving in from her words. He knew Amy had the talent in this field.

This time, Royse was the one to speak. "Juli-senpai, do you perhaps know something about the enemy?"

The older male gazed at Royse. He slowly nods as a reply.

The redhead walked closer towards him. He frowned as he asks for answers.

"Can you please tell me anything you know about the enemy?"

The older male studied the redhead's eyes. He pondered over whether he should tell him any information.

"If I do, will it stop you from visiting the town?"

The redhead sadly smiled, aware of the concern the older male had. "Juli-senpai..." Royse grabbed his hand in assurance. "I need to know this so I can protect people. Please tell me."

Seeing his gaze, Juli felt his breath hitch. His determined gaze was so similar to that person.

Had they've been here, they would've been proud to see Royse.

"I can't stop you, can I?" He sadly smiles, yielding from the gaze.

The redhead returns the expression.

"The enemy that you will be battling is something you mustn't underestimate. They are a species that was assumed to be extinct until recently. They are called demons."

Both Amy and Royse frowned.

"Is there a way for them to be tracked?" Amy asks, walking towards the two. She glanced at their connected hand and decided not to make a comment.

Juli nods as he rose his other hand. A symbol appeared on his palm, glowing before it suddenly summoned a flying pixie.

This took the two by surprise.

"A contracted species..." Royse whispers as he gazed at the pixie. To think the first fairy he'd meet would be a contracted one.

Juli nods at his words. He stretched his index finger for the little girl to stand on. There it flew towards it, looking at its master with a childlike gaze. The older male smiled towards it.

The redhead was impressed as he watches their interaction. Creating a contract was difficult. You'd need to meet a requirement before you can establish one.

There was also how each contract differs with the species you want to take in. And as far as Royse was aware, fairies were one of the most difficult to make a contract with.

They were a species that only followed people worthy enough.

He stared at the older male.

Who was Juli?

The older male emitted uncontrolled mana. It was something that fairies didn't like as it's considered someone unintelligent in their kind.

"A fairy, that's surprising." Amy examined the pixie that flew from her place and went towards the ombre-haired girl, floating around her.

The pixie chimed. A quiet jingle of bells can be heard, something that fairies did to show their appreciation and approval. She looks at the redhead and floated around him next.

She tilted her head and looked at her master next. She turns her head back and forth between the two.

The pixie suddenly lets out a loud chime as she came to a realization.

Juli placed his index finger by his mouth in a shushing position.

The pixie beamed as she decided to nuzzle her face on Royse's cheeks.

The redhead was surprised by the action and felt his sweatdrop.

Juli chuckled. "It seems she has taken a liking to you." He comments.

"It seems so." Royse states.

The fairy finally stopped her actions and floated back to her master. She stood on his index finger once again.

"Allow me to introduce Freesia." The pixie chimed and bowed.

"This two is the lady Amy and Royse." Another jingle was emitted by the pixie, acknowledging them.

"So she's able to track the enemy?" Royse asks.

Juli nods. "Yes. Freesia is capable of sensing any disruption of magicules in the surroundings. The enemy may be able to hide themselves, but fairies are capable of easily knowing the places they've been in." He explains.

Well, seems like their issue on finding a way to track the enemy was solved.

Royse hummed. "I wonder if that's the reason why they're the ones that are nearest to the abandoned land." He comments

"Perhaps. Fairies and Elves are the ones capable of defending against dark beings." Juli further explained.

After hearing their conversation, Freesia floated and twirled.

"Guess we'll rely on you Freesia." Royse states.

The fairy chimed as if telling them not to worry.

"Now the question is, what time will we investigate?" Amy asks.

Both males hummed in sync as they think of the appropriate time. The best option would be when people are asleep. It would make sense for their enemy to use the evening to their advantage to move around.

"Midnight." They both spoke at the same time.

Amy smirked. "Then it's settled. Our meeting place will be the shop. Do you know where Elixir du Ciel is located?" Amy asks towards Juli.

The said male nods. "Yes."

"Then I believe that concludes our meeting. Juli-senpai, will you have no difficulties in sneaking off?" Royse asks. Amy and he didn't have a problem when it came to sneaking, but he was worried if the older male would have difficulties. The redhead didn't want to take chances that they'll be exposed.

The older male became thoughtful. He looks at the redhead and nods. "There is no problem."

"Then we'll meet later. It's best if we prepare ourselves. Underestimating our enemy would only lead to trouble." Amy states. "Best we return in class for now." She announced as she noticed the clock on the post.

She then eyes Royse's and Juli's intertwined hands.

She sported a teasing grin.

"So, I've been meaning to ask this, how long have you guys been a couple?"

The two tilted their head at her words. Royse being the most confused by his friends' sudden words.

Amy looks down towards their hands.

Juli and Royse blinked in surprise. The two followed her gaze and looked down at their hands.

It took a few seconds for them to register their position and immediately let go of their hold with each other and retreat their hand to their side.

Their cheeks turned to crimson red knowing that they were holding hands out in public where people could see them.

The ombre-haired girl widened her grin, enjoying the entertainment before her.

"Oh, I mean-" Amy coughed, trying to stifle a laugh. "There's no problem if you guys continue that you know. It's best to let others know that pfft- you're taken..."

The lady in front of them was shaking, evident that she was trying her best to stop her laughter from escaping her lips.

The redhead gritted his teeth, knowing his friend was enjoying the sight.

Before Royse could pull his friend, Amy foresaw his action and walked away, waving her hand as she bid farewell.

"Well, see ya later you two~" Was her final words before returning to the main campus.

Royse and Juli were left alone.

They glanced at each other and looked away as they made eye contact.

The words of Amy still echoed within their mind.

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