Flames of a lie

By Bluedragon95

955K 56.7K 4.2K

"What are you doing here," he asked in bitterness making me curl my fingers and dig my nails in my palm in fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Ashes of Lie Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapters 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
New Book Alert
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Bed Of Nails
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Bed Of Nails.
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107&108
Chapter 109&110

Chapter 41

4.1K 227 5
By Bluedragon95

****Follow me and vote guys I by mistake uploaded the wrong chapter sorry****

"We will see who begs in the end" 

Saying that I walked out with my head held high. I could feel his grey eyes shooting dagger on my back but I kept walking trying my best not to stumble. I will never let him win against me when it's come to my job. I need this job to fulfil my family's dream. We need to get our restaurant back and this job is my only hope. I won't let go of my hope easily. I was ready to sacrifice my job for Logan because I could relate to him. I understand the pain of seeing our loved ones in pain and I wish no one should see this day in their life. He needs this job to take care of his sick mother and I need this job to get our Kings restaurant back. We both loved our family and could do anything for them for their happiness even if in return we have to lose ours. We can survive looking at their happy faces. 

Both of us had got the last chance to get our job back and we won't let this chance slip from our hands. We will apply our head-to-toe strength to get all the fish and get back to this job. And as a bonus, if I get successful in bringing all the fish I will get to work in the kitchen. I dreamed of it every day and now it was time to make my dream into reality. I know this part is not easy but I will try my best. With this new determination, I walked out of the Villin's restaurant and saw Logan was waiting for me in the car. I ran towards the car, opening the door. I took my seat and he immediately started the engine. 

"So what should we do first," he asked while looking at me, then looking ahead as he was driving. The first thing I did was look at how much time was left. 

"We have already lost ten minutes from our two hours so we have to hurry up fast. Let's start with the old fish market. We searched there and then another market" I said in my firm voice as I took out the card grey eye monster gave me in the morning. 

"Ok then let's start with the old fish market," he said in the same firm voice as he took a turn and started driving towards the old fish market. Taking out my cell phone I dialled their number as I did in the morning but no one was picking up the phone again. Logan looked at me with questioning raised eyebrows as he saw me calling them multiple times. I moved my head in denial. 

"Please Pick up. pick up" I called again while chanting it under my breath and after the third ring, they picked it. 

"Hello, how can I help you," the person asked, making me breathe in relief. 

"Hello, I'm calling to ask if you have some imported fresh fish still in stock," I said in my hopeful voice as I told them the fish names after looking at the list. I was reading the name from the list for him to check and he was saying no making my hope dime each time he denied it. I took the last fish's name and waited for him to check. 

"Yes we have that fish in stock," he said, making my eyes lit up in happiness as it was a small step in getting my job back. 

"Yes, we will be there to take it, don't sell it to anyone," I said in my happy voice. 

"What happened, do they have it," Logan asked in the same hopeful voice as me.  

"Yes they have the last fist lets go and collect then we will go to the old mark to find the remaining six fishes," I said in my happy voice as I showed him the address of that shop which was printed on their card. 

"Yes, let's go there first. The shop is on our way to the old market,'' he said in the same voice as me.  He drives there with a smile on his face. In less than five minutes we reached there and bought the fish. 

"Thank you and take this number, call me if the fish I asked you are available today. I very urgently need them" I said, taking the big box of ice in which he had put the fish for it to stay fresh and handing him the card with my number on it. 

"I will but I know a shop in the old market who supplies imported fishes like us. If you're lucky you will get a few of them," he said with a smile as he wrote a shop name and gave it to us. Thanking him I walked back as Logan took the box from my hand and put it in the car. 

"Let's go to the old market fast, we have only one and a half-hour left. We need to get all the fish before our time is up" I said as I crossed the fish name we bought with a smile on my face. 

"Yes, let's get all the fish," he said with an enthusiastic voice with a smile on his face as he saw me crossing the name of the fish. We went to the old fish market to the shop the man told us about. To our luck, we got four fishes there. We were so happy. 

"Let's split and find the remaining last two fishes so we can save our time as only half an hour is left," Logan said in his serious voice as he saw him watch. 

"Yes let's do it, call me if you get any" I said with the same serious voice. Now only two fish were remaining and we searched all the old markets. We were running all over the market asking every shop. I was walking with fast steps looking at one of the shop addresses. William messaged me when I heard Logan calling my name. 

"Sage I got one out of two fish now only one is remaining, '' he yelled in his happy voice as he showed me the fish, making my eyes wide in happiness. 

"Yayy," I squeal in happiness and run towards him ignoring the slippery floor. But before I could reach him my leg collided with the open trunk-like thing and I fell into the piles of fish. I groaned as I fell in the fish and Ice. 

"Need help, Logan," asked with an amused smile on his face. 

"Yes," I said, still groaning and he put his hand out for me. I grabbed it and as he tried to help my legs slipped again and this time I was not the one who was groaning Logan groan too making me laugh we both started laughing. It was the first time we were laughing like this. I threw fish at him and he did the same as we were still lying there and laughing forgetting all our worries. 

"Let's get out of here, we still need to find the last fish," Logan said, making me nod and we helped each other to get out. We were stinking like fish after falling in piles of it. 

"I asked in all the shops but they said that they don't have it because it's too expensive," Logan said with slumped shoulders. 

"Yeah, people said the same thing to me. Now, what will we do? We did our best to find all the fishes and still one Is reaming. If we won't get all of the grey eye monsters will kill us" I said with a slumped shoulder and horrified expression on my face as I thought about what he will do to us we couldn't find it. 

"Grey eye monster. Who" he asked in his confused voice but narrowing his eyes at me. I bit my tongue as it had slipped in front of him. 

"Nothing. Let's go and search in another nearby fish market we only have twenty minutes left in our hands" I said in my eager voice trying to divert his mind because I know he respects the grey eye monster as he is his mentor and what if he said to him I call him that. I didn't want to complicate my life anymore. We went to nearby markets but to our anvil, we couldn't find it. 

"What will we do now," I said in my defeated voice as I walked out of the last shop with the drooping shoulder.  Logan was standing out with the same expression on his face. We had to work so hard to get all the fish. My legs were aching and my skin was itching because of fish water and I was stinking like a fish itself. 

"I don't know," he said as he glanced at his watch as not much time was remaining and we had to search every shop of nearby fish markets. We both sat in the car with slump shoulders. Logan was looking sad and I knew he was thinking about his mom and what would happen to them. The same thoughts came to my mind as I thought about my family. They were so happy that I could land such a good job. They see hope in me. Everything was making me feel so overwhelmed. I again looked at Logan who was still in his deep thoughts. 

"Let's take this fish. Don't be sad, we were able to get almost all the fish. Even if we lose our job today, at least we know we did our best" I said in a soft voice to cheer him up. He nodded and started the car. I looked out of the window thinking about his words. 

The bigger the things you ask, the bigger the punishment. 

My body shivered as his cold evil voice ringed in my ears. I can't even imagine what he will do to me now. We both were lost in our world when my cell phone started ringing suddenly making both of us flinch a little bit. I picked up the call to answer it as I heard what the person on the other line said. My face lit up in happiness. I started squealing in happiness. Logan looked at me with a horrified face as he saw me smiling like a mad man as I almost hugged him and he tried to maintain his grip on the starting wheel. 

"Stop screaming like a madman and tell me what happened," he said in his worried voice but before I could tell him he again opened his mouth. 

"Did the head chef fire us and that's why you lost your senses?" he said in his startled voice, making me move my head in no. 

"We got the last fish. The person who called us said his order was cancelled and they have the fish" I said in my excited voice. I gave my number to the shopkeepers. Now both of us were screaming like mad people. We collected that fish on our way and after that Logan drove the car like a madman as we were running out of time. Anyhow, we managed to reach the restaurant. We ran to the main kitchen with fish in our hands ignoring everyone on our way. 

"We brought all the fishes," I said on top of my lungs as I stood out of the main kitchen panting hard. Everyone turned as soon as they heard my voice. Logan slumped down on the floor breathing hard as his legs gave up. I saw William, James, and chef Oliver breathing in relief as their faces beamed in happiness. But only one person was standing there with an emotionless face. I couldn't tell if he was happy or angry. 

"Thank God you made it in time. I almost got a heart attack the moment the clock ticked near your deadline," William said in his relief-filled voice as he walked towards me and hugged me, taking me off guard. My hand was still in the air as he was hugging me tightly as I stood awkwardly. A smile stretched on my lips looking at his reaction and I was about to wrap my hands around him but I stopped and the smile vanished from my lips as my eyes landed on him. Grey eye monsters' emotionless eyes were now showing anger and my body shivered in fear when I saw him breathing in outrage as the flanges of his nose rose in anger as his eyes roamed at William and mine entangled body. I don't know but my body shivered in fear and I found myself detaching my body away from Williams. He let go of me with a confused face and followed my gaze. 

"Everyone gets back to work," the head chef said in his angry voice as he averted his eyes from me and fixed on others. Everyone said yes including Logan as he gestured to him to come in. Everyone got back to work happily with a small smile on my face. I looked out of place so I took my steps back as he had not said a single word to me. I felt my heart cleaning as he ignored me. I don't know why but my eyes sting and I ran to the washroom. I washed my face and more warm tears slipped from my eyes. I again splashed water on my face and I didn't even realise I had wet my shirt. It was now sticking to my chest band so I undid my shirt button and took it off to dry under the hand dryer. I hung it on it while I looked back in the mirror. Tears were still falling from my eyes. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. 

How heartless a monster he is. 

It was as if he didn't see my efforts. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard steps coming towards me before I could wear my shirt. The door opened, making me run and hide behind the lockers in a haze. I forgot to take my shirt with me as it was still hanging on the hand dryer. I stood there still as I saw two figures walking in. James and William walked in as I kept looking at them from my hideout. 

"I feel bad for Sage," James said to William who hummed in response as he was looking in the mirror but the next moment my blood ran cold as our eyes met. My whole body froze as his wide eyes fell on my bare shoulders before his eyes could move any further. I hid so he couldn't see me but I knew I was too late. 

I thought nothing could get worse than getting fired but here the Creator is laughing at me as he proves me wrong again. 

Hey, guys update for you.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Read in Early access tier 1
Hate War complete book
Flames of Lie up to chapter 87
Stolen Secretary up to chapter 46

Early access tier 2
All the above books &
New book The Bride of Last Dragon.

Early access tier 3
All the above books and The Litte Bride 5 chapters every week.

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I need your support guys.

Now me Bluedragon95 sign off we will meet guys at the next update. Till then have fun guys, and be safe.

Thank you.

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