I'm Hers - Lesbian Story

By KimK70

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[COMPLETED] It's the year 2350 and the world has changed for the worse. Vampires have taken over and enslaved... More



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By KimK70

As a thank you for reaching the 100k views on this story. Have fun reading!


Wedding tune:
"Just the way you are" - Bruno Mars

First dance song:
"A Thousand Years" - Christina Perri

A supernatural wedding


A couple years later...

*Evelyn's POV

As I was walking down the aisle with  Catherine by my side leading me towards the love of my life - carefully taking each step because of the high heels I wasn't quite used to wearing and flower petals previously thrown on the ground by Mia and Luna, who were our flower girls for this special moment - I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind.

Of what I have been through, how I got here, all the people I met throughout these years, the sad moments but mostly the good ones and most importantly, how grateful I am to have met my lovely girlfriend who will now become my wife within the next few minutes.

The closer I get to her, the more beautiful she seems to get. Waiting for me to get to her and hold her hands. The memory that comes forth is one that is close to my happiest ones; the day she proposed to me.

It took place about a year after we met Mia. She had taken me someplace far away as a surprise. To Paris, to be exact.

She had said that she needed some 'us' time and wanted to spend it in the city of love. She wanted to show me the world, seeing as I had never been able to travel before. She had though, she had practically been to every place you could think of. Mainly for work, but in her early years also for fun.

So, there we were, in Paris. She started out by showing me some of the popular places you can visit there, like the Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame Cathedral. In the evening, we arrived at the Eiffel Tower. I had never seen such an extraordinary building. And it looked amazing with all the lights on. I was shocked when she told me we were going to go inside. I couldn't wait and she laughed at my bubbliness

I was confused as to why it was so quiet. When Valentina had noticed my confusion, she told me she had 'bought the place for the night'. She had said it so casually but I know it must have cost a fortune.

We went to the second floor with the elevator and the view up there was beautiful. We ate dinner in a fancy restaurant with chefs cooking only for us. It was a nice evening and the food was utterly delicious. Valentina was glad I had enjoyed it.

But then the real surprise of this trip came. We went all the way up to the third floor and I couldn't ever have seen this coming. As I was distracted by the even higher view of the city, Valentina got down of one knee behind me and took out a silver ring.

"Eve, my darling, will you marry me?" She had said. I never thought I would hear someone say those words to me. But she did.

"Yes, of course! I love you so much." The proposal was sealed with a kiss and the day came to an end with a love making session in a hotel.

I let all the thoughts go as I take a look around. Our wedding is taking place in the beautiful garden in front of the castle. It is currently spring season, and all the different types of flowers are blooming at their full potential. Their colors making the surrounding view look amazing and bright.

They also match my dress. We decided we wanted to stray a bit from the typical wedding. We have a dark red theme to represent the blood we take to survive and I am wearing a dress full of flowers. Although, you can't forget the collar that still remains around my neck, even after all this time. And I will never take it off.

As I come closer to Valentina and Issabell, who will be our officiant today, I glance at all the people who sit at each side. The people who we know well seated at the front line and the others who reside in the castle and see Valentina as their queen, behind them to support us today.

A piano tuned version of the song 'Just the way you are' is being played by an orchestra in the background who was specially hired for this event. The sound of the different music instruments sounds heavenly and I almost want to stop walking and just stand still and listen. But we have other plans at the moment.

After having taken in the beautiful view, I finally arrive at the alter - luckily without tripping - where Valentina immediately takes my hands in hers and whispers how breathtakingly beautiful I look. Her gestures make me invisibly blush, seeing as I am a vampire, but they also make me feel more calm.

Val also looks amazing in her dark red suit that fits the wedding theme.

That's when the music suddenly stops and it becomes quiet. The only sounds still heard are the birds chirping in the air and the rustling of the leaves attached to the trees by the soft wind.

Issabell starts her official speech by welcoming everyone who is present. "It’s a great pleasure to welcome you here today to celebrate this special moment between Evelyn Johnson and Valentina Colgate, also known as your queen. Your presence symbolizes the love and joy that we all feel for our friends, family, loved ones, and our vampire community." Everyone had a smile on their face and there were happy vibes all around.

Next up were the vows. Valentina went first. "I, Valentina Colgate, take you, Evelyn Johnson, to be my lawful wife, I promise to be faithful to you, in good times, and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my eternal life."

After quickly wiping a stray tear from the corner of my eye to prevent it from ruining my make up, I took a breath and gave her a shy smile before it was my turn. "I, Evelyn Johnson, take you, Valentina Colgate, to be my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."

Then there was only one part left. "It is now time for you to exchange rings. Your rings symbolize the eternal commitment you make to each other, and the never ending circle of your love. May these rings always remind you of the commitment you are making here today."

From the corner of my eye, I see Mia come up to us. A small white pillow held in front of her with two rings on top. They look perfect for us.

One, silver, shiny and with a ruby crystal in the middle. The other, dark, mysterious and the ruby crystal all around. We each take the other's ring and put it on their finger after we've said the I do's.

"By the power invested in me, Issabell West, I pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss." As we share our most meaningful kiss yet, everyone bursts out in joyful screams and starts clapping.

"It is with great honor and delight, that I present to you, your queens, Mrs. And Mrs. Colgate." Issabell says with a bright smile on her face after having calmed the crowd.

"Before we all make our way into the castle to have some dinner and celebrate with an after party, we must tend to one more thing. Now that Evelyn is also your queen, she may state any one rule that will become official. This is her first duty as queen. Eve, my dear, tell us what your rule will be." It is Valentina who said this. We had already talked about this before, so I knew this was coming. This was certainly the most important decision I've had to make. Coming up with a rule that a whole kingdom has to follow. That's a lot. Luckily I've had a lot of time to think about it and I know exactly what I'm going to say.

I face the crowd. Looking over all the faces. "Lovely people, vampires, humans, I want to let you all know that it was a difficult task, but I thought long and hard. I think this rule will benefit us all and I hope you will all agree and accept it with an open mind, seeing as nothing like this has ever been done before. Without further suspension, I will hereby explain my rule to you all."

I look over to my right, at my wife, for some support and know it will be okay when I saw the love in her eyes. "My rule will be an event. Once a year, on this specific day, our wedding day, we will all come together. Vampires, humans, the rich, the poor, the royals and the farmers. Nobody will be left out. On this day we will all be equal to eachother. Forget about our differences, leave the judgment and hate behind. Each year on May 21st we will have peace. The reason this can benefit us all is because we can make friends, give the ones who are alone a day with others, and have time to catch up with the other species. I also hope this day will inspire everyone to see how a world with peace looks like and stop some from destroying that. That was all, thank you."

For a second, it stays quiet as everyone takes this information in, but then they all start clapping and some start jumping from happiness. I let out a relieved breath. "I knew you would make a good choice. Seems like you already got this queen thing under control." I laughed at my wife's comment and leaned in for a kiss. She of course, happily accepted the gesture with open arms.

We all started making our way back into the castle and to the main hall where everything had been prepared for the dinner. At the back, on a slightly higher level of the room stood a long table where we and our friends would come to sit. It had beautiful bouquets of roses displayed on it. The rest of the guests can sit at the multiple rounded tables spread over the rest of the space.


The food had been delivered, the drinks are filled and everyone is seated and chatting with each other. The atmosphere is positive and lively.

Valentina and I are seated next to each other with Mia in between us at the middle of the table so that we can easily speak to the others. We can never let our protectiveness go when it comes to her, she is and always will be our prized possession. So with us on each side of her, she will be safest.

Catherine is seated opposite of Valentina with Luna next to her and Issabell next to Luna. On the outsides are other friendly acquaintances.

"So, how does it feel like, dear sister? Finally being official?" Catherine asked my love with a grin. I just focused on my delicious food and kept making sure Mia had enough to eat and drink.

"We don't need a ring and a ceremony to be official Catherine. Everyone already knew Evelyn was mine. But it does feel nice. Even more secure." She answered with a wink to me. I gave her a shy smile in return. Valentina and her charms.

"Did Luna and I do a good job with the flowers and I with the rings?" Mia softly asked out loud. She still does this often, look for reassurance. Asking if she does her tasks right.

"You did so amazing sweetheart, you too Luna. You girls both looked so pretty back there." I nodded in confirmation with Valentina.

"She is right, I'm so proud of you." I said as I gave her a quick kiss on her temple, knowing it embarrasses her. But I can't help it, I love seeing her cute blush."

"Yes, especially with your purple collar Luna, it goes perfectly with your outfit." Of course Catherine had to throw in a comment like that. She likes to remind Luna she is hers in the most inappropriate moments and Luna secretly loves it even though she would never admit it out loud. To her it reminds her she isn't alone anymore and will always have Catherine to confide in.

"Alright we are going off topic, let's talk about something else, like what do you guys think of my new rule?" I asked, taking the spotlight off the little ones, knowing they don't like that much attention for too long. Their poor cheeks need a break before they stay red permanently. But I also wanted to know their thoughts on it.

Issabell was first to answer. "I think it's very original. I never would have thought of something like this. I think it will truly bring us together. Perhaps we can even get some friends out of it. Maybe some that are not only vampires." I smiled happily at that.

"I think it will be a great way to get to know more people. I think it's important, especially for Mia and Luna, to have fun and make more friends. Right girls?" Catherine said next, making our humans nod happily. My friends are always so supportive, I thought with a smile.

"You already know I agree baby, you have nothing to worry about. The people love you." I reached around Mia for her hand and squeezed it softly, showing her my appreciation.


After everyone finished their dinner and all the vampires got their fill of blood for the night, we moved to the dance room.

It's a big open room with a dance floor in the middle and small tables with chairs to the side for if someone wants to take a break from partying. In one of the corners is a bar where you can get alcoholic beverages and the room itself has been beautifully decorated with balloons, lights and the orchestra has also moved their instruments inside and are set up in another corner of the room.

After most of the guests had made it inside, some royals having to leave because of business, Valentina and I slowly walked to the middle of the dance floor.

It is tradition for the newly wedded pair to have the first dance. I was excited, though also very nervous because of all the watchful eyes around us. Luckily Valentina had been teaching me some moves over the last years, so I won't have to worry about tripping over my own feet. Though I'm still by far not as good as my wife.

But as I looked into her eyes and the song 'A Thousand Years' started softly playing in the background, I forgot about the rest of the world for a couple of minutes. I had only eyes for her.

She placed her hands on my waist and I on her shoulders and we gracefully moved around in slow circles. Towards the end of the song I placed my head on her chest and she pulled me close and place a kiss on my head. I closed my eyes and breathed in her sent, savoring this moment for as long as possible.

The song slowly faded out and that's when I came back to reality, by the noise of the people clapping once more.

After our slow dance the real party began and the more upbeat music started playing. Everybody enjoyed themselves.

After having daced about four songs with Valentina and two with Catherine, I went to the bar and got myself a drink with ice and moved to a table that wasn't occupied yet.

There, I sat down and took a look around. It was a lot later and the sun had set, making the stars and the moon come out. The dance floor was less occupied and people were starting to go home.

That's when I saw the both of them, in eachother's embrace while dancing slowly, just like Valentina and I had done with our dance. Mia and Luna. How did they grow up so fast? A couple years ago there were barely adults who hadn't experienced what it is like to be loved and now they are in their mid-twenties.

Time goes by way too quick, even when you've got an eternal life. It feels like yesterday when our little Mia came to Val and I, nervous and scared, wanting to tell us something important.

Valentina and I had just entered the bedroom on request of our Mia. Apparently, she had come to us both on separate occasions when we were alone and asked us to meet up to discuss something. As you could imagine we were each worried about what was going on. We only just now found out the other was also asked to be here.

Mia was already present and sat waiting for us on our bed. From looking at her posture which was slightly shaking, her hands that she could not keep still and her bowed head, I became even more scared.

"Mia darling, what is going on? Why have you asked for us?" Valentina asked as she approached her slowly.

"You know you can tell us anything. Whatever it is that has you so worried, I'm sure it's nothing bad." I said. We both took a seat on a outer edge of the bed and waited what she had to say.

It took a while, but after a few minutes, she came out and said it. "I-I'm bisexual." I did not see that coming. Both our eyes widened slightly, being caught off guard. But upon seeing Mia becoming even more nervous by our silence, we quickly embraced her and let her know everything was alright.

"Come here sweetie, is that what you were so afraid to say? It's okay, we accept you for who you are." I let her know as I wrapped my arms around her smaller frame and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"I don't know why I was so nervous, I mean it's not like you guys wouldn't be accepting. I guess it's more about who I have feelings for." Once again we were caught off guard. Our little girl had a crush on somebody?

"You like somebody? Do you want to tell us who they are?" Valentina asked. I had to hold back a grin because of her possessive glare, but I could also see excitement. No doubt she is making up the rules for her as we speak.

She pushed her head into my neck as she mumbled their name. "It's Luna." Valentina and I stared into each other's eyes as we both smiled, happy that our girl found somebody to spend time with. Now let's hope it will work out between them.

And as you can see, it definitely did. Mia asked her out two weeks later and she said yes. One month later they were dating. It was so cute to see two innocent young girls find their love. Something like that reminds you of the beauty in the world.

Even though there is a lot of bad, the little things that happen to us seem to outweigh that.


That was it! The longest chapter I have ever written. Well over 3.000 words. But it was definitely worth it. Please let me know what your thoughts are on this bonus chapter and give my other books a look if you haven't already. Love you all!


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