
By chinenyuuri

161K 6.7K 2.7K

You fall to a person unexpectedly, instantly, totally without a doubt. It comes along without any warning. More

Getting To Know
Fooling Around
Chances Increasing
Breaking Up
Suffering pt. 2
Meeting Again


3.1K 174 76
By chinenyuuri

Chapter 16 - Choosing

And the boy entered the house escorted by Jin. The elder male can see that the younger male prepared to look good for today, the boy seems to planned for a great outfit and awesome style for him, he assumes. He expects this day to be his most memorable and greatest day that ever come to his life.

"I'm glad you are here now, Jungkook." Jin smiles and grab the boy in a warm embrace, "You look pretty today."

Jungkook pulled away and asks, "Only today? Wow, thanks." He pouted his lips and sits on the couch. Jin sits down beside the younger male still smiling like an idiotic man.

Suddenly, Jin moves to take a closer look at the younger, "You're pretty everyday but much more today." And giggles.

"Yah!" Jungkook moves away, "Why are you acting nice and sweet today?!" He acted disgusted with the situation.

"Shall we eat?" Jin stands up followed by Jungkook.

"Ofcourse, I came for the food."

"Yah!" Jin shouted. He pulls a chair for Jungkook before he takes a seat. This guy is acting like a gentleman towards a man that looks somehow weird.

Jungkook was impressed at how many food were placed in the table. It smells awesome, as expected from the aspiring chef. He immediately grabs the bowl of rice and Jin quietly laughs looking at how Jungkook loves the food he prepared. The hard work does pays off, just staring at the boy's smile fades his tiredness and loneliness.

"Is it great?" Jin asked the pre-occupied boy, "Is it?" He asks again.

Jungkook drinks his water first before answering, "No. It's not."

"Yah!" Jin pointed his fork towards the younger boy. The younger boy giggles and says, "Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm surprised."

"You almost finish it all."

"I love everything, I can't stop." Jungkook laughs sarcastically and continues eating his unfinished plate.

After few minutes of eating, Jungkook accidentally burped and made the two laugh out loud in unison, "Oh.. Jin. Why did you broke up with Jimin?"

Jin ignored the question and went to his fridge to get something. The cake he prepared while the boy follows him from behind, "Ah! Really? Ah.. Jin!" Jungkook kept on yelling right into his ears. Jin put his left hand on Jungkook's mouth and says, "Stop over reacting, it's just a cake."

"Oh, right." Jungkook tittered.

Jin cuts two slices of oreo cheesecake for each one of them. He handed one for the younger boy and sits back on his chair. Jungkook smiles at the very first bite, "Ah. Really Jin?"

"What?!" Jin shouted with his raised eyebrows.

Jungkook continued eating ignoring his questions of how does it taste and if it tastes good or bad or whatsoever.

"You're not going to answer me?" Jin asked.

Jungkook saw a familiar box of game he sees on stores and so he asks, "You bought that Jenga?" He pointed the shelf where the box is located.

"Yeah! Wanna play?" The elder male replies quickly.

"Ah? Really?" Jungkook asked.


Jin goes to the shelf and gets the box, he puts it on a chair first so he can clear the table, he gets all the empty plates and placed it in the sink. Then the plates with food were put in the counter, Jungkook also helps him in moving the plates.

Finally, after cleaning up the mess, Jin gets the Jenga out from the box. Jenga us a game of physical and mental skill, a classic-block stacking and crashing game. It is all about how to stack up a towel building against the law of gravity.

They started to play the game, the atmosphere was quiet then turns loud when they achieve to get the wooden block without falling off. On the first round, Jin loses, without any warning, Jungkook slapped his cheek as a punishment, "Yah!" Jin yelled.

"What? You lose."

"Ah.. I'm going to win."

They were sharing funny stories to each other while playing the game which takes the game much longer. The two would laugh every time Jungkook throws a joke on Jin. It's been awhile since they have done long talks, they were indeed catching up.

Jungkook also won for the second round until the fifth round. He keeps on slapping Jin's arms, bullying the boy's wrestler-like arms. He was enjoying teasing the elder male, forgetting his agenda with the other boy until he felt his coat was shaking because of his phone's vibration.

Jungkook gets his phone on the pocket of his coat while Jin was arranging the wooden blocks.

He smiled seeing it was V. The boy called him for eleven times and thirty messages with the same content.

From: V
Where are you??? I'm waiting ^.^

Jungkook smiles so widely when V does or says something when it's not even that funny, it was very obvious that Jungkook adores the boy so much.

He looked at his watch and realized that it's nearly midnight--christmas is coming--imagine how long he stayed at Jin's and unexpectedly forgot about V.

"Uhmm.. Jin?" He called for the elder male's name. Jin looked back at him and asks, "Why?"

"Can I go now?"

"What? It's nearly twelve, can we wait until Christmas?" Jin asks with a little sound of sweetness.

Jungkook gulped, "I need to leave, seriously." He stared at Jin's eyes.

Jin then grabbed both hands of the younger male and takes a deep breath before saying, "I'm going to tell you something, remember?"

Jungkook nodded.

"You know Jimin and I are not together right?"


"We broke up, remember?"


"I'm going to tell you the reason."

Jungkook nods again and waits for Jin's reason patiently.

"Remember my ideal type?"

"Uhmm.. Yes." Jungkook answered nervously.

"I said, I want someone pretty and has a pale skin."


"Smaller than me."


"I love someone who loves to eat as well like me."


"Someone who is funny."


"And lastly.. an honest person."

"Right." Jungkook wanted to pull his hands away from Jin but he just asks the boy, "Why do you have to remind me that?"

"That wasn't Jimin.. my ideal type."

"Yeah, obviously, because you broke up with him."

"I thought I would like him, I tried.. I really tried." Jin paused for a second and continued, "You said that he was my ideal type and I trust you so much so I gave in.. I wanted to experience the feeling of being loved."

"Yah! Just go straight to the point!" Jungkook growls in frustration.

Jin giggles looking at his impatient bestfriend, "I realized that I was inlove with someone when I saw him being wih someone else."

"Huh?" The younger male was clueless about what the elder male was saying, this boy is a slow when it comes to love confession.

"I love him. My ideal type was him. I was searching for someone like him, but, there's no one compare to him. He's really different from anyone else."

"Yah! Tell me who is that boy who ruined you and Jimin!"

Jin holds on Jungkook's hands tighter, he moves his seat closer to the younger and confesses, "I love you, Jungkook."

Jungkook nearly falls from his chair in surprise, he immediately pulled his hands away from the elder male and stood up. He blinks his eyes for multiple times to check if he is dreaming or what but everything's real. The confession was real.

Jin runs and takes the boy's arm, "Jungkook, Please don't go."

"Yah!" Jungkook pulled away, "I really hate you!"

Jungkook went out of the house and quickly gets a taxi cab to ride and get into V's house immediately. He was still in shock, his heart was beating so loudly as he placed his hand on his chest but he said to himself to not mind it and remember that he needs to meet V before midnight.

There's still fifteen minutes before Christmas, he is not that late, he shouldn't be, he needs to see V. Immediately, he entered the gates and went to the door, clicks on the doorbell and after a few seconds, V opened the door.

"Ah.. V!" Jungkook greeted the boy with his heavy breathing. V seems disappointed, the orange haired guy sighs deeply, "Do you know what time is it?"

"Yes, I'm really really sorry, V. I want to be here earlier but I wasn't able to, believe me, please don't get mad at me." Jungkook bowed his head in ninety degrees.

Jungkook never apologize this much before, if Jin sees this, he would be very surprise, the boy looks very apologetic and sincere for the orange haired guy.

"Tell me, where have you been?"

"Uhh.." Jungkook looked down on his shoes, don't you know how cold it is outside? He whispers in his mind. He went to the boy's house despite how late it was and waiting for a taxi cab on a late hour.

"You went to Jin's house?"

"Uhh.." Jungkook couldn't even take a glance at the elder male, he was very sorry but a sorry could not cover that V waited for hours.

"I prepared so much this afternoon just to make a surprise for you this evening, do you know how many hours I've waited? The text messages I've sent and had been ignored? Do you know what's the feeling?" V laughs in sarcasm, "You don't."

"V, I'm really sorry. I'm here now, can't I go inside?"

"You don't have to if you don't like. I don't want to be in a place where I don't deserve."


"I just want you to be happy. If that's with me or with someone else or with nobody. I just want you to be happy." V said with his soft low voice and closed the door.

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