All Mine - Christian Yelich

By yelibaseball

49.6K 1K 31

Luna Packard, girlfriend of Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop, Corey Seager has been given the opportunity of a l... More

Have It Your Way
I Already Pushed It
Blessing Or A Curse
Drunk Actions Are Sober Thoughts
You Aren't Stopping Me
Good Dude; Good Intentions
Between You Two
Bold Of You
Nothing Less Than
Out Of The Blue
I'm Not Mad
Dancing In The Rain
You Did It
Figure It Out
Everybody Knows Now
All That Matters
Keep Her Around
All Of Tonight
Root For Her
I Have You.
I'm On Your Team
I Can't Take All The Credit
Don't Get Any Ideas.
Eye Candy
100 Times
All Mine
Crazy Beautiful Mind
He'd Be Lucky
The Unwritten Rule
It's Him Or It's No One
By My Side
Creating History
Strike Three
I Like Me Better
New Day Tomorrow
No, No, No, Maybe, No
I Love You
So, Kids?
Inspiring and Driven
It Could Be Really Early
Don't Walk Away
This Mom
What Are You Gonna Do With Me?
Downtown Milwaukee
Captain Obvious
The Final Moments
Cigarettes, Dirty Money, Black Coffee
Dad Strength
Maybe A Little
Be Better
Caiti For Short
New Hardware Tonight
Here We Go Again
Big Sis
He's Too Little And I Have Work Tomorrow
They Complete Me
Milwaukee, Thank You
Thank You!

Everything And More

457 13 0
By yelibaseball


Christian and I stand at the end of the line as we wait for our wedding party to head in. He takes my hands, interlacing them with his. We're still grinning just as big as we were an hour ago.

He looks down at our hands, "I've been waiting for this day for forever."

"Me too. Ever since we picked this place."

"We got it done."

"I'm proud of us."

I smile, confidently agreeing. I gather the train of my dress so I don't trip over it when we walk in. He holds his hand out as we watch Collin and Trin head out into the reception area.

"I love you, Mrs. Yelich." Oh, that will never get old.

"You've been waiting for that one, haven't you?"

"Yeah, a really long time."

I laugh and smile, "I love you, too."

We had Cody announce us since we both knew he'd do a great job and he'd get everybody into it. "Please help me welcome the newlyweds, The Yelich's!" Yep, never going to get old.

We walk through the glass doors, immediately getting everyone's attention as soon as we're visible. We walk through the crowd, heading straight to the dance floor.

"Look at these two, they can't even contain their smiles right now."

"Cody, we got a pretty good reason."

"And that, everybody, is the attitude I've been looking for all day."

Our guests laugh and I can start to feel my face getting red. Our first dance track starts to play and the lights dim around us.

Around 150 people are watching us right now, slowly move to our song. Yet, I couldn't feel more alone with him right now. It's like there's this bubble around us where we don't notice a single thing that's going on outside of this bubble. It's just us right now.

I sit down next to Christian as we set up chairs in the middle of the dance floor. I watch as my sister takes the microphone from Cody and takes her phone off the table. This could either be extremely embarrassing or extremely sweet.

"Everyone can thank me for being here tonight. You're welcome." We all laugh as she continues, "As true as that last statement was, I'm extremely glad to be here tonight. I couldn't be more excited for Christian and Luna. I'm Trinity, Luna's sister, and maid of honor, for those who don't know. Christian, I have watched you and my sister from the moment she got back to Milwaukee. I remember it wasn't long before you two actually started dating, that I had asked her how you made her feel. Her response was 'like freaking gold.' And then you both started dating and it just seemed like it was meant to be. I knew you were the one when I realized I didn't scare you off. I guess I had a tendency to do so."

She looks toward me in agreement and I shake my head vigorously. Maybe too many times.

"Then when things got tense and were off between you two. You both sat down, talked it out, and figured it out. The communication that you two built between each other is something I aspire to have. Christian, there's so much that you don't realize what you did for my sister. She was an introverted wallflower before coming back out to Milwaukee and living her dream. And I have so many other reasons to be grateful for you. Thank you for loving my sister so much every day. In my opinion, she deserves everything and more. I love you both and I hope for the best for you two."

She hands the microphone off to Collin as we both gather ourselves. She had us both on the verge of tears. "Hi, I'm Collin, Christian's brother, and best man. So I doubt I'm going to top that because, Trinity, you have both of them almost crying."

Christian shakes his head and puts his arm around me. "Anyway, Luna, Christian, I am beyond excited to be here tonight. Luna, I could go on about all the things that Christian has told me. Good things, of course. One that sticks out is when he told me 'Collin, I'm gonna marry her.' You two had probably been dating for about a year and I was in shock."

I look over at Christian who is taking in what Collin is saying. "After being with you for family gatherings, he was right. Luna, you are everything that he has ever wanted. I know he's told you that but I want you to hear that from me. And here we are at your reception. You both are amazing people and I couldn't be more thankful to have the honor of sharing this night with you. You both know that I'm always around when you're in Milwaukee. Christian, bro, you picked a good one and I'm sure of that."

I lean on Christian's shoulder as I watch my dad grab the microphone from Collin. "Oh, this is where I'll cry," I quietly say.

"I promise I'll keep this short," my dad starts. I know he won't.

"As of today, my youngest full daughter is actually growing up. As cliche as that sounds, it's true. Luna, I couldn't be prouder of the woman that you've become. I might have to brag a little bit, but for any of you who don't know, Luna is a four-time Sports Emmy winner."

Our guests clap, making me smile but blush since I don't normally flaunt that I've won a few Emmy awards. It's just not me. "I didn't come up here to brag about my daughter, although I could do that, but I won't. Luna, you have so many things to be proud of. You have so many accomplishments to be proud of. So many people are proud of you. As much as I didn't want to make things sad, I do want to acknowledge and remind you that your Grandpa Packard would be so proud of you. I know he would've wanted to be here tonight if he could. Some of you have probably heard me call Luna, 'bear.' That is something my dad called her when she was young. He, unfortunately, passed seven years ago after a long, hard-fought battle with cancer."

One of the hardest days of my life was finding out that I had lost him without a proper goodbye. It pains me still to this day. But he's my guardian angel, there's no doubt.

Christian's hold on me gets a bit tighter as my dad continues, "He was her biggest supporter and I wish he could've seen this and met Christian. Christian, I can assure you, that he would've approved of you. He would've been so happy to be here tonight. Christian, you are everything my daughter has wished for. You're a good person with your head on right. A lot of people say that their daughters end up marrying people who are a lot like their fathers. And while Christian and I share many similar traits, interests, and beliefs. My daughter has married a far better man than I ever was. Christian is everything that I dreamed of Luna having. Raised by great people who instilled the values of family, commitment, hard work, and loving someone more than himself. Luna, Christian, I can't wait to see what the future has in store for the both of you. In your personal lives and also your work lives."

He gives the microphone to Alecia before coming over to me. I hug him tightly and savor this for as long as possible. He kisses my cheek, "I love you and I'm proud of you."

"I love you, Dad. Thank you for everything."

He smiles, both of us knowing he knows that. He more than likely doesn't want to start crying. I, on the other hand, have given up on that aspect.

Christian hands me a tissue once I sit back down. I pat under my eyes to at least make sure my makeup isn't ruined. Alecia stands in front of us, smiling with so much joy in her eyes. "I'm not really sure what to say after all of that. Just know that everyone in this room loves you both and is thrilled to be sharing this day with you. I love you both and couldn't be happier to be here today."

"This reminds me of my prom," Cody tells me as we dance together.

"Is that a good thing? Because from what I remember, we were both sweaty, and in a crowd of 400 people, with mediocre music playing from a 26-year-old DJ."

He laughs, "Well, yeah, I guess there was that. But the part where we both got dressed up and had the best time."

"Oh, and where everyone thought we were together?"

"Yeah, that too. I don't know how many times we told them that we weren't."

"Think of it this way. What girl flies out to Arizona just to go to prom with her best friend?"


"I had my reasons."

"Yeah, you did."

"So, like how far out will be your wedding?"

"I knew you'd ask something about it."

"Oh, come on. Grow a pair and do it. Chase would be thrilled and you know she would be."

"I don't like that you're right about this."

"Trust me on this."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Cody, can I steal her for a minute?" Corey asks coming up next to me.

Cody looks at me for an answer. "Cody, it's fine."

He hugs me before giving us some space. "Thank you for coming."

"As much as I wished it was you and me, I know we weren't meant to be. Right person, wrong time. And I'm happy for you. Extremely happy for you. And I'm sorry for everything. If there were a few riffs between you and Christian, I'm sorry."

"I really appreciate that Corey, I really do."

"And I wanted to tell you that you look beautiful."

"Thank you."

He goes in for a hug and I let him. I know his words were sincere. "I wish you both the best."

"Thank you. We appreciate it." He smiles, making me smile. Three long years of fighting and avoiding him are over.

"I'll see you around?"


I don't know if there's a better feeling than waking up in a tropical country with the love of your life right next to you. Can it really get better than this? To me? No. Not right now.

We landed really early this morning so we weren't able to see the beautiful waters. But I can see them now and they do not disappoint.

I get out of bed, trying to be quiet. I put on a bathing suit so I can at least sit out and wait for him to come out. I could've stayed in bed, but it's sunny and warm out.

I'm finally getting a chance to look around and see just how beautiful Turks and Caicos are. I don't know if I've ever seen clearer or bluer water than what I'm staring at right now.

I grab a towel from the rack and put it by the chair. There's a whole ass in-ground pool right off the patio. Who needs a pool when there's a whole ocean ten feet away? Us apparently. We're secluded from the other people at this resort, which is great.

I walk that ten feet to the soft, white sand, and let the water hit my feet. The calmness that the water and sun bring me is undeniably amazing. I could stand out here for hours on end.

I couldn't have been outside long when I hear the sliding door open. He must've heard me get up.

"Is the water warm?"


He drapes his arms around me and looks out with me. "I didn't plan anything today so we can do whatever today."

Just what our bodies need. "Let's go in." I drag him further into the water just enough where I can still touch the bottom.

"This is incredible," he says looking out at the water.

"You're the one who booked it."

"I know but the pictures just don't do it justice."

"I don't know if it can get better than this."

"I think you're right."

"Christian, don't make me fall," I say as he holds onto my arm, trying to come over onto the paddleboard that I'm on.

"You're not going to fall." That's not promising. I'm already clumsy as it is. Between us two, I'd be the one to fall.

He gets on with me, putting his hands on my waist. I use the paddle to get us to where we can see the sunset. It's a core workout for sure.

I let us float a bit before we can see the perfect view of the sun mirroring the water. The orange and pink skies are absolutely incredible against the blue water.

He sits down behind me, patting my butt so I can sit down. I try to get comfortable while straddling the board and letting my legs dangle in the water.

I lean back on him and he puts his hands on my legs. "These views are insane."

I nod, agreeing because even the smallest conversation can disrupt something so peaceful and beautiful. As much as I wish I had my phone on me just to get a picture or video of this, I'm glad I don't. This is something that we'll remember forever.

The past few days have been incredible and we get a few more of these days. Lots of sun. Lots of relaxing. Lots of great food. Lots of great sex. Absolutely no distractions. No obligations until we get back.

"I love this and I love you," I tell him. I can almost see the smile forming on his face.

He kisses my cheek. I turn my head and look up at him. He kisses me and I can taste the salt on his lips.

"I love you."

Our last night. Christian uses the ladder to get out of the pool. He grabs a towel from the rack and starts drying off his body and hair. He looks back at me, nodding to get out with him.

I swim over to the ladder, getting out, and squeezing some of the water out of my top. I notice he sat down on the outdoor bed that's completely secluded and not visible to anyone but us. I toss the damp towel into the bin and make my way to him.

He smirks once I get over to him. Christian wraps his arms and hands just under my butt, keeping me in place from moving. "On a scale of 1-10, how lucky am I to have you?" he asks so quietly.

I act like I have to really think about it. "Hm. Well, I assume there's only one right answer? So I'll go with 9."

"Wrong. Anything above 10."

My smile brightens and I lean in even closer than I was. He pulls the strings of my bottoms, letting the fabric fall to the ground. He scoots further back onto the bed, pulling me with him.

He pushes his shorts down as I lean down to kiss him. I'll always say it. But this will never get old. To think we started as friends. Then friends with benefits. Then we dated. Now we're married.

I pull the string of my top and feel it come loose. I blindly toss my top to the ground, not even caring right now. He slides in, making me quietly gasp. "You good?"

"Yeah." My body is just a bit sore from all of the great sex that we've been having. Like over the moon great.

He stabilizes my hips after we flipped over. More comfortable for both of us. He leans down, kisses me as I run my fingers through his hair. "Luna, I love you so much."

"I love you Christian."

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