
By Hallie123

264K 3.3K 650

The virus changed everything. It took the elderly, sick and females. Females were brought for entertainment... More

Taken (Rewritten)
Chapter 3: Captured (Rewritten)
Chapter 4: The Journey (Rewritten)
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: The Attempt
Chapter 7: Manners
Chapter 8: Captive.
Chapter 9: New life
Chapter 10: Routine
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: The Objects
Chapter 13: Unlucky
Chapter 14: Ignorance
Chapter 15: Gangs
Chapter 16: Trust
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Life
Chapter 19: Torture
Chapter 20: Boom!
Chapter 21: Explain
Chapter 22: Love
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 24: Birdy
Chapter 25: How?
Chapter 26: Marcy.
Chapter 27: Change
Chapter 28: Arebella
Chapter 29: Winning
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: New Start
I do apologize
Chapter 32: Stranger
Chapter 33: Help!
Chapter 34: Death.
Chapter 35: Running
Chapter 36: Stranger
Chapter 37: Content.
Chapter 38: AIM
Chapter 39: Freedom
Chapter 40 - Numb
UPDATE!! 2020

Start (Rewritten)

25.8K 177 19
By Hallie123


I had a stone in my stomach.
A heavy stone weighing me down with nerves.
The wind was cool, blowing through my loose blonde locks, making it whip gently against my pale skin.
Looking at my nail bed, I looked for a good nail to bite as I felt anxiety creep into my soul.
Bringing my chosen nail to my teeth, I gnawed at skin around my nails whilst I examined the surroundings around me.

This was the last place I wanted to be right now. In a thick, dense forest with nothing but trees, lakes for miles on end.


Times had changed in the last few decades, civilisation was changed, there were no governments to rule, no police force that served to protect. It was all corrupt nowadays.
One way to get through life was to stay alert and learn self defence.

Gun were freely sold on the black market, females sold for prostitution, entertainment, money, some forced to be gang members. They were lower than animals. Third class citizens.

Drugs sold freely in the streets as if it were the daily newspaper.
The streets. Once thriving with families, pets, businesses, trade, were now desolate and the world of men took over.
Dominating over the females.

Then on top of this, a virus had broken out six years ago due to air pollution, striking the female population, the elderly and the long term sick.
It attacked the lungs, killing you very slowly.
The new age Black Death.

How was I here in this current situation you ask?
Well, I guess... it was bad luck, real bad timing too. My closest friend Marcy and I were caught together.
Till now we had stuck together after losing our families.
We had been together for the past three years, making it on the streets, keeping ourselves out of trouble.
But the world just kept getting more dangerous.
The men formed gangs and each owned a sector of the city.
It was a modern day war over territory, weapons and power.

Hours previous, we were in the old city mall, searching through what was left of the ransacked shops for any supplies. Our base, our home or whatever you'd want to call it wasn't too far. Only problem was we'd crossed into the territory of Eli.
A renowned man of danger. Death followed him. Ruthless.

They had been in the mall themselves, their eyes had spotted us before we had them.
We had tried to make a run but little old me had to trip over and crashed forward.
I couldn't run far with a limp, plus, they had guns. No one could outrun a bullet.
We both froze at the sound of the click, knowing that sound too well.
Our breathing so fast, it was heavy as we dared not look at them behind us. I could see two shadows on the floor giving me the number of men behind us. Meaning two guns.
"Don't move an inch Indie" she breathed over in a whisper.

"Well, well. Eli is going to be delighted too see you two" spoke a deep rugged voice.


Forward time, from us being forced into a car and walked deep into the forest too a campsite.
We sat here and awaited our fate.

Late was the hour now, my nail bed starting to bleed from where I had chewed so much. They had set up a camp in the woods. I had no idea why and I didn't want to know why.

They sat around a low crackling fire, the flames creating shadows on their faces as I studied them. There were four of them altogether, I hadn't caught there names, I just listened into them as they spoke -

"How much longer do we have too wait?"

"I don't know. Eli should be back soon. The warehouse was only a few miles up north."

"We're simply here for back up"

"Well Isaac here grabbed a few gifts from his scavenger hunt." Brown eyes connected with my own blue ones as he motion towards us with a stick he had been poking the fire with.

I moved against a floor feeling uncomfortable as all four sets of eyes looked through the fire towards myself and Marcie. I could feel her stiffen against me also.
They had bound our hands once we had gotten onto site. Isaac, now I had learnt his name, had marched us from the car with his companion too the two other men who were shocked at the sight of us, yet gave brilliant smiles of triumph. They had hit a jackpot.
Once our hands were bound, we were forced down too sit, another rope wrapping us against a tree. Our feet left free.

They continued too look over at us. Brown, blue, blue, grey. The colour of those eyes bore into mine. I felt so vulnerable and stupid.
How had we gotten caught? After being hidden for so long.

Isaac stood up, my eyes following his very move. I watched him intently as he stalked very slowly towards us.
Leaves crunched beneath his black combat boots, as he came closer, his shaggy hair fell in front of his eyes, creating a shadow on his face.
He crouched down onto his knees, his eyes level with ours. My breath hitched as he reached his muscled arm towards me. I stay still, too scared to breath. Warm fingers came into contact with my skin as neither of us broke eye contact.
Moving up from my cold cheeks, he grabbed a lock full of my hair and inhaled my scent deeply.
I'm guessing he hadn't been across a woman in while.


Isaac face disappeared from my view as he fell backwards. I snapped my head towards Marcie, too find she had kicked out at him with her feet.

"Get your hands off her you sick beast" she screamed in his direction.

The ground rustled as he sat back up swiftly, drawing a Swiss army knife out of his boots.
Bringing it up to Marcie, he cut the ropes that pressed us too the tree.
Getting to his feet, his boot came in contact with her stomach. I felt the returned thudd she received as payback.

Isaac grabbed her hair, with it pulling her up to her own feet. Dragging her too the fire pit. Her hands trying to pry his of her hair, I was too stunned too move from my spot. The scene before me was like something out of a movie.

Continuing to hold Marcie's hair, he yanked her so her back was pressed against his torso, her back arched backwards whilst he looked down at the girl from above.

It was an intense stare down.

He lent down too her ear and spoke loudly.

"That wasn't very nice"

Within his next move, he plunged her bound hands into the fire before him. She screamed a blood curdling cry. I went to spring forward to come to her aid. Before I had even gotten too my knees from the sitting position I was in. I heard a gun click.

I looked up too see the brunette, deep hazel eyed one was pointing his straight at me.

"Ahh ah ah" he tutted. "Stay there and be a good girl"

I obeyed. They would shoot.

I stared sad eyed feeling totally helpless as I watched Marcie in pain. The fire had focused on the ropes binding her wrists together, eventually it fell too the floor in an amber glow.

She was pulled away, her hands red raw, blistered with some of her skin melted off. Clutching them into her chest, she sobbed.
Isaac released her, she fell too the dirt. Her knees digging into the soil.

"Noah" Isaac spoke too the one who had his cocked the gun at me. "Grab me a drink and something strong"

Noah who was still watching me for any sudden movement, placed the gun back in his belt after putting it on safety. His eyes glued too me the whole duration. I hadn't moved an inch, too scared. Standing to his feet, glaring at me a final time.
"Don't move" was my command.

Striding towards the tents that surround the camp, he entered the second one furthest from him.
He didn't take long at all in finding the items.
Back out into view he came, making his way toward Marcie and Isaac.

Taking a bottle and tin from Noah's hand, Isaac turned his attention to Marcie, who had gone into a tucked ball, her knees too her chest whilst she whimpered in pain clutching her poor hands into herself.

Hoisted up again via Isaac, the bottle was unscrewed and poured onto her hands. She screamed out so high, if there was glass about it would surely of shattered.

"Shut up, you did this to yourself." No sympathy was given in his words. "Here." He pried open her mouth, opened the tin with one hand and popped its contents into her mouth.

"That should knock you out and stop your noise" with that pour the rest of the bottle down her neck. She spluttered as she couldn't keep up with swallowing quick enough, I'm presuming they had just given her a high dose of whatever was floating around on the black market drug wise.
I also presumed they had washed her burns and now throat with vodka.

"Oh, that's going to fuck her up real good" spoke the other blue eyed monster who's name along with the grey eyed one I hadn't learnt.

Isaac smirked. "Why? you want to play Tris?"

Tris. Short for Tristan.

Tris averted his attention from Marcie who was still in Isaacs hold too me.

"I haven't had a female in such a long time"
Smirking, his grey eyes were like orbs boring into my soul. "None of us have, poor Ollie here probably has never even had one"

I'd gotten of their names finally.

Ollie raised his eyebrow at his companion. "Pfft, I've fucked many a girl thanks"

They all shifted in positions. The two who were
still standing, took a seat on the large logs they were using as benches.
Isaac taking Marcie down with him and popping her between his legs.

I examined her, her chestnut hair matted, her deep brown eyes full of fear. Why did she have to kick out? She'd always been overprotective of me whilst out on the streets.
She was super feisty compared to my fragile state of mind.

I could see her body starting too slouch as whatever drugs they had given her started to take effect. Modern day drugs could be anything. Most of them not pure and bulked out with bleaches, rat poison, anything to make the quantity larger and cheaper. It was easy money nowadays. As she got further into a trance like state, she stopped crying. The drugs no doubt mixed with the drink numbing her senses.
Her eyes rolled back into her lids. Isaac watched from above as she slowly became limp.

"This ones ready, who wants a go?" He looked up at the rest of them.

"I'll take it" offered Ollie like she was literally an item at a market.

These words flicked a switch inside of me and I got a spark of courage. "Don't you touch her!"
I panicked cried from the spot. I still hadn't moved from my spot, my knees now sore from the twigs, earth and leaves that had started to in bed themselves into my skin.

All eyes on me.

"I almost forgot you were here little mouse"
Noah's gaze focused in on my scared face.
"Come and join in if your jealous"

I spat towards him.
All of them monsters, hearts of stone.

We were nothing more than cattle to them. Disposable if no good. They were pure monsters.
Yet, if I had seen these men before the virus, they would be type of guys who yeah, would be the jocks of society. The type of guys who knew they were good looking, slept with girls for status. But that would be as far as it went. They would just be those types of guys. Nothing more. Not cruel like this.

Now the world had changed men.

I came back from my trail of thoughts too my surroundings when I heard Noah stand, then stalk towards me. I backed away scared, instantly regretting my actions. My arms flew up to protect my face as Noah closed in on me, standing a mere 30 centre meters away from me. His muscular frame creating a shadow from the fire.

"Timid little mouse aren't you." It was a statement not a question as he studied me. "Come on up" grabbing me by my upper arm bringing me too the circle of men. My hands still bound.

"Pretty little things aren't they? They'll fetch a good price"

I felt like an auction piece, being put on display too the buyer who took most interest in me. I stood awkwardly, Noah has taken his seat again. He pulled me down to in between his legs so I was in the same position as Marcie.
I felt so sick with fear. I felt heat on my head as he started to run his fingers through my hair.

I sat there stiff, too scared to move. Watching them as they pass around the drink as if what they doing was a casual affair.


My eyes snapped to Marcie who had now lost all consciousness and was now in a slumped mess on the ground.
Ollie made his advance on her, my body jolted forward to go to her. Only to be held back by tightening fingers gripping my hair from my captor behind me.

Ollie picked her up like a sack of potatoes slinging her over his shoulder, he made his way towards a tent, descending inside and out of view.

He was going to rape her. Whilst she couldn't even defend herself against him, she wouldn't even know it had happened until she came round.

Tears wet my cheeks as I heard movement along with grunts of pleasure come from with the tent.

The grip on my hair had loosened up, I wanted to go in there and save her. Too somehow muster the strength to over throw them, then take us away from here.

I hadn't realised I was shaking, adrenaline kicking into my body, breathing in heavy as my sobs got heavier, my chest burnt in pain.

"Be thankful it's not you mouse" Noah mocked. Still stroking my hair like it was precious.

Mouse, what a perfect word to describe me. Small, timid and easily frightened.

I zoned into my own thoughts, blocking out the sounds of Ollie pleasuring himself into my friend. I was totally numb. I picked at the rope bounds that still held my wrists together pulling at the frayed pieces that had come away. They spoke around me, I didn't listen in too them. They spoke for what seemed like forever. The air had grown really cold, the fire had died down to golden embers. It must have been very early hours of the morning, one or two am.

Ollie never reemerged from the tent. I'm guessing he passed out once he had finished.

I was pulled into the world again when I was hauled up by Isaac. My wrist were sore, my butt was sore from sitting on a hard surface, but I couldn't complain. Out of the two females here tonight, my fate had been easy.

I was retied to the trunk. A new thick rope around my waist secured me firmly, the men retired too their tents except Isaac who decided to take pitch next too the fire pit in a sleeping bag. Too watch me no doubt.
Where was I going to go? I wouldn't leave without my friend.
He stared at my frame, the atmosphere for me was awkward. I adverted my gaze too my feet. I tried to keep my lids that were now heavy open. It didn't help that the wind was blowing towards me, so the smoke from the fire burnt my eyes.

Too help with the sting I had to close my eyes but I still listened out for any sudden movements. I had learnt over the past years to become a very light sleeper, I would wake too the sound of someone coughing.

Breathing out a deep breath of emotional exhaustion I allowed myself to fall into a slumber, my currently position not the most comfortable but I had slept in worse spots in the past.
I needed my strength, I would gets us out here tomorrow. Because a mouse is also a very smart, patient creature when caught in a trap.


I came round too the sound of the man a few feet away from me stirring in his sleep. I forced my heavy eyelids open, it was early morning.

The morning mildew has made the forest floor damp, the birds sung from their nests to greet in the day. The leaves rustles as the cool breeze danced through them.
In any other situation this would of been a beautiful moment, too sit in nature and take in its beauty.

I watched Isaac stretched out his toned body, standing too his feet, he roll his shoulders then rotated his neck to get rid of any stiffness.
He turned too me striking a brilliant smile.


I ignored him and looked at my feet. I had a problem and I didn't know how it was going pan out. I had a bladder that was full too the brim. I bit my lip in thinking of a way I could not be embarrassed. Opening my mouth to speak, I gave eye contact. "I need too pee"
Smooth Indie, smooth.

He raised both his eyebrows not expecting my request. "Urrr ... yeah..." he scratched the back of his neck, exhaling out in thought.

"I won't run, I won't leave without her" I answered his trail of thought.

Crouching too his boot, he takes out his army knife that's stored in there. Approaches the tree I'm secured too and cuts at the knot of the robe that held me there. Unwrapping it from around the tree so it was one long piece, I slouched down into the mud, the rope had been holding me up.

I think he was expecting me to make a run for it as his eyes darted towards my movement. Finding my strength I slid myself upwards against the tree, so I was stood up right. I waited for his next action. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, was he expecting me to do something drastic?
Using the rope from around the tree he made a noose to place around my neck, the rest of the length was for him to hold.

Like a giant dog leash, if I tried to run it could be yanked tightening the noose around my neck. He pointed at me with the blade in his other hand. "You've got five minutes"

He cut my hand binds and I walked away from him towards a tree that was a good distance, so he at least wouldn't hear anything. I relieved myself, it was a small heaven in this current situation. I had to shake to dry myself, I tried a leaf but it didn't do the job one hundred percent.

I made my way from behind the tree. My shorts were filthy, my legs were covered in dry dirt making my complexion seem darker than it was. Luckily my boots were decent ones I found in a store when they were first looted. Not many adults were a size four.

"ISAAC COME HERE" the voice echoed around the forest making some of the birds above fly away in fright. The other end of the rope yanked me forwards back to camp quicker. My pace had to quicken to stop the noose becoming too tight.

I came into view of where the fire had been the night before, the men were stood around in a circle looking down at something behind the log bench. Isaac slipped off my noose pushing me in-front of him by the small of my back.

I was apprehensive to see what they were staring at. Once the item came in view I froze.

On the forest floor lay Marcie, limp, not moving. Tris nudged her with his foot, she still didn't move. "Must of been a dodgy batch of pills." His tone was one of no sympathy or remorse, more like he was annoyed he'd lost some of his cattle.

Isaac has walked away from me too examine her body. All the men stared at him for an answer, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Eli's not going to be happy about this"

As they spoke about my friend, whom they'd killed through an overdose of a bad batch, I backed away whilst facing them, trying to not make a single sound. Once I had good distance, I planned to spin around and run, I used to be a track runner.
I was fast.

I continued to back away slowly until I was at least eight metres away from them, a good distance to make haste.

"Get the other girl, lets pack up and move on"
On these words they looked around too a very wide eyed me.
They shook there heads slowly in a no, daring me too move.
That was my cue to spin, sprint forward getting away from them. Too freedom.
I pushed my legs like I had never pushed them before, adrenaline.


Cold metal just skimmed my shoulder, taking me down too the earth. Laid there in complete shock I gathered my thoughts willing myself to push myself up and run again.
Before I had chance to even get too my knees, a hard boot slammed down onto my back.
Winded, I laid there collecting my breath, the boot removed itself.
Rough hands pulled my hair, dragging my body upwards. My hands tried to pry the hands of my hair as my roots felt they were being ripped from my skull.

"Well, what have my men been up too? when the cats away, the mice come out too play"

I looked up towards my captor not recognising the voice.
Deep chocolate orbs stared into my sky blue ones. His face framed in with a dark stubbled beard and clean cut hair.
He smiled wildly towards me.

This must be the infamous Eli.

He leant down the my ear
"Hello girlie"

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