The Lost Rose

By angelthebitch15

547K 10.5K 1.3K

After years of searching, her brothers finally found her. Their princess who the mother took when she was 2... More

chapter 1-- Brothers
chapter 2-- Angela
chapter 4-- abuse
chapter 5-- hurt
chapter 6-- introduction
chapter 7-- baseball
chapter 8-- nightmare
chapter 9-- art
chapter 10-- mall
chapter 11-- friends
chapter 12-- school
chapter 13-- tryouts
chapter 14-- attack
chapter 15-- birthday
chapter 16-- mint
chapter 17-- hospital
chapter 18-- practice
Chapter 19-- captain
chapter 20-- teachers
chapter 21-- practice and memories
chapter 22-- mafia
chapter 23-- bus
chapter 24-- Spanish and Italian?
Chapter 25-- Practice before the game
chapter 26-- Game Day
chapter 27-- Pain
chapter 28-- Leaving
chapter 29-- Going home
chapter 30-- Enzo
chapter 31-- playing
chapter 32-- banging
chapter 33-- Flashback
chapter 34-- feelings and fighting
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3

chapter 3-- Trust

29.3K 418 33
By angelthebitch15

Antonio's pov;

Angela and the twins just left the office.

"What was that? How much trouble is she?" Enzo asked shocked.
"What else has she done?" Emil asked.
"She never broke the law but was on the edge a few times. She has been expelled from 5 schools. She is known to find your fears and use it against you only if you anger her." I answered.

"You said that she doesn't fight. That she stops it. Why?" Emil asked.
"No one knows why she doesn't fight. Some people say she can't and some say that there's a bigger reason why, others just don't pay attention to it." I finished just then the twins walked in.
"Why doesn't she fight?" The twins ask simultaneously. Their bond is creepy and kinda funny to see the fear in others eyes.

Angela's pov;

I woke up at 5 am today. I haven't made something to mark the schools yet. I found a chalkboard in my closet and placed it in my room. I keep tally's of the schools I been expelled from. It's a really fun game tho. When I'm done it's 6 am, time to go down. I change into a pair of pants and my other hoodie. I grab my sunglasses and go down. I put them back on after I got on the plane with Enzo. No one except Enzo seen my eyes yet.

When I get down everyone is there waiting for me. I sit in my seat and wait for the food.
"Why do you always wear sunglasses?" Emiliano asked. "My eyes are weird and ugly."
"Having different colored eyes isn't weird and your eyes are beautiful. Can you please stop wearing glasses, we missed seeing your eyes." Xavier said. I took off my glasses and looked at them.

Time skip-

After breakfast Antonio said that the twins will help me shop online.
Xavier got his laptop for us to use.
After 5 minutes I picked out 1 hoodie.
"These are way to expensive. I don't want you all to waste your money on me." I said to Xavier as Xander was on his phone the whole time.
"Nothing is to expensive with us. How about me an Xander can pick you out some clothes and shoes while you use my phone to look at room designs ok?" He asked softly. "Ok." I replied. He gave me his phone and I got on Pinterest. A few minutes later I'm done. I found a room design that shows myself.

I'm not dark. I like to act dark to throw people off. I'm actually kinda like a little kid when I know I can trust you.

"Ok baby, we are done picking out you some clothes and shoes. Have you chosen a room yet?" Xavier said.
"I have chosen this one. It matches me the best." I give him back his phone.
"Nice room. I'll show this to Tony and it should be done by tonight." He said back.
He leaves the room.
"Hey Xander, I'm bored and have an idea to scare Xavier. You wanna help?" I asked him.
"Yeah like what? Put a fake spider in his room? I'm pretty sure you won't get him. He's not easy to scare."
"I wasn't going to do that it's to lame. And I'm pretty sure I can scare him."
"Ok fine do what you want. I'm getting me a snack." With that he leaves the room.

I'm going to put a coffin full of snacks in the game room and put 'Xavier' on the wall in snakes blood. And Xander hates people copying him except his twin. So, I'm gonna copy what he says for the whole day.

(Shout out to my sister. She helped me come up with this.)

I had someone bring the things to the game room secretly this morning. I went up to the game room and set it up.

1 hour later and it's ready. This will be so funny.

Time skip-

It's about 6 pm now. I just watched scary movies in the living room the whole day. And I copied Xander so much he's one step away from blowing up.

I'm watching the boy 2 now. It's a good movie so far.

"I'm going up to the game room now." Xavier said.
"Hold up Xav I'm coming."says Xander.
"Hold up Xav I'm coming." I said copying Xander.
"ANGELA!" He punched the wall. I flinch alittle. He was too mad to notice luckily.
He walks up with Xavier.
I ran up laughing like crazy.
Everyone was there looking at me. Xavier was terrified.
Xander was shocked.
Enzo and Emiliano were laughing like crazy.
Antonio looked like he expected this.

"Angela why did you do this?" Antonio asked sternly.
"I was bored and wanted to show y'all what I act like when I don't trust someone. Also to have some fun."
"How the hell did you come up with this tho? I regret not taking your offer now. This actually scared my twin." I of course copy him. He was not happy about that.
"Angela can you come with me to my room, I want to talk to you." Xavier said.
We walk to his room. I walk in.
"Baby girl," he closes the door and sits on the bed. I sit beside him. He turns to me. "I know you have trouble with trust. I know that you hide who you really are from people until you trust them. Angela, we love you so much. You are our light. I know that you are sweet and caring. I know what it feels like to hide your pain until you can trust. After you were taken I lost myself and became cold for a while. I was lucky to have Xander with me, to bring myself out alittle. You were doing this way longer than me so it will be more difficult but, please please try to trust us. I may not know why you don't trust but, whatever reason, we will always help you. Now can I please get a smile out of you." I smile through the tears. "You are so beautiful baby." He kissed my cheeks.
"Ok come on now stop crying princess. It's not easy seeing you cry." I stop crying and he wipes my tears. "Ok wash your face in my bathroom. They will kill me if they knew you cried."we laughed.

10 minutes later we are eating dinner.
"Angela your room is finished and your clothes are put away in your closet."Antonio says looking at me. "O-k, t-hank you."

We finish dinner and went to bed. As soon as I hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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