All Mine - Christian Yelich

By yelibaseball

49.6K 1K 31

Luna Packard, girlfriend of Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop, Corey Seager has been given the opportunity of a l... More

Have It Your Way
Blessing Or A Curse
Drunk Actions Are Sober Thoughts
You Aren't Stopping Me
Good Dude; Good Intentions
Between You Two
Bold Of You
Nothing Less Than
Out Of The Blue
I'm Not Mad
Dancing In The Rain
You Did It
Figure It Out
Everybody Knows Now
All That Matters
Keep Her Around
All Of Tonight
Root For Her
I Have You.
I'm On Your Team
I Can't Take All The Credit
Don't Get Any Ideas.
Eye Candy
100 Times
All Mine
Crazy Beautiful Mind
He'd Be Lucky
The Unwritten Rule
It's Him Or It's No One
By My Side
Creating History
Strike Three
I Like Me Better
New Day Tomorrow
No, No, No, Maybe, No
I Love You
Everything And More
So, Kids?
Inspiring and Driven
It Could Be Really Early
Don't Walk Away
This Mom
What Are You Gonna Do With Me?
Downtown Milwaukee
Captain Obvious
The Final Moments
Cigarettes, Dirty Money, Black Coffee
Dad Strength
Maybe A Little
Be Better
Caiti For Short
New Hardware Tonight
Here We Go Again
Big Sis
He's Too Little And I Have Work Tomorrow
They Complete Me
Milwaukee, Thank You
Thank You!

I Already Pushed It

1.1K 16 0
By yelibaseball


Walking into Miller Park, I go through security before starting to walk the tunnels of the stadium until I find the business office. I go up to a lady sitting behind a desk, "Hi, I'm new. I spoke to Carrie about a week ago about the on-field reporter job.."

"One second, I will tell her you're here."

I take a step back and nod as she goes to her phone. She talks for a bit before putting her phone down, "She'll be right out."

"Thank you."

Soon a short, brunette walks out from behind the desk, "Hi, Luna, right?"

"Yes. Hi."

"I am so glad you're here. How was getting here? Easy enough? Have you gotten settled?"

"Yeah, my sister came and got me from the airport and got me settled into my apartment. I've really been enjoying my time back here."

"That is amazing. So glad you are adjusting well. So, let's go take your picture for your badge just to get you into the building and then onto the field and in the press room too. Right this way." We walk into a small office space that looks like could be her office, but I'm not too sure.

She quickly takes my picture, "Okay, I will get that to you by the end of the day. So, Sophia is actually here for her last day and is going to take you through everything. She should be here shortly. I believe she will introduce you to your cameraman, do a tour of the tunnels, a quick walk-through of where you will be on the field, and just anything else you might have questions about."

"Okay, awesome. Thank you."

"Oh, there she is! Congrats on the new job! I can tell you will fit in just fine."

I smile, "Thank you," before walking over to Sophia as she stands near the doorway.

"Hi! Luna, right?" she asks me, very excited to see me.


"Well, you can follow me and I will start telling you about everything about this job." She is already so nice and so sweet.

"I am so glad you will be taking over my position. I've seen some of your broadcasts back in LA and you are a natural. I was so impressed since you're so young and just know your way around."

"Oh, thank you. I am so excited to be back here and working with one of my favorite teams."

"Yes, of course! Okay, so this is the clubhouse where the players get ready and go out to the field. We can go in there, we just have to warn them that you're coming in sometimes. Over there to your left is the athletic trainer's room. Out in the tunnels, if you kept going straight and to your right will be the press conference room. Anyway, heading out to the field, this door heads straight to the dugout. Personally, I try to stay out of there as best as possible. I walk in and walk onto the field to stay out of their way."

We walk onto the field and she takes me over to her small booth that's to the side of the dugout.

"Okay, so this is Sam, who will be your cameraman. Sam, is a wonder behind the camera. He will handle the equipment most nights, and also just follow you around. He will be your right-hand man every single night. Sam, this is Luna, she will be starting tomorrow!"

"Hey, super excited to have you with us. I've heard great things from Sophia. I am very pumped to be working with you," he says, holding out his hand.

I shake his hand, "I am excited to start working! It was nice to meet you." We let him get back to work and we walk back toward the dugout but stop in the middle and watch the guys as they field some balls and also take some bp.

"So, let's go down to what will be your office." I nod and watch as Christian hits a ball way back and to the wall. Still can't believe we live in the same apartment building. I think she takes notice that I am staring a bit.

I zone back in and walk with her into the dugout, "You looking at anyone particular?"

I laugh and shake my head, "Christian lives in the same apartment building as me. I saw him yesterday once I got to my building."

"He's really chill, keeps to himself, but an amazing player."

"I've met him a few times over the past few years."

"How'd you meet him?"

"I dated Corey Seager for about two years and they all wanted to hang out so I went with him."

We walk through the tunnels, "You dated Corey Seager?"

I subtly roll my eyes, "Yeah."

"Sore subject?"

I shrug, "We ended things last week."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"Well, on that note. This will be your office. You have access to everything that is in here. As you can see you have multiple monitors for you to create different media for the social media pages and also different interviews. Sometimes during the game, if it's not on my agenda to interview any of the players then I will come in here and watch the game and also do some work too. You'll have access to all of the in-game videos just like the players do."

"Wow, this is amazing," I say in awe at all of the technology that surrounds me in this room.

"It's amazing. Back here is a private bathroom for you to get ready in before the game. You will travel with the team when that time comes. But, yeah, that's about it. Do you have any questions?"

"No, I can't think of any."

"Okay, well, you're more than welcome to sit around and watch how we do things or you're free to go."

"I think I'll stay and just take mental notes."

"So, how was it?" Sophia asks me as we walk back to her office, well, my office now.

"You know what you're doing up there and make it flow so well. How long did it take for that to set in?"

"Well, I started broadcasting in 2013 for both the Brewers and the Bucks, but I exclusively started with the Brewers in 2018. Once you get to know the guys, they become super easy to talk to. Once that happens, it's like you're just talking to them and not the thousands of people watching at home. I know you will do just fine and get the hang of it. I'm going to give you my number if you have any questions."

"Thank you. I really enjoyed being down there and watching you. It was extremely knowledgeable and I think really prepared me for tomorrow."

"Thank you. I loved having you with me. I think you will be a great asset to this team and organization."

I find my way out and grab my badge before heading back to my car and heading home for the night.

I stand in the lobby of my building after grabbing any mail that had come and wait for the elevator to get back down to this level. I look through my mail before closing my eyes and leaning back on the wall.

I hear someone push the button, "I already pushed it," I say opening my eyes and noticing it's Christian. He has got to stop doing that to me.

He laughs, "I know, just thought it might've needed a little more encouragement." I just laugh and watch as the door finally opens and lets out about six people. We both get on and reach for the same number on the keypad. Nice to know. Trin will love this.

"You just moved in, right?" he asks as we stand on opposite sides of the elevator.


"Oh, yeah, I think I saw you when I was leaving." 

I just nod, knowing I saw him. "This might be weird, but I feel like I know you. I don't know why though. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Milwaukee. But we have hung out before. Clearly, I don't make an impact on people."

He laughs, "Oh, so we have met? And you do know me? But you won't tell me."

I shrug, "Do you want a hint?"

"Yeah, because I can't figure it out."

"Spring Training the past couple of years."

"Yes! You're dating Corey, right? Luna, if I remember correctly."

I sigh, "Dated Corey."

"Oh, sorry to hear about that. What brings you here?"

"It's whatever. But, I am the new Sophia."

"Oh, nice!" 

The door opens and I walk out before him, "Well, then I'll see you around! Good luck tomorrow," he says as I stop at my door and he walks further down to his but I don't really see which one.


The next morning I took advantage of the gym facilities to get a quick workout in before I had to actually get ready. I quickly did a few sets before getting on the treadmill to run a mile. I sit down on the ground a catch my breath before getting up and heading back up to my apartment.

The elevator door opens and Christian walks out. "What, are we just going to keep running into each other?" he says as we stand outside of the elevator.

"You're heading out early."

"I got an early bp. Did you need a ride?"

"I still have to get ready, so."

"Okay, well see you there."

"Yeah, see you there."

It's like I lose all words when he's around. I make my way back to my apartment and immediately got in the shower. He does something to me but I can't really pinpoint what it is.

The nerves in my body are definitely rising as it gets closer to when I need to leave and head to the park. I pick out a simple, but business-casual outfit so I look put together. I look at myself in the mirror and look pretty put together, as much as I can be.

I scan my badge against the entry pad and make my way down to my office. Still so weird I have an office now. My heels click against the floor as I make my way through the tunnels. The nerves are so high right now.

Okay, this is what you're meant to do. You have got this.

I get all settled in and get all of my shit together before looking over some of the highlights from the night before. I look up from the screens and see Sam coming in to join me, "Hey, how are you?" I ask him as he sets down a vase of flowers.

"Really good! They gave these to me to give to you. I don't know who they're from."

"Oh, okay? Here, I'll take them." He hands me the vase and I try to find the card and finally see it. It's from Cody. I really miss him.

Luna, I am so proud of you. Good luck on your first day. You're amazing. Love you, kid!

I smile and look down at the beautiful blue, yellow, and white flowers. "Are you ready to go do pre-game?"


We walk out to the field and I look around at my new workspace. This is pretty fucking cool. I take everything in and look around, up at the upper level, to Bernie's dugout, to the mound, and the batter's box.

I put the earpiece into my ear before grabbing the microphone. This is your big moment. Make it your moment. I hear Brian starting talking to Bill as Sam gets the camera set up. "Good afternoon, this is Fox Sports Wisconsin and you are watching the Milwaukee Brewers take on the St. Louis Cardinals for the second time so far this season. We are excited to introduce the newest addition to our team, Luna. She will be taking over this position while Sophia goes to report for the Bucks. Luna, are you there, how does it feel?"

"Yes, I am here. Thank you. This is amazing and I'm extremely excited to be a part of this team."

"We will let you take it from here."

"Of course. Good afternoon, Luna Packard here with Fox Sports Wisconsin. Christian Yelich is currently leading the entire Major League in batting average with a .329 and it's only the first month of the season. It's no doubt he's already in talks about possibly another MVP. Kolten Wong, playing his old team, has been astounding in the infield with amazing defensive catches. Corbin Burnes is on the mound today and after having an incredible few starts, we expect nothing less. He already has racked up 38 strikeouts in four starts. This team is incredible and fun to watch, too. You will not want to miss it."

"That they are. Luna, thank you, and congratulations on the new position. We are so lucky to have you."

I nod, "Thank you," I say smiling and watching behind the camera to see when I will be cut off.

"You're literally a natural. You did great!"

"Thank you. So we just sit here until I have to go on again?"

"Yeah, pretty much. You can head back at any time to do work or watch from back there. There are drinks and snacks over in that corner too."

I watch as Lo stands at second base and Christian goes up to bat. It's the bottom of the 9th and we're tied at 4. I stand up on my feet to get a better view of what could happen right now. "Think he's going to do it?" I ask.

"Honestly, he works some magic up at the plate, so it wouldn't surprise me."

I laugh and look toward the plate as the crack of the bat gets everyone's attention. The ball goes deep into the left-field corner and the left-fielder fumbles while trying to pick it up. Lorenzo scores and Christian ends up a second. The dugout runs toward Christian as he just waits for them in the middle of the field. Well, I guess I know who I'm interviewing.

I let them get everything out of them and wait for Christian to walk back and I grab my microphone. "Let me guess, interview?" he says as I walk up to him. I nod, "Yeah."

Sam sets up the camera and gives me the signal to start, "It's Luna Packard here with former MVP, Christian Yelich. Christian, does that feeling ever get old?"

I move the mic up to his face, "No, it never does. The fans really bring out the best in you when you play here. So, when I think of it, I'm doing this for the fans. They really do deserve so much."

"Very well said. Take us through your thought process at the plate. What's going through your head?"

"Just hit the ball and hit it well. There were two outs and one man on base. We just needed one run and I was happy to deliver that for the team."

"Thank you. Incredible game tonight. That was Christian Yelich, who hit a walk-off double, and got your Milwaukee Brewers the win tonight." Sam holds up a closed fist and brings down the camera before I hand him the mic and go to grab my stuff so I can get back to my office and look through the highlights and send them in to be posted on the social media pages.

Once I get back to my desk I scroll through my phone as I wait for the videos to load.

Trin: Dude, you killed it tonight. Extremely proud of you. Also, seriously, you got to interview Yeli?
Me: Yeah. Also forgot to tell you, he lives on the same level as me.
Me: I am not kidding. He also asked to carpool today, but he was going in early and I had just gotten done with the gym.
Trin: GIRL! You have to do that now.
Me: Trinity, I just got out of another relationship. I am nowhere near ready for another one.
Trin: Who says it has to be a relationship?
Me: Oh my god. No, that's not happening

I check the other texts that I received while I didn't have my phone with me.

Dad: Kiddo!!! You killed it out there. Let's get lunch this weekend sometime?
Me: Yeah sure. That'll work!

Cody: We were watching you in the clubhouse just a few minutes ago. What's going on between you and Yeli?
Me: Nothing is going on.
Cody: Yeah, right. The way you two were looking at each other, I highly doubt that. You made Corey a little mad though, so if that means anything to you.
Me: Nothing is going on. I could care less if I made him mad.

"Hey, just wanted to say that you were really awesome tonight and I'm really excited to work with you," Sam says as I finally scrolled through all of the highlights from tonight.

"I had a lot of fun tonight! So, thank you for that. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

I walk into the lobby after grabbing the mail and packages I received today and make my way to the elevator. I carry my bag, mail, and the flowers I got from Cody today all in my hands. I turn the corner and there Christian stands waiting for the doors to open. I scoff, "Are we gonna keep doing this?"

He turns his head and laughs, "We're like magnets."

Magnets? "Um, sure?"

"Who are the flowers from?" he asks as we step in.



I nod, "Are you two secretly dating now?" he asks me.

"Oh my god, no. He is my best friend and that's it."

"You would never date him?"

"No, never. I love him like a brother. Nothing more, nothing less."

He just nods and leans up against the side, "You don't believe me?"

"Never said that."

"I think you're subtly implying it though."

He laughs as the doors open, "I don't remember you being this funny and talkative."

"Because I never talked when we would go out. I'd just sit in the back and listen."

"Why? You're super chill."

I shrug, "Because I would go out just for Corey. I didn't really like staying in so whenever he would go out, sometimes I would join him. Plus, most of the time I was the only girl that would go."

We stop at my door and I try my best to get my keys out of my pocket. "Do you want me to take something? You literally have your hands full."

"It's fine, I got it," I say while continuing to struggle. He takes the vase out of my hand which allows me to grab my keys and unlock my door. "Thank you."

He walks in with me and I quickly set everything down in the kitchen and grab the flowers from him. "Do you get to come with us when we travel?"

"Yeah, so I'll be heading out with you guys next week."

"That's cool. Don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like it's a bit more convenient, what would you think about carpooling? It makes sense."

I feel like I can't say no to that. He's the one asking. "Starting when? Tomorrow?"

"Sure. I don't care. We literally live in the same building, live three doors down. We drive the exact same distance, why take two cars?"

"Sure, why not."

"Great. Does noon work?"


We started walking toward the front door, "Okay, well, I'll see you at noon."

"Yeah. Have a nice night."

"You too."

I close the door, lock it, and walk back to my room and start to question what I just agreed to. I quickly changed into one of my hoodies and some random shorts. Trin is going to love this even more. What is going on with my life?

I sit down on my couch and continue to make some media for the social media pages. I happen to look down at my phone and see Trinity texted me, again.

Trin: Have you called mom yet?

I knew I was forgetting to do something.

Me: No, I'll do it now.
Trin: Thank you

The line rings a couple of times before she answers, "Luna?"

"Hey, mom. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. What about you?"

I sigh, "I don't know if Trin told you, but I'm back in Milwaukee. I took a job with the Brewers and started today."

"Really? That's amazing, honey. Would you want to get food someday? I want to actually catch up with you. I haven't been the best mom and really miss you."

"Well, I'm seeing dad this weekend for lunch and then I leave on a trip with the team for about a week and a half. After that would work though."

"Okay, I'll plan for something when you get back. Thank you for calling me. I've missed you."

"I know. I'll text you to see what your schedule is."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

We both hang up and I move my laptop from my lap and bring my knees to my chest. I've really missed her, but she's right, she hasn't been the best mom. She finally turned things around once I graduated high school, but I still needed to be out of her house and the state. I couldn't do it anymore.

There's a knock at my door and I get up to go answer it. I look through the peephole and see Christian standing there. I unlock the door and open it, "Yes?"

"Sorry, I know it's a little late. I could've gotten this in the morning. You know what, never mind. I will see you at noon."

"Christian, what is it?" I say stepping out partly into the hall since he started walking back to his apartment.

He turns around, "I just wanted to get your number so we could check in with each other when we're ready. It can be done tomorrow."

"You're already here. Let me get my phone."

He walks back to my door and comes in with me, "Here," I say handing him my phone. He puts his number in and gives me his phone, "There," I say after typing in my information and handing his phone back to him. Our fingers gently touch causing this electric feeling to run through my body.

"Thanks," he says as I try to wipe any evidence off that I was about to start crying before he knocked.

"You okay?"

"What? Yeah. I've just been looking at a screen all day. Did you need anything else? I'm about to head to bed."

"No, I think I'm good. Thanks."

I nod and watch him leave once again. I should not be feeling some type of way right now. It's not even like an 'I want to date him' feeling. I just ended things with Corey, this should not be happening. He probably doesn't even feel the same way. I'm overthinking it right now.

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