All Mine - Christian Yelich

By yelibaseball

49.9K 1K 31

Luna Packard, girlfriend of Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop, Corey Seager has been given the opportunity of a l... More

I Already Pushed It
Blessing Or A Curse
Drunk Actions Are Sober Thoughts
You Aren't Stopping Me
Good Dude; Good Intentions
Between You Two
Bold Of You
Nothing Less Than
Out Of The Blue
I'm Not Mad
Dancing In The Rain
You Did It
Figure It Out
Everybody Knows Now
All That Matters
Keep Her Around
All Of Tonight
Root For Her
I Have You.
I'm On Your Team
I Can't Take All The Credit
Don't Get Any Ideas.
Eye Candy
100 Times
All Mine
Crazy Beautiful Mind
He'd Be Lucky
The Unwritten Rule
It's Him Or It's No One
By My Side
Creating History
Strike Three
I Like Me Better
New Day Tomorrow
No, No, No, Maybe, No
I Love You
Everything And More
So, Kids?
Inspiring and Driven
It Could Be Really Early
Don't Walk Away
This Mom
What Are You Gonna Do With Me?
Downtown Milwaukee
Captain Obvious
The Final Moments
Cigarettes, Dirty Money, Black Coffee
Dad Strength
Maybe A Little
Be Better
Caiti For Short
New Hardware Tonight
Here We Go Again
Big Sis
He's Too Little And I Have Work Tomorrow
They Complete Me
Milwaukee, Thank You
Thank You!

Have It Your Way

2.4K 22 1
By yelibaseball


"I applied for a few sports reporter positions today," I tell Corey as we stood in his kitchen.

"Yeah? Where at?"

He's not going to like this next part. "The Brewers had an opening. So did the Rays and then also the Padres but I'm really hoping for a call back from the Brewers."

"Babe, what do you mean you applied for a job in Milwaukee? I'm here, remember?"

"Corey, we talked about this. I told you I was going to start applying to teams across the country. I'm not meant to be some morning news anchor. My dream is to work for a sports team, not to be a morning show host."

"Well, did you even look out here?" he asks clearly annoyed.

"That is the first place I looked, but I got nothing. The closest one to you in two hours away in San Diego. So I had to go to my other options. And trust me, I remember you are here. I know you are here. It's not even certain that I'm going there or anywhere. I just applied. I haven't gotten an email or phone call yet."

"So you're just going to leave me? Just like that?"

I start to get angry once he said that. "I cannot believe you just said that. Just because I might be leaving the city, doesn't mean I'll leave you."

"You want to do long distance?" he shouts even though we're not even ten feet apart standing in the middle of his apartment living room.

"Corey, if it comes down to that, yes. But I understand if you don't want to. Long-distance is hard and can tear people apart."

"You know what, it sounds like you're just giving up on us. So, fuck it. Go wherever you want and be the star you were meant to be."


"Maybe we should. Save us a lot of time and energy once you do leave. Just don't go fucking random guys in Milwaukee, okay?."

I shake my head, "Fine. Have it your way," I grab my overnight bag and purse before heading to the door trying to keep in my tears. 

"Here's your key," I say slamming it down on the small table. "I'll have Cody come pick up my stuff. Also, I'll fuck whoever the hell I want."

"Luna! Wait!"

"What? What could you possibly want?"

He stares blankly at me as I glare at him, "That's what I thought. Have a great rest of your season," I say before closing the door behind me.

"Luna, it's 11 pm, what do you- Hey, woah, what happened?" Cody asks me as he finally sees my appearance standing in the doorway outside of his apartment. I've been sobbing the whole way here. Cody is my best friend. He's been my best friend ever since we were young. He's the one I connected most with on a friendship level. He set Corey and me up a couple of years ago.

"We broke up," I say through my sobs and into his chest. "Okay, okay. Just come in and sit down."

"Is this because you started looking at other places for a job?" I nod and take a deep breath, "I have an interview tomorrow afternoon for the Brewers."

"No way! You're going big! Why would he be so upset?"

"He claims I didn't tell him, but I know I did. I remember talking about it with him and he was okay with it. And now we just screamed at each other for ten minutes until he decided he wanted to end things."

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"Why? He clearly doesn't support me going somewhere to live out my dream. What's going to change? Nothing. I told him if he didn't want to do the distance, that's fine with me and I get it. But he didn't even try and gave up right there."

"Okay, I won't say anything. Do you want to sleep over here?"

"Can I?"

"You're always welcomed to sleep over here with your best friend."

"Thank you."

"So, Milwaukee?"

I laugh, "Yeah, they're the only team that got back to me with a full-time position and needed someone soon."

"You'd fit right in. Plus, you already being from Wisconsin is just an added plus. You'd still root for us though right? You still bleed Dodger blue?"

"Cody, you know I was and still am a Brewer fan for life. Nobody can change that. But, yes I'll be rooting you on."

"You better be. Milwaukee is scary good, especially with Yelich on the team. You've met him right?"

"A few times when we were all out during Spring Training."

"Well, I'm gonna head off to bed, we have a game tomorrow. But, you're welcome to anything, but you know that. There are extra blankets in the closet in the spare bedroom if you get cold."

"I know, Cody. I've stayed here before."

I'm woken up by two yelling outside of the door and quickly know who it is. "Where is she? Cody, I know she's here. Her car is down there. I fucked up. I fucked up badly, man."

"Yeah, you did. She'll talk to you when she's ready. She needs her space."

"Cody, I didn't sleep last night because I knew what I did. She deserves everything. I didn't mean what I said."

"Yeah, I can tell you didn't sleep. Give her space and she might come back. Corey, she's angry and upset, and she has a right to be upset."

"I know, I just need to talk to her."

"She'll come to you when she's ready."

I hear the door shut and soon my door opens, "I just heard everything so you don't need to tell me."

He sighs and comes to sit by me, "I won't repeat it then. Are you gonna head home?"

"Yeah, I got shit to do and have to get ready for my interview."

"You're gonna kill it."

"Thank you for letting me stay over. I couldn't go back to my apartment."

He leans over and hugs me, "It's no problem. You're always welcomed here if you need to talk or stay the night."

"Thank you." I get up and gather all of my stuff before heading back out to my car and driving to my apartment. All things come to an end, right? If he loved me as much as he told me he did, he would let me live out my dream and not hold me back. 

I quickly get ready for my interview with a representative for the Brewers. I fix my hair and makeup before setting up my laptop on my table, letting all of the natural light hit me. I put my phone on silent and move it away from me so I'm not distracted. I join the link that was sent to me and wait for whoever is conducting my interview to show up.

"Good afternoon, Luna! I am so glad you were able to meet with me on such short notice. I'm Carrie, one of the HR representatives with the Milwaukee Brewers. How are you doing today?"

Oh if only you knew what just happened about 16 hours ago, "I am doing well! How are you?" Fake it 'till you make it, right?

"Thank you for asking. I'm doing well also. Getting started right away here. I see from your resume that you went to school out in California at USC but you are actually from Wisconsin."

"Yes, after high school I went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison but transferred over after my freshman year. I'm from the Waukesha area so moving to LA was a big adjustment."

"Yes, of course. And you graduated in the top 10%, very impressive if I must say."

"Thank you. Yeah, so I was always into sports and knew I wanted to do something with that. But I knew it wasn't in the medical field. So, I double-majored in communications and also sports management. I minored in business as well just to have some knowledge of that too."

"Wow, that's one huge accomplishment. Now, you work for KTLA, how do you like it there?"

"I love working there, but it's just not my dream. I've always been a big dreamer and knew if I put my mind to it, I could do it. I went to school to report on sports, not everyday life. That's the stance I take on it."

"I love that you are very determined. What is one thing you are looking for in a job like this?"

"I've always wanted to end the stigma around women in sports. We belong just as much as the men do. I want little girls across the country to know that anything is possible and they can have a dream; like mine and make it a reality. I don't want to say I was put down as I was in my studies. But, I know there were a lot of people who didn't think I could do it. So, I was determined to make my dream a reality."

"That is amazing. I love that. I just have to ask this for my sanity, but since you grew up in Wisconsin, are you a Brewer fan?"

I laugh, "Yeah, always been a huge Brewer fan. I love watching them. They're so electric on the field. But, yeah, ever since I was little I was going to games and tailgating before. So, yes, I'm a huge fan and would be honored to work with them."

"Okay, well, this was so much fun. I am going to go out on a limb and offer you this position. I think you would fit in perfectly and be an incredible asset to this team. You have this incredibly bubbly personality and think you would get along so well with the guys. Would you be interested or do you need time to think about it?"

Oh my god. I mean nothing is holding me back right now. "I'll take it."

"Amazing! We are going to love having you around! Do you think you can start in a week? I know that's such short notice, but we need someone soon."

"Yeah, I can get a living situation figured out and get out to Milwaukee in a few days. Thank you, again!"

"No, thank you! We'll be welcoming you with open arms. I will be in contact with you for your orientation and just to get all of your information."

"Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Of course, have a nice rest of your day."

"You too!" We both hang up and I sit there in awe.

What the fuck just happened? How the hell did I just land that? I gotta get my shit to Milwaukee soon. Holy shit. I just took a job in Milwaukee.

I quickly text Cody, "You will never believe what just happened!!!!"

Cody: You got the job?!?!?!?


Cody: So proud of you! When do you start?

Me: In a week, which I know is so close, but do you think you could help me pack my shit?

Cody: You know I always will. Tonight work? We're about to start playing soon.

Me: Yeah, tonight works!

Holy shit. I'm moving back home. I should probably call my sister and let her know I'm heading back. She's going to be a lot of help.

I pour some wine into a glass as I wait for Cody to get here. My sister, Trinity, is extremely excited to have me back in Milwaukee. I'm excited to be back in Milwaukee. I've always loved the city. 

There's a knock on my door and I get up from the couch to go let whoever in. I'm assuming it's Cody since he's the only one that has plans with me tonight. I open the door and see both Cody and Corey standing there. "I tried to stop him from coming," Cody says coming in and I try to shut my door before Corey can come in. 

"Luna, let me in. Can we talk about this?"

I open the door just enough to talk to him, "Corey, there is nothing to talk about. You've said what you needed to say and I respect it."

"I'm gonna go sit down," Cody says and leaves us in the doorway. 

"But do you really? I know you're upset. We both said some things that we didn't mean last night."

"Corey, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't want to do long-distance and clearly don't want the best for me."

"Where did that come from? When did I ever say that?"

"Oh, I don't know, last night when you asked me if I was just going to leave you. That was never my plan. I was going to make it work from wherever I was. But, you didn't want to. Don't turn this on me. I told you what I was doing and you were okay with it. I've worked my ass off to get to this point and I'm not letting anything slow me down. Maybe it was when you told me not to go fucking random guys in Milwaukee."

"Oh, so now I'm slowing you down? C'mon, Luna, I didn't mean that. You know that too."

"You need to leave. I'm not doing this again. I'm taking a job in Milwaukee and starting in a week. If I see you in Milwaukee, cool, that's great. I hope everything falls in place for you."

He just shakes his head and doesn't say anything before walking away. I close the door and walk further back into my apartment and see Cody just waiting for my rant. "What doesn't he understand? I have to do this if I want to go somewhere. I'm not supposed to be a morning show host. I didn't go to school for that. I'm trying to understand where he's coming from, but I don't get why he isn't supporting this. I supported him in every single decision he has made while we were together. I get nothing in return. I can't even begin to understand why he doesn't understand. I'm not even pissed anymore. I'm upset that he doesn't support this. I've worked my ass off for this moment."

"You have worked your ass off and deserve this so much. I don't know if it's just an insecurity thing for him or if he just doesn't want you to leave. He is proud of you, I know he is."

"Can we just forget about it and start packing my shit?"

He nods, stands up, and hugs me, "I do know one thing. I'm going to miss you. My best friend is moving back to her home and I don't think I'm okay with it just yet."

"Cody, don't make me cry. I don't want to leave you either. You're my closest friend and I don't want that to change."

"Hey, it won't. I'm always going to be rooting for you no matter where you are."


"I promise."

I think a lot of people who don't know us would think we were dating, but that is the complete opposite. We have never once had feelings for each other. He's just my best friend that happens to be a guy, nothing wrong with that.

"Okay, you're all packed and ready for Milwaukee. I'm proud of you Luna. You're going to do amazing things out there. Text me when you get there?" Cody says as we stand outside of LAX at one of the terminals. 

"Of course, I'll text you when I get there. Keep killing it out there! Won't I see you in a few weeks?"

"Yeah, we head there in three weeks. I'll talk to you soon." He brings me in for one more hug before I really have to get going. 

"Bye, Cody."

"Bye, Luna," he says and we both smile before I head into the airport to get checked in before heading to security and then later my gate. I've really been trying to hold it in for the past few hours. Now that this is really happening, I don't know if I can hold it in any longer.

As I board the plane and take my seat next to the window, I pull out my AirPods so I can get my music going before we take off. There's a small piece of paper stuck to the case and I pull it off and open it. 

You got this. I'm always in your corner cheering you on! - Cody. 

Damn it, Cody. Here come the tears, just wait for it. I pull out my phone to see how ridiculous I look right now and snap a picture to send to him. 

"Seriously? You just had to make me cry?" I send him before we're told to put our electronics on airplane mode. 

I'm starting a new chapter of my life, back home, in Milwaukee. I'm going to make this work, I just have to. 

"Luna! Over here," I hear as I exit the baggage claim with the two suitcases I packed. I look over and see my sister waving me over to her. I run over to her as quickly as I can and drop my bags to hug her in what feels like ages. "How was the flight?"

"Super long, just excited to be back here."

"I am so happy you're back. Let's get you to your new place! When do you start?"

"In two days. I have orientation tomorrow and then it'll be all me."

"So exciting. So I know you aren't going to want to hear this, but, you should go see mom soon," she says as we leave the airport.

I roll my eyes since she knows I don't have the best relationship with her. "Why? So she can fake how excited and surprised she is for me? She was the one person who I always thought was going to be there for everything and believe in me for everything. Do you know what she didn't do? She didn't believe in me when I needed it most."

"It doesn't have to be for an hour. Just ten minutes. She misses you. You don't call or text her."

"The phone goes both ways."

"That's fair. Just call her, please. She'd really love that."


"I'm assuming you don't really want to talk about the whole Corey situation?"

I shake my head, "No, fuck him. I'm still upset about what he said."

"As you should be. How about this, what about Yeli? He's pretty cute."

"Oh my god, seriously?"

"Yes, girl go get it. You'll be working with him so easier access."

I laugh, "I cannot believe you just said that. I've only met him a few times, too."

"Even better! He knows who you are already!"

"I am going to hurt you."

"You can't. I'm older than you." 

"I missed you," I say as we turn down onto a familiar downtown Milwaukee street.

"I missed you too, little sis. But, seriously, go for it."

"I'm just going to ignore you now."

"What, are you saying he isn't cute?"

"I mean, yeah, he is. I would let him do whatever the hell we wanted to me. After The Body Issue was released, dear lord have mercy. I just couldn't really admit that since I was in a relationship."

"Oh, you think he's hot. I know that tone in your voice."

"You don't think he's hot? Look at him, my god."

"Oh, you're getting with him. I need to see that happen."

"I lowkey just want to be single for a bit. I don't think this breakup has hit me just yet."

"It's always like that with everyone you've dated."

"Yeah, I guess."

She pulls into my new apartment complex's parking structure and pulls into a parking lot. Trinity has already been at my apartment getting everything that I shipped from Los Angeles. My car should be here later tonight so I don't have to depend on her to take me places. 

We wait in front of the elevator and wait for it to open to take us up to my level. We don't really pay attention to the quiet ding and the doors open as a tall, muscular figure exits. He flashes a smile and I immediately know who that is. We were just talking about him. What are the odds Christian Yelich and I live in the same apartment building?

Trinity not-so-slyly nudges me before we go into the elevator. "Luna, what are the chances that happens?"

I shake my head and can't even put a sentence together, "Even better for you. I will be over at your place more often than I thought. It's your destiny."

"Yeah, sure."

She hands me my keys and I do the honors and unlock my door. "Woah," I say and walk into my new apartment that has floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook downtown Milwaukee. "It's better in the pictures. Wow, all of this stuff is already here?" I say looking around at my pretty much-furnished living room.

"Yeah, it got here so fast and I wanted you to come here and be relaxed."

"Thank you for this. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. Now what you need to do, is find out what level he is on and get it on."

"Oh my god, stop talking."

She just laughs and pulls me into a hug, "I am so glad you are back. Make sure you call mom just to check in. Good luck on your first day. I am so proud of you and who you're becoming."

"Thank you. I love you. I will see you soon? Can we do lunch soon?"

"Yeah, of course. I love you, too."

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