Rising Moon (MxM) Book 1

By Nikachu22

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***LGBTQ+ 18+*** ----COMPLETE---- (Marked ongoing due to extras, but the main story is complete.) This is BOO... More

Authors Note***
Chapter 1. Time's Up
Chapter 2. Gangs
Chapter 3. With Only Touch
Chapter 4. Payback, Slut
Chapter 5. The Gauntlet
Chapter 6. Fated Games
Chapter 7. Enchanted Kisha
Chapter 8. Crescent's First Job
Chapter 9. He's moved... We move...
Chapter 10. Perverted Kisha?
Chapter 11. Mysterious Forces
Chapter 12. Satisfied?
Chapter 13. Contradictions Confliction
Chapter 14. Mission, Trucks, Failure
Chapter 15. No Old Tales
Chapter 16. Stupidity vs Courage
Chapter 17. Magnetic Attraction
Chapter 18. Hilla Cure
Chapter 19. BBQ Drama?
Chapter 20. Diamond in the Flesh
Chapter 21. Fundraising
Chapter 22. Big Bad Wolf (P1)
Chapter 22. Big Bad Wolf (P2)
Chapter 23. Sacrifice
Chapter 24. Ralp The Nuisance
Chapter 25. Times Ticking
Chapter 26. I Found You P1
Chapter 26. I Found You P2
Chapter 27. It's A Celebration, Right?
Chapter 28. Nirvana
Chapter 29. Fever P1
Chapter 29. Fever P2
Chapter 30. Two Birds, One Stone
Chapter 32. Run Ahni
Chapter 33. You're Safe Now
Chapter 34. The Beginning to The End
Chapter 35. Inevitable
Chapter 36. Innocent Thief
Chapter 37. You
Chapter 38. Instinct To Sacrifice
Chapter 39. Ashes... Ashes...
Chapter 40. Hero
Author's Note
Extra 1. Life Got Away

Chapter 31. Three Steps Back

129 18 19
By Nikachu22

Now seated in second period, looking out a window while the teacher's voice faded in his background, Crescent drifted in thought.

His palm beneath his chin, the weight of his head rested easy. Golden hues met the light blowing of orange leaves, bunched all beneath the large tree just outside, darting to count every single one that fell out of boredom.

The seasons were fighting each other-- autumn and summer prompting the chill of winter.

A battle of elements no one minded to focus on as it was just as normal as blinking. Days like these left Crescent's mind to wander. Cuddling up with his comforter, watching videos on his phone. 

What happened last night was a series of unfortunate events and by now had they been able to soak it in. After Asho's betrayal, nearly drowning, Ralp vanishing, he sought the comfort of Kisha but that turned otherwise only to end up arguing with Ahni. 

What shit luck was this?

The soft exterior of Kisha was more than he could have imagined. Such tenderness from a male considered a loaded gun. Kisha was sweet in his touch, pushy but sweet. The caressing and licking made it impossible to tell he was a dull, emotionless being.

The kissing was even better. He could still remember just so long as he closed his eyes. The taste of Kisha's saliva was embedded in his brain. The way his warm tongue slithered around Crescent's mouth. Crescent didn't know how to kiss and Kisha taking the lead paved the way to a better experience.

He inhaled-- but he wouldn't allow Kisha to get away with what he did.

"Crescent White. You have a visitor."

The teacher called from the door. Crescent jumped being pulled from his reminiscing, quickly glancing in his direction. The teacher stood at the door, wide open but no one stood in front.

Was it Ahni? After ignoring Ahni all night, Crescent felt Ahni deserved every emotional struggle he was suffering right now. 

Crescent slipped from his seat, scooped up his books, and walked towards the door. The weight shift on the seat caused a soft squeak in the dead silence.

All eyes are on him. Students were prohibited from leaving unless there was a good explanation. Crescent bowed, the teacher closing the door behind him.

"Forgive me..." That warm voice told him who it was once he stepped past the threshold. He looked slowly to see Kisha leaning against a nearby locker. The back of his head lazily pressed against the wall as both of his hands were pushed into his pockets. He seemed uncomfortable or he was suffering from a long night. Kisha wasn't looking at him, but the area before them, scanning a nearby wall with upcoming events posted. 

Crescent took the time to look over Kisha's frame.

This time, he wore his school uniform, full attire, including his blazer, buttoned up. It was a bit tight at the arms and shoulders, Crescent realizing why Kisha chose to ditch it most of the time.

Weird seeing him dressed up and covering his muscles for once, but it gave him a polished look. Handsome.

Kisha's hair was drawn in a tight bun, and one long loose braid hung from the side of his head that dangled to his stomach. Without hair blocking his face, his earrings were prominent along with a small gash located above his right eye.

Crescent noticed it before, but Kisha's hair always held more interest. Funny seeing it tucked away.

Never missed an opportunity to look his best even when going through something.

"You're the second least person I want to see right now," Ahni was the first. Crescent whispered disappointed, turning opposite of Kisha.

Kisha pushed himself from the wall, following behind Crescent to keep some distance between them.

Listening to his following footsteps, Crescent stopped in place. Clenched at his chest, his books, in which he tightened his grip. This was making him uneasy. He couldn't face Kisha. Not this soon. 

The scabs from his clawed fingers digging into Crescent's scalp due to his aggression were a signal that Kisha's capabilities in hurting him were present. The blood that oozed onto his pillow all night. He struggled to brush his hair this morning without being reminded.

"Go back to where you were, Kisha. Be a good boy. Fuchsia is watching over you for the next few days, right? Let's not disappoint him."

Kisha watched the back of Crescent, breathing lightly. Crescent smelled good. His eyes narrowed as if sleepy, but last night drained him enough to where he slept until first period. Late, staggering to get up for the first time, the teacher was surprised by his circumstances and decided to let him out early. He couldn't stay in the gang's office anymore. The atmosphere was suffocating him. That or the amount of semen would have drowned him. 

Privileges when you're top in your class rank.

Without Kisha's response, Crescent assumed it would be okay to continue walking, but the sounds of following footsteps met his ears again.

This time he stopped, only to have Kisha stop simultaneously. Crescent spun around to face him head-on, heels digging into the ground, but the instant he turned Kisha reacted, stepping forward.

Kisha grabbed Crescent by the wrist, pulling him in close until their bodies collided roughly. Books ripped from Crescent's grip toppled to the ground. Some landed on Kisha's feet but they were the least of his concerns.

Confused, and taken aback, the brunette looked up in shock to see Kisha breathing heavily. Why was holding him hostage always the best choice Kisha could come up with? He must've known Crescent was a runner or this was just a way for Kisha to get his undivided attention.

Mouth slightly parted, it had been as if Kisha ran a mile or two before stopping. Suddenly hit by a rush of exhaustion. He was fine just a few minutes ago.

Weak, his forehead fell into Crescent's nape, burrowing between his blazer and his shirt. Crescent closed his eyes, not sure if he should talk this time around. If an episode was happening right now, speaking only seemed to make things worse. They were in the hall alone this time.

"Crescent..." Kisha mumbled. "Hurting you is something I don't want..."

Crescent's heart skipped a beat. This compassion he sought for so long. That feeling when they kissed now in words. Kisha meant this and the statement radiated through Crescent's core. He couldn't find himself to answer, but the clenching in Crescent's chest made it hard to breathe for a second. There was no denying Kisha was vulnerable, but he had to say something. Crescent wasn't strong enough. Affectionate words are his kryptonite.

Tugging-- betrayal vs. desire swept from his legs, knocking him into the only person who could break him. This entrapment, these cuffs locked at his ankles, Crescent felt last night just how much Kisha was tied to him without an I love you.

Love, neither of them felt, but if fate was this complex then what would one call love? If they ended up falling for each other, how great would the toxicity become? When beginnings had to build fondness as the body only craved souls knotted promises?

Crescent slipped his fingers from Kisha's palm, bringing them to lightly press at Kisha's chest. He mustered false words, but words nonetheless.

"Kisha... I don't want to be near you right now."

His voice was broken, soft, and unconfident. The warmth coming from Kisha's pursed lips, the smell of lemon-flavored candy he had recently been sucking on held Crescent's senses. Comforting embrace, yet he couldn't just deny what happened. Now, he could judge Kisha harshly.

Kisha was going to harm him. He needed to know why. What was it like being a wolf? Crescent knew he had to ask someone. There weren't any articles or information online that spoke of this.

"Wait," Kisha hushed.

A soft sigh followed the brunette, Crescent fell silent, hands retracting to allow Kisha his stage.

"Let's go somewhere quiet." Kisha's voice is now lower, hefty, impatient. Kisha drew his head back, looking into Crescent's features with desperate desire. He needed to fix this uncontrollable lust to breed. It didn't matter what it took. Masturbating did nothing but hurt. He'd try the mating dance again. He'd be better this time. Kisha just didn't want to be miserable. Crescent's beautiful image danced around Kisha's mind forcing him to believe that this was the only way they could solve everything and he was tired of being denied it.

"What? No. Kisha you're unstable."

"I don't need permission," Kisha spoke stubbornly.

Frowning, Crescent pressed at Kisha's chest once more, but Kisha was reluctant to let go. A small drop in guard and Kisha took it as confirmation. He moved quickly, with a sharp inhale and parted lips before Kisha drove a heavy kiss between them. Kisha didn't want to be pushed away like this. He couldn't understand it-- it hurt... 

Crescent tried to turn away, but a muffled moan captured him and soon he opened his mouth allowing Kisha to explore. The heat pushed from Kisha's mouth poured into him, saliva dripping as Crescent swallowed it. Gentle like last night, Kisha leads the kiss, pulling back only to peck a few times before guiding his tongue to play with Crescents.

Crescent is swept away, his hands lose strength and the tips of his fingers wrap Kisha's blazer tightly. Kisha's hand comes to run path, open palm towards Crescent's grip before taking it and drawing it up to his lips.

"At least... say sorry, Kisha." Not that it would fix anything, but Crescent wanted to hear more of Kisha's feelings. What he was met with was a pair of ice hues staring at him as if he were a piece of meat while his palm covered the lower half of Kisha's face. 

"Why?" Kisha breath against Crescent's skin, the dead fierce look stiffened focus locked into Crescent's eyes. Kisha sighs, stepping backward to tighten his grip on Crescent's hand before he turns, dragging Crescent behind him. Reluctant to go, Crescent pulls back slightly, but Kisha is stronger and his scuffling feet almost trip him. He ends up complying after sacrificing his ankle a few times.

Knowing he was taking them somewhere secluded, Crescent could not help but turn to panic.

"Wait... Kisha... No." He didn't agree to this. Sounding like an owner scolding a bad dog, Crescent instantly yanks away. Not this time. Neither Ahni nor Fuchsia was going to save him and he wasn't going to be led away like some dog on a leash.

"Stop it!" Crescent gets a little louder and Kisha halts in stride. A soft growl peers from Kisha's frustration before he speaks,

"You're being annoying... Listen for once." Kisha mumbles, rolling his eyes.

"No, let me go. Now or I'm calling for a teacher." This time being freed. Crescent raises his hands to shove Kisha away from him as if telling him that he's being an overbearing jerk. Kisha stumbles forward, nearly doubling over. A quick run of his tongue against his fangs, the irritation raging within him like gas on fire. He closed his eyes to calm down before releasing a heavy breath and turning towards Crescent. A hard, impatient gaze mutilated his tolerance. 

Crescent began to walk back to his books hastily as if trying to escape what was happening. How many times would Kisha allow him to get away with physical aggression? He didn't care. Though he fought against it, he couldn't help but want the intimacy. It was the consequences that Crescent grew weary of. Crescent couldn't let Kisha know he was this easy to control. Bending down Crescent began to gather his books in a way that meant he was drained emotionally.

"Go find someone else to stick your--"

He spoke blatantly but stopped mid-sentence as a realization of his words cradled his thoughts. Mating... season...? The season was Autumn. Wolves cycle in spring, right? Like every other animal? When Saikai spoke about the fever did he mean mating season?

A normal occurrence of all animals. Would these human hybrids be any different? Was this just Kisha's way of expressing it? Why hadn't Fuchsia mentioned this?

"You're in heat or something? Some ravenous horny mutt looking to dominate a poor vulnerable human? Or will you fuck a stuffed toy the shape of a dog with a hole in its ass?" Crescent asked a little offended and ignorant. He didn't want to remember Fuchsia blaming him for Kisha's predicament. Why were they mates if he couldn't get passed one of the most important hurdles? It pissed him off.

Kisha looked off to the side, shaking his head no, unsure of the questions being asked. First and foremost a vulnerable human sounds wrong. Humping a toy sounds wrong. Heat cycles were something females experienced. This conversation was stupid, but it showed how petty and immature Crescent was.

Kisha shoved his hands into his pockets. He wasn't being reasonable and he knew it. He couldn't control his impulses. After getting a fill of the chemicals that flowed into him from their encounter, he found his limbs unable to avoid the brunette's presence.

Kisha was doing so good staying away, and handling the things he needed, but now that was all a fleeting battle.

It wasn't what he had wished for; however, fighting his instincts was like holding his breath underwater. Nearly impossible for too long. A moment could ruin everything. Just like a moment ruined his life.

"Never mind." Defeated, Kisha looked to his left awkwardly. He couldn't tell what Crescent wanted. His actions were telling him no, and he couldn't smell Crescent's desire anymore. Was he wrong to think Crescent wanted him too? "Stay away from me."

That ice-cold tone, serious, filled with warning, Kisha meant it. The tension between them, he could feel as Crescent seemed a bit unforgiving. Kisha didn't think he did anything wrong. Kisha felt powerless because at this moment he was showing a flaw.

"I'm planning on it." Crescent mocked back, trying to keep composure. That wasn't the truth. None of this was. This battle foretells them lies, laced with sentences that couldn't make sense. Fighting each other because of stupidity and pride when they should be trying to figure out how to fix things.

The two stood in silence, unable to walk away from each other. The suffocating air drying out Crescent's throat only made matters worse.

What he feared most was his willingness to forgive Kisha, even though his heart nearly fell from his chest due to fear, due to the enigma.

Crescent knew inside this toxicity that forgiving Kisha's aggression would endanger their relationship. He'd live his life surrendering to whatever faults Kisha delivered without ever telling him he was wrong. There were no healthy boundaries in physical pain. Was that something Crescent found okay? At this moment, he felt compelled.

"I thought it'd be you... My safe place. The only person who has made me feel... important. I was wrong being swept by something I always longed for." Crescent needed to add something more hurtful into the bunch.

The only thing he received back was Kisha swallowing, glancing back to Crescent who was drawing his books even closer to his frame. Hearing such powerful words was not something Kisha was used to. Had Crescent regretted everything? Was this a mate denying him? Kisha hadn't known the stirring in his chest would be this great when spoken by another being, but it hurt. He wanted to desperately beg until given a chance but at the cost of forgetting who he was. 

Kisha begs no one.

He wanted nothing more than to tell Crescent everything would be alright; however maybe for now this was well needed.

Just as long as they both understood. Kisha hoped he wasn't making a mistake.

"I never asked for this," Kisha called back.

Looking up to meet Kisha's gaze, Crescent could see just how much this was taking a toll on him. Kisha was attempting to control himself to his best abilities while still remaining normal. It was written by his unsettled movements that Kisha was struggling in silence.

While Crescent sat here, blaming, angry over something he caused, Kisha was going through a lot. Crescent felt awful-- that desire to forgive him, protect him, comfort him boils over again.

Reaching out a hand, digits extended to Kisha, only to be met with a step backward from Kisha. The white-haired male turned, teeth clenched, the hands in his pockets turned to fists.

He needed to get away before his reasoning left. Before those memorizing golden eyes told him what Crescent truly felt. Kisha would act upon it only to be pushed away again, right? Sometimes the brunette would look at him with a longing, a trance that said he wanted nothing more than to let go of his life and submit to him, but Kisha knew better as Crescent's personality clashed soon after.

"Wait, Kisha..." Crescent called. Skipping spaces to catch up to the quick stride, Crescent latched onto Kisha's wrist, planting his feet in preparation if Kisha decided to yank away. In response, Kisha's loose arm slipped from his pocket, fingers opening instantly to hide the fact he was digging his nails into his palm as Crescent's fingers slid down to cautiously entwine within his warm palm.

"I'll come to find you," Kisha tried to sound incoherent to not seem too weak at the touch, neither looking Crescent's way. A pulsing up his fingers, arm, and chest hit him so hard that Kisha nearly released a grunt, his lip drawing upwards. Just by this small touch, it was getting more difficult. 

"Promise?" Crescent danced on his heels, awkwardness filled him but he still preferred to be close-- to console Kisha. Nothing could interfere with this rush. A rush he wasn't trying to fight.

Kisha didn't respond, only lightly pulling his hand from Crescent's grip. He began walking, hand tucked back into his pocket. The warmth from their hands burned his skin.

Reluctant to step, Kisha was brought to his phone when a sudden vibration sent his digits to lock around the device.

"Kisha," Crescent called weakly, his features contorted, watching his back as the distance between them grew and the unsure thoughts huddled within his heart. This felt like Crescent was letting go. Crescent wanted his answer to reassure himself what he was doing was okay. How he was feeling was okay and eventually, they'd come back from this. Kisha halted in stride, his phone call would have to wait just a few seconds. Turning on his heels, standing to one side he stood firm.

Their eyes soon meet. Kisha as calmly as he could while Crescent seemed ready to take off towards him if anything was off. In a pained, but collected soft tone, Kisha answered.

"I'll be there... forever..."

Pulled from his pocket, up to his ear he pressed the answer button with his thumb before he turned around and began walking again. He didn't want to see Crescent's reaction, but he knew the young male wouldn't be searching for him any time soon.

What was most confusing was those words came out in raw truth. He hated to let himself go like this, wanting nothing more than to shut Crescent out of his heart, but that was harder than it seemed because these promises were not his alone. If Crescent ever vanished or if life separated them, Kisha would never stop looking for him. He couldn't. Tracing the screen in circles with his nail, a calm, tired voice suddenly spoke on the other end, and Kisha's attention was drawn to the device.

"Where are you?" Kisha asked.

"Home, why?" The voice retorted, but the uneasiness in that answer Kisha could add to his list that Saikai was lying to him. He wasn't one to pry unless it meant something serious.

A few days without a word from his best friend only to receive this call. No annoying pictures, no nothing. The usualness that followed when Saikai parted ways, was not even a single hello from his mother.

It wasn't ordinary. Saikai didn't sound delighted.

"Hey, you think you could wire me some of your allowance?"

"No." Kisha was blunt, but his friend begged back, exclaiming his starvation. All the money his parents made and he claimed hunger? It made no sense. Saikai walked around with a card that had his stored allowance on it and every month he'd get a good grip. Money was never a struggle for their family. Their parents made sure to keep it that way.

"Please, Kisha. Oh and tell everyone I'll be back soon. How many days has it been? Almost a week right? The financing company in a meeting with my dad said something about missing money. So we are working that out and they're sending me in to deal with it. Guess I'm a secret agent, but you'd be more appropriate for the job--"

The school bell rang the signal classes were over. Kisha looked around listening to the echo. It sounded louder when no one else stood in the hall. He stopped mid-step, foot resting against the shined floor. In that moment Saikai had spoken just a little too long and Kisha zoned in on the device as a familiar ring also sounded from the other end. Saikai's voice was cut off by the faint sound of the mimicked bell ringing.

Saikai was on school grounds~ There was no mistaking it now.

Kisha hung up without warning and started pressing the screen. The overwhelming evidence is now topped with icing. Something was happening, and he was left out of it. They knew his senses were better than anyone they'd met so sneaking around would get them caught.

Another call.

Someone picked up.

"Search for Saikai on campus."

Kisha leaned forward, walking slowly. His sneakers tapped on the floor. Being away from Crescent, all of his control now came back to him slowly. His breathing, and his thoughts all traveled within him as if nothing ever happened.

Though he could still faintly smell their last encounter flowing through the air, it wasn't enough to haunt him because he had another issue on his hands.

There was a mouse hiding somewhere... And he wanted to kill it. Lying son of a bitch.

"Tell Ehma to meet me in the office."


Just looking around was like a bug in a maze. Beautifully constructed, but a burden. Slowly turning, hugging his textbooks Crescent made his way to his room, after deciding to take the elevator to his floor.

Crescent approached the door.

No one had been here the knob was cold. There was enough time for the AC to chase away the grasp of a warm hand.

Ahni wasn't here.

He pushed open his door. Glancing around for life, he had already come to terms but needed to make sure. A soft tapping at the floor before his soles dug into their welcoming mat, Crescent's gaze ended up on his brother's side of the room.

He missed Ahni.

The longest they had been apart. Last night, he left to clear his mind, wandering towards the gym. No one would look for him there. Lying on a bleacher, allowing the rippling repeat of his brother's words.

Ahni was unhappy with him and had been their entire childhood. How was Crescent supposed to feel hearing this? He sighed, walking over to his bed and flopping down. Crescent relinquished his books to the floor, kicking them from his sight.

His arms cradled his frame, peering at the nightstand in between their beds. There, folded was the note he never opened up. One he didn't want to read, but if it was from Diamond. He knew it was important.

He questioned his antics, Saikai still failing to show up. Ralp is gone, he and Kisha break, and now a fight with Ahni. What else could go wrong?

He loved his brother, he knew that. Even though Ahni was an adult, Crescent wanted him to hold onto his innocence. Without losing it to this world.

At least, that was what Crescent believed. If he sat and told Ahni the truth, would his smile fade?


Leaning over, hesitantly taking the note, Crescent unfolded the paper. Words unraveled as the marker started to show through the paper the more he opened it.

Reading the single sentence on the paper, he instantly allowed the paper to slip between his fingers as his body froze up in panic. Eyes widened with a haunting realization.

He had put his brother in the hands of a demon. Heart nearly falling into his stomach, Crescent inhaled sharply to control the adrenaline that surged through him.

Crescent jumped up, taking off towards the door. Crumpling of the note beneath his feet.

The wooden door flung open with so much force it collided with the wall in a thud. He had to find his brother. The reason Ahni hadn't contacted him was worrisome.

Horrible. He felt utterly horrible allowing his brother to venture alone at a time like this. Guilty for putting Kisha before Ahni, for making his curiosity for Kisha more important. He left Ahni a sitting duck. 

Your brother will pay for your transgressions~

The words written on the note...


Sooooo, Kisha and Crescent reach more hurdles in their progressing connection. After submitting to the heat between them they are now left with consequences, but a separation may be what they need most. 

Crescent contradictions are fighting. Can you notice them?

 What he respects as a human with emotions and feelings-- 

What he craves as a man who has been through horrifying struggle--

 As a young dreamer who only selfishly, desperately wishes for love--

Let's see how he grows, yeah? 

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think by commenting.❤️❤️

Drop a vote if you like. 👍👍))

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