Only For Him {COLLINS #2} πŸ”žβœ“

By RehaJacob

409K 15.2K 2.4K

"I hope you do realize that I am old enough to be your father." ~ Aoran Collins, a business tycoon, lost his... More

Only For Him [Collins #2]


4.5K 208 28
By RehaJacob

Sitting by the long glass window, I couldn't stop thinking about what Andrew said. My gaze fell on the box of La Madeline Au Truffe which Andrew bought for me on behalf of his boss. My lip quirked up a little at my sugar daddy's kind gesture. No guy had done so much for me.

I was grateful to him for everything. He let me stay at his place, in his room, close to him. He took care of me and didn't even push me away when I forgot to take pills. He accepted me without thinking for a second even when I was unsure that I had his baby. He was such a nice person to be with. I didn't know whether he loved me or not but I was sure that he cared.

I didn't want a girlfriend tag anymore. Maybe I had started expecting too much. Maybe I had forgotten that I had promised myself I would be contented with whatever he could provide me with. Thinking more about him only saddened me. I kept looking at my phone to check the time. It was already half an hour since I reached home.

I really wanted him to come home soon now. I missed him and I was so worried about him. I didn't what the cops might be asking him to do. They caught him red-handed hitting Levi so ruthlessly. I wiped my tears which were constantly rolling down my cheeks and walked to his closet.

"I miss you." I said, stupidly staring at his suits. He has a nice collection of suits, watches and perfumes. I kept staring at all of them before removing my dress and wearing one of his shirts. It didn't fit me near my belly but it made me feel a little better. I loved how I smelt of him.

I huffed in despair and went to our bed. My eyes landed on Erin's portrait. For a few moments, I forgot everything as I laid on the bed and stared at her. She looked so familiar to my psyche. With everything going on, I had forgotten her. I had forgotten momma had said that I knew Erin Williams for long.

Maybe I was thinking too much. It wasn't good for my baby. I laid down and closed my eyes to take a power nap. Everything was so confusing but soon the sleep overtook me.

"I'm sorry. Did I tell you how beautiful you look in this dress? Maroon seems to be your colour." He flashed me a big beautiful smile.

"I guess, no," I replied. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"My bad! But that young lady should know how beautiful she looks right now." He was really very smooth. I was really very conscious of my appearance now. Did I really look beautiful?

"Thank you." I chuckled, looking at the dancefloor when many people were dancing. "You're not dancing?" I asked.

He looked at me, shaking his head. "How can I dance alone?" He licked his kissable lips to moisten them but it really did a cruel thing to my heart.

"Why don't you ask someone? There are plenty of women here." I said.

"I don't think there's any single lady here and I don't want a fight with their men." His smile was just so beautiful. It was just perfect.

"I don't think so. Many of them are single." I said looking around at women. Few were glancing at him too. I didn't blame them, he was such a handsome man.

"Well, what about you?" He asked shaking his head and placing his empty glass on the counter.

"I'm single." I replied, to which he raised his brow with such a perfection and his lips curved up into a smirk.

"I meant why aren't you dancing?" He clarified and I was dead in embarrassment.

"I...I.." I didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you dance with me?" He said with a sweet smile which did sinful things to my poor heart. I guess it was already liquid inside my rib cage.

"I..well, you didn't ask me, that's why." I told him. I just couldn't look at him. I was so fucking shy to even look at his face, forget looking into his pretty hazel eyes.

"What if I ask? Would you say yes? Or it'd be a no?" He pressed his lips together which made him look so adorable.

Although, there were a lot more beautiful women around us yet I asked, "Why don't you ask?"

He looked at the floor for a moment and then faced me. He rubbed his jaw and with twinkling eyes, he asked, "Will this beautiful girl with pretty braided hair, do an honour to dance with an ugly man like me?" Ugly? Where did that even come from?

"You are not ugly. In fact, you''re really handsome." I told him instantly and he smiled.

"Nobody told me that earlier."

"Such a nice way to extract a compliment. And yes I would like to share a dance with you." I smiled and placed my hand on his extended one. I smiled. We both danced with other couples. I turned my head to look at Isabella dancing with her husband. She looked beautiful in her wedding gown.

"Erin?" I turned my head at that. I felt his hand on my cheek which kind of blurred my thoughts.


I forced my eyes opened when I heard him saying my name. In a confused state, I looked around with eyes still struggling to still open fully. I saw my sugar daddy sitting by my side. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was still dreaming but he was still there.

"Aoran!" I mumbled, trying to get up.

"No! No! You need to sleep. I'm sorry, I disturbed you." He said reaching for my arms. I hugged him right away. I was so ecstatic to see him here with me again. I pecked his cheeks and held him close to me. He rubbed his hand on my back and dunked his head on the crook of my neck.

"I am so angry with you." I said, trying to control from not crying.

"I told you I'd come back in an hour." He said.

I pulled away to look at his face. His eyes trailed down on what I was wearing. I was at once conscious that I was in his shirt. I licked my lips and gulped down nervously. "I...I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I said, anxiously playing with the hem of the shirt.

"It's okay. I don't mind. If you like wearing it, you can wear all of my clothes." He said trying to ease me.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I missed you so much. I just wanted to wear it –"

"It's alright. You don't need to explain, Ursula. You can do whatever you feel like; I'm never going to stop you from doing anything you like. I won't ever chain you. Do you get that?" He said, lifting up my chin to look at him in the eyes. I sniffed, trying to control my runny nose.

He placed a sweet peck on my lips and pushed my hair back behind my ears. "Stop crying." He said.

"I'm not crying."

"You are." He frowned.

I shook my head and wiped the tear which was forming in my eye. "I love you so much. Don't ever do something like that again. I can't see you getting in a problem." I said, wiping my tears again.

"Ursula, nothing is happening to me. Stop crying, it's not good for our baby." He held my hand and looked into my eyes. "I don't like seeing you like this." He wiped my tears. I showed him a smile. I didn't want him to feel bad just because of my emotional hormonal drama.

"Good. Lay down, now." He commanded. I silently laid down on my side. He laid beside me, spooning me. I jolted when he put his hand on my belly. I relaxed, closed my eyes and enjoyed his hand caressing my belly. I loved his smooth touches. He placed a soft kiss on my neck, making goosebumps appear on my entire body.

"What do you want? Girl or boy?" I asked.

"I don't have any preference." He replied, placing kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I'm good with either of them. But, I kinda want a boy." I told him. He already had a girl. I wanted to give him a boy, but if it were a girl it would be good too. I'd get to dress her up and style her hair. I was so excited.

He chuckled. "Raising a girl is tough." I turned my head in his direction and smiled. I knew his experience said that. "How was raising Hazel like?" I asked.

He smiled and said, "Very tough. She was so rebellious. She still is. When I used to tell her not to do something, she'd do it again and again. She never used to let me comb her hair. She called every other woman mommy."

I laughed at that. "It was embarrassing." He said. "Her immune system was so weak that she fell sick every week. I was always worried about her but then she got better as she grew up. I still don't let her eat outside. She always falls sick."

"That must be really hard." I said. Being a single parent was tough and nobody could deny that.

"I managed. She always accompanied me to the office since the start." He said. "I was glad she wasn't noisy when she was an infant otherwise it'd be hardworking while she cried next to me."

"You could have hired a nanny for her," I said.

He looked at me with a frown. "No!" He said. "I didn't trust other people with her. She is too precious. Plus, I couldn't focus on work if she wasn't near."

"You're such a nice dad. Hazel is so lucky. My baby is lucky too." I told him. "You'll be a nice mom too." He told me. I didn't have anything much to give him. All I could offer was my love.

A few months ago, I was just a deviated college student, who would have gone to any extent to have good sex but now when I looked back, I realized that I was just a clueless young girl who thought lust was love. After meeting Aoran, everything changed. Even if he'd leave me one day then also I wouldn't go back to the person I was before. He had changed me. My love for him had changed my thinking. I felt so different.

I turned my head which is when my gaze fell on Erin's portrait. I recalled the dream I just had. It felt like it had happened before. Why did so many things feel like déjà vu? I was so confused and even giving time to it wasn't clearing things for me. Who was I? Why was my whole life a déjà vu?

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled, "Do you believe in miracles?"

"What kind of miracles?" He moved close to me.

"Godly miracles."

He gave me a look as if what the fuck are you talking.

"Like miracles of god. You know Jesus healed deaf-mute of Decapolis. He changed water into wine at Cana. Supernatural stuff?" I said.

He just laughed at me. "What do you actually mean?"

"Nothing. Forget it." I said.

He looked at me as if I were an alien. I knew he didn't believe in God which is why he found whatever I said so irrelevant. I wanted to mum myself but then this itch inside me wanted to ask.

"Tell me about Erin."

He looked at me plainly for what felt like an hour. He didn't even blink his eyes but then with a sigh, he said, "I have told you everything. There's nothing much to tell. Our relationship was very short."

"How short?" I asked.

He looked up and shook his head, "Leave all this. Let's play." His hand touched my butt, slowly moving his fingers over them. "You don't want to have this conversation?" I asked. I knew he was diverting me.

I felt bad that I was bringing up a dead person's topic which wasn't a good idea at all. I knew he wouldn't like it but I wanted to know.

"It was just seven months. She dumped me because I married Zuneza and tried two-timing. We patched up after almost two years and after three days she was gone. That's it." He replied with a shrug.

"Why did you marry Zuneza?" I asked.

"Long story. Let's keep it for another day." He said moving closer to me and tried to remove my panty. I removed his hand and with a sigh, he moved away from me. I wasn't ignoring the fact that he wanted to continue where we left in the morning but I wanted to know about this woman first who had put me in so much confusion.

"It's been almost two months already. I want to fuck, Ursula." He said. His need was evident to me in the form of a bulge on his crotch. "I will let you fuck me only if you answer me," I said. His eyes lit up at that. I knew he was tempted.

"Did you go to your friend Isabella's wedding with Erin?" I asked.

His fine forehead covered in a frown. "I didn't go with her. I found her sitting there at minibar." He answered. "Why are you asking?"

"Did you two dance?" I asked. He nodded his head. "I answered your questions. Now, let's do it."

"Did you tell her that she looked beautiful and you were ugly?" I asked. His forehead had a deep scowl now. He looked at me doubtfully.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"I had a dream." I told him.

"No, you knew what I had promised her. How?" He asked. "Stop giving me these dreams shit."

"I had a dream. I'm not lying." I told him.

He got up from the bed and picked up his suit. "Stop discussing things with Hazel. When you'll think about it all the time then obviously you'll have dreams." He said.

"I didn't. I had a dream. I didn't discuss anything with her." I said.

"Well, then, your guesswork is so fine." He said with a chuckle and left the room.


I shouldn't have asked him that. I didn't know what else I was expecting. I just should have brought up the topic. I jerked up when I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up the call.

"Am I speaking to Ms Ursula Abraham?" It was a woman.

"Yes." I replied.

She introduced herself as Diana. She was calling from the college regarding my missed exams. "I had some personal commitments," I told her.

"Well, the chancellor would like to meet you to discuss your exams. Can you come in the next half an hour?" She asked. I couldn't believe that they wanted to talk to me even when I skipped all the exams. I was hopeful now that may be I could get to take exams.

"Yes, of course. I'd come." I told her.

After she hung up I called my boyfriend. He didn't pick up the call the first time but he did when I called him the second time. "Yes, Ursula?" He said. "You're okay?"

"I'm good." I replied.

"Do you want anything?" He asked.

"No, I got a call from college," I told him.

"What did they say?" He asked.

"They asked me to the chancellor in half an hour," I told him. "What are you waiting for then? Go, and take care. I'll ask Andrew to take you." He said.

"Thank you. I love you so much." I told him to which I heard him snigger. "Good, go now. Take care."

I got dressed hurriedly and Andrew took me to college with the same bodyguard following me everywhere on the campus. Everyone in the college looked at me as if I had grown horns or if they hadn't seen a pregnant woman before.

I ignored all the gazes and walked to the chancellor's office. I found her assistant there who guided me inside. With a smile on my face, I greeted her."

"Good Evening, Ms Abraham. Please be seated." She smiled.

She put aside her laptop upon seeing me and rubbed her hands together. "It's so nice to see you after such a long time." She said.

"I feel the same, Ms Roberts." I said.

"I got to know that you didn't appear for any of your exams this year."

I nodded looking around the room. "Yeah, I went to Australia to see my parents before exams and then some personal commitments came up which needed my attention," I told her.

"I hope everything is fine now." She said.


"That's good. I wanted to meet you personally, Ms Abraham. You've been one of the bright students of our college and I would really be disheartened if you decide to drop out. You have a nice bright future ahead. I understand that you are capable of taking your own decisions but still, I'd like to lay one opportunity in front of you." She said.

"What is that?" I really wanted her to say that I could take my exams now.

"See, I understand at this point, studying is going to be difficult. You'd have mood swings, hormonal changes and then soon you'll have a child to take care of. You can do one thing. Appear in the exams after ten months. You have plenty of time to prepare." She said.

I was so happy upon hearing her. It wasn't like I had an option. I was up for anything. "I accept that. I'm ready." I told her.

"That's great. You can fill your examination form online. It'll be available on the college website in the next two months." She said.

She talked to me about my family and about my corporate training lessons. It was nice meeting her. I was happy that at least I would be graduating if not in a few months then probably in the next one year.

We were heading home when we passed by a Rolex showroom. I asked Andrew to stop. I recalled that it was Aoran's birthday in two days. I looked inside my bag, thankfully I had brought my card.

***To Be Continued***

Hi, how was the chapter? Is the story progressing? I hope you enjoyed it.

And, yes, whosoever reported my story, just stop. 


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