Haikyuu! Omegaverse

By BellazT009

396K 11.4K 10.2K

Just your average Omegaverse, but for Haikyuu! Hinata- Omega Kageyama- Alpha Daichi- Alpha Sugawara- Omega Ya... More

Stuck in School
A "Talk"
Tanaka (being StuPid)
(Healthy question)
Heat (continued😉)
Oh no.
Too Late
Competition 2
1k WhO??
Wake up
Competition 3
Deep Thoughts
Once more- a question.
Split Decsion (not an update)
Comversation part 1
Conversation part 2
What Have I Done
10k whOoo????
Together Again
The Awaited Chapter
New Story
The End
Uno reverse no end
Untitled Part 47
Untitled Part 48
Untitled Part 49
Untitled Part 50
Untitled Part 51
Untitled Part 52
Untitled Part 53

Final Grade

2.4K 69 33
By BellazT009

Thirty minutes passed and Nishinoya still hadn't learned a thing. He had already put the whole "actually studying" thing aside, and decided to just fantasize what him and Asahi would do later, once he "got higher than a 50".

I wonder how far he would let us go? Is Asahi even into that kinda stuff? I'm not in heat or anywhere really near that (what happened at the school was a one time thing, and less Nishinoya being in heat, and more Nishinoya just wanting to be alone with Asahi with a valid excuse).

We ended up not doing anything in the closet anyways so it's not like I have any clue what to expect.

Flashback to when Nishinoya and Asahi were in the storage closet together in chapter "Tanaka (being stupid)"


Meanwhile Nishinoya was just staring up at Asahi- not wanting to admit that he needed his help.

"I'm fine- put me down" Nishinoya said, a bit less aggressive than he wanted it to sound.

"Are you sure- no. I can see it in your eyes Noya- if you want to tell me or not, I'm going to take care of you."

Nishinoya's eyes widened, he was used to Asahi just being okay with whatever he said- and he knew that he couldn't control him with anything genetically since he wasn't an Alpha.

But he had never seen Asahi blatantly refuse him.

It kinda turned him on.

End Recap

"Asahi for real, I'm fine you can go sit with Ta-"

Mid sentence, a wave of some kind of delirium crashed over Nishinoya's thoughts, making him bite his lip and go a bit limp.

Asahi gasped and pulled him into a conveniently placed storage closet nearby, sitting Nishinoya on his lap and leaning his head in his hands.

"Noya, you have to try and calm down a bit. Maybe take a quick nap?" Asahi suggested, trying to get Nishinoya to receive help from someone instead of him relying on himself.

Nishinoya didn't respond- couldn't respond. His eyes were getting foggier and foggier.

"Noya...?" Asahi was getting more worried by the second. They had been dating for around a month now, but never had they been in any situation like this- they had hardly kissed, only once or twice on the cheek when they were feeling up to it.

It wasn't even Asahi's shyness that was stopping them, it was more both of their parents, and everyone they were around most of the time didn't support anything romantic between two males of the sort.

Nishinoya cleared his throat, it getting a bit scratchy and... empty feeling.

He started swallowing his own spit to try and fix the feeling, when a piercing scent of cinnamon and spruce invaded his nose and pores.

Asahi was trying his best to be a good support in this situation, even though he didn't really want to resort to using his pheromones against someone.

He figured it wasn't really against Nishinoya's wishes, as if Nishinoya were more awake and alert he would probably of wanted Asahi to do what he was doing anyways.

He kept on letting his pheromones leak out, praising the fact that the storage closet was pretty well compacted in and small enough that he only needed a few pheromones to do the job.

Instead of getting more "horny" like Nishinoya thought would happen in the closet, his eyes dropped even more, and his mouth slowly gaped open. He was falling asleep much to his distaste.

This was the only chance he has ever had that really forced Asahi to make some kind of move- and he was putting him to sleep?!

Nishinoya wanted to protest, but he was already drifting off.

Asahi sighed, letting out a breath of relief as Nishinoya's head went limp in his hand. He mentally cursed himself for using so many pheromones (even though it wasn't that many), and knew he would be getting a talking to by Nishinoya later for it.

They had agreed in the beginning of their relationship that they wouldn't be swayed by their second gender emotions, or impulses, rather their own hearts and brains. This was something both had wanted in a relationship anyways, so finding each other so early in their lives was something they both had high pride in.

End Flashback

Asahi was sitting in the corner of Nishinoya's room on the floor, writing out intricate questions for the quiz Nishinoya would be taking in a few minutes, once he finished studying.

Asahi had suggested he wait for another "Asahi quiz" until after today, so that he had more time to prepare, and more time to get familiar with all of the topics, but Nishinoya had declined quickly after hearing Asahi's 50% or higher promise.

He sighed. Asahi hadn't really been thinking when he said what he said, he had just wanted to get the pleading look of Nishinoya's face, and wanted to give him an incentive for studying. He had never meant for it to go so far.

He didn't even think he could go through with it in the first place. Of course he knew how to, he was a teenager after all. And alpha at that. His parents were a bit more understanding than Nishinoya's, so they had gotten him prepared for both females and males in... that area.

He shuddered thinking about it, he never wanted to move this fast in a relationship with anyone, especially since this was his first relationship in the first place.

Some of the questions he wrote up were a bit easier than he intended, since he didn't want to be too hard on Noya. Then he realized that he would have to... do that... with Nishinoya if he got the majority of the questions correct.

He quickly scribbled down a few very difficult questions, that even people in his grade had trouble with.

He paused when writing the third "difficult" question, halfway into one of the answer choices. He felt worse than he excepted writing harder questions.

He looked up at the ceiling for a minute, before erasing the harder questions, and just writing normal ones, like he had been writing.

Nishinoya snapped out of his fantasy after a few minutes of imagining some things he shouldn't of been imagining, and put his finger on the corner of his textbook page, flipping it speedily to a part he needed to memorize.

He looked at the page baffled, realizing he really didn't know anything at all about any of the contents of the page.

He quickly "memorized" most of it, doing some practice problems that were listed at the bottom of the sheet.

Asahi stood up from the corner of the room, walked over to Nishinoya, who was at his desk, and placed the quiz right on top of the textbook.

"You can use the textbook for this part of the quiz, so once you finish this section," Asahi glided his finger across the first ten questions, "call me over and I'll take the textbook"

Asahi got down in Nishinoya's face, "don't cheat."

Nishinoya nodded quickly, beginning the math for the first question.

Nishinoya was used to Asahi's closer demeanor to studying and anything related to school, he had been friends with him for a while after all.

Asahi had decided a few years back not to be so lenient on school and grades, and he had been getting more strict with it as Nishinoya's grades dropped lower and lower.

Asahi didn't start really quizzing and giving him tests until this year though.

Nishinoya turned back at Asahi, "I'm finished with the first part," he said as he handed Asahi the textbook.

Asahi took it, and walked back over to wear he was sitting Nishinoya's bed, waiting patiently for him to finish.

He knew this part of the quiz would take him a bit longer, so he was prepared to be patient.

Thirty minutes or so passed by slowly, and finally, after double checking his work, Nishinoya turned around in his swivel chair, and handed Asahi his quiz.

Asahi had a red pen already with him, so he began slashing checks and exes all over it swiftly, knowing all the answers by heart- since he wrote the quiz.

After averaging the answers and working out how many points Nishinoya would get for some of the bonus questions, he had his score.


Hey guys, I'm really sorry I havnt been updating for sooooo long. I swear I'll try to keep a normal update schedule as best as I can! ❤️❤️❤️

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