Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran...

By myrakkuran

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Her mother Reira Hanadagi was the youngest daughter of the Hanadagi pureblood clan. She was given to Rido Kur... More

Prologue- Her Birth
Life with the Kuran Family
Chapter 3 Life in the Shiki Household
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Kaname's perspective)
Chapter 8
Special Chapter 7.5
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 44

971 41 10
By myrakkuran

The day of the soirée had finally arrived.

After getting ready herself, Rima went to check in on Senri, he only to find him still buttoning his shirt. Knowing how long it usually takes the Shiki heir she pulled a chair by the mirror and sat down.

"Senri... aren't you ready yet?" She called him out after couple minutes.

"I hate gatherings filled with grownups." He said dryly, adjusting the collar of the shirt.

"Well it can't be helped. Besides it is Aiyora's first social debut. You can't avoid it."

"I know..."

"So just put up with it for a while." She offered him a poky that he accepted with his mouth.


Shortly before sundown the members of the night class headed out.

Akatsuki and Ruka were half way down the stairs when one of them noticed Hanabusa wasn't following. Turning they found him leaning against the gate with a frowning face.

"Hanabusa... the Aidou family is the one hosting tonight's soirée."

Akatsuki stated dryly. Then Ruka joined him.

"Your father is going to be there, so try to cheer up a bit."

"That is precisely why am I not so keen on it."

His cousins understood his reasons but there wasn't much they could do. Events like these cannot be easily avoided especially if you are an aristocrat.

"Come on Shiki and Rima are waiting in the car." Akatsuki called, turning around ushering Ruka to keep moving forward.

"How did she react?" Kaname whispered, leaning slightly closer to Takuma while they stood in the foyer, waiting for Aiyora to come out.

"She reacted normally. If anything she looked a little excited." The blonde responded, recalling his conversation with the female Kuran.

"Did you make it clear that I shall be the one accompanying her...?" Kaname needed to confirm. As Ichijou's words were not making any sense. There's no way Aiyora would be so casual and let alone be excited after learning this. If anything she must have thrown couple of temper tantrums.

"I did. Now that you mention... yes her smile dropped for a second, but afterwards a huge grin appeared on her face. As she kept raving about a particular shoe that she can finally wear."

Just as Ichijou concluded, Aiyora's door opened revealing the pureblood princess draped in a luxurious white fur coat over the blood-red gown.

"Wow Aiyora-chan... look at you." Takuma complemented as the said female descended the stairs.

Seconds later leaning into his friend's ear the aristocrat whispered the following.

"Something looks different about her... doesn't it?"

Kaname made no comment. But he fully agreed with Takuma, something was indeed different. Once Aiyora finally reached the bottom of the stairs, both male understood why she agreed to be Kaname's date.

"Your shoes Aiyora-chan!" Takuma pointed his finger at her footwear (seven and half inches heel with three inches platform).

"They're gorgeous aren't they?!"

"I was going to say they make you the same height as Kaname... oh no, actually it makes you an inch taller than him. I guess Akatsuki would have been the perfect person to walk you."

"If he has problem... Let's ask Kain-senpai then." She added enthusiastically.

"It's fine... I don't mind, even if you appear taller than me." Kaname said offering her his arm.

Aiyora smiled and quietly linked her arm. Refraining herself from directly interacting with him.

Takuma gazed at his friend, feeling sorry for him. It was obvious that Kaname was offended. It hit his pride to have his female companion appear slightly taller than him in height.


The black limousine drove through the empty road.

Off all people, they were having to share the ride with Ichio.

For Aiyora it was the icing on the cake. First she has hide the heavily cooked tension between herself and the ancient vampire. Now, spend the hour long car-ride with the senator who is most certainly aware of their dirty laundry. She was mentally cursing herself for turning down Hanabusa's offer to share the ride with him.

Despite having no interest she was now stuck listening to the older Kuran discuss politics with the old senator. Nor did she have the option to tune out the boring conversation and start one of her own with Takuma.

"I have decided the Council will overlook last week's disturbance. Kiryu Zero will not be dealt with as long as you are at Cross Academy, Kaname-sama." Ichio declared.

Aiyora tensed she did not expect the conversation to be switched to this topic so quickly. Weren't they just discussing about Hanadagi clan and their shady business.

"I do appreciate that." Kaname replied dryly.

"I must admit, I find the fair and impartial way you vouched and defended your schoolmate to be quite admirable. A fitting behaviour for the head of the Kuran family, who paved the way for pacifism we practice today."

"Actually... I would like the senate to grant me a specific request Ichio-donno. Going forward I would ask you not to interfere with the affairs of Cross Academy."

The senator's expression became hard but he maintained his composure and allowed Kaname to go on.

"Like my late parents before me, I would not like to be a part of any more bloodshed."

Thankfully the conversation died down with Ichio responding with one of his hard smile.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. Takuma tried to initiate some light conversation but all his attempts were shunned by both, his grandfather and best friend.


As the car pulled in front of the driveway, the venue came to view. The appeal of which severely disappointed the younger Kuran.

Tonight's soirée was being hosted in a mansion built beneath an abandoned building.

Personally, Aiyora found the whole idea of building a mansion underneath a rubdown building quite absurd and absolute waste of money. Why not renovate the exterior too?!

Here she thought Aidou Nagamachi was a smart man— well clearly not!

Kaname helped Aiyora out of the vehicle and the led her inside. As the pair approached the entrance they noticed the Akatsuki and Hanabusa looming over something.

"What happened?" Aiyora asked.

"Akatsuki discovered this..." Hanabusa said revealing the unconscious body of Cross Yuuki.

Wordlessly Aiyora turned to Kaname, who in turn muttered under his breath...

"Trouble someone girl."

None of them knew how Yuuki ended up here. But leaving her behind was out of the question. Now they're stuck to find a safe place for her here.

The night just keeps getting better.


The group walked through the dark corridor in complete silence.

Hanabusa was the one leading. Just few steps behind was Akatsuki, carrying the unconscious Yuuki. And following him were the purebloods— walking hand in hand like a couple.

They were taken to one of the room at the end of the corridor. It was a large windowless room with a long sofa and couple of chairs. Akatsuki laid Yuuki on the sofa while Hanabusa pulled the chairs in front for the pureblood's to sit. Kaname occupied the one by Yuuki's head and Aiyora was left to take the one across from him.

After the cousins exited the uncomfortable silence returned. Not like it ever left, it's just that with Hanabusa and Akatsuki around the silence didn't feel as uncomfortable as it felt now— with just the two of them and a sleeping Yuuki.


In the meantime on the main floor ballroom, where the actual event was taking place...

Everyone was busy socializing with friends, members of family and acquaintances.

Takuma was sticking around his grandfather. Senri and Rima went to an isolated corner to avoid annoying adults, specially the former's grand uncle, Shiki Sayatohi. And Hanabusa decided to hang around his cousins Akatsuki and Ruka, rather than members of his immediate family.

"I must admit I did not expect to see a senior member like Ichio-sama attending tonight's event." Ruka commented twirling the drink in her glass.

"That is a bit of a rare sight." Akatsuki agreed. "...But my guess would be he came here for Aiyora-sama. Most adults are here for that reason. It is after all one of the most anticipated debut." From the corner of his eyes the Kain heir observed how uncomfortable Hanabusa felt, given Ichio was sitting few feet away from them.

"Hanabusa... I wouldn't let him bother you. So relax." He assured

Just then Ruka pointed out in a critical tone. "And look! A soirée like this is being observed by a hunter. It's an agreement so that the two sides get along."

Hanabusa and Akatsuki looked to the corner on left and saw Zero leaning against one of the square pillars.

"But why did they send him of all people?!" Hanabusa complained bitterly.


"I knew it! I really shouldn't have come." Senri said through gritted teeth as he watched the reflection of the approaching person on his drink.

"Senri..." The Shiki heir tensed hearing the voice of his mother's uncle. "...I have not seen you in a long time. Look how much you have grown! You're a fine young man now."

Despite his wish otherwise Senri finally turned to acknowledge his relative.

"It's so nice to see you great uncle."

Rima turned around and walked little further away, as she had no desire to converse with corrupted senator.

"But... you do seem a little on the thin side. It's important that you eat well." Shiki Sayatohi placed a hand on Senri shoulder. Then leaning into the younger vampires ear he whispered the rest. So that the girl near him does not catch on. "Keep in mind, this body is not your alone."

Senri kept his emotions concealed appearing absolutely neutral. He noticed Sayatohi put a plate full of food on the table.

"When you get a chance visit your mother. Bye Senri..." he gave Senri's shoulder couple pats and left.

Senri's brows squeezed slightly as he reflected on the older vampire's previous words. Suddenly his nostrils were invaded with the smell of fesh baked potatoes and noticed Rima holding a small piece of potato with a fork, right before his mouth.

He thought for a moment before taking a big bite of the offered food.


Zero was wondering around minding his own business, when the sudden sound of familiar froze him on the spot. It was the sound usually made by Shizuka's bell.

Frantically he looked for the source and noticed his twin in the distance. Ichiru had his hair tied with Shizuka's bell.


Back in the windowless room:

The purebloods sat across from each other on the wooden chair, as they quietly and patiently waited for the human to wake up. Although quite some time has passed since they settled in, the tension in the room was yet to diminish.

For the time being to till they are called Aiyora thought it was best to keep her focus on Yuuki. The female pureblood enviously watched the human sleep. Yuuki was one of those lucky few, for whom life was or has always been easy. There were barely anything on her plate to worry about. She had the privilege to live a carefree-life without serving consequences of her actions. Considering the current moment they were in for example— if it was any other human for the matter, chances are that person would have been served to the pureblood guests by now. But here she was, recuperating in a safe room with two pureblood vampires guarding her. The irony!

Kaname took advantage of her distracted state to study Aiyora carefully. She looked breathtaking this evening. A fact that was starting to turn normal. However, he still could not help himself from secretly gawking. She chose a red gown for tonight's event. A colour that brings out and emphasizes her vampiric beauty.

Catering to Aiyora's taste the designer made the dress tasteful while keeping it sultry. It was a full-sleeve gown with puff shoulders, narrow but plunging V-neckline which ended slightly above her stomach. A long slit at the centre to reveal those slim long legs. Her hair was put down in big-voluminous waves. This time her makeup was done slightly different. Usually Aiyora prefers to put more focus on the eyes— Smoked out shadows, thick liner, excessive lashes. But tonight those bold eyes were kept bare minimum. Including her cheek bones that had light brushed peach blush. The focus was drawn to her lips. By using a matte red lipstick.

All in all she looked perfect; except for one tiny detail... her stressed out face and tensed shoulder.

For some reason Aiyora looked uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

"You look worried." Kaname took the initiative to break the ice. "Is there anything I could do to help?"

"Sure! You can make yourself disappear. That would be greatly appreciated." Aiyora threw him a look unable to deny his accusation.

After learning about his reality, she found herself more uncomfortable in his presence than she had ever been before. This man is pretending to be someone else, with hardly anyone being aware of the truth. Plus on top of that he is quite capable of murder, orchestrating massacre, accusing someone else off his actions, creating weapons out of other living beings. And most importantly and to every extent disturbingly— no one knows what his future motives are. If these aren't valid reasons to be worried, to feel unsafe and be creeped out enough to loose sleep...? Then what is...?

"That actually hurts." Kaname muttered softly, facing away from her.

"I'm sorry what actually hurts?!" Aiyora shot him a knowing look. Indirectly daring him to defend himself.

"Nevermind, it's nothing."


The fact that she so casually dismissed it, hurt him even more.

They returned to second round of silence which was once again broken by Kaname.

"It has come to my attention that you stopped addressing me as Kaname onii-sama. Even when you converse with others and my name is brought up, you refer to me as 'that man'."

"Your point is...?"

"I would like you to address me as something, other than 'that man'."

"I will not address you as Kaname onii-sama anymore. This is the least I could do, in order to show some respect to my dead cousin. So whether you want me to address you as grandfather or great grandfather, I'll leave that up to you."

Kaname chuckled a moment before he threw in the advice. "Why not just Kaname. No honorific or any other title for the matter. Just call me by my name."

"Now a part me is in doubt, whether Kaname is your actual birth name."

"It isn't. Someone, once special in my life gave me that name. Kaname was the name of her hometown. She told me I reminded her of her home, her family and her loved one. My scent took her back there. So by calling me Kaname she got a sense of fulfillment... She no longer felt alone..."

The female Kuran found herself at loss of words. The lost lover look in his eyes were unbearable. She quickly looked away before they could cause any form of damage to her rationality.

"If you want to give me another name I will gladly accept it. However... a small part of me would forever be remain grateful and indebted to you, if you kept the name Kaname. After all, this name is all I have left of her."

Raising a hand she requested politely. "Please give me sometime to process."

"Yes of course... take all the time you need."

Round three of silence dropped in.

At this point Aiyora was starting to lose patience. She wanted to pour water and wake Yuuki up.

"Can't we just do something and wake her up."

"There are ways but if she awakens we will not be able to carry on with our conversation."

"I was under the impression we're done talking."

Kaname sighed. Her disinterest was piercing a hole through his heart. And it hurt! It hurt a lot.

"You never gave me the chance to fully explain myself."

"I don't think any amount of your sob love-story could make up for the fact that Kaname onii-sama is dead, Zero will turn into a level-E and his twin lost everything."

Looking up at the ceiling Kaname took a deep breath.

"... Tell me something truthfully, have I lost all my chances at redemption?"

Once his face came down, Aiyora saw the broken look behind those dark eyes. She was able to sense the emotional turmoil he was battling. Still, she couldn't bring herself to sympathize with him.

"If am honestly speaking... you don't have to apologize to me anymore. You have done enough. I gave you fair share of trouble. Between us situation was in a position to be resolved. However, I am in no position to pardon you on their behalf. That is simply not my business."

He may have said nothing but silently he was in full agreement with her.



"I am aware of the fact that you tried to get Shiki out of the academy... after our previous conversation."

The younger vampire quieted down as a look of fear took over her face; which was shaken away only seconds later.

"You're right!" She admitted. "I did try to get him out of the academy. I panicked and during the heat of the moment it appeared to be the best possible option. But... he refused."

The tension in those blue orbs remained. Despite her determination to fight back and save him, Aiyora still believes a place away from this academy is where her Ri-chan will be safe. It's a feeling in her gut that she has recently developed.

"Nothing will happen to him! I assure you. In the compound of Cross Academy and under me, Shiki will always be safe. I promise."

If only either of them knew what is coming their way. But fortunate was Kaname that he specified Senri would be safe in the compound of Cross Academy and under him.


"Um... where am I?"

The confused voice grabbed both purebloods attention. Simultaneously they turned to the source and found Yuuki awakening.

"What a relief. You woke up pretty quickly."

Yuuki blushed recognizing the voice and rushed to sit up and in the process got off the sofa.

"Kaname- senpai I'm... I'm really not sure how this happened."

But then sudden dizziness made her lose footing, only to have the male vampire catch her on time.

"Thank you."

Kaname shot her a soft gaze and teased. "I thought you weren't speaking to Aiyora and I."

And it worked like magic. Yuuki blush deepened. Quickly she pulled out of his arms and turned around from him. Currently feeling embarrassed after being reminded of the argument from that night.

"Oh! Um... I just meant that until you and Aiyora-chan stopped suspecting Zero as the culprit..."

Although Yuuki did not get to finish her sentence coherently, the vampires understood exactly what she was trying to say.

"I thought it was made clear, neither of us intended to make Zero a criminal. However, until we know for sure who the real murderer is, Zero is someone that cannot be ruled out."

Feeling defeated Yuuki sat back down on the sofa and smoothed out her coat. Aiyora tried to make eye contact in hopes of joining their conversation but Yuuki avoided meeting her eyes. Solely keeping her focus on the conversation she was having with Kaname.

"Well, I understand that. But..."

"One more thing Yuuki..." Kaname took her chin between his fingers. "When you spoke to us the way you did that night, did you think it wouldn't anger me?"

"Yes, b-but it was your fault! Both of your fault!"

"I don't think it is fair to put the blame on us without knowing the full extent of the situation."

"But Kaname senpai—"

A sudden knock on the door put a halt into their conversation. After Kaname's approval the door opened to reveal...

"You're here to Ichijou-senpai...?"

"I'm glad you're finally awake Yuuki-chan."

The blonde walked towards them. "Thank goodness! You gave me quite the scare, seeing you lying there on the entry way. What happened?"

The brunette female thought for a brief moment before answering. "I'm not sure... I took a lost child to an abandoned building and he kissed my cheek to thank me... then..."

Takuma sighed scratching his head.

"That makes sense. Most likely it's a child of one of the guest. You see a child vampire can suck out a person's vitality. Right now you're in a mansion, built beneath an abandoned building. This place belongs to the Aidou family. Tonight they're hosting a soirée where Aiyora-chan will be making her first ever public appearance before the vampire society."

Finishing his explanation to Yuuki Takuma turned to his friend. "Everyone is waiting. I think it's time..."

"Well then," Kaname stood up gracefully and offered a hand to Aiyora. "...Shall we...?"

She accepted his hand with a smile. "Let's go... Kaname!"

His burgundy eyes became partially wide the moment he realized that she reconsidered his request and addressed him by his name only.

As if on instinct his hold on her hand tightened. A simple yet very intimate gesture that successfully caught Yuuki's attention.


They say an idle brain is the devils workshop. Sitting alone in that empty room Yuuki's situation was not so different. Her head was buzzing. Certain image was eating up her brain and refused to leave her mind at all cost. It was specifically the image of the Kuran siblings tightly entwining their hands.

Do siblings hold each others hands... so intimately...?

Was she imagining this? Or have they gotten closer in the recent times?

"Stop it! What am I thinking? ...They're siblings!"

Giving her head a quick shake Yuuki tried to kick some sense into her mind and divert it from thinking about the purebloods and put all focus on the room she was currently stuck in.

A room without windows. It's strange, I feel like I have been in a room like this before.

Suddenly an image of a long curly haired woman flashed before her eyes.

Yuuki froze and clutched her head. "What was that...?"

Just then the door opened and there stood the little boy she helped earlier.

"I'm truly sorry for what I did to you earlier human-san."

Yuuki got up from the sofa and enthusiastically encouraged a conversation. "So it turns out you are a vampire. Did you find your mother?"

Instead of responding to her question he runaway. Causing Yuuki to forget Kaname's instruction and chase after him.

She lost sight of the boy in the darkness and followed the light that appeared for a second when the curtain was slightly moved. Instinctively Yuuki followed the path only to end up on the balcony above the ballroom where the soirée was taking place.

The human was frightened and at the same time amazed to find a ballroom full of vampires. She has never seen so many of them together at once. Amongst the crowd there were so many familiar faces— award winning actors and musicians. President of a software company. Yuuki could not believe all these people were vampires.

Out of the blue Zero appeared in her line of vision. Not knowing how to react, she ducked down instantly. But peeked again soon after to check if saw it correctly.

"Why is Zero here? He couldn't have been invited! He must be working." She thought out loud and continued to watch Zero from above.

Zero was acting like his usual self, unlike her, who has been feeling awkward since the near kiss moment they shared.

Yuuki gave head a vigorous shake realizing that she was once again thinking about that moment.

Ugh... Why do I keep thinking about that?


Although her face was able to mask current her mental state, but the heart pounding in her chest was rising and falling too rapidly for her liking. It narrated how nervous Kuran Aiyora actually was and made her feel vulnerable.

Kaname cast a quick glance at their entwined hands. Her one was freezing. It was not the case when they initially left the room. Nor was she holding his hand as tightly back then as she was now.

With each step forward a knot formed inside her stomach which made her already nauseated state worse.

The room grew quite and one by one everyone turned attention once the two purebloods came into view. Soon the entire ballroom with the exception of the two hunters (Kiryu and Yagari) bowed at their direction to pay respect.

Here it is... the make or break of Kuran Aiyora. Aiyora thought.

"Pardon me, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was simply here to introduce my cousin to everyone. Please enjoy yourselves."

Kaname started. Then Ichio took over and formally introduced the female Kuran, after walking to the purebloods and standing by Aiyora's empty side.

"This lovely young lady here is Kuran Aiyora. Most us have already met her at the soirée her father, Kuran Rido hosted when she was merely an infant. As for the rest, you have seen her either on television screens or on magazine cover. But this is the first we have her, in the presence of her own kind. So make sure to give her a warm welcome and make her feel at home."

Series of whisper broke out through room right after.

"Oh my! She has grown so much. The last time I saw her she was just a baby." One man from the crowd said out loud and indirectly gave others courage.

"I remember attending that soirée, she was in her father's arms the entire time." Another person spoke.

"Rido-sama was a wonderful father, he loved his daughter so much. I'm sure he would have been so proud of her. It is such a tragedy that he isn't present amongst us today."

One person boldly brought up the topic of her appearance and the rest quickly joined her.

"She looks better face to face than on the magazine cover."

"A fitting appearance for a rare pureblood, with two family lineage."

"You're very beautiful but you do not quite resemble any of your family members." The woman on the front row told Aiyora. Not knowing what to say Aiyora chose to politely thank the elderly woman.

But the man beside that woman added. "Actually her eyes are quite similar Hanadagi-sama, her maternal grandfather."

"Now that you mention, she does slightly resemble her late aunt, Maya-sama. But from sides, certain times she also reminds me of Rido-sama." The same woman changed her statement.

Aiyora smiled awkwardly, only for another person to point out the dimples, that she inherited from her father and gushed on how he was the only member of the Kuran family to have a dimpled smile.

While most kept dissecting the young pureblood on her appearance, suddenly one person from the crowd boldly asked.

"Are you in touch with your mother? Or anyone from the Hanadagi family?"

"Unfortunately I am not in touch with anyone from the Hanadagi clan except for Hanadagi Hiragazawa, the son of my supposed late aunt. He works in the show business, that was how we met. And just like me he also does not have any contact with the other members of the said family."

Kaname's expression hardened. Aiyora never mentioned that she has somehow come into contact with another pureblood. Now he could only wonder what else was she hiding from him...?

To Aiyora's relief the conversation among the crowd switched to different topic when someone brought up the incident from last week and questioned Kaname.

"Kaname-sama is what we heard true? You stood up against the senate to defend a human?"

"Yes, it is." He did not deny.

"I respect Kaname-sama." Said one person.

"He must believe it's time we meet the human halfway, for both of our future."

"What a noble cause."

"Aiyora-sama what are your thoughts? Most members of the Kuran family had worked towards building a world where vampires and humans can co-exist. Would you take up the same cause?"

This is it! This is my chance.

"While I certainly agree with most of you here that Kaname is working on a noble cause like his late parents before him. However, I think both of us need not invest our time in the same sector. I would like to dedicate most of time working to build a society more liveable for my own kind and..." she paused a moment to process her upcoming words.

Then lifting her chin up and keeping her face straight said the following "...and every one of those unfortunate individuals or the families that happen to be a victim of my father."

Uncomfortable silence fell in the room. Kaname exchanged a glance with both Takuma and his grandfather. Both of them appeared equally surprised. Just like him, even though his face didn't show any bit of it.

Frankly no one expected Aiyora to acknowledge her father's wrong doing so openly. This was something she did on her own, the crew that trained her didn't prepare her for something like this.

"I would like to thank you all for being considerate and putting my father in the best light for me. However knowing everything and not acknowledging would be an unfair act on my behalf. ...While cannot undo my father's unjust actions, but I can and will certainly take responsibility for his actions, something which his siblings— Kuran Haruka and Kuran Juuri did not do."

Takuma, who the main person in charge to train her for this event was panicking. This was clearly not what he taught her. The speeches he prepared for her was entirely different.

"...And tonight standing before you all I'm giving you my word... I will work hard and do my best to make up for my father injustice. I will teach my sons and raise in way, so that they grow up to protect your daughters."

There was a moment of tensed silence before huge round of applause. All woman in the crowd were clapping. And soon they were joined by the men.

Kuran Aiyora did not only shadow Kuran Kaname's noble cause to stand up against the senate to defend a human; she completely eclipsed it.

Aiyora released a slow but deep exhale of relief. It was that moment that established Kuran Aiyora and made her the irreplaceable princess of the Kuran family. Quite honestly it didn't matter to her what humans thought of her, because she wanted to make her name amongst her own race. She wanted to be there for the vampire first, humans later.

Soon after the pureblood duo were approached by the hosting family.

"Kaname-sama, thank you for putting up with my son."

"Thank you for the lovely arrangement Aidou-donno. I'm not quite comfortable with soirées, so it seems I hardly ever attend them." Kaname responded to Aidou Nagamachi, the current head of the family.

"Please don't worry about it. It is my honour to have you and have Aiyora-sama make her formal debut. However... I do have a special request Kaname-sama. Tsukiko...?"

The mentioned girl shyly stepped forward at her father's call.

"Otou-san! Please no!" Hanabusa cried out in protest. But his father simply ignored him and went on.

"This is my youngest child, Tsukiko. She's a lovely girl. Now that you are no longer engaged, it is the hope of our entire clan that you take fancy to her."

"Otou-say please!" Hanabusa protested again and apologized. "Please accept my apologies Kaname-sama, Aiyora-sama. This is not something I wish for or expected." He was clearly embarrassed.

"Don't worry Aidou-kun." Aiyora told him to calm down in a hushed tone. "It's all good."

Ruka also stiffed, hearing her uncle make such offer. Akatsuki shot her a look of concern.

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I will certainly remember her."

And that response from the male Kuran paved the way for other willing parents, all whom started to bring their daughters along to introduce them to Kaname.

"Kaname-sama please meet my daughter."

"Please look favourably upon my daughter too."

"Kaname-sama my daughter loves you so much she will do anything for you."

In that moment Aiyora's eyes turned the widest from shock. Because the girls most of these parents were bringing happen to be her own friends— the members of her girl gang. Now she understood why these girls were always so willing to please her.

While most parents were trying to throw their daughters at the male Kuran's feet, some in the background gossiped.

"Kaname-sama has changed. In the past he would ignore such subjects."

"Perhaps now he understands the duty of a rare pureblood."

Aiyora gazed over the crowd and noticed Yuuki watching the whole thing unfold with sad eyes.

Then, out of blue a voice spoke out.

"Everyone... please don't say things like that. He just got out of long-term relationship. Poor Kaname-san..."

A powerful presence of another pureblood vampire invaded the environment and successfully diverted the attention of the aristocrats away from the Kurans and towards the newcomer.

Everyone cleared the way for the newcomer to pass.

Aiyora was going to ask Kaname— who was the lady with cunning smile approaching them. But the whisper flooding the room answered her questions.


"A member of the Shirabuki family's really her."

"This is truly a rare sight to see Sara-sama at a such events."

"Sara... it's been a while." Kaname greeted the approaching female politely while one of his hand snaked around Aiyora's waist and held her in place protectively. Of course this little action didn't go unnoticed by the person coming towards them. It surprised Aiyora too. She did not expect him to show concern so openly.

"Kaname-san ever since you started attending that school, I haven't seen you at all. I must admit ...I missed you."

As a response, using his free hand Kaname took her hold of her gloved hand and brought it to his lips for a fleeting kiss.

Aiyora observed the interaction between the older purebloods great interest. Shirabuki Sara nagging in public was even more surprising than Kaname publicly showing concern.

The younger pureblood once again moves her gaze over to Yuuki, only to find the latter drowning in jealousy.

Personally Aiyora didn't blame Yuuki for feeling that way. It was the blonde pureblood's fault! For she made it sound like she had more than friendlier relationship with the older Kuran. Which the younger Kuran highly doubted.

Kaname followed Aiyora's gaze and noticed Yuuki.

"...And you must be the lovely little Aiyora-chan. The youngest amongst us, yet a name popular enough to be discussed in every household."

The said female snapped back the moment her name was mentioned. Slightly confused as to in which context the blonde female made the statement. Was it supposed to be an insult or complement? Regardless of what she said, Aiyora chose to prefer it as complement and proceed that way.

"Please to meet you Shirabuki-san."

"Oh please call me Sara. Also, I was hoping I could call you... by your name."

"Yes please!"

Aiyora chose to be cautious. As she detected hint of subtle jealousy in the blonde's tone and hoped this was her crazy mind playing tricks. She had enough on her plate, there is no space for a jealous female pureblood.

"And Kaname-san," Sara grabbed his attention now. "I hope you understand there are only few of us pureblood vampires remaining, we have to stick together."

Aiyora wondered what that statement meant. She looked at balcony again when the sound of someone running away in the distance came to ear and caught a small glimpse of Yuuki as she ran back inside.

She nudged Kaname with her elbow and silently signaled him of Yuuki's situation.

"Would you do me a favour and have a look." And he put the responsibility on her shoulder.

"I can stay here and cover for you, while you go ahead and check."

"Actually I would prefer you go and check on her, rather than leave you all alone here amongst so many vampires."

He made his point clear, that, at the moment he would not leave her behind amongst all these vampires and go upstairs to check on Yuuki. But, she was free to do so.

Now, Aiyora may not be the kindest person around. That doesn't mean she was heartless.

However... the existing tension between them didn't make it any easier. Yuuki hasn't even spoken to her like she did with Kaname. So how could she just show up in front of the brunette and demand why she left the room, when Kaname repeatedly told her not to.

Aiyora inwardly groaned.

The situation became unnecessarily complicated.


Yuuki slammed the door shut and fell on the floor.

Her mind reflected back to the series of events she witnessed. Every vampire out there is ready to throw their daughters at him. Even the beautiful blonde vampire seemed interested in him. Plus she is also someone who belongs to the same rank as him— a pureblood vampire. Which makes her, his perfect match.

I knew he was way beyond my reach. But still... I wish I hadn't seen that.

Yuuki pulled her legs closer to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

It was a bad idea to leave the room. Now she regretted her action and understood why Kaname had strictly asked her not to, under any circumstances.

Perhaps he did not want me to get hurt.

As she continued to think the door behind her opened and hit against her back, startling Yuuki.

"May I come in?" But Kaname's smooth voice served as reassurance.

"Sure." Yuuki quickly moved out of the way and got up on her foot.

Kaname walked in and closed the door. "I told you not to leave this room, didn't I?" He lightly scolded and earned an apologetic look from the petite female.

"Um... I'm sorry." Yuuki avoided eye contact due to embarrassment and guilt.

The vampire walked towards her in steady footsteps and engulfed her into a warm embrace.

"No, this time Yuuki an apology is not enough." Having said that he lifted her form off of the floor and carried her back to the sofa.

Yuuki also wrapped her arms around him. Her heart-rate rapidly increasing at such close proximity. It's been a long time she has come this close to him.

He gently laid her down on the sofa then sat down beside her and asked. "Why did you go out?"

"That child..." Since she couldn't hide her flushed face, she tried to avoid his gaze at all costs. A gaze that melted her insides. "...I just wanted to see if he had found his mother."

Yuuki was taken aback and quietly gasped as Kaname leaned in, till his head was resting over her chest.

"Kaname-senpai, what are you..." Yuuki found herself in disbelief. She did not know what to say or how to react in such situations.

"Until I forgive you... stay with me a little longer...just like this..."

She tenderly wrapped her arms around him and buried her face at the crown of his head.

"Yes of course... I will do anything for you Kaname sama."


Right outside the door:

Aiyora was leaning against the wall with a solemn face. Mind lost in so deep thought that it took her a good few seconds to understand that she had company. When she did, her eyes shot open.

Immediately she turned to her right and found a familiar face. It was that little boy, who testified against her false claim.

"So it was you... who lured the human in here didn't you?" She calmly interrogated.

"Yes." The boy with heterochromia eyes admitted.

"And why did you do that?"

"Perhaps the same reason as to why you're tricking her."

Aiyora shot him the 'what do you mean?' look.

The little boy grabbed her hand and dragged her to the balcony. Then climbed over the fence and pointed a finger at Kaname who was currently toasting to a drink with Shirabuki Sara.

"You took advantage of the fact that she's a human and sent a familiar inside under the disguise of that guy."

Aiyora didn't admit to her guilt but made no attempt to hide it either. Instead focused on the child. He was definitely more than what the eyes could see. Perhaps another Maria-Shizuka game going on here.

Without wasting another breath Aiyora got l down on her knees and grabbed the boy by the arms before demanding.

"Who. Are. You?" She punctuated each word.

Even before she could blink their situation reversed. Now it was him who was holding her by the arms, the exact same way she was holding him only seconds ago.

"You truly do not know who I am?! Huh... what a shame."

Her breath hitched, eyes went wide. His aura felt so familiar.

"I'm asking you for the last time... tell me who you are." Aiyora didn't back down. She did not let the familiarity of his aura affect her. Even though inside she was fighting a big battle to keep her composure under control.

She was determined to not let him off before he gave her a satisfactory response.

But sadly, the boy's mother called appearing behind them.

"Let's go home son."

"Okay, I'm coming okaa-san."

Breaking free from her hold the child ran back to his mother at once. Leaving the young Kuran behind in a state of complete disarray.


The hunters on duty leaned against a pillar and lazily watched over the vampires as they socialized.

"I see that Ichiru is here."

Yagari shook his head a little before he placed his hand over his student's head; knowing all too well that such action would only annoy the young hunter.

"Anyway don't do anything reckless. You don't wanna make the little disciplinary member worry."

"She's not little!" Zero said with a slight hurt expression gracing his face. "Her very existence means the world to me."

Yagari stared at him for few more seconds with a shocked faced before walking away.


She hugged the resting vampire with everything she had.

For Yuuki this was a dream, a beautiful dream from which she never wanted to wake up from.

It was indeed a strange feeling. Not too long ago he was someone so far away, beyond her capability to reach... and yet right now, the same man is lying right in her arms.

Even if this beautiful feeling will only last a moment, Yuuki would be okay.

You are everything to me Kaname-sama...

I will do anything, if it is for you Kaname-sama. These words uttered by my heart are not lies, but is something I truly mean.

I love you Kaname-sama. My world began with you. So even if my past is empty... I'm not afraid.

The sound of whimper alerted Kaname and made him reopen his eyes. He sat up slightly to check if she was alright.


She covered her eyes to hide her tears.

"I told myself I would no longer address you as Kaname-sama, like I used to. But I'm not some silly little girl anymore though..."

The vampire's eyes slowly moved down to her exposed neck and turned red. But oblivious to the matter Yuuki continued.

"I know you're way out of my reach. That's what I told myself ...I tried to forget my feelings... And thought as long as I remembered your kindness towards me, that would be enough... but I still—"

Her eyes turned wide as she felt the vampire nearing her neck.

"Kaname-senpai! What are you?—" she gasped leaving the sentence unfinished when his tongue traced along the line of her neck.

In pleasure and shock her head shot back on the pillow. Her face at this point was burning red while her breath came out unsteady. She grasped the his forearms not knowing what to do. She was scared, yet a part of her was ready...

But... he pulled back.

"Humans are such fleeting beings. Their lives rushing through what is only a moment for us vampires."

She tried to assess the meaning behind those words. What was he trying to say?

"...Will you become a vampire?"

His proposal turned her eyes wide.

"Will you become a monster that devours blood and live the long flow of time with me Yuuki...?" He said while slowly leaning down towards her neck once more. Like he was awaiting her consent.

"I will..."

His mouth opened wide revealing those ferocious fangs that were ready to bite.

But her tears snapped him back. Immediately his glowing eyes returned to its normal state.

"Sorry I took this too far." He wiped away her tears and assured. "Don't worry, I won't do anything."

Kaname sat up and she followed after. He then wrapped an arm around her shoulder and whispered into her ear. "I apologize for frightening you."

"Kaname-senpai... I thought that you..."

"Come now what's with that face...? I hope you have learned your lesson. Don't get yourself into dangerous situation anymore... alright?"

His words may have made her feel safe again. However it did nothing to help with her growing disappointment.


On the way back, Yuuki was fortunate enough to share her ride with Kaname. What made it even better was the fact that they were alone in the car. The other two who were supposed to join them, Takuma and Aiyora, decided to share the ride with Hanabusa at the last minute.

The hour long journey back to the academy was a quiet one. With the exception of Kaname telling her not to be reckless again and do something as dangerous as she did this afternoon.


The headmaster and Yori were in front of the gate awaiting Yuuki's arrival. Just as the car arrived and Yuuki climbed out, Yori greeted her back with a warm smile.

"Welcome back Yuuki."

"Thank you... I'm sorry that I made you wait."

It was snowing that night. Out of the two girls, Yori was the first to notice it. Following her gaze Yuuki slightly raised her head, then extended her hand and watched the little flakes land on her palm

White snow always reminded her of red blood. That snow ten years ago splattered with blood. The beautiful boy, who extended his blood stained hand to her... and she held it...

As long as Kaname-sama is with me, there is nothing that I'm afraid off. He gives me courage, he gives me strength. I can do anything... for him!

"Will you become a monster that devours blood and live the long flow of time with me Yuuki...?" His words rang into her mind, spreading shivers down her spine.

Somewhere in my heart I have been longing to hear those words. I never thought I would hear them. So I got all confused. And my feelings turned to tears.

Yuuki looked up at the sky.

What you asked off me Kaname... even if you weren't serious... did my reaction, let you down?


A.N: So this was my version of season 2 episode 2. If there is any question or confusion feel free to ask. Or if you notice any mistake anywhere please feel to point out, I'll correct it. Thank you all for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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