The Son of Lord Voldemort

By IHaveDementia

361K 15.2K 1.9K

Voldemort never killed Harry, instead he killed his parents and kidnapped Harry to raise as his own son again... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Not an update
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150

Chapter 8

4.2K 188 44
By IHaveDementia

Harrison grabbed his broom and headed down to the changing rooms. Harrison got dressed in his green Slytherin uniform, Gryffindor would be playing in scarlet. He watched as Peregrine Derrick, and Lucian Bole swung around their beater bats until Marcus called for their attention.

Marcus cleared his throat. "Today we're playing Gryffindor." There were hisses from keeper Miles Bletchley and chasers Abraham Montague and Alexander Dolohov. "Oliver Wood is a good keeper and unfortunately those Weasley twins are good with beater bats,but I know that we're better. They also have a second year as their seeker, his names Cormac McLaggen. Arrogant little toe rag he is." Peregrine and Lucian chuckled as Marcus turned to Harrison. "I want you to wait until we're at least fifty points up to catch the snitch unless their seeker is about to catch it or it looks like we need to end the game quickly. Peregrine and Lucian, I want you two to knock those Gryffindors off their brooms, and Miles, you better not let any shots pass you. Last year Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet were a forced to be reckoned with. I don't know about the new girl Katie Bell,but from what I hear, she works well with the other two girls. Last year we only beat Gryffindor by twenty points because of their chasers, that will not happen this year." He looked at them as if to say or else.

"We'll knock them out of the air before they can score too much," Peregrine smirked.

"Good," Flint nodded. "Now let's get out there and kick some Gryffindor ass."

Harrison followed Lucian and Marcus out of the locker room; they walked onto the field to loud cheers. He looked around and spotted his friends sitting in the Slytherin section which wasn't surprising. What was surprising was that Hermione, Susan, Hannah, and Neville were with them. He could see some of the older Slytherins giving the non-Slytherin first years odd looks, but Harrison found it amusing. They were holding a sign that said 'Go Riddle' that flashed from green to silver with golden snitches all over it. He internally smiled figuring Hermione or Daphne did the charms on the colors. Those in the Slytherin section wore green scarfs while the Gryffindor supporters wore scarlet ones. Even Snape forewent his usual black and instead wore bottle green robes causing Harrison to do a double take. He would need to put this memory in a pensive.

Madam Hooch was refereeing; she stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in her hand.

"And here are the Gryffindors!" Yelled the commentator, a black boy with dreadlocks. "McLaggen, Bell, Johnson, Spinnet, Weasley,Weasley, and Wood." The Gryffindor section cheered while those clad in green and silver booed. "And here comes the Slytherin team!" The Slytherins cheered. "Riddle, Flint, Dolohov, Montague, Bletchley, Bole, and Derrick!"

"Now,I want a nice fair game,all of you," she said,once they were all gathered around her. Harrison noticed she seemed to be particularly talking to Marcus and he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, that would never happen. "Mount your brooms, please."

Harrison elegantly got onto his Nimbus Two Thousand. Madam Hooch gave a loud blast on her silver whistle. Fifteen brooms rose up, high, high into the air. They were off.

"And the quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor -what an excellent chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too -"


"Sorry Professor."

"And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet...back to Johnson, the Slytherins have taken the quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the quaffle and off he goes...Flint flying like an eagle up there...he's going to, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor keeper Wood and the Gryffindors take the quaffle...that's chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and -OUCH -that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a bludger...quaffle taken by the Slytherins...that's Alexander Dolohov speeding off toward the goal posts and...SLYTHERIN SCORES!" There were loud cheers from the Slytherins as well as the majority of Ravenclaw and a few Hufflepuffs.

The game continued with Slytherin scoring two more times and Gryffindor scoring once.

"Marcus Flint with the quaffle...passes to Abraham Montague...who passes to Alexander Dolohov who...SLYTHERIN SCORES!...The score is now 40 to 10 with Slytherin in the lead."

Once, he caught sight of a flash of gold, but it was just a reflection from one of the Weasley twins' wristwatches. And once, a bludger decided to come pelting his way, more like a cannonball than anything, but Harrison dodged it and Lucian Bole came chasing after it.

After fifteen more minutes Slytherin was winning eighty to twenty so Harrison decided it was time to find the snitch. He began to search the stadium for any sign of gold not coming from someone's wrist and after a few minutes saw the snitch floating by the Slytherin's goal post. He bent down and flew off towards the goal post, the Gryffindor seeker, Cormac McLaggen, noticed this and shot after him. He stretched his arm out, put on a burst of speed, and he was about to close his hand around the snitch when Cormac slammed into him. There were boos from the Slytherin's and cheers from the Gryffindor's.

"Bloody bastard!" Harrison yelled to the smirking Gryffindor.

Harrison pulled back and immediately shot towards the other side of the pitch. There was loud cheering from the Slytherins and shouts of protest from the Gryffindors, Harrison turned around and saw Angelina Johnson spinning out of control while blood poured from her nose.

"Angelina Johnson hit in the face with a bludger sent by Peregrine Derrick," Lee angrily announced. "Argh-Flint scores, Ninety-Twenty Slytherin! Gryffindor in possession,no, Slytherin in possession -no! Gryffindor back in possession and it's Katie Bell, Katie Bell for Gryffindor with the quaffle,she's streaking up the field -THAT WAS DELIBERATE!"

Abraham Montague had swerved in front of Katie and, instead of seizing the quaffle, had grabbed her head. Katie cart wheeled in the air, managed to stay on her broom, but dropped the quaffle. Madam Hooch's whistle rang out again as she soared over to Montague and began shouting at him.

A minute later,Katie put a penalty shot past the Slytherin keeper.


"Jordan, if you can't commentate in an unbiased way -"

"I'm telling it like it is, Professor! And it's Gryffindor in possession again, as Johnson takes the quaffle, her bleeding's finally stopped -Flint alongside her -poke him in the eye Angelina!-it was a joke, Professor, it was a joke -oh no -Flint in possession, Flint flying toward the Gryffindor goal posts, come on now, Wood, save -!"

But Marcus Flint had scored; there was an eruption of cheers from the Slytherin end and Lee swore so badly that Professor McGonagall tried to tug the magical megaphone away from him.

"Sorry, Professor, sorry! One hundred-Thirty, Slytherin still in the lead."

It was turning into an extremely dirty game. Enraged that Gryffindor's seeker stopped Harrison from catching the snitch,the Slytherin's were rapidly resorting to any means to take the quaffle. Peregrine Derrick hit Alicia with his club and tried to say he'd thought she was a bludger. George Weasley elbowed Peregrine in the face in retaliation. Madam Hooch awarded both teams penalties; Alexander shot for Slytherin and made it past Oliver Wood and Miles Bletchley blocked Alicia's.

"One hundred ten-Thirty.. Slytherin with the quaffle -Flint is getting ready to score -Come on Oliver stop it!" A groan came from the Gryffindor section. "SLYTHERIN SCORES! One hundred twenty-Thirty. Dolohov with the Quaffle -which is knocked out of his hands by a well aimed Bludger from Fred Weasley!"

"Enjoying watching your team lose?" Harrison shouted to an angry Cormac McLaggen.

"Sod off Riddle!" Cormac snapped as he flew in the opposite direction.

Harrison smirked and was about to search for the snitch again, when he spotted a glint of gold. He spun around and saw the snitch. Harrison lowered himself to his broom and shot towards the snitch.

"Harrison Riddle has spotted the snitch!" Lee Jordan yelled.

Alexander who had been holding the quaffle stopped in mid air to watch.

"You idiot!" Marcus yelled. "You aren't the seeker! Pay attention to the quaffle!"

Alexander turned to Marcus at the same time Angelina slammed into him taking the quaffle. The Slytherin chaser flew forward barely managing to stay on his broom.

"Angelina Johnson has the quaffle," Lee announced even though everyone else was watching Harrison. "She scores! One hundred twenty-Forty!" Marcus cursed.

Harrison raised his hand to catch the snitch, but the small ball shot downwards and Harrison quickly pointed his broom down to follow. He sped towards the ground and the stadium went quiet as he got closer and closer to the ice covered ground. Cormac McLaggen was following behind him, but when he got closer to the ground with no sign of coming up, Cormac pulled his broom to a stop. The snitch was hovering a foot off the ground. Harrison pulled his broom up right before he would've hit the ground causing several of the younger students to gasp. The snitch instantly shot up and Harrison pulled his broom up causing the tail end to scrape the ground,sending twigs flying in every direction. His broom wobbled as he continued to chase after the snitch.

Cormac rejoined the chase and the two raced after the tiny ball that didn't want to get caught. The snitch zigged and zagged going up and down until it settled by the Slytherin goal post. Both boys chased after it, Harrison's broom not going as fast as before because of the lost twigs. They both reached their hands out, their brooms were neck and neck until Cormac's took the lead. He saw Miles about ten feet away and prayed the boy was paying attention as Harrison did the only thing he knew to catch the snitch. He launched himself off his broom causing gasps and screams to echo around the stadium. His hand closed around the tiny ball and he began to fall, the cold wind whipping against his face.

He closed his eyes as his body fell threw the air until he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist and felt himself being pulled onto a broom. He opened his eyes to see a pale Miles Bletchley looking at him as though he'd lost his mind.

"Are you okay?" Miles asked quickly and Harrison nodded while showing him the snitch. Miles face broke into a grin. "He's okay! And he's got the snitch!"

The students stayed silent for a second before the Slytherin supporters broke into massive applause and cheers. Green flags were waved around and the younger students were jumping up and down, all of their pure blood dignity forgotten.

"Slytherin wins," Lee announced sounding dejected. "Two hundred seventy-forty."

Miles flew to the ground and Harrison was pulled off his broom by Marcus.

"That was a brilliant catch!" Marcus praised.

The quidditch team congratulated Harrison as the Slytherin's descended onto the field. Harrison was I mmediately tackled by Daphne who was pale and shaking.

"You scared the hell out of me Harrison Salazar Riddle!" Daphne half shrieked. "You could've died! What in Merlin's name were you thinking?"

"I knew Miles would catch me," Harrison answered.

"You couldn't have possibly known that," Daphne said exasperated.

"I didn't know for sure, but I was hoping he would," Harrison admitted and continued on quickly when Daphne's eyes narrowed. "If he hadn't one of the teachers would've done something." He leaned in until his lips were touching her ear. "If I had to I could've activated my portkey, I would've been fine." Daphne looked slightly mollified.

"That was the most spectacular catch I've ever seen," Theo told him seriously.

"That was dangerous," Pansy said at the same time Theo spoke.

"That was worthy of the pros," Draco added.

"You should've seen the look on McLaggen's face," Leo smirked. "I thought he was going to explode."

Harrison looked over at the Gryffindor seeker, Cormac was glaring daggers at him. When Cormac saw him look in his direction he stormed off to the changing rooms.

"I need to go change," Harrison told his friends. "I'll meet you back in the common room."

Harrison walked into the common room to loud cheers.

"That was amazing!" Callum Warren shouted.

"Absolutely brilliant!" Adrian Pucey praised.

"I've never seen anything like it in a Hogwarts match!" Preston Higgs yelled over the noise.

"Are you sure the sorting hat didn't want to put you in Gryffindor?" Evan teased causing the Slytherin's to burst into laughter.

Harrison grimaced. "Don't even joke about something like that." His reaction only caused the laughter to increase.

"I don't know whether I should congratulate you or scold you," Violet said as she handed him a butterbeer.

"Congratulate," Harrison said with a cheeky grin.

Violet rolled her eyes before kissing Harrison's cheek and going to find her boyfriend.

"She's loosened up quite a bit since Halloween," Tracey pointed out as she watched Violet retreat.

"I don't think it has to do with Halloween as much as it does with Evan," Daphne mused.

"I always knew they'd get together," Pansy joined the conversation.

Harrison slipped away and found Draco, Blaise, and Leo sitting in front of a roaring fire.

"Where's Theo?" Harrison asked as he sat in the only available chair.

"Talking to Odette," Draco answered before an annoyed look crossed his features. "The weasel was talking about you after the match."

Harrison internally groaned, he couldn't go one day without having to deal with that idiot.

"What'd he have to say?" Harrison inquired, although he had a good idea.

"That your catch was just lucky and under normal circumstances you would've fallen to your death." Blaise sneered. "You should've seen how mad that made Cass, she pulled out her wand and hexed him. Lucky for her only Snape was around and he pretended not to have seen it."

Harrison couldn't help but smile. "What did she do to him?"

"Let's just say that while we're enjoying cauldron cakes he'll be dining on escargot," Leo smirked,amusement at his sisters actions evident.

The image of Ron belching up slugs caused Harrison to chuckle. "Remind me to thank Cass later."

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