sufnic द्वारा

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A first attempt at expressing my imagination. It is a story about a young aspiring politician and a headstro... अधिक

😄 And we are Progressing
1. Characters (Edited)
2. Handsome Street goon (edited)
3. Beauty without brain (Edited)
5.B'day surprise and lunch(Edited)
6. Dare you!! Mr. Rajveer (Edited)
7. Exams can't judge my excellence (Edited)
8. I am impressed! (Edited)
9. A Promising leader (Edited)
10. At your service (Edited)
11. She's y😍ur biggest fan (edited)
12. Mr. hotshot CM gets pranked??
13. Wedding vibes
14. Shopping spree and a shocking spree
15. Settling the thoughts
16. Marriage, who?
17. How to keep your husband interested?
18. Best friends forever
19. The Most Awaited Night
20. Getting closer
21. Intoxicated at Holi
22. Pre Wedding Rituals
23. The Wedding
24. The announcement
25. Life back home
26. Action packed Date
27. Heartfelt talks
28. Unannounced Visitors
29. Father isn't in the picture
30. Narrow Escape
31. Main Viah nahi krona tere nal
32. Seal the Deal
33. Come, Find me.
34. The Action begins
35. The Action continues
36. The devil's lair
38. Just like that
39. Just do it
40. Hospital visit
41. Night at Hospital
43. Stupid or Childish ?
Bonus: Sidelines
45. Angry and New
46. Brand New Beginnings
49. Trial marriage husband

4. The unwanted visit (Edited)

247 38 8
sufnic द्वारा

Author's POV:

What the hell, was all he thought, while coming to face the visitors present.

He stared at her dumfounded, as she keenly observed her surroundings, completely oblivious to the presence of a pair of furious eyes, who thought they were actually done for the day.

Navneet's pov:

It was already 7 pm, to my never-ending wait. I had been staring blankly, at my phone screen for any call or text to appear from my so called best friends.

I had already observed every nook and corner of the place, I was offered to wait at their humble abode. I had memorized enough details to walk around blindfolded.

The cries of the baby were already ceased by Mrs. Randhawa, and for about 45 mins I've been waiting for her to take my leave.

I was glancing at the phone, my watch and the stairs, looking for something alien. When suddenly my eyes got stuck at something or rather someone, who must not be allowed to enter here at the first place.

Staring right back into the furious brown pits, I wondered in confusion about the reality of the situation. He was glaring at me, as if he wanted me to vaporize into thin air.

Is he here to steal something? I narrowed my eyes, trying to judge his intentions....or
worse he was here to kidnap the little baby for ransom, or maybe to threaten his mother and blackmail her for harming her family, and convince her to reveal something confidential...
Oh nononono!!

He seems to be thinking something, maybe a plan, definitely.

"SECURITY", I screamed out loud.
He stared at me bewildered, combined with expressions of agitation, fisting his palms.

The person standing at the entrance, barged in and started to look in all the directions for any potential danger.
Why is he ignoring the handsome goon standing right there, oh my waheguru, are they in this together.

"What are you looking at,
Take him out, NOW..
"Take her out, NOW"

Two voices roared simultaneously, as we stared at each other astonished.

"Who let her in?" He yelled out.
I looked at him wide-eyed as he demanded to know, all the while burning holes through his dark chocolate brown eyes, I guess I'm hungry again.
Why do I always think about food at serious times, I need to change that.
Coming back to my senses, where is Mrs. Ravneet?!

I tried to run into the direction of the stairs, where she just went a hand wrapped tightly around my wrist, stopping my movements, sending a foreign sensation to my body
I turned around only to stare furiously, at the audacity of the holder to touch me.
"Who the hell do you think you are, running around my place like an ostrich", he gritted.

"Mr. Goon, how dare you to compare me to such an animal, and secondly, who gave you the right to touch me. Stay in your limits. Otherwise I won't hesitate to show you your actual place" I said struggling in his strong hold.

The guard was staring at me pleadingly, as he brought the attention of brute to himself.

" Sir, she is bhabhiji's guest. And she was attending her, just awhile ago, till baba woke up."

"What the f**k" he swore out loud.
"Excuse me!!" I was offended. What the hell does he think of himself.

"Mr. Guard, why are you explaining things to him, take him out this instant, trust me he is no good. He is a burglar."

I tried to reason. But the guard was gawking at me as if I had asked him to commit suicide.

While we were busy in stabbing each other in our minds , Mrs.Ravneet descended the stairs holding a phone in her hand,talking and glaring at us, as she reached the end she cut the call.

"Are you both five year olds?" She asked amazed, at the few inches distance remaining between us, after effects of his manhandling ways I would say. Brute.

He left my hand after sensing the presence of Mrs. Randhawa, nearby.

"Mrs. Randhawa, he's the same person, who was misbehaving around the street, and also supporting the youngsters to join his footsteps. I tried to make him convince for surrendering himself to the police, but this brute left from there, after scaring the people present there with his glares." I explained, while rubbing my now swollen wrist. She looked as if she was amazed at the whole fiasco.

" I'm sure he must be here to commit something bigger, to either kidnap your little one or to harm your family. After I stepped over his ego just awhile ago, calling him an innocent. Ofcourse it would be an insult for him." I continued, killing him through my eyes.

He was clenching and unclenching his jaw. Clearly, showing his irritation at my presence there, as if he was the king of some palace.

"Bhabhi, make her shutup. Before I do." He said, while glaring daggers at me.

"Mrs. Randhawa, I tell you. He is just sweet talking you, so you spare him his crimes. He is a criminal, bigger or minor, doesn't matter." I said, pouncing on toes.
Only If I could get a chance to hit him once. I swear I'll change the geography of his oh so perfect face. He was pinching his nose now. But I concentrated on the lovely lady, who helped in this cold winter evening. I won't let anyone hurt her.

"Navneet, calm down. He'll not hurt us." Mrs. Randhawa explained.

"I can't believe this. Why are you not understanding this. Mrs. Randhawa, he can't be trusted."
I tried again.

"I too left him earlier, thought of giving him a chance. But see here he is. Once again."

Suddenly, I was pushed into a nearby wall. My back and muscles screaming in agony.
It was being suffocating with his proximity. His breaths falling on my cheeks were making me nervous and scared at the same time.

"What do you think of yourself.
Some mother india you are. You are the only one an angel here. Rest of us are at your mercy,
Only you can will bestow us with kindness.
Save us from wrath of God.
Guess what, I don't care. Nor should you. "

"But I .." he cut off yelling again.

"Mind your own business. You crazy, stupid woman."

He screamed right at my face.

"Rajveer, quite down, why are you shouting at her." Mrs. Randhawa tried.

Wait, what.. how does she know his name?! Rajveer.. Rajveer..where have I heard about him. It must be some news channel, being the bloody thug he is.

"Let her speak, atleast," making him understand, and pulling him away from me. Ofcourse, trying repeatedly, the muscular hooligan he is.

"I was just, I was talking about only and only him. A second chance for him, a better place in hell for him, not US. We are good, actually best. But he needs to surrender himself, for his own betterment." I explained my point.

Mrs. Randhawa laughed out loud. And Mr. Goon rolled his eyes.

"Bhabhi, where did you get her from, a bloody mental case." he is clearly insulting me now.

As if you weren't earlier, my conscience me.
Whatever, for all I care, he is a moron.

"She must be from Amritsar, a runaway case." He muttered under his breath.Mrs. Randhawa chuckled, clearing the tense environment around us.
(Amritsar sahib, has a famous mental asylum.)

Mrs. Randhawa dismissed the guard, after Mr.goon tried to ban me, from entering the premises again.
Seriously, he successfully, made me shutup. I pouted.

"Please bhabhi, I'm done for the day." He said glaring at me all the while.

"I'd also take your leave, Mrs. Randhawa. Sorry for the In convenience". I said.

"You should be." Someone scoffed. And I ignored.

"Oh please, stop with this
Mrs.randhawa thing. She is my mother in law. Call me bhabhi from next time." Mrs. Randhawa exclaimed sweetly, much to mr. Goon's dismay. He left immediately, towards the stairs.

"And there, he is my brother in law, Rajveer Singh Randhawa, the younger son of this household." I stared at her dumbfounded.

Completely shocked at the new revelation.
I lost my voice, and my senses.

Well, guess what, somebody needs to apologise. Oh no.

"And about leaving, where is your phone. It's being called as switched off." And I searched for my phone.
It was blank, like earlier. I guess, I was wrong again.

"Your friends called here, they knew you were here, and were asking you to arrive at your decided place, at earliest.", bhabhi explained.

"Ah, yes, my phone battery is drained. I didn't realise." I told her.

"Like many other things." Bhabhi chuckled.

"Bhabhi, please.
Will you please apologize to him, on my behalf. I am never going to face him again." I whined at her teasing.

"Oh, no dear. It's alright. Leave it here itself. It doesn't matter. I surely forgive you on his behalf."

"Good things usually come at bad times, to turn them good.
Something for greater good, must be waiting."
She said bright eyed.

"Ofcourse," only I could say.

"I will leave then. See you, I guess. Hope to hear from you again." I hugged her for the last time and sighed.

"Ofcourse, we will see each other often, dear. And no you will not leave alone.
I will call driver, wait."
I tried to deny her. But she had already left.

I stood at the foyer. No battery, no information, they must be enjoying. And here, I was being embarrassed. Why can't I listen to anybody, before deciding anything. I groaned at my stupidity.

A car horn honked. Ofcourse, coming back from my dreamland, I opened the back door.

"Sit at the front. I'm not your driver."
I rolled my eyes at the oh so familiar voice, now which will forever send nervous chills down my spine, for my all life.

"I can manage." I closed the door. And looked for the directions in the foggy night.

"Cut the bullshit. And sit inside silently." Why can't he leave already.

"I told you.."

" Would you sit, or will I need to do the honour again?!"

The hidden warning, ofcourse.

"I don't fear you." I can act brave atleast.

"You want me to come outside." My eyes widened at the possibility.

Oh no, he stepped outside.

"Listen, I don't care.
I'm here, only because of bhabhi. So, you can't leave alone. As there is no other driver around, I will have to tolerate your presence meanwhile."

"come on in, it's just a street away."

"I can actually go by myself." I said.

Calling me a "Stubborn woman"
He glared at me hard.
Held my forearm, opening the passanger door, he settled me in.

Sitting in ,strapping himself, he began to drive. And the silence prevailed.
Taking a few turns, he stopped the car, and waited for me to get down.

I bit my lip, and said, "sorry", I was about to begin with a sincere apology, When he decided to show his attitude saying,
"You should be".

And I shut myself up, clearly he doesn't deserve it. Whatever, I'm already forgiven, by the person who clearly matters more.
No thank you for the ride even, it was his duty.

I reminded my mannered conscience, and made my way towards my friends, who were waiting at a distance from Simrat's house.

My lifelines.


I sighed in relief, as I parked the car in garage and made my way inside the house.
Bhabhi had already settled to sleep in her room, with munchkin.

I went to kitchen, for my famished self, and settled to gobble the warmed up food, set by my dearest bhabhi. She is really special to me, an important part of my family, a sister, I never had. I can do anything for her, absolutely. Even if it meant to tolerate the presence of the most toxic and annoying personality i have ever met, she is a next level, even more than Vihaan.

Reminiscing the day, I came to a conclusion, that there is a gone case, who is not at all good for my mental health, if she ever came in one kilometre radius of mine.

How can anyone be so stupid.
Her scared face, so up-close was a sight to behold. I chuckled.
She amazed me, yet again, when she tried to pull the brave face in the parking area, clearly failing to do so. But never backing down.

God forbid another encounter with that crazy creature. She can seriously bring out the worst in me.
And if there is going to be a next time, I need to learn the art of patience. Or she is going to get herself killed , If she continues with the behaviour.

Settling the things at respective places, I made my way to my room.

Sending a prayer, to the almighty, I hit the bed, and felt the familiar warmth of the covers, and fell into the deep slumbers.

Hey guys, Please excuse my tardiness.
It was a longer chapter, than the previous ones.

Please Vote and comment in loads. It encourages me to write more.
And ofcourse, ignore the mistakes, if any, though I try to edit simultaneously, feel free to point out the mistakes.
Thanks and gudnyt.

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