Jikook Oneshots


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A compilation of stories where Jungkook loves Jimin and Jimin loves Jungkook just as much. A wide variety of... Еще

The Games
Gone for a Day
Closed Off
Rose Bowl
Waste it on Me
Big Brother's Best Friend
The Most Cliche Jikook Story Ever!!!
Forever Yours
Spoiled (Continuation to Compensation)
Fake Princess (Continuation to Selection)
Bad for You
Dare (Prequel to Top)
My Jikook Theory
Love Letter
Sugar Baby
One Week
First of All
Marriage (Continuation of Betrothed)
Destiny (Continuation of Hybrid)
Magic Shop
Rehab (Continuation of Toxic)
Kinky (Continuation to Top and Dare)
An Author's Note for Perfect (and also Distant)
Out (Continuation to Bodyguard)
Looking (Continuation to Run)
New Years
Overthrown (Prequel to Island)
Best Friend
Buddy (Continuation to Invitation)
Chance (Continuation to Second)
Healed (Continuation to Suffering)
Return (Continuation of Island and Overthrown)
Ivy League
First Sight
Lifetime (Continuation of Befriend)
1890 (Prequel to Hunt)
Cuddlebug (Continuation to Gym)
Mythical (Part Two)
Heavy (Continuation to Hot)


1.3K 46 273

Jungkook loved his job. Ever since he was little he had dreamed of being a ferry boat captain, and three years ago, after a bunch of training, that dream finally came true. Working from 1:00 to 9:00pm almost every day never bored him for a second. For weeks at a time he'd live on the ferry, it being easier than going home, then he'd get a break for a week, only to walk right back on the ferry boat with a smile on his face.

The sun made the water below sparkle on day Jungkook saw him for the first time. With pretty blonde hair and a mint green outfit, he stood out on the upper deck, right in the perfect place that Jungkook could just look at him in awe.

The man intrigued him, he wanted to know more about him. Usually he's so focused on his job, of course he is, he loves it...but the boy in mint green stole his attention.

Obviously he has a job to do, he drove the ferry and kept people safe on their journey across. But...since there's two people driving, and because he's confident in his skills, he'd glance at him often during the 45 minute ride across the sound.

And he'd go to the same spot every single day. Despite it being cold, despite it being windy, for at least half of the trip he'd be on the upper deck, basking in the sun, and if not the suns then the clouds, which he stood out against. He'd typically get on the 5:15, so he'd be departing the boat by 6:00, but even as the sun started to set he'd be there.

And Jungkook wanted so badly to talk to him. At night he'd think up different scenarios, what he could say to him, how the boy would react. He had a crush on the guy he's never talked to, at least that fact was obvious to him.

So one day he finally said, "Dan I'm taking my break now, you can handle it for half an hour, right?"

"Of course," Dan laughs. "I've been doing this a lot longer than you, remember. My husband keeps telling me to find a new job so I can spend more time with him, but I'm so good at this job that me leaving would be a disservice to all ferry captains."

"As you've said," Jungkook chuckles. "Thank you so much."

"Of course, just be ready to come back by the time we depart on the other side."

"I will," And he walks out the door, leaving the cockipit to say hello to the pretty boy in mint.

His back is turned when Jungkook goes, "Hey I like your outfit."

The shorter turns around. "Oh, thank you. I like yours."

"Thank you, I drive the ferry," Jungkook smiled. "Part of the reason I wanted to become captain was because of the outfit."

"You're the captain?" He asks, a smile on his face as well. "Who's driving this thing?"

"My co-captain Dan, don't worry," Jungkook assures. "I just decided to take my break because I always see you out here, five days a week in the exact same outfit. I was a bit curious about you if I'm being honest. What do you do?"

"Oh, I work at an escape room," He tells him. "The theme is a 1950s ice cream parlor. I just thought the hat was cute, and the colors were beautiful. I work with a girl who wears a bubblegum pink dress. We're actors of sorts. The story is the players have an hour to escape before the burglar that's there kills us and steals everything, so we have to act panicked and stuff. It's a really weird concept, I know."

"I think that's really fun," Jungkook's smile brightened. "I'm so glad that I asked."

"I'm glad you did too," He admits. "Usually I just get stares. And they're not mean stares, just curious. It's not that crazy of a story, but I bet they dream up fun things in their head."

And Jungkook's face turned a bit pink, because he had thought those kinds of things. "I'm glad you're so friendly. It made my curiosities worth it."

"Aw thank you," Jimin beams. "You're so easy to talk to, as if we were already friends."

"Well if we were friends I would know your name," Jungkook says a bit passively, hoping the guy would get the hint.

"Oh! It's Jimin," He extends his hand. "What's your name?"

"I'm Jungkook," He shakes it. "It's so nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends."

"Oh this won't be a one-time thing?" Jungkook may have just imagined it, but Jimin almost seemed to brighten when he said that.

"Not unless you never wanna see me again, which if that's the case I can respect."

"That's not the case at all!" Jimin assured. "I'd love to become friends. "We'll be the unlikely pair; the ferry boat captain and the guy who dresses in a 1950's ice cream parlor outfit!"

Jungkook laughs. "I love that. I've known you less than ten minutes and we're already an unlikely pair."

"Why of course," Jimin jokes. "We already get along, we're destined for greatness."

"Well then great we will be," Jungkook's smile was so wide. He already liked Jimin before he even spoke to him.

Now his heart was swelling in the best way.


"Hey, wanna do something fun?"

"Even more fun than talking to you?" Jimin chuckles. "Is that even possible on this boat?"

"Stop," Jungkook pushed him, a shy smile on his face. "I was wondering if you wanted to go up to the cockpit, where we drive the ferry."

"Really?" Jimin's eyes widened. "I'm allowed up there?"

"No usually, but you're proven yourself trustworthy these past two weeks," Jungkook looks at him. "I don't think they'll fire me if I bring my friend up."

"Well okay then," Jimin beams. "This is exciting."

"Come on," Jungkook gestures for him to follow. He unblocked the metal door, that opened up to a staircase and the two went up. At the top of the staircase was yet another door, which opened up to the cockpit.

"Hey Dan I'm back," Jungkook sits in his seat.

"Already?" Dan looked over at him. "Oh, you brought the guy you're always talking about. Don't get distracted Jungkook, okay?" He gave him a knowing look.

"I don't talk about him all the time, and his name is Jimin," Jungkook's face turns red. "Jimin this is Dan, my co-captain."

"Oh, hi Dan," Jimin smiled at him. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," Dan's smile was oddly sarcastic, but that was just his personality. "Though I feel I already know you with how much Jungkook talks."

"Dan!" Jungkook says between his teeth. "Jimin he's just being weird, don't mind him. He likes to think he can poke fun at me. Sure I do talk about you, but it's because you're so interesting of course, I like talking about my friend."

"Don't worry, I talk about you all the time too, you're just so easy to talk about," Jimin assured.


"Yeah of course, you're really interesting," Jimin nods. "I mean how many ferry boat captains are as young as you?"

"Um, I'm right here," Dan gestures to himself.

"Dan you're in your thirties."

"Yes but my skin is glowing and there's not a wrinkle in sight," Dan argues. "I look amazing."

Jungkook only laughed. "Okay then."

"It's so cool up here," Jimin changes the subject. "You can see the spot I stand really well."

"Yep and he would stare at that spot every day while you were standing there-"

"Oh my God Dan shut up! Just do your job and stop spouting nonsense!" Jungkook's face is so warm. "I'm sorry Jimin, I should've known he was gonna do this."

"It's okay," Jimin giggles. "It's funny. I'd like to come up here more often."

"Fine by me~" Dan focuses on the water ahead.

"Well if Dan's lies don't affect you, then you can come up here instead of me coming down there," Jungkook proposes. "You can wait in front of the door and I'll let you up."

"That'll be great!" Jimin smiles. "It's so much warmer up here anyways, I'm always cold down there."

"Well then this'll solve that problem," Jungkook's eyes were fixed on Jimin, subconsciously warm.

Jimin stared back. "Yep."

"Geez your stares made it like 10° hotter in here!"

"Stop being delusional Dan!"


"And this right here, shows us all the other boast in the area so we're aware of them."

"Wow that's so cool," Jimin laughs.

"Yep, now you're ready to become a ferry boat captain," Jungkook mirrors him.

"Yeah I don't think so, I just started learning a week ago," Jimin shakes his head. "I'll just stick to my escape room. You and Dan seem to have it from here."

"At this time all drivers please return to their vehicles, we will be arriving shortly," Dan says over the intercom in an official voice. "Thank you for choosing the South Korea Ferry Line, have a good rest of your day." He takes his finger off the intercom. "Oh my God just give me a button to press that will play a recording, that gets old fast."

"That's my cue," Jimin tells Jungkook."

Jungkook stands up. "That's too bad, it never feels long enough."

"I know," Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, embracing him. Jungkook in turn wraps his arms around Jimin's waist. And then they just hold each other, quite closely and very subconsciously. The hug makes Jungkook extremely happy, he loves the warm feeling it gives him.

"Jimin, you have to go back to your car," Dan reminds, and just like that the moment was over.

"Oh, yeah," Jimin pulled away, a warm glow on his face, slightly flustered even. "Bye Dan, bye Jungkook, see you two tomorrow."

"Bye Jimin," Jungkook watched him go, his eyes on wavering until he was out of view. It was only when Jimin was gone that Jungkook sat back down to make sure they docked safely.

And once they did Dan said, "Man you sure are in love with Jimin."

"Wh-what?" Jungkook scoffed. "You're being weird again."

"You know what? I was okay with playing along when Jimin was here and pretending the stuff I said was a joke, but Jimin's not here anymore," Dan stared at him. "And I'm not going to pretend I don't know how much you like Jimin. You'd have to be a fool to not see the way you look at him and not think you're in love, that or blind. I mean I had to remind Jimin to leave, you two are in that really cute crush stage where you wanna be around each other all the time but are too scared to ask how the other feels. I know because me and my husband went through that stage before we started dating. Just ask him out, my bets are that he'll say yes. Like I'm just an innocent bystander, you two look totally in love from my perspective."

"...I really am that bad at hiding it?" Jungkook finally says.

"Oh I knew about your crush on him since before you two even talked," Dan waved a hand. "The innocent, wholesome look on your face starting to form after a few days when he first started boarding was the look of an extremely smitten man."

"Geez I thought I did a good job hiding it," Jungkook scratched the back of his head. "You really think Jimin likes me too? Or are you messing with me? Because if you're messing with me I'd rather not make a fool out of myself."

"I seriously think so," Dan promised. "I wouldn't steer you wrong on purpose Jungkook, not with my scary tragic romantic past."

"Well...thank you for telling me," Jungkook looked down at the cars boarding. "I'll work up the courage to ask him out."

"Good, you two are cute together."

"Wow Dan, I didn't know you could actually be nice," Jungkook joked.

"It's one of my many charms, I'm as perfect as it gets," Dan pretends to brush hair over his shoulder.

Jungkook could only laugh. "And he's back to normal Dan."


"Thank you for choosing the South Korea Ferry Line, have a good rest of your day."

"Okay well I probably shouldn't be late this time, the guys on deck gave me pretty scary glares," Jimin sighs.

"Wait, before you go," Jungkook stops him. "I-I'm actually getting off work early today, like I'll be getting off right after one more round trip, so in about two hours. Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?"

"Like on a date?" Jimin's eyes widen softly, face turning a light shade of pink.

"Only if you want it to be," Jungkook's eye-contact surprisingly doesn't waver, but his face becomes hot like Jimin's and his heart beats faster. "I won't wanna pressure you."

"More like he doesn't wanna get rejected by a guy he likes so much."


"You really like me?" Jimin asks.

"Well I guess since there's no use hiding it anymore, yeah, I do," Jungkook confessed, now staring at the floor. "I'll even admit I had a little crush on you back before I even talked to you. You're just so pretty, and I've thought so even back then."

"I like you too Jungkook," Jimin smiled. "I'd love to go to dinner with you."

"Oh, great!" Jungkook looked back up at him. "Do you wanna meet in the parking lot on this side in two hours? We can figure out where to go then. It'll be somewhere nice, I promise."

"That sounds great," Jimin stared back. "I'm so excited."

"I am too," Jungkook's eyes were so warm, a wave of relief hitting him.

"Well, I'm probably gonna be late again so I should go," Jimin says after a second.

Jungkook stood up, tugging Jimin's arm to bring him back a step, kissing his cheek. "Bye. See you soon."

And Jimin took it one step further, kissing him sweetly on the lips for just a second. "See you soon."

He left, and Jungkook fell back into his chair, face glowing and fixed in the most whipped smile." 

A/N: I wrote this story in a house with a view of ferry boats every day from 5am to 11pm, isn't that fun? It was simply a coincidence too, I just happened to be staying at a house with a view of Ferry boats.

Oh btw this is Dan;

And here's him playing David Rose on Schitt's Creek;

Anyways I'll show you the ferry boat as well as a couple other pictures from my trip~

Here's what the ferry boat looks like;

These are all my own pictures.

Here's where Mimmie stood except I imagined him on the opposite side;

My parents made me stay in the car so I couldn't show you the other side unfortunately. 

Right above that was the cockpit where the captains drove the ship, so that's why Jungkook could see Jimin from that place.

Ferry boats are really special to my family, especially my dad. When he was little his neighbor would take him on ferry boats all the time, he wanted to be a ferry boat captain, and that didn't happen but oh well. We go on ferries at least once every couple months. My dad even got to go up to the cockpit a couple times to watch the captain drive. He has a ton of knowledge of the ferries in the area, and can name a lot of them and what routes they take, which is cool cuz they all look the same to me lol.

A lot of them if not most of them are given Native American names from around the area which is really cool, so that's nice.

Here's more pictures;

My hair looked brown here. That's all this pic is for.

Oh Kelso's in this picture it was the same trip. That's my brother and sister. Notice how I don't look like either of them.

No Isaac's were harmed don't worry I didn't actually hit him lol it just looks like I did

I drew this in a notebook in a forest with free wifi. Bet you've never heard that sentence before.

The forest had free wifi it was great I'm not joking about that-

Anyways that's all I had to say about that. Ferry boats are very nostalgic for me and a lot of the times ended up with us going to old towns by the sea and getting ice cream so~

I don't actually have anything controversial to say right now, I don't have much to say at all, which is weird for me. I started drinking oat milk. I miss Jikook. That's about it.

I will say I'm really excited for the next chapter I'm uploading. It's not 100% an original out of the box idea, but I personally have never really seen it before so that's nice. I don't want you to get too excited about that part tho, I'll explain more why I wrote it that way.

What do you think it's about?

Oh! Since we're talking about boats and stuff, my ocean is called "The Ocean of Commotion" jiminsfloss came up with that name so thank you. If the tag doesn't work, you know what's gonna happen~

They helped me name The Audacity of Delumooville too, giving me the Audacity part, and both this time and last time they had multiple people saying their idea was a good one, so what else could I of done then take both of them~

I mean if I didn't like them I wouldn't have used them so part of the reason I took them was because I liked them but it was also cuz of the overwhelming support A got. So thank you~

Sometimes I just say some of your names in my author's notes, which ig is weird but that's fine.

Here's all the names I know off the top of my head; Luly/Lily, Zoe, A, Kai, Kebrina, Nutmeg, Joy/Noah, Lay, Kite, I hope I'm not missing anyone I literally talk to these people probably the most? Some people I talk to like every single day but you know-

The ones I talk to a lot that I didn't mention? I just don't know your names. If you want to tell me your name ^^

Also sorry to the people I low-key called out but at the same time I didn't put your @'s so no one knows who you are unless it's in your display name-

It's literally the afternoon lmao am I okay?

I'm still not checking notifications until tomorrow~

Did you know I did that? Lmao when I upload I just let it be for like 8 hours and then I check my notifications. It ends up taking me the entire day for the notifications to finally stop but I love it, cuz it means I get to talk to you guys all day and that makes me happy~

I don't wanna ramble and talk about parts of my life no one cares about, so let's do something fun~

Ask me anything.

Literally anything and I'll answer it to the best of my ability. 

I really don't know what to say I said all I needed to in my last author's note.

Okay well here's something else, list your favorite Jikook moments and I'll put pictures of mine;

Those three are the holy trinity I don't make the rules. While Rose Bowl is my favorite GCF Tokyo is more important.

Some people don't know this moment and that's okay but it's one of my favorites.

And these are just moments, not even pictures. If it were my favorite Jikook pictures it would be a whole other story~

Anyways tell me your favorite Jikook moments~

I don't have much else to say.

I'm probably getting a job soon so that's fun.

It's at a pet shop. 

I love you guys!

You wanna know why Leo's are so rare? No Nut November, which is 9 months before August~

-Mikayla or Queen Moo or whatever (I still think Queen Elizabeth is a weird thing to call me-)

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