Messed Up I Guess

By imdadestroyer-

1.9K 253 212

Chanyeol wasn't supposed to love a guy again, he swore that to himself but he never promised it. Yet, he felt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter note

Chapter 28

27 3 3
By imdadestroyer-

As if muted, no one dared to take any actions after what the girl has said. However, the person who resembled so much of their Baekhyun wasn't even bothered with the eerie silence surrounded the small room. Instead, an innocent smile lingered on her lips as she obliviously stared with a naïve face at the cold-eyed boy, who she assumed was playing something on his phone (since he was the first paid attention to when she faced front).

But then again, it was confusing how she looked the exact replica of their annoyingly careless but nice friend. If she had long silky hair, she would have passed as Baekhyun's girl version. But no, she had fluffy short brown hair, identical to Baekhyun's without a doubt in their heads, with a few fringes covering her forehead. Her eyes were the same as his, full of mischief and glitterings (which Chanyeol has observed).

What actually passed her on being Baekhyun was the fact she isn't gifted like any unfortunate female individuals here in this diverse world.

"You're flat cheste-"

"Fuck off 'weird-dino-with-a-hint-of-camel like-what' prick. Bet your dick is just 3 inches long, your ball deflated like", then she shook her head in utter disappointment. What surprised everyone was the fact she said those words with that innocent face she has, then smiling afterward. It frightened Chanyeol. Minseok tried so hard not to stifle a laugh at his dumbstruck lover who was slowly getting what she said... Which wasn't true, really. His cock can range more than 5 inches. 3 inches are for amateurs. Jongdae was about to open his wide loud mouth when Chanyeol beat him to it.

"So, where do you live?"

Jongdae huffed in irritation and crossed his arms for intruding him. Kyungsoo only silently thanked the giant for interrupting that big mouth of a friend he has before things go not too family-friendly. The conversation would go from dicks and clits to something even farther if they had continued.

"... I don't have a home.."

"Oh...", the crowd then was soundless yet again. How come a stranger, the girl even, doesn't have a place to stay? It was rather doubting whether this girl really didn't have a home when her clothes were decent enough for anyone who has cash. Her face had a light makeup, indicating she went off somewhere before the accident. These were all Sehun's judgemental assumptions of her, no hard feelings.

"Where do you plan to stay after your discharge?"

"I haven't thought of that."

"Stay in mine then."

Chanyeol knows it's quite— no, it's too odd for a person to stay in a stranger's house. Plus, a girl (which he doesn't mind, to be honest, she seems safe). This situation gave him a sudden sense of déjà vu. Despite that, he felt really guilty in which he questions why. All he knows was that he thought she was Baekhyun, brought her to a hospital because she includes in an accident, prayed she was alright, then voilà guilt is hitting on him very hard.

"Umm, if that's fine with you-"

"It is. That's why I offered it."

"But I could be distracting you-"

"Nah, I have my own workroom."

Sehun questions just why the heck his brother is taking home a woman who is a complete stranger for both of them-- more like for everyone in the room. It felt as if this was just a common thing to do. Kyungsoo and the rest thought it was, in fact, very casual, remembering the old Baekhyun times.

Speaking of Baekhyun, where the hell is he when this mess is going on?


short i kno...

anyways, i also dont
kno wer that midget go

stay safe!


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