TEASER - More to come 😏

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Yn: OH MY GOD!! How did you even get this model after so many years?

V: I didn't get it after so many years.

Yn: Then? *completely shook* Don't tell me you bought it that day!!!

V: *scratching the back of his neck with a blushy boxy smile* Yes I did.

Yn: What?

V: Yeah. You compromised on jewellery to buy that Gucci dress for the farewell. I really wanted to buy you that dress but I didn't want to look like an arrogant person as I started earning money. But I remember the necklace that you liked but let go. I bought it that day itself, when you were getting your hair done. But Yn, I am huge coward when it came to expressing stuff to you. So I couldn't find the courage to give it to you and it's been four years since I bought that now. I got it polished last week.

Yn: *tears up a little getting emotional*

V: I know it's a really old model. You can just keep it and not wear it. Or maybe we can exchange-

Yn: Aani. I love this! I'm going to keep it and wear it. *smiles* Can you put this on me?

V: Jinja? I won't mind if you-

Yn: Taehyungah. I really really like it. Now stop thinking that I'm doing this just for your happiness and help me wear this maybe? *raises her brows*

*Taehyung giggles like a happy baby, flashing his brightest smile, the one where his boxy smile gets distorted displaying his peeks of happiness filled with his natural shyness, while his eyes turn into crimson shaped. The brunch was an usual one and whenever they go out Taehyung is the one that usually initiates any skin-ship. The most he does in public for now is holding hands and the kiss that happened earlier today can be stated as a huge update.

He drops her back at her place as they planned, but he instead decides to stay back and just tell rest of the members that he reached early. Yes, they still have no clue about this 'Mr. Hot as hell' and 'Ms. What the hell' duo. But all of them did know that Yn was seeing somebody and so is Taehyung. Not wanting to be nosy in Yn's life after all her incidents with Eunwoo and Namjoon, they just wanted her to be happy first and they knew she'll reveal it to them when the time comes and they had a similar thought towards Tae. Although Jungkook and Jimin constantly wondered who that girl is, they also didn't look deep into it assuming that the chances of it being Yi-sung are high.

On the other hand this scenario gave Namjoon the freedom to rethink his decision regarding his and Yn's relationship that he put in half before. He knew that she was seeing someone but he also knew that they weren't dating, so this time he just wanted to be selfish and give it a try not wanting to let go a precious person in his life. He knew it was wrong to interrupt but technically and ethically they were just seeing eachother and he had all the right to shoot his shot.

He just hoped Yn chooses him all over one last time. Just like Taehyung, Namjoon didn't realise how it would feel when Yn was actually going to someone else. Both of them didn't know how much she meant until she decided to choose and until they felt that, that one person is capable of taking Yn away.

In Taehyung's case it was Eunwoo and in Namjoon's case it is Taehyung, which he didn't know yet but definitely felt the threat by the way Yn seemed so happy and in love all these days.*

*It was the first day of their one month vacation that they took after 7 years of their debut and they are kicking it off with a late lunch at Yn's place. After that most of them had their scheduled travel either to their destination countries or to their home town. Everybody reaches the place almost at the same time and had their food delivered. Yn and Jungkook were in the kitchen, unpacking the food to take it out to the living room where the rest were watching the movie.*

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