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V: You're leaving?

Yn: *shook* Yeah. I-I was about to tell you.

V: Hmm. *mad and acts uninterested looking away onto the ipad* When and how long?

Yn: I decided to pay a visit to my mom and spend my time there during this leave. I'd be atleast able to roam around there, I feel suffocated staying here all the time.

V: You feel suffocated staying here? *looks at her, mad*

Yn: I meant staying indoor Taehyungah. Not with you or not because of your place.

V: W- we could go out, if you want. I'll accompany you.

Yn: But that's not the point. I need some change.

V: Okay. *places the ipad on the coffee table and leaves abruptly*

*Yn pouts to herself and switches the TV on. She secretly wants Taehyung to come back, and as she wanted he cones back only to leave immediately.*

V: *handing his phone* Feels like I'm your secretary. Namjoon hyung is on line.

Yn: *takes it* Oh please! You just attended a call, donon be so over dramatic.

V: Whatever *leaves*

Yn: Hello?

RM: Ynie? What's up?

Yn: Join I can't hear you. There's a lot of disturbance.

RM: Wait. I'll call you back in 10. *hangs up*

*V receives a text, so Yn goes to give his mobile*

Yn: *knocks on the door before entering* You got a text.

V: Did the call end already?

Yn: He said he'll call back in 10 min.

V: Okay.

*While she leaves he receives a message from Joon after a while.*

RM: Yn, it's so noisy over here, so I'm texting you this.
RM: I wanted to ask you if you want to come to my apartment and stay here. The work here is done.

*Taehyung immediately feels sad.*
V: Of course she'll say yes. I don't want her to go. But- should I hide this? No .

V: *goes to her* Yn you got a text from Joon.

Yn: Oh okay.

*She reads it and he notices that she texted for about 10min now. She returns his mobile back and he could see that the conversation Yn and Join had has been erased. He hears ruffling from her room, which he assumed to be her packing stuff already. After a while Yn goes back to Tae's room*

Yn: Taehyungah, do you have a minute?

V: Hmm yeah. *gets ready to listen to her saying that she's going to go to his place*

Yn: I'm sorry I had to erase the messages of mine and Joon's conversation, I thought it would be awkward.

V: It's fine. I saw that he asked about you staying at his place , I didn't intend to read-

Yn: No it's okay. It's your mobile after all.

V: *nods* So, umm when are you planning to go?

Yn: What? Uhh, I-I'm not going.

V: Wait really?

Yn: *nods* I came here to talk about my trip to visit my mom. I'm not going to Joon's place.  Instead I have a flight tomorrow morning.

V: O-oh okay.

Yn: Yeah, I need some time with myself, everything has been so overwhelming, whatever happened in the past two weeks. Eunwoo and Joon, it's kind off frustrating you know. I want to get my head straight and get back to my work.

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