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Yn was in the other room crying her eyes out with Yeji sitting beside her*
Yn: *talking between sobs* At this point I don't even know what I'm doing wrong unnie. I'm trying my best to get things done but something or the other keeps happening. I-it wasn't my mistake today and PDnim yelled at me.
Y: Don't cry Ynie. I know it's not your mistake. Calm down.
Yn: I-I can't do this anymore....
*They hear a knock on the open door*
Yn: *looks at door and spots BandPDnim and immediately gets up, looks down wiping her tears and sniffs*
BPD: Yeji, give me a minute.
Y: *nods and leaves* Ye.
BPD: Are you going to give up now?
Yn: *looks at him with her teary eyes* Ye?
BPD: You said you can't do this anymore.
Yn: *talks in low voice* Aaneyoo.
BPD: Good. Because I'm not going to let you even if you want to. *smiles* I understand that it's not your mistake Yn. But I also observed that being always good at what you do is only bringing you hardships. Unwanted. Do you even have an idea how many people had their egos satisfied just because I yelled at you?
Yn: *shakes her head and sniffs*
BPD: *chuckles* Look at you, still a 19 year old kid and handling stuff like a pro. But you are too young for the cruel world Yn, you should learn that too. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Yn: *nods*
BPD: I'm sorry for yelling at you in front of everybody for something that you didn't do. But trust me if I just supported you then it's going to be worse. The amount of jealousy, it would only cause harm to you. Aarasso?
Yn: *sniffs and nods again*
BPD: Well jokes on those people, because you are still my favourite and they can never be. So try being sly and understand the underlying intentions of people. Good or bad, whatever they are okay ?
Yn: Ye!
BPD: Also, BTS likes you a lot and now that you were scolded because of them will also teach them to be responsible for their actions. So I took the chance for one shot two kill.
Yn: *chuckles while sobbing*
BPD: I'm sorry alright? I would never embarrass you in front of anybody like that. I had to do it today for your own good. I hope you understand.
Yn: A-aneyo. Khinchanayo.
BPD: Take a day off tomorrow. You already have everything set up. Saejin and I will manage it back stage. I heard that you are sick.
Yn: It's okay PDnim I can attend-
BPD: It's an order. And here *hands a cheque* the chain's amount.
Yn: *takes it* PDnim this is more than what that costed.
BPD: *smiles* I know. It's not like I'm rating your effort but consider it a bonus or a gift from me.
Yn: *nods* No no-
BPD: It's fine Yn. I didn't even pay you for an entire year. A small bonus wouldn't hurt. Go rest up now. I'll have to go act angry with the boys now.
*pats her shoulder and leaves* *stops at the door* Also, I'm going to act like I gave you an earful right now and sent you home. Don't attend their calls and act sad okay?
Yn: *chuckles* Ye!
*End of flashback*

*At Yn's apartment*
Yn: I'll eat something good today. *scrolling through her phone* I'll treat myself with a dessert as well. *phone rings again* Awww, it's Joon! How can I ignore him, BangPDnim makes me do things that I can never do. *pouts*
*Her phone rings multiple times, sometimes from Jimin, Jungkook and RM. after getting her food she switches it off.*
*It's now currently 1:00am and she was busy binge watching some drama on TV, as Netflix wasn't a thing then. She hears her calling bell ring making her flinch. She peeps through the peep hole but couldn't see anything. She hesitantly opens it.*
Yn: *shook* Yaah, what are you doing here?
Jk: *flashing his bunny smile wiggles as he is cold* Let me in first, I'm freezing.
Yn: *lets him in* How did you get out of the dorm?
Jk: I sneaked out. From the window.
Yn: Wey? What if Saejin oppa finds out? What if Joon finds out?
Jk: Joon huh!? *smirks*
Yn: Whaaaatt!?
Jk: Get dressed we are going out.
Yn: Now? Where? Is it even safe?
Jk: Yes it is! Come on fast! I don't have much time.
Yn: I'm still not sure about it but fine, all our adventures were worth it. So...
Jk: Okay go now. Enough talking!
Yn: Alright grandpa!
*She puts on her woollen knit sweater and coat upon it, completely making herself warm. They both head out.*
Jk: *pulls out his bike*
Yn: Don't tell me we are going on your bi-cycle.
Jk: Yes we are. Hop on! Just for a short distance you can rent a bike after that.
*Giving up she sits on it while he peddled effortlessly, while she grabbed onto his coat on either sides*
Yn: You have some very good stamina there.
Jk: *chuckles* Aarasso. We're here, go pick a bike.
*She also rents a bike and they ride together not knowing the destination. The cold wind hitting her face, brushing her hair and also wiping all the stress away. She never knew that a single bike ride could be so de stressing, She just followed Jungkook and this led them to the Han river. Parking their bikes they decide on getting hot chocolate from the convenience store nearby and then they settle on the river side steps, looking at the water and the peaceful night of Seoul. Jk burns his mouth sipping onto the hot chocolate and Yn giggles at him*
Yn: Careful there.
Jk: *putting the cup aside* Are you okay? *talks while looking at the water*
Yn: *sighs and rests her chin over her knees* Hmmm. Not completely but fine.
Jk: Just so you know you are not working for us. And no one is superior to you.
Yn: *smiles* Hmmm.
Jk: I felt really bad Yn. I'm not good at deciding how to act in the situation and so I couldn't even react. But I was really mad.
Yn: I know Jungkookah, I was too. I was so hurt and mad. *rubs her palm*
Jk: Do you feel so cold? Oh shit I forgot that you had a fever! Should we go-
Yn: No, it's fine. I didn't know that I needed this. I feel better now.
Jk: *smiles and takes her hands into his* That should help.
Yn: *smiles* Yes it does.
Jk: Can I ask you something?
Yn: Hmm?
Jk: Don't you feel lonely or feel like dating sometimes?
Yn: I indeed feel lonely and yeah it always feels
Good to have someone that's makes you feel special. I think I'm doing it for myself so I don't feel much about the dating. Why?
Jk: Because I do. I'm happy living with hyungs, but I do feels lonely at times. But I don't want to date now, it would be too much to handle and I don't think it's the right time. I'll have to concentrate.
Yn: Hmm true that. Just remember you can always come to me if you feel that you are alone. I enjoy your company too.
Jk: You see I don't open up easily. But I felt like sharing it with you.
Yn: No worries! I'm all ears, always. *smiles* *sighs* I'm glad that we have eachother. *leans her head over his shoulder*
Jk: Me too. *pecks the top of her head*
Yn: Woah woah! Is it really the Jeon Jungkook I know?
Jk: *chuckles, caressing her hands, keeping her warm* I'm really fond of you Yn. I hope our friendship stays like this forever.
Yn: Me too bunny.
*He drops her back home and leaves to the dorm, luckily nobody notices and he sneaks back into the dorm by 3:00am. He sees that V is still awake and talking on his phone, he slowly approaches him.*
Jk: Taehyungie hyung?
V: *shook* *covers the speaker and whispers* What!? Why aren't you sleeping?
Jk: I just came. I went to meet Yn and check on her.
*V's face drops hearing Yn's name, he just nods and gets back on call while Jungkook leaves to change*
V: Go ahead.
H: So you are really going to end this?
V: I have been saying that for the past one hour Hin. Please, stop calling me. You know what I'm hanging up, I have other things to do. Bye
H: You-
*Cuts the call and blocks her, goes to Jk*
V: Umm, Y-yn, is she okay?
Jk: *nods* I just wanted to divert her mind so I didn't talk anything about today. As usual she seemed okay on the outside.
*The next day a sudden outburst of fans on an article about V dating a girl who manages a fansite. They say that he uploads everything that she asks for and so it was speculated. He got an earful from the managers for not being careful and it is evident that Hin did it as a revenge. The company denied the allegations and said that they were indeed friends but there is no relationship. This act of hers completely broke the feeling he had for her.*
*On the other hand Bang PD acts extra irritated on the tiniest of things that went wrong and that were avoidable if Yn was there. Saejin knows about PDnims act and he acts along. The staff whi were jealous of Yn started to realise how much she handled and why she is treated as the best by PDnim. BTS were about to go on stage again but their mics were all over the place and the staff are trying hard to fix them on time.*

RM: *pissed* PDnim can't we just have Yn back rather than you getting frustrated over everything?
BPD: Why do we have so many people and still work is not being done? It's not she is the only one running around doing things, why does her absence effect so much aren't you guys capable enough? *to the staff* *the message is delivered right into their heads what he meant*
V: PDnim I take the complete responsibility of whatever happened. It's all because of my decisions and I don't want everybody else to suffer because of that. *looks down disappointed*
BPD: *nods* I hope you guys learnt and under what I'm trying to say. It's never wrong to date Taehyungah, but prioritise stuff and never be desperate about anything.
BTS: *nods still feeling low*
Saejin: Fix your mics we only have one 3 mins.
BPD: *looking at their dull faces, sighs* Cheer up now, Yn will be back from tomorrow I gave her a day off and I already talked to her.
RM: *relieved, smiles* Khamsamnida. We will be careful and won't let you down. *bows*
*They go on stage and the event goes on good after that, they are in a better mood. Everything is packed up and the staff are leaving. Saejin, PDnim and BTS are also making their way out, walking in the corridor. BangPD gets a call.*
*On call*
BPD: Where are you, we're about to leave!
BPD: Aagghhh! Aarasso. We're in the corridor come fast. *hangs up*
*They all heara voice yelling PDnim's name so they turn back*
Yn: Shiyuk Pdnim! Shiyuk Pdnim! Over here!
BPD: Yaah! I told exit 4 what are you doing at 5?
Yn: *with huge packets in both her hands* I couldn't hear it over the sound. *approaches them smiling brightly* *puts the bags down*
BTS: *confused*
Jimin: You were here the whole time?
Yn: YESSS! Did I ever miss any of your performances? And it felt new watching you as audience after sooo loong! *giggles*
BPD: Khaja Yn!
Yn: Agh Ye! *to Jin* Oppa, here is you guys dinner, I'll see you at BigHit if you are still there by the time my meeting ends.
Jin: Aarasso.
RM: It's late at night. What meeting do you have?
Saejin: About the finances and investments, there is some urgency.
Yn: Aarasso. Annyeooo! *leaves waving*
V: *mimics* Annyeeeoooo.
Yn: PDnim, just a minute. *runs back to V and kicks his calf and runs back to PDnim again*
V: Aaagghhh! *groans*
*Everybody laughs*
*At BigHit, after done with the settlements and pack up, BTS are practicing decided to practice one last time before leaving. Even though it was 12:30 at night. They were doing it by themselves and nobody was forced to join. RM seemed to be lost in thoughts the whole time. He wasn't sad but calm and peaceful.*
Jin: Let's leave!
RM: You guys go ahead, I'll wait.
Hobi: For what? It's already late.
RM: ......
Suga: Why are you thinking so much today?
RM: Aaneyo, I have something to let out of my mind. I am thinking if I really should do it or not.
Suga: Do you want to talk about it?
RM: I'm not even sure myself *sighs*
Suga: Is it related to us? I know you don't always say everything to the boys, but I can handle if you want to share.
RM: Aanya, it's not about us. It's about Yn. You know what, I'll just talk it out to her.
Suga: *shook* Yn? Hmm aarasso. But I really want to know about it, I really couldn't figure out what goes on in your head or you both.
RM: *nods* I'll tell you later today. At the dorm, I'll talk to her anyhow today.
Hobi: Aarasso. Good luck!
RM: *smiles* You don't even know what it is hyung!
Jin: But still good luck! *winks and leaves*
*The maknae line eavesdrop on the conversation*
Jk: *making an O with his mouth* What could it be? Do you think it is what I think it is? Yn is stealing my crush. *pouts*
Jimin: I'm still so confused. It never seemed that way.
V: Wey is it hurting you? You liked her right?
Jk: *confused* Why?
J: I told you it was just a crush, when I first saw her. Yn is my best friend forever.
V: *mad* And me?
J: You are too.
V: There can only be one me or that gorilla.
J: You are my soulmate Taehyungah! *acts dramatic*
Jk: *bursts out laughing* Do you guys want to stay and eavesdrop when Yn comes back?
V: I would love that. I'll find Something to tease her maybe?
J: *facepalms* Count me out.

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