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*The next day they come to an outdoor set to shoot a part of Spring day. It was a sunny and windy day, the shooting is going on well. It's currently Jin's take and the rest of them are watching it. Yn just paid for the drinks required and came back to the set. Looking at the screen that's recording Jin's scene she grips onto her back, massaging it. She looks at Jungkook that's making funny faces teasing Jin and then she notices RM who was already looking at her. A smile spreads over her face and RM signals her to come to him.*
Yn: *raising her brows* Do you need something? *smiles*
RM: Aanya! Sit down. *gets up and gives her his stool*
Yn's POV: Awwwww, OH MY GOD!
Yn: Thank you.
Jimin: *fake coughs and looks away when Yn turns to him*
Yn: *pinches his arm*
J: Ouch! *chuckles*
*Next is supposed to be Jimin and then he goes into the frame*
RM: What's wrong? Why are you holding your back like that?
Yn: It's aching a bit.
RM: Wey? *concerned, furrowing his brows*
Yn: Periods *makes her lips into a thin line and looks away*
RM: O-oh. Why don't you take a leave then?
Yn: I will if I want to. *smiles*
*Jungkook suddenly comes and stands in between them and acts clueless*
Yn: Choegyeo!?
Jk: Yes?
Yn: Can you move?
V: Wey? The shoots happening there. Why are you looking this way. He has the right to stand wherever he wants.
Yn: Aisshhh! *gets up and leaves*
*The thing they all don't know what RM talked to Yn and now are very very very eager to find out what's actually going on. And adding to their eagerness they again found RM and Yn talking to each other standing near the set and they were all giggly and happy*
*The maknae line looking from a distance*
Jk: *narrowing his eyes* Hyung, they are being too close lately. Don't you think.
J: *also narrowing his eyes* Yes. I see that too.
V: Look at her being all giggly, She's literally going out with me tomorrow and she doesn't even spare a glance towards me.
*Jimin, Jk and V himself was shocked by what he just said*
Jimin: I thought you hated it when she's around you?
V: Who said I don't? I'm just saying that something is sooo fishy that she can't even think about the big event tomorrow and has her eyes fixed on Namjoon hyung! Understand it guys, I can't carry the load of being both the most handsome and intelligent all the time.
Jimin: Oh really? Says the one who put a whole layer of sunscreen over his face.
Jin: What are you guys talking about me?
Jimin: About you?
Jin: I heard the word handsome.
Jk: AAGHHH! HYUNG! JINJA! *hits his arm*
Jimin: Look look.
*They see Namjoon smiling sweetly and Yn holding his arm laughing, to which he responded by moving a little closer to her.*
Jin: Aish these kids. YAAAH! NAMJOONAH! What are you doing? *yells walking to him*
J: Aggh! Jin hyung ruined it.
V: *mumbles* Too happy for a person suffering from period cramps.
Jk: Bau?
V: Let's go. Jin hyung might know something.
*Its lunch time and everybody just crashed into a nearby diner. Yn was sitting along with Yeji and two other staff. Streching her legs onto the chair beside her whimpers as the pain settles*
Yn: That's a nice hoodie unnie!
Y: Kumavoyo. It's my boyfriend's.
Yn: Waah! Good to be having endless supply of extra large hoodies. I wonder how comfy they must be feeling. I'll add that to my shopping list.
S1: What about you Ynie? Why don't you date anybody?
*BTS were just the table beside them and again the maknae line eagerly waiting for an answer if she's going to say something about RM*
Yn: Aanya, I'm at BigHit or University most of the time. I only check my personal stuff on my phone twice a day. I don't think no one will be able to date me at this rate *chuckles*
*The other three also laugh*
Yn: What about you unnie?
S1: I do have a boyfriend. But yeah this isn't his. It's my brother's.
Yn: *thinking* Sometimes I wonder why I don't have any men in my life unnie. Not boyfriend, not a brother, not a father- *stops abruptly*
*Everybody goes silent suddenly. Jimin's eyes widen listening to what she just spoke out. This is the first Yn ever talked about her father, although they knew her parents were divorced. BTS choose to act like they didn't hear it to make the room less awkward but they were all a bit concerned as well.*
Yn: *sighs* It's fine, I have very amazing friends and PDnim. Of course how can I forget him and also Saejin Oppa haha, *pulls out a menu avoiding eye contact with anybody* Hhhaaaah, what should we order? Unnie do you want to share Japchae and Bulgogi with me? *tries to subdue her feelings and the topic by talking a lot, that's how she is*
*Yeji also talks something or the other and within seconds most of them forgot what happened*
*At night Yn was preparing herself some dinner and suddenly started thinking about how real her words actually were. Breaking her chain of thoughts, some one rings the door bell. She opens it and to her surprise and not much of a surprise actually it's Jungkook again.*
Yn: Yaah! Joon will definitely find out if you are going to do it so frequently.
Jk: *walks in shoving her away* I smell something nice. *smells the pot on the stove*
Yn: Jungkookah, jinja! You should stop sneaking out. You are so noticeable now. What if somebody gets the wrong impression. *stands behind him crossing her arms*
Jk: Is that your concern? *walks to her and stands in front of her*
Yn: *nods*
Jk: Don't worry. I'm the golden maknae for a reason. *poses like a hero*
Yn: *shaking her heard* Alright. Whatever you say. *continues cooking* Did you eat?
Jk: Yes! But I can eat more.
Yn: *chuckles* Why did I even ask. Give me 10 more min, I'll make some ramen too.
Jk: Aarasso.
Yn: Did you just stop by randomly or is there a reason?
Jk: I'll tell you. I'll make the ramen, you go rest.
Yn: Okayyy. *hops to the couch* What is this? *points to the bag that he brought along with him*
Jk: DON'T TOUCH IT. *runs and snatches it from her*
Yn: *shook* O-okay.
Jk: *takes something out* Here!
Yn: *all happy* Are these for me?
Jk: Yes! I read somewhere that dark chocolate helps with cramps.
Yn: *shook* *moved* Thank you so much Jungkookah. Annnnnd what are you hiding huh? Did you get a girlfriend already? *twitching her eyebrows* uh huh uh huh! What is that?
Jk: *holds it up out of her reach*
Yn: Waah! You really did grow real tall from the first time we met. Remember those days I was taller than you?
Jk: *laughs*
*They have their dinner and then Jungkook settles down beside her, sharing her blanket.*
Jk: Okay. Soo.... *brings up the bag again and pulls out something again* Here!
Yn: *confused* What?
Jk: This is my favourite and my mom gave it to me that's why I don't wear to practice, because it gets worn off. It's cozy and warm and big enough for you.
Yn: *tears up*
Jk: Yaah weeyyyy? *giggles*
Yn: Aanyaa, why are you so nice to me?
Jk: Remember we are so glad to have eachother?
Yn: *chuckles while sniffing* Thank you so much kookie. *hugs him*
Jk: Khinchana, this is the only place I can sneak out to. And basically you are the only person I talk some stuff too. I miss my family so much Yn. And I heard what you told today. I don't know what happened but please don't forget that you have me and us. This is your boyfriend hoodie. Aarasso?
Yn; *chuckles* Yes.
Jk: And you can see me as you feel like. Brother, friend and even boyfriend I don't mind! *teases her making her chuckle*
Yn: *starts crying her eyes out*
Jk: Yaah!
Yn: *talks between sobs* I miss people that I don't even know kookie. I moved to Seoul in highschool. And has been staying alone since college. It's really lonely in here. And I hate it sometimes. That's why I keep myself busy with work.
Jk: *also tears up* *just listens her out*
Yn: Look at me crying, probably because of the mood swings. *wipes her face* I'll go wear this.
*Comes out wearing it, face beaming with the brightest smile*
Yn: I love this! Thank you so much. Wait- *runs inside and comes out* Here!?
Jk: What's this?
Yn: Knit hat.
Jk: You made this?
Yn: Yes! I just randomly made it. But it's a perfect gift. Remember glad to have eachother?
Jk: *chuckles* I love this. Kumavoyo!
*They sit and talk for a while, Yn has all this gossip about what the other groups think about BTS and talk about random stuff that happens around them, they just love to gossip among themselves. After that he leaves and reaches the dorm again at 3:00am.*
*The next morning Yn just took a day off for her graduation and farewell party. She had to wake up because of the constant ringing of the door bell. Wakes up and drags herself to the door, with her hair all messed up, wearing Jungkook's oversized hoodies looking like an actual gorilla and opens the door. It's another shock again*
Yn: *rubbing her eyes* What's the time why are you here?
V: Yaah! Just because I call you gorilla doesn't mean like you'll show up as one! Wait! Is that Jungkookie's hoodie that you are wearing? *eyes wide open like an owl*
Yn: I asked first. *fixes her hair while he walks in*
V: No you answer me first!
Yn: *huffs* Fine! Yeah he gave it to me yesterday.
V: O-oh, so he sneaked out again.
Yn: *boiling some water* Yeah, he dropped by to give me chocolates and hoodie.
V: O-oh. *calmly hides the tiny paper bag behind him*
Yn: Why are you here so early?
V: Early? It's 11:00am! I thought you were going to shop today?
Yn: Yeah so? Why are you bothered about it so much? *finally turns to him, with a cup of tea*
V: I don't want you to embarrass me with your fashion sense. That's why I'm bothered.
Yn: *rolls eyes* Great! Who asked you to butt in and tell Mingyu about it. We would not be in this situation then. *stretches her arm* Here. *looks at him that has his hands behind his back*
V: Keep it there.
Yn: Why can't you take it? What's in your hands?
V: It's none of your business m.
Yn: Ayee! Kim taehyung what are you hiding from me? *twitching her eyebrows smiles sheepishly* Is it a gift for a new girlfriend? *gasps* Omo is it an idol? What, did you get her expensive gucci stuff? *teases him* Is she that pretty? Come on spill the tea!
V: *disgusted* Yaah! That's what you still think of me? Here! I just bought you some chocolates and turns out that Jungkookie already did that. I don't want to waste my stuff. You already have them so I was gonna keep them to myself. I should never really try to be nice to you.
Yn: Wait what? *gets up* You really bought these for me? Like me? Yn? Give me a second Ill just write it down on my diary and come.
V: *gritting his teeth* Yn don't over do it. *places them on the counter*
Yn: *chuckles* Thank you anyway. I really appreciate it. You guys are really making me emotional. I already cried yesterday, mianhae Taehyungah I dont have any tears for you. *dramatically calm*
V: You cried?
Yn: Yeah. Leave that. Why are you here?
V: Why?
Yn: What?
V: Why did you cry?
Yn: *sighs* Just- I talked about some stuff to Kookie and then I got emotional.
V: This is why I want you to keep away from my friends. You are stealing everybody.
Yn: *rolls eyes* Are you going to tell me?
V: Remember you have to treat me for a lunch? The assignments? I thought today would be perfect so I got here.
Yn: *face palms* Okay. Give me 20min, we can leave.
*V nods and they leave after 20 min*
Yn: Woah! Did you rent a car?
V: Yes! I'm driving to the party directly so thought it would be good.
Yn: *nods and gets in* I am taking a cab. I'll reach there early maybe.
*He starts driving to a brunch cafe, the car ride is silent with some song playing*
Yn: *yawns* I should have slept earlier yesterday.
V: What did you do?
Yn: Nothing, I was just talking to Jungkookie till 2:30 am.
V: *nods* I'm going to tell Namjoon hyung next time if he sneaks out.
Yn: Yaaah! Weyyy? As if you don't meet your 'girlfriends'
V: Yn, please stop talking like I'm a fuckboy or something. *calm*
Yn: Why are you behaving like it ACTUALLY bothers you?
V: *shakes his head* Why did I even think that you'll stop it.
V: We're here. Since I dyed my hair recently they might not be able to recognise me over my mask but you are going to do the talking okay?
Yn: *nods*
*They have their brunch and now it's time to pay. To Yn's surprise V pays for it.*
Yn: I thought it was my treat?
V: This restaurant is too cheap to be your treat. I have big plans for yours.
Yn: Did you really drag me out for this? *walks behind him, to the car*
Yn: Hello? I'm talking to you.
Yn: What's the point when you are going to pay? *talks while buckling her seatbelt* I have other things to do. Why are you so inconsiderate? Why-
V: WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP? *groans* Why do you have to nag about everything? I'm just trying to be nice okay? You are my date for today and I know that it's your first and I want it to be a proper one. I want to make you feel how exactly it is being on an actual date. IM DOING ALL THIS SO JUST TRY ACTING LIKE A NORMAL GIRL ATLEAST? Or tell me if you don't like it I'll just drop you at the mall and leave. Damn! I can't believe I even rented a car especially for this thing. *slams the steering wheel*
*He talks everything out of frustration while Yn flinched because of the sudden raise of his voice. And then she was completely shook with what he was actually thinking and doing. There was a good amount of silence for a minute.*
V: *after calming a bit down* What do you want me to do?
Yn: Drive to the mall. *calm, looking down*
V: *mad again* *scoffs* *mumbles* Why did I even?
*The whole car ride has been silent. And Taehyung was visibly mad. Yn wondered why. She didn't know that he didn't get what her intention was*
V: *cold* We're here.
Yn: W-Won't you park? *calm but confused*
V: *shook* Don't you want me to leave?
Yn: *nods making her lips into a flat line* No. *looks at him in the eyes* Be my date!

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