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Yn: I-it's Namjoon.

Yj: *furrowing her brows* Do you still like him?

Yn: *nods a no* No unnie. I'm over him. I mean I'll be having a soft corner for him but I don't like him the way I like Taehyung.

Yr: Then what's the problem unnie? Last time we talked, you said he wanted to concentrate on his career and you are now over him.

Yn: Yeah. But I feel like he's changed his mind now. Not that he told it directly but I was able to sense it through his behaviour *explains what happened the day before*

Yj: Hmmm, well that does sound suspicious.

Yn: It's okay. I'll figure it out later. I'll talk to Taehyung about this.

Yr: So my ship is sailing?

Yn: Correction, it's going to sail soon. I need an opportunity to confess. Let's see.


*checks her phone on receiving a msg, the name immediately made her feel like she was wrapped in a warm hug 'Taehyung'*

V: I reached home Yn. My cousins made a sudden plan to a nearby forest resort. We'll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow. There isn't any network available there, I'll text you once I get back. Enjoy your girls night out and be safe. I miss you tons🥺!

P.S: I'm sorry for what I did earlier.
Good night 💋

*Yn smiles to herself looking at the message he sent and feels bad for being mad at him earlier.*

Yj: Looks like the lover boy sent something huh!? *takes a sip of her drink*

Yn: He's going on vacation with his cousins. I was so mean earlier.

Yj: Oh yeah, JB (her bf) told it about to me.

Yn: Yeah *pouts* I kind of over reacted. I didn't want any paparazzi to catch him and getting caught beating someone is worse.

Yr: I agree! It's okay unnie, he's going to forgive you anyway.

Yn: *chuckles* I wish I was as confident as you about this.

Yr: Leave that. Tell me what's your plan when you confess?

Yn: Oh wait *excitedly runs to bring her bag* *takes out a leather box and opens it*

Yj: Wow, they look so- vintage! But new. Wait is that Cartier?

Yn: Yes unnie. My grandma said that I made a huge fuss in public to buy me this pair of couple Cartier watches when I was a 10 year old kid. *chuckles* She told me to save it and give it to the special person one day. And I think it's time *smiles and blushes*

 And I think it's time *smiles and blushes*

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