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Yn: I'm baaack. Taehyungah don't turn around until I tell you. Okay? *giggles excitedly* * she just continues as Taehyung was just silent still looking at the pictures* Umm so remember I told you that I have something to tell you?

V: *silence again*

Yn: Taehyungah?

V: Hmm go ahead.

Yn: *a little worried now but shrugs it away* So I came prepared to say it out loud *slowly approaches him from the back and slides the leather box onto the table beside him* So, open it.

V: *no response*

Yn: I-is everything alright Taehyungah? *goes infront of him to look at his face* W-what happened why are you crying?

V: It's funny that the reason is asking me the reason huh!? *scoffs*

Yn: What? Taehyungah what happened?

V: *shows his phone* THIS happened.

Yn: *eyes wide in shock* OH MY GOD! *grabs the phone and takes a closer look at the picture* Who took this? Is this out on the internet?

V: That's what worries you? Really?

Yn: Of course. There will be a scandal- *looks at him and observing his face she realises that he's now extremely mad* Don't tell me you're thinking that something is going on between me and Namjoon.

V: Tell me why wouldn't I think so? You literally have the biggest crush on him, choose him over every other guy till now.

Yn: But-

V: I have even be having nightmares about this. I freaking hate it. Funny how you mention a tiny thing about him and I work over it obsessively. You said he buffed up I started working out a lot, you said he's so smart and matured. I'm not goofing around as much I used to before. Everything, EVERYTHING I do Yn, you still choose him right? Tell me that you didn't go out with Namjoon hyung!

Yn: *moves forward and holds his face caressing his cheeks* Listen Taehyungah, this is the wrong timing. You are already mad and everything will sound wrong to you-

V: *shuts his eyes, his voice shakes while he spoke* Did you go out or no?

Yn: *sighs* I did.

V: *immediately frees himself from her grip* Is this why that you reacted that way when I told you that I love you?

Yn: *holds his hands* *calm* Please, just listen to me. Please. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way but I was actually going to tell you what happened. But there was one more thing which was more important to me. And maybe if you get to know that, you'll understand that this all is a huge misunderstanding. I don't want this to bring distance between us and also between you and Namjoon.

V: Namjoon hyung wouldn't do it if he knew about us. YOU should have told him. It's your fault that you didn't tell him and agreed to go out in a date with him.

Yn: *hurt* S-so you're saying that Namjoon didn't know that I was seeing somebody? He knew right? But he still asked it right?

V: Why do you want to prove his fault when you are at fault too? Such a player. *mad and looks away*

Yn: *hurt and also getting mad* W-what? *takes a huge breath* Listen, I understand you are mad *controlling her calm* so I'm going to ignore what you just said. I still want to make this right so I can ask you for only one thing. *points to the box* open that box.

V: So even in the midst of all this chaos all you care about is what you wanted to do? *scoffs* And you don't even bother when I call you names. And the fact that you are not denying. This picture says it all!

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