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*The party was more like a comfort place where they ate their favourite food, had some light drinks and talked to their heart's content. Yn was sitting beside Jimin, the one she first met from among these seven and the one that had been an amazing friend to her all this long. Sometimes we just need a friend and nothing more and Yn felt the same way today. She felt like her brain could explode any moment, being stuck in the thoughts of two guys, Eunwoo and Namjoon. And she felt like she has something new to handle as well. She knew she's better away from Eunwoo, but how long is this going to be this way? Prioritising Joon whenever she has a chance, prioritising Joon unintentionally and ending up being in a state of confusion, again and again. The room wasn't calm as it had eight drunk people in it. Even in all this chaos which she was a part of even before a few moments ago, she zoned out with their voices fading to the background and her staring into space. She lets out an airy deep sigh and brings herself back into the world and the first thing her eyes meet is Taehyung's. He was sitting on the other edge of the room but it was very much evident to her that he had been staring at her and it kind of made her freeze for a second looking at his gaze and the fact that he isn't looking away. None of them broke the eye contact and it went on to as long as 10sec, which might sound short but very long if you are holding an eye contact with a random person. Yn slowly looks down shaking her head slightly as if she's saying something to herself and that's when Jimin noticed her again after being in a bickering discussion with Suga all this long.*

Jimin: Are you okay? Why are you so silent? That's so unlikely of you.

Yn: *faint smile* Nothing. Just a head full of thoughts and it looks like alcohol is sorting them out for me.

J: *nods* Is it about Eunwoo?

*Everybody is now paying attention to her*

Yn: Partially maybe. But there are many things running inside my head. Why is everything so complicated when it comes to me? I'm not gonna lie this is some other kind of lonely I feel at times. *slides her back onto the sofa* how do you guys even manage? You all are in the same age group as me, how do you handle your hormones?

RM: *chokes on his juice* Y-yn, *laughs* You're DRUNK drunk.

*They all start laughing. Except for Taehyung of course he seemed to be unbothered*

Yn: *sits straight up* No seriously!  *sighs* It's not just about that you know, having someone who's just yours is something I have never experienced. *lays back and looks at the ceiling*

RM: *looks down and smiles sadly*

Hobi: You know what Yn, let's make this fun. Rate us on who'll be the best boyfriend. I really want to know what you actually see in people.

Jk: Isn't it obvious? Rapmon hyung will top the list.

H: Exactly! That's why he's out of this.

Yn: *chuckles* Don't worry, he's not going to top it anymore.

RM: *looks at her furrowing his brows a little* Yeah probably.

Jin: Wey? Wey? What happened?

Yn: *shrugs* Nothing to be honest. And I guess that's why, since nothing happens.

Jimin: Oops?

Yn: What? *totally out of control now* I'm telling the truth, I'm fee up of putting myself in confusing situations whenever I unconsciously prioritise him over the people around me. I know, I know that you asked me not to wait and blah blah blah but- how? I'm not even waiting for you but why are you still in my head? It's just me, I'm messed up, stuck in a maze of my own feelings. And I hate that I understand each and everything, I understand that your career comes first, I understand everything and still some part fo me isn't accepting it. UGH! I wish I could just leave that part of me behind.

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