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*July 2013*
*Since their debut V and Jimin barely got time to attend college, they used to rush up the assignments and only attended to fulfil the minimum required attendance. Yn met with them whenever possible but it's not so often. Yn attended all their performances and cheered for them. They are all just teenagers but she was just a comfortable person around them but barely a distraction, so BangPDnim didn't restrict them much. Also, he had something from Yn which nobody knew yet. After a month of hectic inkigayo stages and practice, they are finally a little relieved to attend the college. After their first two classes Jimin and V got a short break of about 20min. Jimin calls Yn but she doesn't pick up. He thought she must have been in class. But to his surprise she was absent the whole day. After the class he walks to Luna's desk, to ask about Yn. They have a few classes together and she's the only girl that Yn is friends with.*
Jimin: Hey Luna, I was wondering if you have heard from Yn.
L: Hey! Ummm no. She has been absent since Monday. That is like from the past two days.
J: Really!? That's so unusual.
L: I know right! I texted her and she said she's a bit busy and get back to me later. But she didn't yet.
J: O-oh okay. Tell me if you hear anything from her.
L: Sure! You too, update me if you get to know anything.
J: *nods* I'll leave now. Thank you.
L: See you. *smiles*
*Jimin and Tae bought their lunch to the auditorium and settle down at their usual spot*
J: Luna says she hasn't been to college this week.
V: Hmmm. *eating* Not picking up your call?
J: No. *sigh* I just hope everything's fine.
V: Don't worry about it. That gorilla is going to bite her way through us humans. We are the ones that should be worried being with her.
J: *chuckles* Oh, I see Mingyu! I'll ask him.
V: Do as you please. I'm leaving I have to meet with Areum. *sighs* I honestly feel bad and guilty to ignore but they won't just let me go.
J: Just keep yourself away Taehyungah, we have more important things to focus now. And now we debuted and people just can use for clout and scandals.
V: *nods* I'll see you later.
*Jimin goes to Mingyu*
J: Hey, do you have a minute?
M: Ah ye sunbaenim! *walks to the side*
J: I was just wondering if you knew anything about Yn, I am not able to contact her and we were pretty busy all this while.
M: *furrowing his brows* O-oh, actually we went out this weekend and we kind of split apart. I mean- I noticed that she didn't come to college ever since and so I even trued calling her but she didn't respond. To be honest I-I'm a bit concerned too. I don't feel like I have the right to go to her so that's why I was holding back.
J: So this can be the reason. *sighs* Do you know where she lives?
M: Yeah, I dropped her once. I can give you the address. *types out the address*
J: Okay.
M: *looks down* I-I'm sorry. Can you please tell her that I apologise again?
J: *nods* But what happened exactly?
M: We went out a few times. She's a sweet girl and- *bell rings*
J: *annoyed* I'll ask her. And yeah I'll convey, don't worry.
M: *nods* Thank you Sunbaenim! *bows and leaves*
*After the class*
J: Taehyungah, manage for me I'll be a bit late to the practice today.
V: Aarasso. Where are you going?
J: To Yn's place. Apparently Yn and Mingyu broke up and I feel that's the reason behind all this.
V: When did they even start dating? *scoffs and chuckles*
J: My bad, they split apart even before they started dating. And I don't know why she's being this way, they only went out a couple of times.
V: *shrugs* It's high time you get annoyed too Jiminah. See I am not the only one.
J: *picking his bag up* *angry* Yaah!
V: Aarasso! I was just kidding.
*Jimin arrives at the given address and knocks on the apartment door*
Jimin's POV: Is this the right place? She said she lives alone but this apartment is quite big.
*The door creaks open revealing a Yn. Wearing a t-shirt and tracks, her hair neatly tied up into a bun and her round framed glasses, through which she looked at him surprised*
Yn: Jiminie!? C-come in!
J: Where's your phone? Why aren't you responding?
Yn: N-nothing.
J: *looking around* Waah, you are well organised. And you look too neat for a heart break!
Yn: *wide eyes* W-who told you?
J: I had to ask Mingyu about your whereabouts since you weren't responding. *sits on the chair by the kitchen counter*
Yn: W-what did he say?
J: Nothing much, he was about to but we didn't get the time. But he told me to convey his apologies once again.
Yn: *nods looking down*
J: Ynie, are you okay? You can let it out in front of me? Have you been crying?
Yn: I cried for a day and got over with it. I know it's not my fault but yeah it hurts since it's the first time I thought it's going to workout. *chuckles mildly*
J: Oh come on! You just went out a few times, did you like him that much?
Yn: *nods* No.
J: Then?
Yn: *tears up* I-I feel so lonely Jiminah! My parents are not around, they're always busy working and they are not even on good terms I guess. And in college it felt so lonely as I have a limited circle, so having someone to be with felt nice, maybe that's why I got attached and ut has very less to do with the liking. *sighs* Anyway, I got to know my feelings, so it's not that hard as I don't like him that much. It's just the reason he gave, that hurt me.
J: I'm so sorry Yn. I never knew anything about all this. Come here *hugs her wrapping his arms around her shoulder* I know we have been pretty busy lately, but I'll try texting and calling you often okay?
Yn: *resting her forehead on his shoulder* Aanya, khinchana. I understand.
J: What was the reason BTW?
Yn: I'd rather not say.
J: Aarasso. Whenever you want to. I'll listen okay?
Yn: *nods and lets him go*
J: Why weren't you attending college?
Yn: I had some extra work to take care of. And I wanted a break from usual schedule.
J: *nods*
Yn: Wait, I'll make you something to eat, take it for your members also.
J: Khinchana, I only have 20min left to start.
Yn: It'll be done by then. And I'll come with you to the company. I have work nearby.
J: Aarasso. I'll help you then.
*They start preparing stuff, getting back to theur usual self and the room filled with laughter*
Yn: Jiminah, I like having you guys around and I like supporting you. So don't take it in a wrong way, whenever I get you guys food or give you something. Because, I know what your struggles are and I can help at times. Only the right amount.
J: *smiles with his mochi cheeks closing his eyes* Aarasso. We'll pay you back once we become successful.
Yn: *chuckles* According to me you already are. I listen to No more dream on loop. Shimmy shimmy Ya! *yells and sings*
J: Ya! It's show me show me.
Yn: But it's better this way. *laughs*
J: *shakes his head* Taehyung was right! Annoying!
Yn: *smacks his arm* YAAAH!
*Packing the food that they made, Yn grabs a thick folder of papers, putting it into her bag and finally putting on her shoes, they walk out of her apartment. As she locked her door, her neighbour also comes out*
A: Ah Ynie! It's been a long time. Are you going somewhere? *looks at Jimin and observes him*
J: *bows* *awkward*
Yn: *smiles* Ahjummoniii! *hugs her mildly from the side* Ah ye, I'm on my way to part-time. This is Jimin, my friend from college.
A: Namjachingu?
Yn: *chuckles* Aaneyo! You know I won't lie to you.
A: *smiles* Aaro aaro. He looks familiar. *thinks* Agh baja I have seen you on TV. What's the grouo name *thinks again* Bangtan? Some Idol grouo right?
J: Ah ye! Bangtan Soenyeondan!
A: *smiles* Ah baja! You guys are good. And Yn be careful arachi? I'll go now.
*Yn and Jimin bow*
*On their way to the company*
Yn: Looks like my friend has become famous now! Should I maintain some distance so that your fan-girls won't bash me?
J: Yaah! I will be the last person to have any.
Yn: Jiminah stop underestimating yourself. You are perfect. Don't be insecure comparing yourselves to others.
J: *just nods* Why are coming to BigHit?
Yn: Ah right, remember when BangPDnim talked to me during your debut stage?

*In the corridor*
BPD: *serious* How did you know how much they are going to make out of our performance?
Yn: I know the statistics *talks in a low voice*
Yn: I-I also know that they got the slot only because some artist canceled with them the last moment.
BPD: How?
Yn: They aren't going to pay you and your rooms weren't assigned till last minute. So...
BPD: *nods* What are you majoring in?
Yn: Finance and management.
BPD: How old are you?
Yn: Turned 16 recently.
BPD: I know this is out of the blue but will work with us?
Yn: *shook* What?
BPD: Yes! You support the boys and I see a lot of potential in you. I can't give you the power right away, but be the assistant financial advisor along with Manager Saejin. And I should also mention there won't be any specific payment, you know how our company is. So think about it and let me know later.
Yn: But why me?
BPD: I feel like you are going to make a difference. *smiles*
Yn: *moved*
BPD: Also, we are no ones in the industry, we have to keep it low. You better apologise to the staff.
Yn: *nods and apologises to them*
BPD: So think about it and let me know.
Yn: I'll do it.
BPD: Really? Is it going to be fine with your college work and part time?
Yn: Yes! I'll make time, if you see the potential there must be a reason. I just hope I don't let you down.
BPD: Amazing! I'll contact you later, I'll give you an exercise and test your thoughts and experience.
Yn: Ye! Khamsamnida *bows*
BPD: Aarasso. Go ahead you don't want to miss the performance.
*End of flashback*

Jimin: Waah! So is this the exercise? *points to the file*
Yn: Yes!
J: I'm excited! You are going to be a part of
Yn: Hopefully! *smiles*
*They reach BigHit and Yn goes to BangPD to give the file and Jimin makes it to practice on time. Bang PD goes through the files with Yn. After an hour*
BPD: Impressive! I like it how you think about the long term and take the decisions. But don't you think it's way too risky?
Yn: You wouldn't have put Bangtan together if you weren't willing to take risks PDnim. And my decisions are based on something similar.
BPD: Good! Good! Let's go *gets up*
Yn: Where?
BPD: Don't you wanna see your friends practicing?
Yn: Oh I want to.
*BangPDnim walks into the practice room and everybody stops practicing and the room goes silent as they bow to him. Yn follows him in tiny earning a confused look from the people in the room. They were all sweating like crazy and were mostly in their tank tops and shorts.*
BPD: Okay, show it to me and if you are good then you can stop for today.
*They show him the performance and BPD is pretty satisfied so he calls it a day for them*
BPD: You guys, Manager Saejin and the damce teacher stay here. Yn wait in the corridor ieth the makeup artists for a while.
Yn: Ye! *leaves*
*They all settle down on the floor*
BPD: So I received a modelling offer from a minor company. They asked for Jin, seeing him in the performances. What do you guys think? RM?
RM: I think it's a good opportunity. Jin hyung can gain popularity and automatically Bangtan.
BPD: Manager Saejin?
MS: What brand is it?
BPD: Clothing brand.
MS: I see that it's beneficiary.
BPD: *nods* The other thing that I wanted to talk is about our Financial advisor. I know it's hard for Saejin to manage everything. So I have a person, she is still a minor so she just can be like a trainee or an assistant in this. And yes if you are thinking Yn, the yes it's her. *pauses looking at the confused faces* Let me tell you why. I asked the same question to her but what she said amazed me. She suggests that rather than taking solo endorsements you guys should only take endorsements as a group. If the brand really wants you then they'll have to pay for seven. Also, we won't accept sponsorship, we'll only choose what we want.
RM: But PDnim getting an offer is very rare, why would we decline that. Isn't it our loss?
BPD: Momentarily? Yes! Longterm? No! Imagine you guys being famous and then think about this scenario.
Suga: Isn't it too risky? It's like we are being too delusional.
BPD: I'm going to repeat what Yn said, if it's about the risk none of us would have been here right?
*All of them nod*
BPD: So I just wanted to take your opinions on my decision on her.
Saejin: Keeping the risk aside, that was actually smart! I support it.
RM: *nods* Ye! You believed in us even when we didn't and we believe in you PDnim.
BPD: Great! I'll confirm with her. You are done for the day, leave after cleaning up your stuff.
BTS: Ye!
*BangPDnim goes to Yn and confirms her position in the company. There wasn't much to clean other than packing their stuff. So BTS were done by the time BangPDnim was done talking to Yn.*
J: Yn and I made Kimbap for all of us. Let's eat!
Hobi: Waah! That little cracker is really good. I like her!
Suga: *chuckles*
V: *sighs* Why do things like this happen to me?
RM: *laughs* Yaah! Stop fighting already!
V: I'll be back. I'll wash my face and come to eat. *leaves*
*Coming back from the washroom he was about to enter the corridor but stops hearing two voices. He soon recognises that they are the trainees but what made him stop is the sound of his name. He pays attention to the conversation.*

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