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*The next morning, Taehyung wakes up with a major head ache and looks around to find an empty bed. But the aroma of the breakfast put a smile on his face that Yn was cooking something. He drags himself to the door still half asleep but the sight infront him blew his sleep away. It was Yn and RM giggling in his open kitchen and cooking together. And just then RM reaches for something on the top shelf from behind Yn and hands it her, just as Taehyung described last night, how he wanted to be. It broke his heart, he was hurt, mad and extremely angry looking at them. It looked like Yn wanted it, it felt like she's enjoying it and just one thing lingered around in his brain 'why?' He made his way towards them*


Yn: Oh Taehyungah you are up? Come eat with us.

V: US!? You mean you and him? And the audacity, you are at my place!

RM: I told you he's going to be like that.

Yn: Yeah you were right Joonie.

V: *tears up* Why are you doing this to me Yn?

Yn: Doing what?

V: You know how vulnerable I can get and still you decided to walk over my heart. You should have just rejected me that day. Rather than using me like this.

RM: *scoffs* Did you really think that she was going to choose you? Didn't you get it the other day when she talked about me? - when you were watching the clouds in the park?

V's POV: Wait how did he know that?

RM: Or all those times she choose me over everybody? *comes closer and whispers* She is head over heels for me, everything I do drives her crazy for me, so don't even think that you can compete. You can be the world's most handsome man but it's not going to get Yn to you.

Yn: True. You can never compete with him. Joon is the only one. Let's go Joon.

V: NO! *tears start rolling down*

Yn: *slightly tapping his cheeks* Taehyungah! Taehyungah! Wake up! Yaah! Taehyungah!

*He opens his eyes slowly as his vision adjusts from a blurry Yn face to her crystal clear expression of worry.*

Yn: Are you alright? *furrowing her brows she places a hand over his cheek and wipes his tear away with her thumb and continues to caress his face*

Yn: *calm* *looking at his tears that are still rolling down* *pouts a little* What happened? Calm down, it-
*he suddenly hugs her burying his face onto her neck laying her back on the bed*

Yn: *rubs his back* Are you okay? Whatever it was, it's just a dream. A bad one. Do you want to talk about it?

*V nods a no, still hugging her *

Yn: No? Aarasso. Whenever you feel like it. *pecks the top of his head* How are you feeling now? Do you have any head ache? *caressing his hair* Or a hangover?

V: *finally speaks out his first words for the day* Aani. It's not that bad. I'm fine. *sniffles*

Yn: *chuckles calmly and loosens the hug to hold his face with her palms on either side* Look at you crying over a dream.

V: It was bad. Real bad.

Yn: Awwww. *kisses his forehead* Either ways it's just a dream. Go freshen up now. I'll make breakfast for you.

V'sPOV: Breakfast?
V: A-andhey. Let's skip breakfast today.

Yn: What? Why? I'm hungry.

V: Then let's go out to eat. Don't cook anytime soon.

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