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*June 2016*
* 3 years since their debut, BTS grew a lot, as artists, as idols and as humans. Although the music industry tried their best to suppress their talent by accusing them of false plagiarism, their talent only grew bigger breaking all of them. God knows how sad they were because of all the discrimination in their own industry. But they kept pushing harder being true to themselves and their music, which gave them a lot of wonderful people supporting them, they were named 'ARMY'. With all of the love and support by the armys BTS is now celebrating their third anniversary. They never fail to entertain the armys and it's the same even now, they were in a show celebrating and spending time with armys.*
*Yn, as the asst. financial manager is also present backstage managing things for the event. In these three years she has seen and learnt a lot. She has gone through everything along with them, through the thick and thin. Although the time they spent together wasn't much compared how much they used to, still their friendship remains the same. As they gained popularity BTS had made some new idol friends and also lost a few as they started to succeed. As the company expanded Yn also made some new friends but she barely has time managing her life and things at BigHit. BangPDnim is very fond of her because of her integrity and sincerity towards the work she does. Being present in most of the important meetings, Yn's closer circle automatically included RM, after Jimin. It can be said Taehyung and Jungkook are usually next but as usual Tae couldn't care much, while Jungkook goofs around as they got closer by time, not to forget how much the whole Maknae line grew up.*
*The loud music playing, the crowd cheering all could be heard faintly but clearly backstage. Talking through her mic, Yn calls for the staff to get ready to put up the next set of props on stage for BTS' performance, while manager Saejin took care of the exhausted members right after they got down the stage. As usual expected from Yn, they finish setting up 5min ahead of the allotted time. She orders one another staff to check on the next set. Manager Saejin checks on everything from time to time just to double check. Yn is still under the tag of assistant and most of the new staff never knew about her friendship with BTS and her journey with BigHit because of which there was a constant rise of jealousy and insecurity towards her, as she was given a lot of importance and prioritised. That includes their newly assigned costume designer that joined BigHit 3 months ago. As manager Saejin checks the costumes as they change he finds one of the expensive accessories missing. He inquires the fashion designer about it, she goes by the name Mia.*
S: Where is RM's chain?
M: *checks the arranged outfiits* I don't know Yn is the incharge.
S: What? How will she be the incharge? Atleast take care of your stuff.
Yn: *walks in* Are we ready with the next set?
M: Yn, remember I asked you to collect the selected accessories because you manage the payments officially.
Yn: *in a hurry* Yeah so?
M: Where's RM's chain? The huge one!
Yn: I gave all the accessories to you guys, just as I collected them. Did you check with the other artists who might have it or any other place that you must have kept it?
M: Why would I keep it anywhere else? I don't remember seeing it at all.
Yn: *keeping her calm* I'm pretty sure I bought it. *pulls out a bundle of bills pinned up together, from her tool bag* See? *shows the bill to Saejin*
S: *nods showing his trust*
M: Then what do you mean? I stole it?
Yn: Unnie, when did I ever say that?
M: What else do you mean? *scoffs* maybe you are the one who stole it, you needed money to move out right?
Yn: *hurt* Why are we bringing personal stuff here?
BPD: *enters with his slightly damp hair, indicating that it started raining outside* What's the chaos? One day I get free time to attend an event and all I see is the chaos. Saejin why are you here when the boys already started performing? *looks at Yn, that now has glossy eyes* Why are you here in the dressing section when the performance started already?
Yn: Chaesoanmida! *bows* I'll get going.
BPD: Wait! *looks at Saejin* Is everything alright? Why does it look like something's wrong?
Saejin: *explains*
BPD: *to Mia* if you don't remember seeing it all why didn't you ask Yn in the past three days when you had time.
M: I-I mean, s-she was busy. *nervous*
BPD: The chain is not that important to go onto the stage, the important thing is your work ethic and I'm not satisfied with it, bringing up personal stuff out of nowhere for no reason when you are not even sure about the whole scenario. *looks towards where Yn is standing but to his surprise he could only see her headset and clipboard set aside on the table* Where's Yn?
Staff: She just ran out when Saejin hyung started explaining the situation 10mins ago.
BPD: *sighs in frustration* What's with her now?
*Everybody knew Yn never put up her personal stuff as a reason to not to work. She kept them completely seperate.*
BPD: Search everywhere. The boys would be down here any minute. And Saejin try calling Yn-
*The door opens revealing a completely drenched Yn, panting for air.*
*One of the makeup artists that's here in BigHit from the very beginning and who is a very good friend of Yn is Yeji*
Y: What the hell? *runs to grab a towel*
Yn: *opens her tool bag that's usually to the side clipped around her waist* *still grasping for air barely able to talk* H-here! *gives a brand new box with the chain inside*
M: See? She has it. *bitchy attitude*
Yn: No I bought it. *pants, now stands up putting a hand on her hips* again. The show must go on, there's no use contemplating who has it right now and explaining stuff to PDnim does us no good in bringing back the chain. I checked the nearest store and rushed to bring a new one on time.
*Yeji wraps a towel around her, patting slightly and handing her a water bottle.*
Yn: *bows to PDnim* I'll be heading to the props now.
Saejin: Wait! I'll handle it go change and come back there.
Yn: *nods and leaves with Yeji*
BPD: *looks at Mia* And that's on work ethic! *refers to Yn* Getting things done, rather than wasting time on stupid politics.
M: PDnim, politics? I-I never-
BPD: I can see everything. Don't act innocent.
*BTS enters for a costume change. RM change ahis clothes to get his mic fixed, make up done*
RM: Oh noona *to Mia* You got thus fixed already? I was so worried when I broke it.
BPD: *shook* You broke it?
RM: Ye, we tried our looks on the other day and broke this chain. Noona said that she'll get it fixed.
BPD: *looks at her, mad* And where did the accusations come from again!?
Jungkook: Yah Yn, are you going on stage with us? Why are you changing outfits?
BPD: *looks at Yn that's completely devastated by the behaviour of Mia and her intentions* ANSWER ME!
*Everybody in the room goes silent. BTS had no idea what happened and so they were startled*
M: I-I'm sorry. I wasn't in the right mind.
Yn: *sighs and leaves the room to carry on with her duties*
BPD: *looks at Mia, controlling his anger* Finish your work off for today's event and leave. You are fired!
*BTS are shook. Yeji is busy doing their makeup and when asked she explains about everything that happened to BTS.*
Jimin: *mad* So out of no where she accused her as a thief while she knew all along that the old one was broken?
Yeji: Ye!
Jimin: *sighs* Aaggh Jinja! *clicks his tongue in frustration* Is Yn okay? She's pretty sensitive and I saw that she came drenched.
Y: I-I think so. *hesitant* She just got back to her work immediately.
Jk: Noona are you hiding anything?
Y: Aanya, why will I! *shook*
*Well she actually is, Yn hurt herself on her way back she has a cut on her arm. She insisted on not telling anybody yet, considering the chaos.*
*The event goes on well and everybody is backstage packing up. BTS are getting changed and removing their makeup. Jimin goes to see Yn after gathering his energy. Yn is still getting things settled into the trucks and making sure that everything is being taken back. It's cold outside as it's already night.*
Jimin: *putting a jacket around her shoulders* Here, wear this!
Yn: *looks back* Yaah! What are you doing here? Go inside, you might catch a cold, you have to perform in two days again. *puts on the jacket but hides the pain, because of her arm*
J: Khinchanaaaa! *smiles* Are you okay? I heard about everything.
Yn: *nods making her lips into a thin line*
J: How did you buy it?
Yn: I was saving some to move out. I used them.
J: YAAH! WEY? You have really worked hard for them Yn.
RM: *approaches them* I see he already gave the coat. Here's your coffee.
Yn: *chuckles* What, are you guys are on a mission or something!?
RM: Aanyaaa, just worried. *ruffles her hair*
Yn: *blushes again*
J: *chuckles* She still blushes around you hyung!
Yn: Of course I will. Oppa is my forever crush!
RM: *chuckles* You are being very openly flirty these days. Where did our shy Yn go?
J: As if you are not flirting back hyung, I see you both giggling all the time.
RM: I like it this way. So carefree and you know no expectations.
Yn: True that!
J: Hyung, she can claim the money from BigHit right? She spent her savings on that chain.
RM: Why? Yn, you should stop going all out for work. Prioritise yourself as well.
Yn: *nods* Hmmm.
RM: Just claim the money tomorrow alright?
Yn: Ye! You guys should go in. Hachu!
J: You should too. You got soaked in the rain earlier.
Yn: This is the last truck. I'll head home after that.
RM: And make sure to keep yourself warm. Or do you want me to come over?
Yn: *panics* A-aneyo! I-I'll be fine.
RM: *chuckles* Cute. *pinches her cheek mildly*
V: *approaches them* Hyung, what are you doing this weekend?
RM: I don't know yet. Wey?
V: Let's get your eye sight checked. You just called this gorilla cute.
Yn: *stands on her tip toes and smacks his head*
V: Agghh! Yaah! You're hitting an idol! My fans won't spare you.
Yn: *hits again* Go call them!
V: *shook*
Yn: Goooo.
*They all laugh looking at V's pouty face while he rubbed the back of his head*
Yn: *sighs* It's been a while since we all hung out. I'm missing the old days now.
J: I know right! How about we go out to have a drink this weekend. You and Jungkook turned 20 this nee year, so it'll be your first time drinking, we can teach you.
Yn: Sounds good to me. But aren't you busy with your 'idol' friends?
RM: Come on, stop doing that. You know we aren't going to forget you!
Yn: Are you sure about that?
V: No, I'm dying to forget you.
Yn: I didn't ask you. So fuck off!
V: Awww! Are you hurt Ynssi. *acts cutely wraps his arms around her shoulder from the side*
Yn: yaah! Do you want to die? *smacks his arm*
V: *boxy smile* Gets away.
Yn: I'll see you tomorrow in college Jiminee. See you all in the weekend.
*They all disperse. Taehyung takes his friend's car to the college and a date with his new girlfriend, the next day, along with Jimin*
J: We can submit and get back.
V: That's good.
J: *calls Yn* She's not picking- Oh wait she's calling. *attends the call* Umm hmm, aarasso. I'm not going to the college today. But I'll ask Taehyung.
V: I'm not doing anything.
J: She's saying please.
V: *shakes his head* And?
J: She said she'll treat you with lunch.
V: Okay then.
J: *cuts the call* I'll get down here. Yn asked you to collect her assignments as well and submit it in the college along with ours.
V: *nods* Things I do for you Jiminah.
J: *laughs* Aarasso. *gets down*
*Taehyung drives away*
V's POV: The traffic is heavy today. It should take around 30min to reach Yn's. I'll call her and inform. Weird how it has been more than three years since I have her number but only called twice or thrice.
*On call*
Yn: Bau!? *sleepy voice*
V: It'll take 30min for me to reach.
Yn: Aarasso. *talks in her hoarse voice*
V: Are you sleeping? I'm working hard to submit your assignments and you are sleeping? Get your ass up and make something for me to eat.
Yn: *clicks her tongue, annoyed* Why do you always eat like a pig?
V: Bau? What did you say? I'm not coming, submit your assignments all by yourself.
Yn: *sighs* Aarasso. *dull* I'll make something. Come fast. *cuts the call*
V: *smirks to himself*
*Yn finishes preparing something in 10min and rests on the couch. She worked over night to finish up all her assignments. Her head was banging and her whole body was aching, she was completely tired from all the work from the events and getting drenched in rain the day before only made it worse. She had a cut on her arm, which is now dressed with a hint of redness still visible through the bandaid. She's currently wearing a tank top. Rolling her head that's resting on the backrest she checks the time on the wall clock*
Yn: I'll just wear a cardigan later, I still have 20 min. *closes her eyes*
*She was so tired that she drifts to sleep immediately and unconsciously*
Yn: Yn! Yn! *opens her eyes on hearing a voice and someone mildly kicking her feet* *groans in pain from her head, massaging her temple she sits up straight* *her vision gets clearer and she sees Taehyung in front of her* *mumbles* Did I fall asleep?
T: Yes! What happened to your arm? *furrowing his brows*
Yn: *gets up* It's nothing. Your snacks are on the counter. Eat while I bring my assignments.
T: Yaah! Stop right there. Tell me what happened?
Yn: I hit something on my way back yesterday. I couldn't see because of the rain.
T: D-did you get it treated properly?
Yn: *nods* Yes. Yeji did it. *walks into her room*
*Taehyung waits for her, he goes to the counter eats some snacks and he's still waiting*
T: *yells* We don't have all day. We need to submit in two hours you know!
*No response*
T: *hesitantly walks to her room* *shook and runs to Yn that's laying unconscious on the floor* Y-Yn! *hesitantly holds her shoulders* She's burning. What should I do? *lifts her up hurriedly and places her on the bed* What should I do? I don't know anything. *calls Jimin*
*On call*
V: Jiminah, I came to Yn's and she fainted. She's burning what should I do?
J: Bau? I can't get out of here till an hour. Put a wet cloth over her forehead and keep her warm.
V: I should leave to submit our assignments, what should I do then?
J: Just try waking her up and leave to submit. And go back to her immediately. I'll try calling Namjoon hyung and see if he's free.
V: Aarasso.
*He does as Jimin says. After collecting her assignments and making sure that she's tucked in all warm, he tries waking her up. He receives a call from Jimin again and Namjoon is on his way.*

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