Although very few people, one of which were also Nora, knew of Teru's sadistic side. The other being Aoi Akane and the unfortunate supernaturals who had ended up on Teru's path, in which he had exorcised.

The blonde was like a ray of sunshine, very well liked and loved by everyone who came across him. Although his reputation wasn't fake, it was indefinitely two sided. He had a cold hearted and ruthless side that hadn't even been shown to his siblings. One that Nora had the courtesy of seeing everyday while on patrol with him.

It had been to the point that occasionally, she had even pitied the supernaturals that stumbled across their paths. Teru had a particular way of fighting and exorcising supernaturals when he was doing it solo, with Nora being preoccupied with her own supernatural. He would use merciless means to render them useless, trapping them in an inescapable cage of lightning.

There was much struggle in the process-- on the supernaturals' part. In all honesty, it was a pitiful sight to watch.

After finally checking out of the grocery store along with a few glances from the cashier, the two sat on the bench outside, Nora curling up on the male's lap as he tore off a piece of the dango while on his phone, something about an email from his father. Upon the topic, Nora realized that it had been some time since she had heard from the two.

Apparently Teru and Nora weren't the only ones who were getting busier. Daisuke and Keiko Minamoto were halfway across the globe in America where they were called for an emergency council in which an apparition had tore its way through to the near shore and was causing quite a bit of trouble that included a tornado that hit the south east coast and caused plenty of confusion amongst normal humans.

They had plenty of time to kill, the supermarket run had taken faster than expected despite the fact that because of Nora's demands in snacks, the list doubled. There were quite a few bags to take home with them, but Teru, being all naturally talented, was able to carry them without an issue.

It was a terribly sunny day out, it made everything shine much brighter than usual. It wasn't necessarily hot because of the wind, but there were little to no clouds in the skies. Nora wasn't a vampire who was deathly allergic to the sun, but she particularly disliked extremely sunny days such as the one they were experiencing as of current.

Their peace was interrupted when the sound of sandals scraping against the concrete pavement had caused the seventeen year old to look up and meet the auburn eyes of a young child, perhaps a few years older than his own little sister. The child had a popsicle stick in his mouth as he simply stared at the pair. Nora's ears twitched instinctively, but she didn't bother looking up, unlike the male.

"Hey there, are you lost?" Teru questioned with a gentle smile.

The boy only continued to stare, causing Teru to try and wrack up another topic of discussion. But before he could do so, the young boy opened his mouth to speak instead. "Hey Mister. That's your cat right?" He asked, pointing at Nora who finally opened her lids, revealing medallion hazel orbs that were slits like that of a snake. The boy only furrowed his brows as Teru moved his dango stick to the side, picking up Nora and repositioning her on his lap.

"This is Nora." He said with a soft smile, but the boy didn't return one back. Instead, he stared intently at Nora who shifted uncomfortably, letting out a low growl, earning a glance from Teru.

"You should get rid of him." The child said as he took a small bite out of his blue popsicle. The statement caused Nora to actually hiss at him as he took a step back, just to be cautious which was good, as the seventeen year old pat the black cat behind her ear as she lowered her head in dismay. "Nora is a her. She doesn't like to be called by the wrong pronouns." Teru said simply as the boy nodded his head.

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