Eddie's Dating History

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Eddie sits at the kitchen table, which is practically in the living room, eating breakfast.

Con enters, without a shirt on, only pajama bottoms.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Eddie asks. "Don't you have to go to work?"

"Called in sick," he answers.

"Who's in there?" Eddie asks.

"In where?" Con asks.

"Your room," Eddie clarifies.

"No one's in my room," Con lies.

"Amber is back," Eddie says. "Who did you sleep with?" Con smirks. "Not the bartender." Con nods. "Get over her. She didn't want anything to do with you."

"Because I'm a werewolf?" Con asks.

"I didn't say that," Eddie says. "Why can't you accept that she liked me?"

"Because it doesn't make sense," Con explains. "I was the quarterback. She was a cheerleader. You were...still are a nerd." Eddie frowns. "It didn't work back then, but maybe now. We're older, more mature."

"Why her?" Eddie asks. "Why couldn't I have one thing?"

"What does that mean?" Con asks.

"Nothing," Eddie answers. "If that kid is mine, I want to be there for him and if that means getting back with Amber..."

"What?" Con says. "She's exactly your type. Smart. Roger was a dick. Are you going to mope around forever? I say get back on the horse. You always do this. After Penelope, after Dylan, after Amber."

"I think I need to be single right now," Eddie tells him.

"I think you need to get laid," Con says. "Let's go out tonight! Just you and me." He grabs Eddie's shoulders. Eddie wiggles from his grasp. "I'll be your wingman."

"I don't need your help," Eddie says.

"Because you're doing so great on your own?" Con figures. Eddie takes a sip of coffee.

"This isn't healthy," Eddie says. "Is all you ever think about dating? Asking out a girl you liked in high school?"


Ten years ago, Amber and Eddie sat across from each other at the Amethyst Café.

"This isn't going to work," Amber says. "I can't be here anymore."

"Why not?" Eddie asks.

"I need to go home," Amber tells him.

"You live only twenty minutes away," Eddie points out. "We can call and write letters. It'll be very romantic."

"We're only seventeen," Amber says. "I loved our time together, but Lilac Valley is not home."

"Do you like someone else?" Eddie asks. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened," Amber says. "I just...have to go."

"Amber," Eddie says.

"I'm sorry," she says.

She stands up and picks up her purse. Eddie watches as she leaves the café.

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