May the Best Man Win

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"Carter, what is this?" His father holds up a flier at his door.

"A flier," Carter answers. His father frowns. "Your term is almost up and I'm running for mayor."

"Why would you do that, son?" he asks. "You're an important board member."

"I think I could do more as mayor," Carter says. "I can bring new ideas. I can work with Secretary Wilkinson. Why haven't I noticed your hatred before?"

"How much do you know about Amber Jones?" Mayor Li asks.

"She is working with Secretary Wilkinson right now," Carter explains. "Why?"

"Her father is a Magic Catcher and her mother is the lead Spider," his father says.

"That's not possible," Carter says. "She's human."

"Her father drained her powers," Mayor Li explains. "Her parents were trying to infiltrate the other's group. She has Magic Catcher DNA. She's dangerous. Tell your werewolf friend."

"You know his name dad," Carter says. "We've been friends since elementary school."

"The only one I like is Autumn," Mayor Li says. "A good family. I would've preferred you with her instead of Tori."

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