The Truth

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Carter finds Con alone in Kyle's room.

"What are you doing in here?" Carter asks.

"He really is my son," Con says, looking around the room. Posters of rock bands. A guitar and a keyboard.

"Are you drunk?" Carter asks. "You never get drunk."

"I think I have a type," Con says. "Jewish vampires."

"What are you talking about?" Carter asks.

"What if I've been looking for something I've always had?" Con asks. "What if I was too scared in high school, but by college I was too busy sleeping with everyone. I loved my parents' relationship. I always wanted something like that. Can I tell you a secret?"

Carter sits on the bed beside him.

"I can take my dad yelling at me about the alcohol and sleeping around, but I was too scared to tell him the truth," Con says. "I was so scared if I told anyone even my friends, he would find out."

"You're not drunk," Carter realizes. Con shakes his head.

"I had a whole other life in the city," Con explains. "I've slept with men. I've dated men. Nothing serious. My two serious relationships were with Amber and Savannah."

"You're in love with Eddie," Carter says.

"I'm in love with Eddie," Con admits.

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