Dentists and Feelings

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Eddie enters the apartment.

"Carter called me. He says you've been lying on the couch all day. Didn't go to work."

"My mouth hurts," Con says.

"Did you see a dentist?" Eddie asks.

"I was waiting for you," Con answers.

"You couldn't stop by the office?" Eddie asks.

"If it's nothing, I didn't want to go in," Con explains. "I'm afraid of dentists. They don't treat werewolves well. You work with all humans and the dentists in Lilac Valley are witches, warlocks, and fairies."

"Sit up," Eddie says. Con does as he's told. Eddie walks to the couch. "Open up."

Con smirks.

Eddie gives him a look.

Con opens his mouth.

"You don't need a dentist to know you have a cavity," Eddie says.

"Really?" Con asks.

"Come in tomorrow," Eddie says. "And I'll take care of it."

"Can you give me something now?" Con asks. "The only thing I can have is soup and it's eighty degrees outside."

"Take a Tylenol," Eddie advises. "I don't carry laughing gas on me."

"You should," Con says. "For dental emergencies."


Eddie enters the apartment, guiding Con to his room. The local dental office gave him privileges. He will go in later to the city office. He guides Con to his room.

"If Autumn has a son, she should name him after me," Con says.

He grabs Eddie's tie.

"Look at you, Dr. Cutie," Con says. Eddie helps Con into the bed and covers him a blanket, even though it's the end of June. "I want to kiss you."

He pulls Eddie onto the bed.

"It's the nitrous," Eddie says. "It'll wear off by tonight. Call me if you need me."

"I need you," Con says.

"I have to go to the city," Eddie explains. "Carter will work from home the rest of the day. Sleep until he gets home."

"Yes sir." Con salutes and laughs.


Eddie returns to the apartment.

"Thank you," he says.

"I'm heading over to Amber's," Carter tells him. "You don't mind staying the night?" Eddie shakes his head. Carter leaves.

Eddie enters Con's bedroom.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Less giddy, more in pain," Con replies. "But Carter gave me some Tylenol. It should kick in soon."

"You shouldn't eat doughnuts every day," Eddie says.

"Hurtful stereotype," Con says.

"You said something when you were on laughing gas," Eddie says.

"You say crazy stuff on that shit," Con says.

"You said you wanted to kiss me," Eddie says. "Do you still want to kiss me? Did you mean it? Because I've wanted to kiss you since...high school."

"I've dated men before," Con says. "I've slept with them. Those relationships never left the city."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eddie asks.

"You're my best friend," Con says. "We lived together. We've always dated other people because if we dated each other, I'd have to tell my dad."

"Do you like me?" Eddie asks.

"When Sabrina ran at you with that stake..." Con says. "Eddie, I'm in love with you."

Eddie climbs into bed next to him, wraps his arms around him.

"Is this okay?" Eddie asks. Con nods. "I love you too." Con smiles.

"Can I kiss you?" Con asks.

"As your dentist, I have to say no," Eddie answers. Con smirks.

"Then let's just stay like this for a while," Con says.

Eddie's phone rings. Con grabs it from his bedside table.

"Hey Marty," he greets his friend. "She is? We'll be right there!"

"Autumn's in labor?" Eddie asks. Con nods. Eddie gets out of bed and helps Con up.

"Are we really doing this?" Eddie asks. Con holds out his hand. Eddie takes it.


Autumn holds a baby in her arms. Marty is by her side. Winter and Aquamarine are in the waiting area with Ms. Rosen and Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg. They had already met the baby.

Eddie and Con stand at the foot of the bed.

"Meet Poppy," Autumn says. "This is your Uncle Eddie and Uncle Con." They smile. She pauses. "What happened with you two?"

Eddie and Con look at each other.

"We..." Eddie begins.

"Told each other how we felt," Con says.

"About time," Marty says.

"You knew?" Con asks.

"We all knew," Autumn says.

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