The Campaign Trail

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One year before the 2016 elections.

There has never been a magical creature president in the history of the country.

Or an Asian president for that matter.

Carter plans to visit every magical community in America and as many big cities that he can.

First stop: Obsidian Forest, California.

He has to visit Tori's parents.

"Carter." Her mother lets him in.

"I'm sorry it's been awhile," he apologizes.

"You've been working hard," she says. "Trying to keep magical creatures safe." She notices the ring on his finger. "You got married?"

"A little over a year ago," he answers.

"It's okay," she says. "We will vote for you and tell as many people to vote for you as we can find."

"Thank you," he says.

"Go out there and make a difference," she says.

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