Poor, Trusting Kyle

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"And this is my room when I stay with my dad and Eddie," Kyle says.

"Looks cozy," Dorothy says.

"You can put your purse down," Kyle tells her. "No one's going to take it." He sits on his bed and pats the seat next to him.

"Door open!" Eddie calls. Kyle smirks. Dorothy sits beside him.

"I feel kind of weird with your stepdad out there," Dorothy says.

"He's not my stepdad yet," Kyle says. He finds a playlist on his phone.

"We've Got Tonight" plays. Kyle smiles. "He'll leave soon. He's spending the day with his brother."


Dorothy follows Eddie out to the parking lot. She finds him about to get into his car. She removes a crucifix from her purse.

"Do you think..." She throws it at his head. It burns. He doesn't expect it to burn.

"I have more where that came from," she says. He stares at her. He tries to keep his fangs from popping out. She takes out a stake. Eddie transforms into a bat and flies as high as he can. Dorothy takes out another crucifix and throws it at him. It hits his wing (arm). He falls from the sky and transforms back into a human.

"Hey!" Con rushes to the parking lot with Clari following beside him. "You're under arrest." Dorothy runs. Clari is faster. She grabs her arm.

"I'll take her in," she says. They walk back towards the station.

Con leans at Eddie's side. He notices a burn on his forehead.

"My arm too," Eddie tells him.

"After all these years, we find out crucifixes hurt Jewish vampires too," Con says and helps him up. He gets him into the building and they take the elevator to their floor. Con assists him to the couch, takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeve. There's a matching burn. "Shit."

"I have to call Marty," Eddie says, taking out his phone. Con nods.

"I'll check on Kyle," he says. He opens the door. "Kyle!" Eddie looks towards the room. He gets up. "It's my son. He's half-werewolf. He was cut by a silver knife." Eddie covers his mouth when he sees Kyle on the bed, bleeding. He rushes to the bathroom and grabs gauze. He rushes to Kyle's side and applies pressure. "Thank you." He holds Kyle's hand. "Amber's going to kill me."

"You didn't know," Eddie says.

"He's my son," Con says. "I should've protected him. I should've protected you."

"I'm fine," Eddie says.

"Just don't..." Con begins. "How...You're around blood in the office. Right now. How are you..."

"Meditation," Eddie answers.


"You son of a bitch!" Amber shouts, lunging towards Con. Carter holds her back. "How could you!"

"You don't think he already feels terrible?" Eddie asks.

"Stay out of this murderer!" Amber shouts. Con, Eddie, and Carter are all taken aback.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that!" Con shouts. "Your sister was a murderer! Eddie was defending himself! You shouldn't have let Kyle go away to school. If he went to school in Westchester or the city, I could've looked out for him. If he stayed in D.C., you could've watched him. He ended up dating a damn Anti-Magic girl."

"We're all upset," Carter says. "Let me get some coffee. Good coffee from Amethyst Café."

"I'll go with you," Eddie says.

They exit the hospital and see utter chaos.

"Oh crap," Eddie says.

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