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Autumn shows Marty the pregnancy test. He smiles and hugs her.

"Last one?" he asks.

"Last one," she confirms.

"Maybe we'll have a boy this time," he hopes.

"Or another girl." She smiles.


Savannah Epstein has short brown hair and blue eyes.

She is a doctor at Lilac Valley Hospital.

Half-werewolf. Half-vampire.

"Mazal tov!" She slides a brownie on a napkin across the table.

"What's this for?" Con asks.

"You finishing up PT," she answers. "The precinct needs you."

"The hospital needs you," Con says. He takes a bite of the brownie. "Really good." She smiles.

"I bought it," she admits. "I can't cook or bake. I was too busy with med school and residency." She pauses. "You are not like how everyone describes."

"What do you mean?" Con asks.

"I still see you as that golden boy quarterback," Savannah says. "You are capable of love."

"Don't you think it's kind-of early for either of us to be saying the l-word?" Con asks.

"You're right," she says. "I never thought I would be dating Con McAllister. I was only a sophomore when you were a senior."

"I always thought Eddie would be your type," Con says.

"Ms. Rosen has been trying to set us up since he broke up with Amber," Savannah points out. Con laughs. "We're too similar. I hope your dad isn't too upset about us dating."

"You're half-werewolf at least," Con points out. "It's my life, not his."


"It's useless!" Carter exclaims. "Who am I without my magic?"

"You could've died!" Amber points out. "You're no good to anyone dead. You were in a coma for weeks! Until we track down my mom, we can't do anything."

"Any word on your sister?" Carter asks.

"Nothing," Amber says.

"And Eddie won't tell you anything?" Carter asks. Amber shakes her head. "Why are you always here? Why are you always taking care of me? Con and I can take care of ourselves."

"Con has Savannah," Amber points out. "I still love you. When my dad shot you...I can't imagine my life without you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything."

"I love you too," Carter says.

"Can we get back together?" Amber asks. Carter nods and hugs her.

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