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Autumn holds her second daughter in her arms.

"Aquamarine," she says. Marty smiles.

Winter climbs up onto the hospital bed.

"Can I hold her?" she asks.

"Maybe when we get home," Autumn answers. "I'll show you how."

"You're a big sister now," Marty says. "You have to help mommy around the house. Help take care of your little sister."

"I love her," Winter says. "Hi Aquamarine. I'm your big sister Winter Rosen."

Marty and Autumn smile at each other.


"How do you do it?" Con asks. "Winter is the nicest kid I know. I'm sure Aquamarine will be the same. I'm a father to a twelve-year-old. I drive up a couple times a month. I get to see Amber. I get to see Kyle. We go on drives, listen to music."

"I don't know how to raise a pre-teen, I'm not there yet," Autumn says. "I think you'll do fine. We're all just figuring it out as we go along. Kyle is lucky to have you as his dad. And things are going well with Amber?"

"They really are," Con says. "I'm glad I can talk to someone about this. Eddie just shuts down when I bring her up."

"Are you surprised?" Autumn asks.

"What is it about her?" Con asks. "I've never liked anyone the way I like her."

"Some people marry their best friends," Autumn tells him. "Some find people who remind them of their best friends." Con looks at her. "Her mom left when she was young. Eddie's dad left when he was young. It's a big part of both their lives."

"Why isn't Marty as upset as Eddie about their dad?" Con asks.

"People are different," Autumn explains. "Marty is happy all the time and Eddie's usually gloom and doom, the hopeless romantic, who thinks he'll die alone because he picks the wrong people over and over again. He throws himself into work. He won't talk about it, but it's how it's always been."

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