Elodie Stone

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Elodie Stone is eighteen years old.

She is one of Isabella's grandchildren.

She steps off the train with a backpack, a spell book in one hand and a wand in the other.

She has an afro and brown eyes.

She wears a leather jacket over a Led Zeppelin T-shirt and jeans.

She is a witch, werewolf, and vampire.

Her father is a warlock. Her mother is half-werewolf and half-vampire.

She leaves the station.

The first person she is greeted by is Lila Jones.

"You're her," she says.

"Who exactly do you think I am?" she asks.

"Isabella Stone's granddaughter," Lila replies.

"Why do you think that?" Elodie asks. "Do I look like her or something?"

"You can't repair it," Lila says.

"I'm an engineering major at MIT," Elodie tells her. "I think I can."

Lila takes out a crucifix.

Elodie points her wand.

"The Stone family is just as powerful as the Lis and the Greenbergs," she says. "Don't mess with me."

Lila tosses a crucifix.

Elodie dodges it. Lila chuckles. She throws another and another.

Elodie keeps dodging them.

She flicks her wand. A yellow spark. Lila freezes.

That should work for now.

She continues on her way and finds the town hall building.

Unfortunately, the door is locked.

She bangs on it.

She looks around.

There are bodies everywhere.

Her parents have prepared her for this.

She would rather spend her spring break with her friends, catching up on TV shows and the latest albums, but she has a job to do.

Carter and Eddie climb the steps of the building. Clari continues on her way to the station.

"Hello Secretary Li," she greets him. "I'm Elodie Stone."

"Nice to meet you," he says. "This is Dr. Eddie Rosen."

"That sounds helpful," Elodie says.

"I'm a dentist," Eddie states.

"Oh," Elodie says.

"Come with me." Carter unlocks the building and lets them both in. The lobby is deserted. Everybody must be hiding in their offices.

Elodie takes off her backpack. She sets her spell book and wand aside.

She takes ingredients out of her bag and a bowl.

She tosses in different herbs and flowers, dragon scales, unicorn hair.

She mixes it with her wand.

She waves the wand over the mixture and recites the spell.

Something feels different.

"Did you fix it?" Carter asks.

"All the remaining humans have been ejected," she says. "The shield is back in place."

"What about Lila and William?" Eddie asks.

"We still need to find them," Carter says. "At least arrest them."

"At least this will keep the Anti-Magic Group out," she says and begins to clean up.

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