One Hour

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Four months since Chinese New Year.

Four months since Isabella Stone's death.

Her children all married humans or magical creatures that were little human.

They don't live in magical communities.

"Nothing. Dammit!" Con exclaims.

"I have to grab something from home," Amber tells them. "I'll be right back."

She leaves Con and Carter's apartment and walks home.

Inside, she finds her sister.

"Hello Amber," she greets her.

"What are you doing here?" Amber asks. "How did you pass through the shield?"

"It's weak," Sabrina answers. "More of us will be coming. You lose."

"Not yet," Amber says.


The TV in Marty's classroom magically turns on.

"Hello citizens of Lilac Valley. This is William Jones. You have one hour to get out of town. After that, it's fair game. Have a great afternoon!"

The TV turns off.

"Everyone, go home!" Marty says frantically. "Go to Pleasantville, Chappaqua, Mount Kisco. You'll be fine. Get out!"

The students don't even pack their bags. They grab whatever is on their desks, sling on their backpacks, and run out of the classroom.

Marty gathers his things and follows after them. He gets in his car and starts driving. He sighs once he passes the first exit sign after Lilac Valley. He is on the way home. He is safe. 

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