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Utter chaos.

The doors are locked.

Lights are off.

Businesses are closed.

The trains keep running.

Eddie reads on the way home like he always does.

He doesn't check his phone.

He doesn't see the text from Con:

"Don't come home. We're under attack."

Eddie is the only one who gets off at the station.

He looks around.

Something feels wrong.

He sees a group of people running around. He notices magic from spells. Red sparks, purple sparks, green sparks. Fairies are flying. Mermaids and mermen are swimming in the stream. Werewolves are in their true form.


The closest thing to the train station is the high school across the street.
He transforms into a bat, something he hasn't done in a long time and flies as fast as he can to the school. He enters through a window left open.

The school has been infiltrated.

He locks himself in a classroom. He hears someone stand.

"You will never..."

He turns around.



Eddie drops his gun and runs across the room. He hugs Eddie.

"Didn't you get my text?"

"I didn't look at my phone," Eddie says. "What's going on?"

"The shield has been broken," Con explains. "William and Sabrina are leading the Anti-Magic Group."

"I thought you'd be on the front lines," Eddie assumes. "Not hiding in an art classroom."

"They'll find us soon enough," Con says. "Come on." Con grabs his gun. They leave the classroom and sneak through the deserted hallway. "This feels wrong. After hours."

"There you are," Sabrina says. "Do you like my necklace?" She shows them the cross around her neck. Con stands in front of Eddie.

"That can't hurt me," Eddie says. "I'm Jewish."

"But this can." Sabrina removes a stake from her back pocket. "Oh Eddie, you're such a good guy."

"What do you want with Eddie?" Con asks.

"I need you to let your guard down," Sabrina explains. "So I'm going to kill your best friend in front of you."

Con knows he should shoot her. He points the gun right at her.

Sabrina runs at Eddie with the stake. Con has never shot at a moving target.

He transforms. The gun drops to the floor.

Eddie is too stunned to do anything.

Con runs at her. Sabrina takes out a gun and shoots.


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