Chapter 17, Locked Away

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Taylor's POV

Hello? I can't see anything. I blink my eyes slowly and feel them become heavy, then light again.What? I look around and see what looks like a music room? A living room? Where am I?

"Hello? Hello!" I shout. Oh god please someone hear me! The door! I run up to it and start banging on the door calling for my friends' names. The door opens and it's Dezi! Thank goodness.

"Dezi what's going on?" I ask her. She looks so much different, her hair is cut and she looks so much. Older?

"She's awake! Follow me." She yells down the hall and walks away from me. Um...what?

I walk behind her and see everyone in the dining room sitting there miserably. Everyone looks so different. Dax's hair grew like crazy, so did Damons.

"Guys. What's going on? Where's Jess, Mia and Felicity?" I ask sitting down.

"We need to tell you something." Damon said hesitantly.

~5 minutes later~

"So what, they're just gone? You haven't tried breaking the windows or the doors?" I shout.

"We've tried everything. We haven't been able to leave this house." Damon said frustratedly as he squeezed the chair letting his anger out.

"Damon. How long have we been here?" I look around and everyone stays silent. Everyone is so down what the hell? "Someone tell me for god sakes!"

"347 days."

347 days. 347 days. What? I can't hold in my tears they just start flowing out. They've been stuck here for 347 days. "No-" y voice cracks as i cover my mouth, stay strong Taylor stay strong. Taylor no here come the waterworks.

"I'm gonna go." I sit up and walk down the hallway back into the room I was in and ball my eyes out. There's no way out, can't break the windows can't crawl our way out, can't dig our way out nothing! We're stuck here. I just can't take it.

Dezi's POV

She took the news better than most of us did. Most of us broke the rules of the house and got in trouble. The reason we look so different is because we've adapted into our new environment. This is our life now, if we escape. We get tortured, if we keep disobeying we get taken away.

That's what happened to Felicity, Mia & Jess. They took their risk and now they're gone, we all decided not to take a risk and to just stay inside as were told. We won't tell Taylor till after a week. We all woke up at different times and waited one week to tell the person what happened. Heyve hidden all sharp objects from me as a torture.

We know it is the Vampire leader behind this, maybe his daughters helping as revenge. All my mind is kept on is once we get out of here somehow, I will be the cause of his slow and painful death.

"I'm going to go check up on her."

I knock on the door a couple of times to let Taylor know I'm coming in. She's sitting on the couch staring out into the window. I hand her, her glass of water. She takes it and barely takes a sip.

"What's out there?"

"We don't know. It's some sort of simulation, everything outside looks so real but everything is just fake. Guess this is the price for taking Camila." I whisper awkwardly. Im done here. I get up and try to head for the door.

"Wait Dez! What happened to your hair? And Damons powers?" Taylor stopped me from reaching the door handle. Don't tell her, don't tell her. I stop myself from talking and walk out of the room. My powers, I miss my powers. I miss everything.

Damon's POV

It's been hell here. I was going to take a risk with Mia, but I couldn't leave the others. Best to explain myself how I got here with the others. Jenna and I went to find Anastasia. We were in this building, we found her in the City and followed her there. Jenna saw her go near the Casino and we went our separate ways. She saw everyone chase after Camila so she decided to help.

Me on the other hand, I was so close to Anastasia we were in the same room together until I got knocked out and ended up here. I'm trying to stay strong, I know everyone else is too. I don't know what happened to Mia or the others but what she told me before she disappeared was to keep everyone safe and so I came up with a schedule for us to occupy ourselves so we don't have to think about the fact that we are locked up in a hell house.

"Ok since we've changed the schedule I was thinking-

"You want to change it again now?" Caleb interrupts me.

"Didn't we change it last week?" Katelyn argues. "Omg that's not the point you idiots!" Have I started an argument?

"Jeez you guys are worse than my kid." I just got kicked out of my own conversation by a bunch of childish adults. "Well maybe we can do something different- Taylor?" Jenna turns around and we see Taylor grabbing a chair and smashing the outdoor gate and jumping off the patio and starts making a run for it in the backyard. Were so screwed! "Taylor NO!" Dax yells and we all run after Taylor.


"Taylor don't!" We shout.


That noise. I hate that noise, everytime we tried to escape, break a window or dig underground they would blast that sound till our ears would bleed. We all run back inside and head into our rooms. Once we're all inside the noise will stop.


The doors shut in our faces and the noise finally stops. They are going to make us pay for this. The first person to go was Felicity, she refused staying inside after the apocalypse all she did was use her time outside and when we got here she refused to do what she was told and got taken. Then Jess and then Mia. I don't know where they are, I don't even know if they are alive.

All I know is that the end is coming.

Dax's POV

1 week later...

I am never doing that again, next time someone tries to escape i'll kill them myself. I'm not going through what just happened. The past week has just worn me out. Now all anyone is trying to do is ignore what happened and stay occupied with everything else going on in the house. Caleb and I have been jamming out in the music room to pass the time, until I hear my name get called from the kitchen.

"Morning Dax. It's your turn to help in the kitchen." Dezi shouted while she passed me the spatula.

"Uh sorry love cooking isn't my thing." I say as I pass it back to her.

"Well too bad since we're changing the schedule thanks to SOMEONE we are switching things up a bit." She says glaring at Damon.

"Like I said, cooking isn't my 'thing'."

"It is now, if my 5 year old could cook then so can you. Do you want to be beaten by a 5 year old Dax?" She throws me the spatula and I pass it back to her.

"I won't be cooking if it wasn't for Damon who should have found anastasia last year then we wouldn't be in this mess!" I growl at him.

"That's not his fault." Katelyn says walking in from the hallway.

"Did I ask you shortass?"

"Watch it furball!" She snaps back at me. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Dezi who looks like she's about to snap my neck for giving an attitude.

"You want to sleep outside?No. Didn't think so, get started." She leaves the spatula on the side and walks away from me.

I don't even know how to use the stove!

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