Chapter 25, What An Ending

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Alec's POV

These vampires think they're tough huh? Jenna gave us all these different swords! Mine melts them if the sword touches them. I never imagined myself killing vampires, this journey has taken us to something that only happens in fantasy books, fighting mythical creatures isn't something god would allow on his earth. Yet here we are.

"They keep coming! Jenna can't we just blast them all out and set them on fire!" I say fighting off my side of vampires.

"Alec stop! It's not that easy, just keep fighting them off, something is bound to happen." Jenna says uses her magic blocking them all off.

I don't know when this battle will end but I can't keep going on anymore, I'm not that strong!

"STOP!" A loud voice yells at the top of the staircase. We turn around and see Dezi standing there alive, a few cuts and red marks but alive and standing.

"Dezi!" Katelyn yells, she slices her last vampire and runs up the stairs and hugs her.

Now we can finish this fight with our friend back.

Dezi's POV

"How are you here? Henry killed you." Katelyn says holding her hands on my cheeks making sure I'm actually real.

"He really should have checked on how tight he had the ropes-


The fire's getting close, but my ropes are becoming loose, maybe the ending isn't near after all. What's happening? My strength came back! Someone must've lifted the spell. I rip the ropes apart and speed run out of the room.

~End of Flashback~

"Then I saw you guys fighting so I got rid of the guards from the front.-

Katelyn interrupts and hugs me. I missed her hugs.

"Thank you Katelyn, but you need to listen to me, we need to stop fighting. Violence is what they want, this is the war they wanted. We can't give that to them. We need to be the ones to end the battle." I pull her away and turn around to see more vampires drop down and hold knives to our friends' necks.

"Stop!" Katelyn yells from the top. "Don't hurt them please!"

"Give us one reason why we shouldn't!" One of the vampires says holding a knife to Alec's neck.

"You're being used, you're forced to do this because none of you have a voice to end a fight like this. Benjamin manipulated you all into his little plan. You were all alone, and you saw him as an opportunity, a reason to live and that was to kill innocent people. No! That is no excuse, you are so much better than that, you're useful.

Our powers are a gift, we can be heroes. You can all be heroes and protect our city, better yet the world. You don't always need a leader telling you what to do. Be free, stop the killing and just be good! Like us, all we want to do is protect and I think you guys are capable enough for it. You don't really have another option.

Listen to me, from a person that had the decision of living or dying, If I stayed a human I would have died, instead I became a vampire and became a better version of myself, I had my daughter, I started my family, became a celebrity! And better yet the world's hero. Be the next hero, be the new you." I say finishing my speech. Please to god convince them to be good.

"She's right guys, don't do this just for the world but do it for yourselves." Anastasia says coming up behind me.

"I guess she's right." A vampire says dropping the knife.

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