Chapter 18, All I want for Christmas is...

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Katelyn's POV

Who knew living was going to be harder than we thought, i'm doing the same thing everyone is doing, sleep, eat and repeat. The same thing I did when Elijah died. I don't know what day it is, I don't know what the real weather is like outside, I don't know what's in store for us. But I don't know how much longer I can take it.

I shared a room with Mia, Alec and Jess until they both decided to take the risk, now I'm with Alec. He's been really supportive and strong about this whole thing. He's stuck by us, I've never met someone so determined and kind hearted as him. He takes risks, like Elijah did. I admire that about him.

7:120 pm

"Uh, Katelyn? Wake up." Alec gently shakes my shoulder. I don't think we're supposed to wake up yet, we usually have a timer. I squint my eyes open and I see bright colourful lights around our room. Red and Green? Fake snow? Gingerbread recipe on the door?

It's Christmas?!

"Come on let's see if the others are awake!" I grab Alec's hand and we run out into the main room and I see the biggest Christmas tree I've ever seen in my life. Look at all these decorations lying on the ground.

"Guys, what are you reading?" Everyone's huddled around Damon as he found a note next to the empty Christmas tree. Do our crazy bastard tortures want us to get into the Christmas spirit?

"Hello everyone, i've been watching over you all for some time now. I felt the need to reward you in some way. Luckily Christmas has come around, get decorating! Bake and be ready for presents. Merry Christmas eve, sincerely...The Vampire Leader." Damon finishes.

"That fucking psycho." Dezi rages as she scrunches up the note.

"He wants us to decorate and celebrate Christmas?" I question. That's why I had the gingerbread recipe!

"I'm not doing shit, I can disappear like the others. I can't die might as well just suffer." Dezi walks away wiping her tears. Dax runs after her, they have a very up and down relationship, a vampire and a werewolf...interesting.

"We better start decorating, she'll come around soon. I don't want to get in trouble again." Damon gets up and starts decorating the tree with Taylor and the others. I guess I'm baking with Alec.

Dezi's POV

'I felt the need to reward you in some way.' I read back on the note wondering what he's going to do to us next. We haven't received a note like this in months ever since Mia disappeared. I haven't been able to hurt myself in ages, and if i tried too. I get locked in this room with nothing, no food, no water. Just me and my mind.

That's how they torture me, they keep me alive to see all the damage going on around me and expect me to watch and deal with it. I need to get out of here, and now he wants to celebrate Christmas? How crazy can you get?

"You want to talk?" Dax comes and sits next to me, people smile at me and expect to smile back. I wish I can give a REAL smile back instead.

"I'm tired of talking, and everything else." I sigh back.

"Trust me everyone is too, but nothing isn't going to get better if we're moping around in the darkness." He smiles back.

"Who said that quote?" "You did. Katelyn told me all about your adventures and what you all went through in the apocalypse, I had a completely different story. You always tried to be the sunshine for everyone, until you lost everything and the people you love." He's on the right track.

"Loss can do a lot more damage than you think-

"Hi, sorry to interrupt big bro. Can I steal her for a bit?" Jenna knocks on the door telling Dax to get out.

"Just a sec! Just remember what I said, I'll be in the kitchen. Come here." He opens his arms for a hug. "But you hate hugs."

"Well this one is one time only." He laughs. Well how can I refuse a free hug, I forgot what it was like to have a hug from someone. Thank you Dax.

"Hey babe, now that Dax is gone it's my turn to flip that frown upside down." Jenna tries to adjust my smile.

"Who knew you were going to be the nice one?" I giggle. "Funny joke, I'm not turning over a new leaf but we can't leave you left out. After we decorated we were going to have dinner. It's already 7:30. Will you come?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if I joined." I reply. "Great, i'll give you a minute then you can help put the star on top." She smiles and heads out the room. Time to get this over with.

Taylor's POV

For once I dont enjoy decorating, I don't enjoy smelling fresh gingerbread being cooked. It's just too depressing being stuck here, i lay in bed just thinking of ways to get out of this torture house but everything leads to a dead end. I don't enjoy Christmas anymore. We've lost everything and everyone, I don't see any hope for any of us anytime soon.

~Christmas Day~

~Jingle bell rock plays~

I flicker my eyes open and hear the faint sound of jingle bell rock and look around to see if anyone is awake. One by one we each come out of our rooms with small smiles on our faces. This isn't how we were going to plan christmas.

We walked inside the living room and saw presents under the trees, we didn't put those there. It had our names on them and they were all perfectly wrapped. Before we open it Dezi steps forward and turns back to us.

"Merry Christmas guys. I know this isn't the ideal Christmas we hoped for but at least we have each other." Dezi says, hugging us all into one. A group hug is what we needed, it's good Dezi and the others are looking on the bright side.

"So who are these presents from?" Alec stops the hug and looks around the tree. "I don't know, I'll open the blue one first though it has a nice colour." Katelyn says picking it up.

"From anonymous?" She studers. Who the hell gave this to us?

She slowly unwrapped the ribbon and opens the box, we all lean in and see a note at the bottom. She picks it up and reads aloud:

"Brace yourselves-


A huge explosion goes off at the front door and we all fall down and try to avoid the fire and broken glass everywhere. What the hell was that?!

I help Katelyn up and then help the others to see what damage just happened. We see something come out of the smoke and is that who I think it is?


Merry Christmas guys! Hope your holidays are going well, have a great day and we hope you enjoy our eventful crazy Christmas special for 2020!

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